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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2012, 13:10:56 PM »

Nice one Brian... you selling any %"s for DTD? I could be tempted..... x

Will speak to you tonight, obv got in for 30 so I think I can stretch that one but there is a re entry available, speak laterr


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #91 on: February 27, 2012, 08:41:21 AM »
End of month report coming up.

I will get this down today as probably not playing online for a few days, I have played about 110 games on Stars this month mainly mtts with the odd sngs thrown in managed a $1049 (this includes a live cashfrom the local G) profit for the month so got to be happy with that, since Vegas been averaging just over about $1k a month which for a hobby is not too shabby.

I have cashed out from 888 for the time being, I usually like to play a few sngs alongside mtts to reduce the losses on mtts but was finding there wasn"t enough games running,so at the moment playing all games on Stars, obviously will get an account started on W Hills or re open one, can"t remember if I have played there or not.

Earlier in the month, I got a seat for Dtds 50k gteed (satty for 30),but didn"t get much going in that, I lost with AA to a 5 high flush early doors (about 2k5), then with KK on a A high board, after them two hands couldn"t get any momentum going and it just fizzled out losing stack with AJ on a A high board to a rivered flush, but will be trying to play this game each month, either by satting in or using hopefully winnings from Stars.

Away from the poker been doing a decent amount of swimming, got back problems so this a lot easier than running or using the treadmill, I also managed to clamber up one of our local landmarks, Roseberry Topping, it may not be Everest but it felt like it, it nearly killed me, I remember when I was a kid running up there for fun! It"s 1049 ft (320m) and when you get to the top the views are actually stunning, should of took some photos but wasn"t in a fit state, but if you google it there will be images I would imagine, if you ever visit the area it is well worth a trek up, plus there is a decent pub at the bottom as well.

It was good to meet up with Jb when he made a visit last week, he played our home game at Riley"s neither of us cashed but was a decent game, if i remember correctly stu luck boxed his way to victory 10 8 > Lucy"s AA and then A4 > Lucy"s QQ, Stuart definitely owes Lucy a drink or two, waffled on enough now, will be attending a charity tournament in aid of Gary Parkinson tomorrow night at the local G, he is an ex Boro player who is suffering from Locked in syndrome which means his body is totally paralysed due to a stroke but is totally aware mentally about what is going on around him, they are raising money so he can be brought home from hospital.

The above does strike a chord in my wife"s life as she suffers from MS and is totally dependant on me doing everything for her, but at least she has some sort of movement and is now getting regular excercise now we have a motomed bike at home, hopefully this will give her enough leg strength to stand again, a lot of hard work required though.

That"s it for now run good , be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #92 on: March 11, 2012, 02:19:24 AM »
Not a great start to the month only playing a few games a day but haven"t had any significant cashes to note, I have managed to build stacks early then in the mid stages go mad trying to chip up to try and push for the final table spots.
Having looked back at a few of the hands on hem realised that they were just not good enough spots to 3 bet or 4 bet, hopefully in the next few weeks I can get rid of these mistakes and push on a bit.

I am down about $200 for the month, this is due to just playing mtts, I usually try to play a few sngs alongside the tourneys to help pay for the mtts but haven"t bothered for some reason, so over the next few days need to grind a few of these to hopefully claw a bit of the bankroll back, but the games on Stars are not that easy to beat especially during the weekdays and I don"t put in enough volume to override variance, run bad etc, I tend to have more success on the weekends in these games.

Loving the new stars app, works flawlessly, haven"t played it on the phone but works a treat on the I pad, it"s great when you are in the middle of a game and need to do stuff, just take it with you where ever you are going,not having to run back to the other room when you hear the bet warning sound and missing them aces.

Live poker again has been minimal, played a charity event a few weeks ago finished 15th, managed to win a bottle of Champagne by knocking out (not literally) Gary Pallister ex Boro, Man U footballer, he couldn"t fold 99 on a kkA board when I had KQ, easy game.

The local G casino has a new schedule out, it"s not vastly different to previous one but might give the Monday £30 dealer dealt game a spin, it"s a shame this card room hasn"t took off because it"s a decent room, out of the way of the main casino, so you are not getting distracted or deafened by the mah Jong which starts at the Gala at 11, 3 or 4 tables of that going whilst trying to concentrate drives you mad.

I was hoping to play Dtds £150 at the weekend, but the wife has to go into hospital on Sat for a minor operation, she could be discharged on the Sunday so I need to be home just in case.

Looking foreward to playing the first league game tonight, hopefully the north east team can get a good start and be in the running for some of the prizes at the end.

Like I said in my initial blogpost this was never going to be a blog full of sin and debauchery ( I wish), just an average Joe who enjoys the game for what it is trying to make a little bit here and there.

