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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2011, 23:29:47 PM »

Gr8 stuff keep it going Brian....Obv don"t expect 5 episodes a day  :)

I am wide awake at the moment so may as well get it all down


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2011, 23:45:59 PM »

Managed to get up in time to meet in Lobby at around 10am to get a few cabs to the wedding.

I don"t know Adam and Julie but good luck in your future life together really enjoyed the service was a nice way to spend a morning in Vegas, and I hoped you both enjoyed the day ty again, sorry for the 2 hands in the Apat event but it was fairly standard stuff.

Afternoon spent in the Grand Lux cafe with a few people, Dan Owston recommended the Caramalised Chicken which I ordered, and have too agree it was a good choice worth a try if you ever visit.

Night time was spent at the Tropicana at the Japat game don"t panic this is a short post I played 4 hands all game, AA, AA, AK and KK and was out within 2 hours don"t you just love poker, really enjoyed the game actually really good laugh, some moves you wouldn"t normally see in a casino but the dealers were ok and joined in the fun nice to play in a not too serious game was good.

Headed back to Harrahs got an early night in,need to make a decision it"s either Binnions 2pm game or Arias 1pm game I think I made the right choice the next thread will reveal all.

Poker Profit/Loss $550.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2011, 14:36:18 PM »
22/11/11 Part 1 longish post all poker

Get up at about 10 am get some breakfast, a croissant and a coffee (very continental), I have 2 choices today Binnions 2pm to coincide with a visit downtown or Arias 1pm game, decide on the Aria, if I bust early I can always go downtown later.

Get a cab with Phil, Stu and Mathew and go and register, Mathew decides he doesn"t fancy it but the other 2 get bought in.

There are a number of Apat players in this, Asa, JP, Darren, Michelle, Colin and a few others.

Game starts at 1pm exactly the games are really run spot on over here, there are about 92 entries but with a 2 hour buy in and rentries allowed expected numbers are about 130.

I take ny seat, again a seat I like 4, I can see all the action, not stuck behind the dealer or anything like that.

All unknowns on this table.

Second hand of the day get AA there is a min raise utg to 100 I reraise to 450 folds around to original raiser he mucks, I show the AA and tell them I always have it, this turned out to be a good show as I did get a lot of respect on this table.

Nothing significant happened until the following hand limp utg, 1 caller in the cut off, I have 7d 8d on the button I decide to reraise (most unlike me but whilst in Vegas), original limper calls cut off folds.
Flop comes down 10 10 8 rainbow, utg half pots it, I reraise, he calls, I don"t think he has a big pp here the 10 is a possibility the turn is an 8, he checks I bet out hoping for a fold he calls ugh, worried he has the 10 now but I think he would reraise to get more in the pot.The river is the Q I put a tiny blocker bet out out and he takes ages then eventually calls my hand is good and am up to 16k good start.

AA had been cracked 3 times on this table all held by seat 1 was very odd, it was the seat of death.

I got up to 25k after hitting a set with JJ, so I am in a good position to accumulate some chips, at this stage people were down to 10/15 big blinds so a lot of all ins were happening.

I raise utg with 77, the big blind calls and we see a flop, he was one of the better players on the table and had just lost a big pot and could be slightly tilted. Floptasticish (is that a word) 746 rainbow, I bet out oppo calls, turn is a horrible 5 I check, bb shoves all in about 6k, I am really uncomfortable now as any 3, or 8 but I do have redraw outs to the boat.
He asks if I have a set, I didn"t reply he then said it was an easy fold if I did, this did not convince me, I called he turned over Q9, avoided the 8 so at the break I am up to 33k. He re enters and we meet again later.

Get back to table after break short stack pushes, I call with AQ, he has AK didn"t hit lose a few not a massive amount still steady away.

I raise utg with 88, I am getting no resistance from anyone they are all moaning that I am a card rack hey ho take advantage, get shoved on by the AK guy from earlier got enough chips to make the call, hoping for a race, he turns over JJ, nh sir have some more Chips from me well maybe not,flop was 822 he storms off into the distance I just smile and get on with it

Stuart Ward and JP were moved to my table, and utg limps 1 caller Stuart was in the big blind he has about 6k, it was obvious he was shoving, all in he said utg insta calls other limper folds cards on the backs utg AA v J5 off for Stuart, flop Jxx turn x river J, so another one bites the dust in seat 1 with AA.

Break time I do a count I am up 85k average is about 45k so in a good position will continue in next thread.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2011, 15:01:05 PM »
Great read, looking forward to the next installment! Very interested as to how you rate the Aria tourney vs other rooms like the Venetian?


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2011, 15:39:38 PM »
22/11/11 Part 2

Continued to win and lose few chips to shortstacks all ins and was down to 60k when the following hand occurred I think this was a game changer for me, folded to dealer who shoves about 12 bigs I have A9 spades in the small blind, I figure my A could be good so I call, then the BB shoves his stack in whoops I thought, got a count and it was only an extra 5k to call so I threw in 5k and the cards were on their backs KK v A9 v QQ massive sigh from me until Barry"s book hit the river, the call I thought was ok but looks pretty bad when the cards were on display but stack sizes rather than the cards were the determine factors, I have now just under 100k, it"s the first time I have had this many in a live game for a long time.

We are down to the last 2 tables now, about 17 left including 5 Apat players, myself,Asa, Stuart, Michelle and Colin, I have about 175k 45 bigs.

The next 3 hands are quite significant in my tournament any thoughts for or criticisms on my play I will take on board.

