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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #300 on: September 03, 2013, 03:58:55 AM »
Decided to play the deepstack at the G tonight, done a chop 7 handed, everyone had work in a few hours, the chip leader had 30 bigs so he got  a bit extra, I had about 140k, but bb was 16k, so got £128 which is £128 more than I was going to get after I lost with A 10 v QJ which left me with 4 bigs at 5k/10k, luckily or unluckily I get AA on the button so I assume the big blind is going to call fairly wide as I should be pushing any 2, but no he folds showing me a King in the process.

There was a tense atmosphere at the table as someone had upset a female player earlier in the tournament accusing her of cheating (she didn"t, wasn"t and wouldn"t).

We all sat at the ft start and someone suggested £110 each and tbh I would of accepted it, meant I would be home at 1am rather than 3, the guy refused the deal which was not the problem, he said he would refuse any deal as long as She ( the accused cheat) was at the table, the  husband was also at the table and although it didn"t kick off, it could of got a bit nasty as verbals were flying, Security was called and a doorman supervised the proceedings. Incidentally the guy did apologise to the lady concerned but this guy just does himself no favours at all and tends to wind everyone up for some reason.

the guy in question was now a target at the table but he was hanging on, eventually he lost most of hist stack and had 25k left which he shoved into my big at 6k/12k, I didn"t look at my cards and just called blind, and was live with 10 6, v A3, the flop brought a 3 but I turned a 6 so I knocked out the table bad guy, it wasn"t a spite call to get him knocked out, it was a have to call any 2 cards spot, he got unlucky and won nothing, if he had agreed earlier we could of all gone home 2 hours earlier and be only worse of by £18.

£2k gtee tonight so will attempt a hat trick of cashes, as for a 20k deepstack on a working night it might need rethinking, as most people were moaning about having to get up for work, then again they know this at the beginning and should factor in finishing times in their decision to play.

Won a $100 on tilt as well today so might get a few mtts going during the day.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #301 on: September 03, 2013, 06:27:29 AM »

I turned a 6 so I knocked out the table bad guy

A certain amount of satisfaction no doubt... The game doesn"t need these type of people it spoils it for everyone else, I have no idea what motivates that sort of behaviour other than idiocy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #302 on: September 03, 2013, 08:18:20 AM »
There was a tense atmosphere at the table as someone had upset a female player earlier in the tournament accusing her of cheating (she didn"t, wasn"t and wouldn"t).

What did he allege that she was doing ? Just curious.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #303 on: September 03, 2013, 09:53:47 AM »
he had insisted she had said all in when he turned his cards over with the nuts but she had only said I only said call, I was sat next to her and I didn"t hear her say all in, the dealer and no one else heard her, I was surprised it kicked off tbh.

The lady in question started off playing 2 years ago when the G first opened as a beginner, and her game has got better (a much better player than the guy involved), she is as honest as the day is long and there is no way she would of lied, or tried an angle as its just not her.

He called her a cheat a few times after that and she was getting visibly upset and the table had to get him to calm down as it was out of order.

There were still 20 plus players in at this point so it was nowhere near the cash and although it would have given his stack a small boost, the stack wasn"t worth arguing about or riling the other players to put a target on his back.

The target is actually pretty much there anyway as he has a tendency to wind people up, whether this is done deliberately to get people to spew off to him I don"t know, if it is it seems a tough way to earn a bit of money at the poker table.

I think him and Dave got heads up once and Dave agreed to a chop just so he didn"t have to listen to the drivel the guy spouted, as an aside I quite like him at the table because he is easy to get chips from, give me a table full of bad players every day please.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #304 on: September 04, 2013, 00:27:28 AM »
Hit the post tonight in my hat trick attempt finished 13th, actually didn"t hit the post blasted it wide.

The first 3 levels indicated how it was going to go, had QQ three times and had to fold to post flop action on akx boards,  get it all in with 44 v KK on a k4x flop, and QQ losing to J9, j high flop and villain rivered trips.

I finally jammed 88 into Daves JJ, for 14 bigs, at least he got my chips and hopefully he can go on and win the thing, and I might get a bit back.

No doubt I will have given people bad beats over the last 3 games so it goes with the territory.