Run good, be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #93 on: March 19, 2012, 08:14:52 AM »
This week has definitely tested my temperament for poker both live and online.

As I have said before I do not play for a living, I play for a bit of fun and hopefully make a profit each month, I do have a fair bit of spare time so I can manage to fit in longish sessions, I usually have one or two mtts going or a few sngs running to eleviate the boredom of mtts, hopefully the sngs pay for the mtts.

Up until tonight not a lot has been going right I have been getting deep in games then losing the inevitable flip when trying to chip up, I have managed to min cash in  a few of these games but have been on a pretty bad downswing, I am down about $350 which although is not a massive amount it is giving the bankroll a rather unhealthy look.

And now the good news,played the league game tonight finished 72 cd which was the exact first cash place, I had 15 bigs utg I have QQ which I min raise planning to call any shove or get it in on any flop, utg1 min raises me and I immediately think AA or KK, this has been happening so often in the last week or two the cards may as well of been face up, if I had 25 bigs I might of folded but had decided to shove hoping to bink the Q.
Cards turned over AA v QQ didn"t bink so out, at least I didnt bubble, $4 profit.

I hadn"t played over the last two days so decided to give th $55 $7k5 gtee game a shot (poor bankroll management) , the reason being the field was capped at 500 all the other games had mega fields and didn"t fancy playing a massive field tournament, I think it got 425 runners when reg finished.

To cut a long story short managed to get 2cd place for $1k8 losing a big flip heads up me AK villain 4d5d flop k high 2 diamonds the diamond hit on the river leaving me with a bowl, effectively a $700 flip first prize was $2k5, at least it gets me back in profit for the month. I cant complain,had my fair share of luck to get where I was, happy with the boost to the bankroll.

One of the things I have realised over the last few months is actually never give up in an mtt no matter how short stacked you are, I reached tonight"s final table with 8 big blinds and tbh I was just hoping to ladder to 7th or 8th, but I hit a hand and trebled up against two of the big stacks and from then on managed to play with stack of 20 to 30 big blinds fairly easily,raising and reraising with decent hands, also folding when played back at keeping the stack at a reasonable level.

Played 2 live games this week at the local G, managed to cash bubble both of them, I love the way people tell me what I am doing wrong and how I should of played a certain hand, it"s the reason I keep going back, will probably play the G tonight a £30 freeze out 15k in chips so plenty of play.

That"s it for now run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #94 on: March 19, 2012, 09:41:34 AM »

What a shot take though! vwd
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #95 on: March 19, 2012, 11:21:57 AM »


What a shot take though! vwd

+1 well done Brian... top man.

p.s I"ve heard

is nice this time of year..... just saying x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #96 on: March 28, 2012, 01:32:39 AM »


What a shot take though! vwd

+1 well done Brian... top man.

p.s I"ve heard

is nice this time of year..... just saying x

Was on the cards but Getting Susan sorted for a 2 dayer was going to be problematic, however just binked a sat into Dtds 100k so will be playing there on the Friday, see you Thursday with a bit of luck.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #97 on: April 01, 2012, 10:49:23 AM »
March finished with a whimper after my mid month success, still made another +1k3 profit so got to be happy with that.

I manged another final table in $4 mtt but finished 7th in that, for not a lot, but getting to a final table is good going.
I am currently on a 17 game mtt non cashing streak which for the big fields on Stars is probably standard, never even been close to the cash.

I managed to get a seat to Dtds £150 next week for 10 euros so hopefully will get a bit of run good live, as the local live stuff has been going fairly awful, been playing well enough but at the business end not getting the rub of the green.

The last 3 games I have been the cash bubble, which is pretty frustrating, but when getting knocked out I have been ahead when the chips are in, after that can"t do anything about it.

When playing the mtts I try to have a few sngs running alongside,but even cashing in these things now is really hard everyone seems to play so solid,not really sure wether it"s worth bothering with, if you try and open up early on the amount of chips you win is fairly insignificant, as in most of the games I have played recently there is usually 5 players left at 100/200, and then it"s a matter of will you call correctly and hold,or shove correctly and hold,(in both cases I haven"t).

I will be donating to the league game tonight as per, and also trying to get a seat for the ukipt, if unsuccessful tonight  i have enough on Dtds site for 2 more shots at that, would like to get a seat as I would love to play that one, would imagine it being a cracking atmosphere down there for a shot at a life changing sum of cash.

Run good, be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #98 on: April 07, 2012, 12:41:51 PM »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 13:22:26 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #99 on: April 14, 2012, 02:10:05 AM »
Just a quick update on the latest poker quests, online the usual up an down breakeven week, not really been in the mood to be honest so volume has been minimal.

