Fun day Sunday at the G
My one regular tournament at the moment is the 4pm start at G.
25,000 chips, plus an extra 2,500 for regging by 3.45 and a structure that starts slow but gets pretty quick later. It"s major USP is that generally it ends on the same date that it started

Mostly it"s the usual story, 7 or 8 limpers reduced to 4 or 5 to the flop after a raise. Three bets are rarer than hen"s teeth, and tend to signify Aces, or occasionally Kings, but don"t expect people to fold.
Last night was a bit more fun...
Hand 1 50/100
I open QJ from the cut off to 250, Button raises to 700, I call. Flop is Qxx I check call 1050. Turn K, I check fold to a 2300 bet. Villain flips 42 off "like a boss". I pay no heed to it other than to ask "was that good?" in a bored tone.
Hand 2
6 to the flop I call A8dd all but completing the action after a small EP raise.
Flop A86 fd
I check call a c-bet, as do three others
Turn is a 2 making two flush draws on the board
I check raise and three of us see the very brick like J on the river
I lead and villain from hand 1 calls me with a J having missed his flush
He justified his call by saying that having bluffed me earlier he thought I was going for revenge

Pot size? Just over 20k.
Hand 3 100/200
My button, the two students to my left start to discuss how they will play BvB. It"s going to involve a raise, 3bet and a 4bet apparently.
I tell them it won"t be BvB because I will be raising if it folds to me.
Sure enough it does fold to me and I open ten deuce to 425
SB makes it 800
BB raises to 1550
I make it 4100, SB folds and BB looks affronted at the fact that I"m not sticking to the plan.
I say, "yeah, it was all a bit of fun, and I was going to raise any two here, but then I looked at my cards"
He had me dominated as it happens with Q2 , good job he folded

My evening ended early when having lost with AK v44 I then failed to outrun pocket sevens twice in three hands.
High hopes on the first run out where my K10 hit the 10 9 8 flop, but the inevitable 6 arrived on the turn.
KJ didn"t get even a look in
Must improve my flipping skills.
Will Kassouf?
I know he"s a pain in the backside, I"ve been on a table with him in full flow, but I have to say that from what we"ve seen on the coverage from the WSOP he"s a substantially more attractive human being than the po-faced Josephy, Vayo, Hallaert et al.