A few days away from live poker me thinks, may try a sat for the £300 at Dtd and possibly play the £100 game at G on Saturday, there could be a decent overlay this month as there are a couple of big events in Newcastle which I know has taken a few of the locals away and not many will travel from Newcastle.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #305 on: September 04, 2013, 14:36:07 PM »
he had insisted she had said all in when he turned his cards over with the nuts but she had only said I only said call, I was sat next to her and I didn"t hear her say all in, the dealer and no one else heard her, I was surprised it kicked off tbh.

Thanks for the explanation Brian. If there"s quite a bit of background noise it"s surprising how alike "fold", "call" or "all in" can sound to each other - depending on the player"s accent, if they"ve had a drink and of course what you want to hear  :) I"ve asked players to repeat themselves before turning my cards over on quite a few occasions just to be sure.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #306 on: September 08, 2013, 19:01:09 PM »
Ok just a small update to finish the week off, played everyday this week apart from Wednesday, too much tbh, need to limit the games I play, Monday is definite no no, 20k start on a Monday night is just too many chips.

Thursday was a forum at the local Gala which I attended but didn"t amount to much tbh, same establishment which has not had a running clock and update screen for 6 weeks, ( being fixed apparently), pretty useless really, they could actually download a piece of free software just for basic functions but no one has had the foresight to do this.

Apparently there may be a takeover in the offing so this meeting was probably a complete waste of time as I can"t see much changing in the interim.

We played  a small sng afterwards just to pass the time,  finished 3rd for a £10 profit.

Friday played the £40 fo at Gala, 13 left get it in Ak v QQ, classic race I hear the commentators say, door card a king, middle card a Queen, shook hands with villain, who has knocked me out of my last 3 tourneys there and went home.

Saturday sees the return of the monthly £100er at the G and was a chance of a decent overlay (£1300 I think in the end).

Table draw not ideal, one of the better more aggro players to my right, and a guy who has just come back from a day 2 finish in Ept Barcelona and apparently crushed the cash games over there as well 2 to my left.

The rest were average and wanted to limp and see flops, never seen anyone fold to a 3 bet early doors.

Limped along in a few pots in position but didn"t mash flops and didn"t get going, only significant hand I played raise AK utg,  get 3 bet by good player on Button, unknown Geordie who has hit everything tanks for ages and eventually flats indicating to dealer he thinks he has dealt a monster hand, the pot is now 4k, I decide to 4 bet and get flatted in 2 spots, Geordie guy saying I don"t think you would go mad with AK this early as its only Ace high, ( yawn), pretty sure AA and KK not out there as I would of been 5 bet, thought I would just apply a bit more pressure, maybe a bit loose but I was deep enough to ask the question, the decent player is probably putting me on 3 hands here but again he has enough chips to set mine, we do have a little bit of history and I thought he might fold 10 10 even JJ as my 4 betting range is pretty limited to AA and KK this early, the other guy just about knows what day it is so his range is anything as I have seen by his previous showdowns.

Flop 8 high, can"t really rep this board as I am sure I am against 10 10, JJ , QQ, poss AQ but doubt that, also any small pair which has hit a set, all the chips go in and it"s 10 10 v QQ, I get out of the way, I still have 14k would of been a tad spewy to commit all my chips,of course the Ace hits the turn why wouldn"t it, can understand why he flatted with QQ as he was sure to fold on a king or Ace high flop, wish he had 5 bet so I could of jammed and seen all 5 cards, oh well never to worry.

Geordie said he put me on Kk or AA or AK, really !!!, explains why he called the all in from the guy with 10 10, obviously hoping I had AK, fortunately for him he was right.

Get a 14 big shove through with 33, then chip up nicely to 25bigs when  5 limpers at 300/600 I just jam with Ak, all fold, then get AA in big blind, Geordie min raises, I flat, flop is 3 diamonds, all goes in he has JJ with the jack of diamonds, I am informed 3 diamonds have been folded pre flop so in reasonable shape, turn safe then I hit trips, the Ace of feckin diamonds, sigh, shake hands head for home bemoaning my luck, stupid game.

Go on full tilt and proceed to lose with AA < 88, AA < KK, counterfeited with 99 v Ak and lose a few standard spots, I win a big pot with AA v QQ, 1 in 4 the aces win right so statistically correct, yeah I know, 50p in the tin.  ;)

In contact with Dave throughout the day who was playing the £300 at Nottingham, we had a 10% swop of each other, I informed him of my demise but as you might know he cashed so was freerolling yesterday"s game, incidentally he chopped Tuesdays game as well, so got 10% of that so got half my buy in back, glad he got my chips in that one JJ v 88, see post above for that one.