On the live front would loved to have given the Ukipt a go but a bit out of the roll,had a few sat attempts but to no avail.

Grosvenor are running a festival in Stockton this week, so instead of the usual Stockton home game at Rileys, I decided to give the 6 max event a go it was £110 fee 10 k starting stack with 25min blinds.
On arrival at the  Casino I met up with Philtc who was also playing.

We took our seats and initial runners was about 18, this rose to 26 with late entries and a couple of re entries, prize pool was £2600, top 4 paid.
Phil and I were on separate tables which I am quite happy about, we would meet up later.

I won"t go through a list of hands apart from the first one which was although good for me, the villain just went mad, I don"t know what made him play that way, I have played him before and is usually quite solid.

Remember £100 buy in 10 k chips 25/50 25 min clock.

Table is 3 handed 2 people missing, I get AA in small blind, raise it to 150, big blind repops to 650, being so early do I want to trap or see if has got something, I reraise to 1750, he flats flop Q, 5, 9 rainbow, I bet 2k5 , he calls, now I am thinking has he just hit his set or two pair, turn 2, a brick , the pot is now too big to fold so I just get the lot in expecting this to be the shortest £100 game I have ever played, he calls and shows AJ off, drawing dead, 1 hand up to 20k, happy days.

A few hours later myself and Phil got to the final table, I think I had about 40 bigs, Phil had about 20.

I managed to double up the shortie when I raised with A8 and called his re raise obv he had AK but I was getting 2.5/1 so it was a sigh call as I was never ahead, so I am down to 30 bigs.

Next hand get AK utg standard re raise 2.5 bigs shortie who I have just doubled up shoves again, Phil who is on the big blind asks how much I have behind and I have him covered he tanks for a while then folds (he has aq clubs), he knows I am not light here and my actions pretty much indicate my chips are going in, placed them close to the line, I call the short stacks shove and we are off to the races, he has JJ, nice K in the window, I fade the the J and knock out the short stack at the table, the board did run out 3 clubs so Phil would of rivered the nut flush, cant be results orientated Phil good fold mate.

We are now on the cash bubble, it"s folded to the small blind who limps into Phils big blind, who checks, flop comes Q J 9, small blind checks Phil shoves and gets an insta call small blind has QQQ, Phil has J9 I think or at least the J, the Q on the river just rubs salt into the wounds ul Phil that was just a cooler mate.

Each time a player had been knocked out if any player suggested a deal each player was given a red and black card if you wanted a deal to be discussed you had to place a black card in the centre of the table,if all cards were black then a deal could be discussed if one card was red the game carried on, we carried on.

One player suggested we split pot 4 ways which would of been about £625 each and play on for the trophy and the champion of champions seat worth £700 I think but this was refused by the card vote.

At this point in the tourney I had about 25bigs and was in 3rd position short stack had 10 bigs so he was in push fold mode, he pushed all in (a4) chip leader re raised all in (aq) I have A9 spades, obv was calling the 10 bigs shove but the all in was too much to call, the AQ held but like Phil earlier I would of hit the nut flush on the river, what did I say earlier, can"t be results orientated, in hindsight maybe should of called because even if we both get knocked out I still would of got 3rd place providing the big stack won the hand as I had more chips than the short stack, the difference between 3rd and 4th place was £300.

The last  2 levels made a few shoves which got through but eventually the blinds caught up and 3 handed the chips disappeared quite quickly, I pushed A9 into the big blinds A10 and even though I got a few outs for a chopped pot didn"t manage the bink, so at about 3 am finished a creditable 3rd for £520, which by the way was only £30 short of the buy in for the main event 50k chips 1 hour clock, my kind of structure, but circumstances at home means that I could not commit to a poss 3 day event without social services putting me in jail for cruelty and neglect, more important things in life than a poker game.

Just want to give a good luck message to another Apat member who has made day 2 of the ukipt, no doubt david3103 will be updating his blog poker pops ponders poker with hopefully some run good.

run good, be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #100 on: April 15, 2012, 17:23:44 PM »

Phil would of rivered the nut flush, cant be results orientated Phil good fold mate.

Sigh.... wish I was even more of a fish sometimes :)

Well played again though Brian, top man. Still remember looking over at your face when you doubled up within what seemed 2 minutes haha.. a picture of happy days mixed with WTF!  ;D

if you havent seen it... spot the only one supping guinness  8) hadnt realised I was sharing the table with Steve Holden (, nice guy and obviously as fishy as me as he was the one who I went all in with mid levels, he thought he"d talked me into spewing all my chips when he flipped 5/2off for the turned straight.. not realising I"d fished there too with the same hand  ;D x

« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 17:26:46 PM by PHIL_TC »
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #101 on: April 18, 2012, 09:12:09 AM »
I need pictures and the name of the villain benefactor in the AA v AJ hand please :)

Please let it be Dr Donk!
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #102 on: April 21, 2012, 09:07:17 AM »
I have had a fairly frustrating time with poker this week, my usual jaunt to the G on Monday for their deep stack ended in the usual bubble position, ran AJ into 10 10 with 15 bigs fairly standard stuff but again another 4 hour game for no reward.

