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The Fossil does Vegas
« on: November 26, 2011, 00:49:52 AM »
Ok guys I have been meaning to do a blog for a while so as Vegas Vengence has come to an end I thought it would be a good place to start.

To be honest it will probably go downhill from here as this trip has been epic, a big shout out to the Stockton Massive it"s been a good one and to JBworldwide who roomed with me in Vegas.

First of all a quick introduction my real name is Brian will be turning 50 in January married to Susan for 26 years who unfortunately has chronic Ms and as I am her full time carer I have a fair bit of time for poker online mainly with the odd live game thrown in here and there, I have son who is 25 and is now back living at home.

I started playing about 5 years ago after being invited to a home game with a mate, who gave us all a poker ranking chart and proceeded to rob us blind, who can trust a poker player.

I have never been a massive winner but always get enough for treats, bink the odd tournament here and there take the cash and spend it.

I am intending to keep this blog updated if anything interesting occurs in life and poker, but as nothing interesting normally occurs don"t be holding your breath.

I will break the blog into daily events from the start of the Vegas trip, made a few notes tonight whist the memories are relatively fresh, will be a bit of poker and a bit of social events added in, will try not to make it too boring, any comments appreciated will get the first couple of days updated tomorrow.

By the way this blog will start with a lot of run good in Vegas may as well start at the top and follow the slippery journey to mediocrity.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 11:05:17 AM »

may as well start at the top and follow the slippery journey to mediocrity.

You"re sounding like Big Ger already Brian  :D Looking forward to this!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 11:47:38 AM »
Well done for getting your blog out Brian, I"ve been tempted for a while!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 15:08:57 PM »
16/17/2011 Apat Trip

It was an early start on the Wednesday had to get Susan booked into the local Hospice, they were providing the weeks respite whilst I was away, this will be the first time in 3 years we haven"t been in each others company and to be honest we both needed the break.

Mathew and Stuart collected me from home and the journey began.

We were in and settled in the bar by about 5 30 and joined the rest of the travellers and made introductions.

I had no intention of flying with a massive hangover so limited alcohol levels to 3 pints of Guinness  and a meal in the hotel which set us up for the next day.

Stuart had a similar intention to take it easy, but knowing Stuart that was never going to happen,he awoke the next morning feeling a bit rough to say the least.

I met up with JB with whom I would be sharing a room in Vegas as one of our original party had dropped out, a spare place was available so he took advantage of a fantastic room rate, whoever got that sorted thanks for that.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2011, 15:34:03 PM »

Arrived in Vegas at about 3pm dropped cases in room and down to Carnival Court in Harrahs for more introductions and let the festivities begin.

November is pretty much out of season over there, but there were enough people to create a good atmosphere, and a couple of bands played fairly decent stuff, the blonde singer in the second band was worth watching she was a definate 9/10.

The dance floor started to fill, but as I danced like a dad when I was 20 I don"t think 30 years on I would have improved, so I just enjoyed the buckets of beers and the chat.

I started talking to Colin (gallowgate) I think and we were started to be harassed a strange gentleman who never said a word just pointed and motioned things he was very odd, he eventually disappeared after Colin give him ciggy, glad I got to talk to Colin as later in the week our paths would cross on the final table of a game in Aria more of which later.

It got to 8pm and the $80 bounty hunter was about to start so we headed over for our first Vegas tournament.

It was pretty uneventful for me I got 1 bounty when my AA held against JJ and 99 all in, I eventually went out pushing 99 into 10 10.

Poker Profit/loss -$80

Hit the sack at 12:30 wide awake by 3:00am this is going to be a long trip.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 16:49:17 PM »

Had a lie in till about 10, then decided to have a wander of the strip got down to the Wynn and had a look around the Ferrari showroom one day you never know, some of the shops in Vegas are amazing you could really blow some cash over there.

I then returned to Harrahs to try the buffet for breakfast which to be honest was a bit overwhelming too much food at that time of day filled up on pancakes, sausage, bacon and maple syrup.

The afternoon was spent in Casino royale $1 beers for the win, mainly watching players playing craps and pai gow, I don"t really get involved in the table games in the casino (too sensible, boring you decide).