I am a bit live pokered out this week so I have promised Susan I won"t be playing till next Friday, with the proviso that if there is a big overlay onTuesday at the G, possible because Gala have a similar game with a similar Gtee I may late reg that one, will see what happens there then.

Overall been a good week live around £250 profit, which although ain"t going to change the world it all helps.

Also got a couple of percentages of someone in Wcoop, and someone in a few live events throughout the country, he got a cash at Nottingham so that"s a good start.

I know I said small update at the beginning but if you are still hear thanks for reading, I tend to go on a bit in these ramblings. Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #307 on: September 14, 2013, 03:53:54 AM »
Tuesdays 30/30 at G provided an overlay of about £900 it got  mid 20 runners I think, Gala had a bigger overlay at there £60 Tuesday game, it was about £1200 I think, so plenty of Value around for locals.

I decided on the G and was in ok shape at the break with about 15k , even though QQ had been busted twice, had this hand at least 5x over there in my last 2 tourneys and it has never held up, another one for the fold pre pile.

Speaking of which I get QQ in big blind, which I 3 bet 2 limpers, flop comes down all clubs 10 high, I have the Q clubs, it all goes in, up against KK, no bink of either the Q or a club and I am gone, would love to give the villain credit as he played them perfectly to trap me but I won"t, even if he 4 bet me I would be happy to get QQ in against him on most occasions, wished Dave good luck and made my way home.

Decided to cash out some money on Tilt details can be seen on my staking thread, few problems with a credit card company, managed to get half the interest back and I have paid it off in full now so they can do one, won"t be using them again.

Been on a pretty big downswing on Full tilt but I am still in profit even after the cash out, hopefully will get a bit of run good before December to get a bit more in the Kitty.

Stars this year has been pretty poor, again I Started with $1k, $500 from me and the rest made up from my mates and brother who don"t play that much was just a punt for them, played a few games on Stars this week and finished 9th in a $5 quad for $75 and just finished 7th  for $185 in a $55 $4k gteed, but I am down about $600 for the year which in the great scheme of things I can live with,  as you may notice I don"t practice good bankroll management if I fancy a game I will just play it, at least I am getting to the business end and in with a shout, as in all tourneys the big money is the top 3 that"s where we need to be, missed a spot or two when I could have had decent equity but I just nitted it up too much, ended up shoving 14 bigs with 22, the big blind had 10 10 which held.

Played the Gala £40 tonight as well but ran AQ into KK for 15 bigs, all standard stuff, hit one of my cards but not the right one, perhaps I should fold but it had limped round to small blind who 3 bet, there was already 3k in the pot, I had AQ in big blind but I should remember that not many people squeeze light in that spot, although it is a good spot to do it in, it is usually with a made hands,  there may be one or two people who will squeeze light but usually they have nutted hands as was the case.

Next game probably Sunday at the G, I quite like this game, it starts early so usually finishes earlyish even if you manage a cash, it"s a bit if fun on a Sunday, try not to take it too seriously, I even play KK, if I am lucky enough to receive them, that"s your lot for this week, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #308 on: September 18, 2013, 03:03:35 AM »
Semi decent day Yesterday made my 3rd Final table on Stars in a week, this time in a £33 £4k gtee, finished 6th for just under $500, so still down for the year on Stars but its nice to run deep and final table a few, it helps with confidence, ran AQ into Ak in a standard shove spot.

Volume still low on both sites and just play as and when I feel like it, it was beginning to feel like a chore and was just playing for the sake of playing, I want to get back to actually wanting to play rather than forcing it.

After busting the Stars game popped to the G, for the £2k gtee 30/30 which got 42 runners so prize pool was £2k3.

Lost a 70/30 with A5 v 77 just before final table,  was a 8 big shove into my big blind and think I had to call, this left me with 15 bigs at the final table, everyone agreed to £60 min for final tabalists which meant we got our cash back as a shortie was ok with it.

Bubble bursts and i am guaranteed £140, get 10 bigs in Aj v A8, chop it, 5 on the river gave us both the straight, sigh.

Eventually shove A2 and run into AA.

Gala have a £150 £2k5 gtee on Saturday, may play if the son comes home and is able to sit with Susan, that will be a last minute decision.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 13:51:59 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #309 on: September 18, 2013, 07:41:45 AM »

it was beginning to feel like a chore and was just playing for the sake of playing, I want to get back to actually wanting to play rather than forcing it.

