Great interview, I don't think they got our (British) Tikay"s sense of humour
Yes, I struggle with his humour, but that's why its funny 
Our Amnerican friends do struggle with what we see (sometimes) as humour.
I interviewed Greg Raymer for Poker 425 in 2005. He"d won the main Event in "04, so I asked him how it had been going since.
"Badly really, everyone wants to beat me, so I can"t run bluffs".
"Bluffs?" I say.
"Yes, bluffs" says the great man.
"Bluffs, what are they?", I say deadpan.
"Well tikay, a bluff is when you bet, but........."
And he spent 45 seconds explaining to this dumb English reporter what a bluff was. I wanted the ground to swallow me up, he was so polite & nice about it.
A great, great, Ambassador for Poker, if not fashion sense.