It was good to meet up with Ger again at the Stockton home game, who proceeded to get one of the other players on tilt early on leading him to rant on for 15mins at the break Q4 > 10 10, incidentally if any of us win with Q4 instant shame and a game ban will ensue, no one is allowed to play it, it"s just a Stockton thing, finished 5th in this ran A10 into AK. The tilted player did manage to get his chips back of Ger later, the lord taketh, the lord giveth back, it"s only a game Anth.

Not a massive amount played online but yesterday out of 4 mtts managed to final table 2, one was a $4 180 man for $59, I don"t usually play the 180s but just started one to see how they played, lost a massive pot KK < QQ aipf just before the final table so went to the ft with 15 bigs, couldnt get the elusive double up, managed to ladder a few places and didn"t bink when required.

The second final table was a $6k gteed game finished 8th for $180ish, the final hand I have 16 bigs in the small blind dealt 77, I min raise to induce the shove, which he does with k8, didn"t hold no need for the 3rd K on the river so another race lost, hey ho move on, he has 15 bigs at this stage so again fairly standard I think, gotta win those flips at the end.

Any thoughts on the min raise to induce, or should I just shove all in if I am happy to get it all in any way, had no numbers on him, he was new player and Hem has stopped working for some reason, think next time in that position will just get the lot in and put the pressure on the caller.

Last mtt of the night was the $55 $7k5 gteed got myself into a cash position then get dealt QQ but ran it into KK which left me 5 of the cash and time for bed, tomorrows another day.

At least the bankroll has returned to the place it started at the beginning of the month, and with the Gukpt bink I am in profit for April plus my second Hendon mob flag.

This will be the final week of my son living at home as he will be heading to West Yorkshire to live, so a few trips to Leeds may be required, and the possibility of a few visits to the poker rooms of Leeds may ensue.

Run good, be lucky and stay healthy.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 09:11:36 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #103 on: April 21, 2012, 10:27:59 AM »

It was good to meet up with Ger again at the Stockton home game, who proceeded to get one of the other players on tilt early on leading him to rant on for 15mins at the break Q4 > 10 10, incidentally if any of us win with Q4 instant shame and a game ban will ensue, no one is allowed to play it, it"s just a Stockton thing, finished 5th in this ran A10 into AK. The tilted player did manage to get his chips back of Ger later, the lord taketh, the lord giveth back, it"s only a game Anth.

Great to meet up - Oh and I felt the love (especially with a 44x flop)


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #104 on: May 01, 2012, 16:21:55 PM »

This blog has lasted a little longer than I thought it would when  i first started which I am quite pleased about, it"s quite good to re read especially the Vegas stuff good memories and nice to have them to look back upon.

Before I get to Aprils efforts a massive congratulations to  Pokerpops for his binkage in the Grand Prix, really well deserved especially after the unlucky hand in the Ukipt see his blog for further details.

I met Dave a few years ago playing at the Eagle with the rest of the Stockton massive and I do tend to vent my spleen either through Facebook or at the local   Casinos to him about various bad beats, moans etc and he is a good listener and gives solid advice and encouragement,which has helped me with my game thanks to him for that,well  done again really pleased for you.

Not been a good month online played about 80 mtts/sngs and I am probably down about $150 which ain"t to bad, think made 3 final tables but unless you finish in the top 2 or 3 usually prizes are pretty meh, finished the month in profit because of my 3rd place finish  at the Gukpt event (basically a sng only 26 entries but a cash is a cash)

I managed to  get a seat into the Sunday million last weekend but couldn"t fold AA on a ten high straightening and flushing board when villain min raised my c bet, it"s nearly always a set there but once I have to call or reraise I am virtually committed to the pot, he had 10 10 I didn"t manage to hit my miracle card so the dream remains unfulfilled, will be trying to sat into this on a more regular basis gotta keep believing.

Live poker pretty limited last month, finished 13th in the local Gala freezout getting it in good with AQ v K9 pre against the table aggressor who has hit every flop and continued in this vein hitting the K on the flop nh gg gl.

And finally Esther (a ref to a prog in late 70s and 80s)
Stupid things said at a poker table at my local casino

Player  in cut off says to player next to him " I need to go to the loo, can you please fold my hand as I don"t want to fold out of turn" and leaves the table.

Run Good, Be lucky stay healthy.