That is always the best reason


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #310 on: September 18, 2013, 18:58:11 PM »
Might of stumbled upon something here, yesterday"s little bink occurred whilst cooking a Thai Fish curry so started the same game today and in between ventured into the kitchen to prepare a BBQ chicken, wedges, corn on the cob, duly cashed in 15th for $120, ran 99 into AA, can"t moan too much as my 99 beat KK earlier, embrace the variance.

Did a proper check up on the Stars account today and I thought I was down, however when I fully checked details was actually busto on the stake with my mates down $1055 after yesterday"s win,so I am now back on my own on Stars, if I had binked yesterdays game would of carried it on and paid everyone out but the stats don"t lie so that one is dead in the water with the proviso if I do bink anything before the end of the year will see them ok, meal out party or something, it was a bit of a fun sweat dreamt up before Christmas last year, would of been nice to have showed a profit but poker can be harsh.

I do play quite a lot on the I pad and these games don"t get added to my hem so my stats on there are misleading.

However with today"s win and a few sngs and a bit of John in his stake I have $500 left on Stars which was my initial deposit, so will try and spin that up with a few timely wins hopefully.

Application in for Masterchef, as long as I can grind a few mtts on the I pad, I will give it a go, ...... Or not.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #311 on: September 20, 2013, 18:21:43 PM »
Busy poker weekend ahead so in preparation watched a few of the latest episodes of the Wsop, one hand me laugh, young guy raises QQ, standard, gets 3 bet by AQ diamonds, Queens 4 bets and is flatted by the AQ, flop comes low with 2 diamonds, all the chips go in and the flush gets there, nothing remarkable in that hand all standard stuff, what made me laugh was his leaving remark, "it"s so sick because I made the perfect range play as well"  or in the real world, "feck, got it in good pre, lost a flip post".

This weekend I shall be merging, balancing, polarising ranges at the Gala and the G, Fridays  £40 freeze out, Saturdays £2k5 gtee £150, and Sundays Funday 15/15, bring it on.

If I don"t post by Monday you know it didn"t go well, and my perfect range plays will have been donked out on by the locals.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #312 on: September 20, 2013, 18:51:40 PM »
I think the Fossil should win both and spend the winnings on coming to Vegas in November and making a new blog title :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #313 on: September 21, 2013, 11:46:33 AM »
finished 5th last night in my triple header weekend, was worth £145, so effectively freerolling today"s £150.

Nothing remarkable about last nights game, but it was nice for a change when I 3 bet limpers actually got decent equity on flops so made c betting a bit easier, also nice when I hit the nuts on the river and get paid off.

Made a bad fold when I hit Trip aces with A2 on a straightening, flushing board, guy jammed 35k into 15k pot, I still had 30 bigs so decided to swerve it, he showed 77, nice play sir, he actually went on to chop it after I got knocked out.

I got lucky when I got 14k in the middle v Betty"s limp, I had A4, she had A10 which she duly called with but the 4 on the flop was good, but the up and down straight, straight flush and nut flush draw failed to materialise for her, how I faded that one I will never know, Betty is a legend up here and by the river she usually has 2 pair minimum, nice to hold in that one.

A4, is right at the bottom of my re shove range, but against Betty it can be the nuts and was prepared for a 55/45 so I could chip up, like I said got lucky will take it.

I made a shove from utg with AK which was for about 30k which was 14 bigs and a few players were surprised with the shove and asked Why I had shoved all in, I just thought it was so standard there was actually no thought process involved, I said its only 14 bigs and was told not to throw statistics around, lol, I sometimes forget most of the locals like to see flops even when the blinds are big.

My exit hand was pretty  standard shoved 8 bigs A5, get called by AQ which holds, missed a pay jump in the previous hand when other shortie jams A2 into AQ and a 2 ball hit the flop, that cost me £80, meh.

Hopefully can go a bit better today in the £150 and get a decent score instead of all these small cashes, bit whatever happens love live poker.

If I can bink anything Stu Vegas is definitely in my thoughts, and maybe the title could do with an update, we will see.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #314 on: September 21, 2013, 22:08:47 PM »
Out of the £150 jj into qq, got 50 bigs in the big 55, very early days though, I will accept this as a substitute.