22/11/11 Part 1 longish post all poker
Get up at about 10 am get some breakfast, a croissant and a coffee (very continental), I have 2 choices today Binnions 2pm to coincide with a visit downtown or Arias 1pm game, decide on the Aria, if I bust early I can always go downtown later.
Get a cab with Phil, Stu and Mathew and go and register, Mathew decides he doesn"t fancy it but the other 2 get bought in.
There are a number of Apat players in this, Asa, JP, Darren, Michelle, Colin and a few others.
Game starts at 1pm exactly the games are really run spot on over here, there are about 92 entries but with a 2 hour buy in and rentries allowed expected numbers are about 130.
I take ny seat, again a seat I like 4, I can see all the action, not stuck behind the dealer or anything like that.
All unknowns on this table.
Second hand of the day get AA there is a min raise utg to 100 I reraise to 450 folds around to original raiser he mucks, I show the AA and tell them I always have it, this turned out to be a good show as I did get a lot of respect on this table.
Nothing significant happened until the following hand limp utg, 1 caller in the cut off, I have

on the button I decide to reraise (most unlike me but whilst in Vegas), original limper calls cut off folds.
Flop comes down 10 10 8 rainbow, utg half pots it, I reraise, he calls, I don"t think he has a big pp here the 10 is a possibility the turn is an 8, he checks I bet out hoping for a fold he calls ugh, worried he has the 10 now but I think he would reraise to get more in the pot.The river is the Q I put a tiny blocker bet out out and he takes ages then eventually calls my hand is good and am up to 16k good start.
AA had been cracked 3 times on this table all held by seat 1 was very odd, it was the seat of death.
I got up to 25k after hitting a set with JJ, so I am in a good position to accumulate some chips, at this stage people were down to 10/15 big blinds so a lot of all ins were happening.
I raise utg with 77, the big blind calls and we see a flop, he was one of the better players on the table and had just lost a big pot and could be slightly tilted. Floptasticish (is that a word) 746 rainbow, I bet out oppo calls, turn is a horrible 5 I check, bb shoves all in about 6k, I am really uncomfortable now as any 3, or 8 but I do have redraw outs to the boat.
He asks if I have a set, I didn"t reply he then said it was an easy fold if I did, this did not convince me, I called he turned over Q9, avoided the 8 so at the break I am up to 33k. He re enters and we meet again later.
Get back to table after break short stack pushes, I call with AQ, he has AK didn"t hit lose a few not a massive amount still steady away.
I raise utg with 88, I am getting no resistance from anyone they are all moaning that I am a card rack hey ho take advantage, get shoved on by the AK guy from earlier got enough chips to make the call, hoping for a race, he turns over JJ, nh sir have some more Chips from me well maybe not,flop was 822 he storms off into the distance I just smile and get on with it
Stuart Ward and JP were moved to my table, and utg limps 1 caller Stuart was in the big blind he has about 6k, it was obvious he was shoving, all in he said utg insta calls other limper folds cards on the backs utg AA v J5 off for Stuart, flop Jxx turn x river J, so another one bites the dust in seat 1 with AA.
Break time I do a count I am up 85k average is about 45k so in a good position will continue in next thread.