1: Colin raises utg to 9k 1 person flats, I look down to see AQ off, I reraise to 21k folded to Colin who insta shoves, I have him covered but not by much if I lose I will be crippled I fold leaving myself with 40 bigs he shows 10 10.

I get a few chips back by stealing blinds with 22 and 97suited.

2: Folds to cut off he shoves 15 bigs, I look down to see AQ think for a while he could be shoving KQ any pair so I call hoping for a race or I am dominating, sigh he shows AK,not to worry Q on the turn and I scoop (I did say I ran golden in this game)

3: Colin again raises utg to 12k I have again 45bigs so decide to just call with 10 10 in the small blind (weak play by me should of reraised but I didn"t so need to get on with it).
Again a low flop but Colin insta shoves for the lot about 160k, I eventually fold he shows 99 nh wp sir, genius fold if he has JJ weak fold to the hand he has shown oh well still healthy.

I got to the final table with about 20 bigs and with 3  other Apat members, Asa, Michelle, Colin wp guys for getting there.

After a few all ins we were down to 5 handed the chip leader was bullying and he raises utg folds to me in big blind I look down and see 10 10 all in from me he calls and shows AJ,look at clock 5 th place pays $595, my 10 10 holds and I am back to 30 bigs, we are all fairly equal now and the chop deal was $1877 each which I proposed we took, a young American at first refused then he realised he was the shortstack after my double up we shook hands and got the cash sorted, 2 Apat players in the chop myself and Asa wp mate.

I am not sure of the time I think it finished around 10:30 so it was a good 9.5 hours of play.

Cab back to Harrahs, went to KGB with Asa and Darren for food then straight to bed have to be up early tomorrow trip to Grand Canyon.

This was my last game of the holiday so all in all I played 7 games buy ins totalled $575 total return was $2877 cashed in 4 ft bubble in one, I can"t complain about bad luck this week the cards hit me hard and I think I played reasonably well especially the Venetian Game.

I understand poker and understand this was a fairly run good trip and if if I ever return I still believe you have to take what you can afford to lose,because that is usually what happens,Vegas wasn"t built on winners,but I will return and this trip has given myself a lot more confidence in my game.

Poker Profit/loss +$2302


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2011, 15:48:29 PM »

22/11/11 Part 2

I understand poker

it was going so so well until this part :p

good stuff brian, keep it up
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2011, 15:50:35 PM »

Great read, looking forward to the next installment! Very interested as to how you rate the Aria tourney vs other rooms like the Venetian?

Enjoyed both poker rooms about the same,Venetian was very busy, because it was running its final deepstack event, so the Sunday tournament was pushed out towards the sports book room, this was not a problem other than some background music.

The Aria again separate from the gaming floor just a few machines close by so noise was negligible, this place was really smart, chic, modern everything I am not, but if I had the cash I would def try and stay there.

Ceasers Pakace again was spot on, it was away from any distractions in a separate area so no noise other than the riffling of chips.

All games ran on Time Tds were spot on it just ran so smooth, it"s going to be a pain to return to the self deals at Gala in the coming months.

All the $100 dollar games were usually 30 min blinds but soon got to push/fold stage but that"s not a problem as there is always a game nearby, ty for reading


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2011, 15:52:57 PM »

22/11/11 Part 2

I understand poker

it was going so so well until this part :p

good stuff brian, keep it up

Cheeky lol


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2011, 16:45:34 PM »
Good work Brian, keep it going please :-)

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2011, 17:14:57 PM »
Good stuff Brian, and obviously some good results - my envy is almost tangible.

Look forward to seeing the new Vegas-style play on Thursday 3bet with  6d 7d? Whatever next? :-)
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2011, 22:44:41 PM »
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 22:46:17 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2011, 23:03:58 PM »
24/11/11 last one i promise

Last day, get packed have a last wander around get some food in KGBS and prepare for journey home.

Everything ran on time as usual limo arrived 2 15 15 mins to airport ready for the flight home at 5 25.

No delays on flight and we were back in Manchester and home by 2

nb watched The Guard on the flight home laughed all the way home kept waking Stuart up worth seeing if you get a chance.

Just want to say thanks to every one who was there I dont think it could of gone any better a special thanks to Ger who planted this seed back in February and it grew into one of my best ever holidays, a special thanks to Mathew, Stuart, Phil who have become good mates entirely through Apat and a number of new friends made, you are all great people.

I hope to make a few events next year depending upon family commitments and meet up again.

If you have read this piece of drivel from top to bottom i apologise for any bad spelling, grammer etc my brother has already been on my case.

NB In previous post donkeypack is fxxxxpack

keep an eye open for further adventures.

Thanks Again over and out


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2011, 23:07:15 PM »
As said before an absolute pleasure to meet you and I hope to meet you many times again

Great company - Great craic - priceless


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2011, 23:29:42 PM »
Dont worry about the grammar, I am more curious about these bracelets? go to a jewellery store, in a limo and leave with no bracelet OR earrings and it cost you $140 but you leave smiling?

Then...Stu buys a bracelet which enables him to touch his toes and you decline! least he got something for his money though it does raise the question as to why he would WANT to touch his toes LOL.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2011, 23:32:39 PM »

Dont worry about the grammar, I am more curious about these bracelets? go to a jewellery store, in a limo and leave with no bracelet OR earrings and it cost you $140 but you leave smiling?

Then...Stu buys a bracelet which enables him to touch his toes and you decline! least he got something for his money though it does raise the question as to why he would WANT to touch his toes LOL.

at the post that is fully tongue in cheek  ;D