Tonight"s the stag and 21st celebrations so head back to hotel for a quick shower and change.

Met in the lobby about 5 ish and Rodders was appointed as walk leader as he knew were he was going, when people say distances are longer in Vegas they are correct it only looks down the road, but it"s a bloody long road.

We stopped off at the Bellagio to watch the fountain show which was quite impressive and 15 mins later the trek continued.

We finally arrived at the Monte Carlo at about 6pm just in time for happy hour, ordered 4 beers 8 arrived (it"s all about timing). The waiter was getting a bit flustered at this point as we returned to the tables, he demanded that we either drink at the bar or get waiter service at the table no service ensued so we went our own way no tips ftw.

Being from the North East of England we decided to drop into the ice bar, the concept being you pay $55 to sit in a fridge.

One of our group thinks shorts would be the order of the day, and after being served with cocktails in glasses made of ice we comment that the temperature was positively balmy compared to Middlesbrough on a Saturday night and asked for the windows to be opened to let a bit of cool air in, unfortunately the waitress didn"t get the joke but hey ho. It was a good concept but don"t think it will catch on in the boro, if I fancy it again will go to local Tescos and open the freezer doors.

Hail a taxi for the next trip Frankies Tiki Bar please ok, 15 mins later he drops us off at Hooters and says don"t know where it is get out, ty for that, 15 mins in Hooters not very impressed eventually get too Frankies for a few cocktails and an enjoyable night was had by all.

18/11/2011 will continue in next thread.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 16:51:38 PM »

The dance floor started to fill, but as I danced like a dad when I was 20 I don"t think 30 years on I would have improved, so I just enjoyed the buckets of beers and the chat.

I think I am with you here Brian!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 17:26:44 PM »
Looking forward to this blog.Nice to meet you fro the first time.( Micky)
Mug punter on the horses since 1981


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2011, 17:27:12 PM »
18/11/2011 continued

It"s now about 1am and what to do next, discussions ensued with the bouncer on the door and after I had suggested I was looking for a nice pair of items for my wife as a gift ie earrings,bracelets etc he suggested Treasues, he assured me that this was a high class jewellery store and I would not be disappointed with the stores contents.

A limo was ordered (must be a high class place) and duly arrived 20 mins later.

We got into the limo cant remember who, 3 or 4 of us and the central locking clicked shut.

A couple of minutes later our driver arrived at the back door to give us our instructions.

"Gripper is the name" he scowled in his South London gangster accent "this is a free limo service as long as you all give me $10 each" sounds free enough to me, to be honest if had asked for $50 we would of paid he was scary lol.

Leaving the bar we head into the back streets of Vegas it was getting darker no lights visible this is we"re we thought we were being kidnapped to become male prostitutes in a seedy part of town, I want me mam I thought.

We reached our destination and left the car, there may have been a slight smile of urine in the back of that car, the thought of Gripper still scares me now,we entered treasures and got a couple of drinks.

This was not your local branch of Beaverbrookes, I was shocked to say the least, for a 50 year old I really should of done more in my life (wink wink).

Eventually one of the assistants approached and sat down next to me, actually not next to me on me she was Swedish goes by the name of Anika nice girl very friendly.

We chatted about this and that and she eventually asked what I would like, and I explained I was after a pair of...... With this I was whisked off upstairs too check out the goods, as this is a family friendly forum I wont go into to much detail about the next 25 mins but I returned downstairs smiling no earrings but a few dollars lighter (that could be a good film title).

This is good preparation for a 2 day poker tournament the next day it"s now 3 am, we get a cab back to Harrahs the journey was fine apart from when we reached the level crossing the meter said $6 by the time the train had gone past it was $12 it took that train a good 20 mins to go past good timing by the taxi driver, got to bed 3:45am ready for ceasers palace tomorrow, need sleep.

No poker today so still down $140.

I thought I was here to play poker but over the next few days that is made up for


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2011, 21:03:26 PM »

Ok,today is the day of the 2 day Apat event at Ceasers Palace had an early morning stroll over to Ceasers and wandered the shops for a while before the game started at 1pm.

The poker room was spot on, away from the casino floor, so no extra noise to contend with, pictures can be found in the updates thread.

Although I have been a member of Apat a while I have not played that many games mainly due to family circumstances, my best effort was in Edinburgh a few years ago finished mid 20s I think lost a standard raise at the end, one time in Bolton I was out 3rd hand with the usual AA v KK no K bink for me, but that"s part of the game, accept it and move on.

Get seated happy with seat 6, at least you can see all the action clearly.

I had Todd, JP, and 3 random Americans too my right and 3 to my left was Scouse there was one other Apat player to my left, but I cannot remember his name apologies if you happen to read this.

I obviously cannot remember all hands but I will describe a couple of important ones too me, (will try not to go on too much).

I am aware of the reputation of my game put out by other members of the Stockton team so I tried to take advantage of this and think I got away with a couple of plays which I would not normally get involved in.

The first hand I remember was JP raised (JJ), I reraised with (AQ) folds round to JP who flats, I can"t remember chip stacks at the time but had enough to 3 bet fold or shove depending upon situation.The flop comes down with 3 low cards, no flush or str8 draws both check, turn again a low card JP checks I bet out, JP asks me if he shoves would I fold, I have to inform him we are not allowed to talk about the hand, and after a small dwell he folds, I breathe a huge sigh of relief, he still doesn"t believe that I had AQ there to this day but I honestly did mate.

One of the Americans on the table was playing really loose and getting lucky flopping straights twice and cracking aces with 7 3 off and his chips tack was up and down for the first few levels. Scouse was trying to get in a few pots with him and managed to get chips off him with a good bluff on the river holding nothing.

My next significant hand was with the same guy again can"t remember stack sizes will speak in big blinds.
He raises 2.5x on the button (AK), I reraise him with (JJ), he flats, flop comes down K x x he min bets, needing to know were I am I reraise leaving behind about 18/20 big blinds if he shoves here I probably fold but he flats. a nice J appears on the turn so I proceeded to get 2 streets of value from him, it didn"t knock him out but left him shortish, I think Jack eventually knocked him out with KK v A9 on a 9 high flop.

The rest of the game was uneventful winning and losing the odd pot, I managed to escape when I had raised pre with 10 10 and got flatted by JJ and someone else called with suited connectors, I don"t know why but had funny feeling about this hand so I folded when there was a bet and raise in front of me (position ftw) it eventually went to showdown and it was JJ v str8 and flush draw, so lost the minimum.

It gets to the last hand of the night and I have 30k folded round to Glenn who shoves 10bbs, Todd flats in the small blind and I have A5 in the big, looking back it would of been a good spot to shove but figured my kicker was too weak (appreciate any ones thoughts on this position), I did fold and the flop came down A 5 x lol so missed a possible treble up but you have to be in it to win it the JJ held against 10 8 I think, so I made my first day 2 with 30k about 15 bigs so a reasonable shoving stack.

Headed back to Harrahs hadn"t eaten all day so popped into KGB Buurgers for a late night snack, was very nice but too much,there was no way I would sleep with that laying on my stomach so registered for the $25 crapshoot, won"t bore you with hand details but got to the final table with 2 big blinds obv shoved next 4 hands and was called the maniac by the locals (never been called a maniac before on the poker tables, never likely to be called it again).

I eventually got heads up with a young American who asked if I wanted to chop it, I agreed but he asked if he could have first place to impress his girlfriend to which I agreed got $140 went to bed.

Poker Profit/loss -$160 but still in Apat event.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2011, 21:25:00 PM »
Brian - you write well - you play well - you are a great bloke - It was an absolute pleasure to be with you in Vegas - till the next time.



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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2011, 21:35:24 PM »

smiling no earrings but a few dollars lighter (that could be a good film title).

Just  :D  :D , Fantastic stuff Brian, I"m loving this!
APAT Scottish Amateur Champion 2011 :~)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2011, 22:44:31 PM »

Apat day 2 arrives, so I nip over to the food court get a corned beef sandwich for dinner to fill a gap before the serious business starts.

I am on the button and get dealt AK (this might be a short post), min raise fold fold oh well get too see a few more hands got 20 bigs now, time for a nap (ask Phil or stu).

Card dead for the next few levels, but there has been a few bust outs so the final table is within sight, although that trophy was looking like it needed a home in Middlesbrough.

KK utg happy days min raise hoping for a shove, Adam I think shoves with AK, cards on there backs the KK holds so up to 28 bigs, standard play at this stage.

Again no spots to get chips in Adam shoves with A6 I call in the big blind with 77, 7 on the flop gives me the lock on the hand, the A hits the river and Stuart tells me he folded 7 2 so the case 7 helped, ul Adam but it was all standard stuff.

My final hand was a shove with A8 to Stuart Wards raise utg, Stuart and myself play a lot together and I am fairly certain he might fold if he doesn"t have a big hand there, unfortunately he has KK, I hit an 8 so finished in 9th for $327, don"t regret the shove there and to be honest I am glad the ace or the other 8 didn"t hit as my life would of been a nightmare for the next few years nh Stuart ul with the QQ later on. Well done to Micky for winning the tournament and congrats to all other finalists, it was a real pleasure.

Poker Profit $300 ish. Today has not finished will finish in the next thread,quite enjoying this writing lark. Tbc.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2011, 23:17:22 PM »
Gr8 stuff keep it going Brian....Obv don"t expect 5 episodes a day  :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2011, 23:28:06 PM »
20/11/11 Part two

It"s about 4 pm now,so I try and contact a few people to see if anything is planned for tonight, couldn"t get in touch with anyone, not a problem plenty of things to do in Vegas.

I head to the Venetian, to check out the deepstack games 7pm start 10k 30 mins, I like the look of that so get registered, got some time to fill so I head over to Asia Noodle for the Noodle Special, again food was top notch, headed to the card room for the tourney.

Tournament starts at 7pm exactly (gala take note 2 hour delay for poker player game no 25/50 chips you have to laugh).

I have a quick scout around the table,mixture of hoodies, older players, tourists and 1 massive nit (me).

Reads we"re fairly accurate hoodies never limped, raised or reraised fair enough, older players limp called, limp folded and moaned if they were reraised, they like to see a flop if they hit they are still in,if they miss cards hit the muck quicker than a quick thing.

Won and lost a few pots here and there and was moved tables a couple of times, and ended up on the original table with about 15 big blinds.

I get 44 utg and decided I am going with this hand as the better players are just stealing dead money from the limpers.
I raise 2.5x bb old guy limps and as expected hoodie reraises, I shove, the older guy decides to play and the hoodie makes up the bet, pot is now about 49k ish, it"s 44 v JK v A3, bink first card out is a 4 wee triple up had to sweat a str8 draw on the river, it"s never easy lol.

Down to 2 tables got about 25bbs, the way this table has been playing has been raise then re raise all in with 25/30 bbs so no poker being played, a big Canadian is moaning if he wants to play poker not bingo, there was a really hot young girl on the table,but being in seat 1 and she was in seat 10 I was not able to take in the eye candy, good job actually might of got a penalty for slavering on the table.

The Canadian raise 2.5x bb with (A 10) folds to me in bb (66) he is ready to collect pot and is waiting for my fold, I 3 bet up 7 bbs leaving myself 22bbs left, I am not sure if I would of called a shove as there were a few shortstacks left and with just over 20bbs I could find a better spot said I was nit.

He folds showing A10 saying I definitely have AK, he asks for a show normally I don"t but I quite liked this guy, he was funny so showed him 66, he complimented my play and said at last a Poker game .

12 left, about 25bbs left I raise utg with (AJ sooted) 2.5 bigs, Canadian guy reraises folds to me, I am not keen on this hand any more so I fold showing my cards he shows me AK and he called me a tight nit laughing (he has a good read on me then).

Got to the ft 10 left 9 paid first hand all in and a call  I was not involved JJ v AK jacks hold I have now cashed at the Venetian happy days.

Short stack pushes 5 bigs the idiot in the big blind folds couldn"t believe it, he then said He only had 63, obviously if he wins the hand I get another $150 , pushed with QJ v 10 10 didn"t hit so I was out in 9th for $450 bed is now calling its 2:45am.

Poker Profit/loss $600.