Author Topic: The Fossil does Vegas  (Read 361433 times)

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #60 on: December 18, 2011, 21:11:07 PM »
End of week report coming up, i read in another thread that Rodders likes to see results and buy ins etc so will post at the end, will try and do this on a weekly basis every Saturday or Sunday, this weeks will be easy as its been a good week, but will keep as honest as possible as there are probably more losing weeks than winning ones.

Regarding my online Poker, i am not an online grinder and tend to play when i feel like it, i dont really practice bankroll management tend to play for fun and if i see a game i fancy will just register mainly play mtts up to $55 and sngs from $15 up.

If i do get a result i tend to withdraw at least 3/4s of win as i dont like leaving too much online $500 is more than enough, i got slightly burnt when Full Tilt went down, it could of been a lot worse, 4 days before it shut down withdrew $1400 leaving $450 to play with (initial deposit), this cash reached my bank the day before it closed down, so i have $450 still in there hopefully i will get this back if they ever reopen, that will be a bonus if it ever happens.

Online Games played this week (888 and stars) = 20
Total Buy ins                                              = $332.50
Total Returns                                              = $2034.15
Profit                                                         = $1701.65

I enjoy playing live, and usually play at Casino once a week and a pub game on a Thursday this week made a small profit as below

G casino
Buy In £25 came 3rd for £115
Buy in £10 no cash
Live Profit £80.

Like I said this week has been a good one but I will be honest in this blog and if next weeks results are poor, you will see them, hopefully they wont be, and a few more results will follow.

Bought a new 3 d tv this week with the cash won so at least all the family get something out of the winnings, and the visa bill is paid off so good times.

Run good and be lucky.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #61 on: December 18, 2011, 22:19:36 PM »
TBF you were unlucky on friday. I was playing.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2011, 13:48:35 PM »

TBF you were unlucky on friday. I was playing.

It was Thursday and you"re a fish who can"t fold a pair

Good week Brian and may there be many more - see you at G tonight?
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #63 on: December 23, 2011, 15:50:10 PM »
With reference to our chat over lunch at the Venetian, I am currently listening to Hawksbee & Jacobs" Christmas Eve (sort of) show where they are playing the best "clips" of all time.

They"ve just played the Antti Niemi clip which is one of my all time favourites

"He"s No Finished... he"s only 28"  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #64 on: December 23, 2011, 22:35:58 PM »

With reference to our chat over lunch at the Venetian, I am currently listening to Hawksbee & Jacobs" Christmas Eve (sort of) show where they are playing the best "clips" of all time.

They"ve just played the Antti Niemi clip which is one of my all time favourites

"He"s No Finished... he"s only 28"  ;D ;D ;D

Yes i remember that one, if i remember correctly the discussion was about a new keeper for Scotland, absolute classic.

I have started to download clips of the week on I Tunes, its a good way to raise a smile.
Do you Know what happened to Mike Parry ? he just seemed to vanish of the face of the earth, he was always a permanant fixture on them clips.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2011, 23:18:36 PM »
End of week report coming up, not too much going on volume wise.
I have played twice live the first being a 10 10 10 at the local G, managed a 3rd for £70, made the mistake of playing a pot against the better of the 2 players (David3103), both flopped top pair no folding at this stage of the game, he had the better Kicker, nh gg gl, he went on to win the game which was expected because the other player was pretty weak, keeps it in the Stockton teams coffers.

The second live effort was the weekly game at Rileys with the rest of the Stockton Massive, a 10 man Sng £10 buy in with 1 rebuy if required.

Shots were brought to the table and every time some one won a hand a shot had to be drunk (i was excused as i was driving Philtc was my designated drinker).

Was pretty card dead most of the game and called a 8bb shove with K 10 sooted i had 10 bb i think  and was against q6 which managed to river a straight (i run too bad lol).

The next hand I shoved with 95 and Mark isolated my shove with 75 happy days, I think the shots had something to do with that as I managed to double up to 6 big blinds.
One of the chip leaders had been back and forth to the toilets (again shot related), he eventually gave in and stacked off lightly.
To cut a long story short I managed to win the game for £60 from a 2 big blind stack, the chip and the chair rings true again, never give up that's the second time in a month I have managed win from 2 bigs the other being in Vegas last month.

G Casino
Buy in £22 came 3rd for £70
Buy in £10 came 1st for £60
Live Profit £98.

Games Played = 6
Buy Ins =         $92
Returns =       $30
Loss        =     -$62

Online have ran into AA 3X when they have limped utg and I have shoved 15 to 20 bigs, will get a suck out on one of these eventually.

I have gone on a bit too long now, all that is left is to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year, I am hoping to make a few Apat events next year can't make Brighton, will explain reason in the next post.
Good Health and Peace to all.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 00:49:11 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #66 on: December 25, 2011, 07:12:28 AM »

End of week report coming up, not too much going on volume wise.
I have played twice live the first being a 10 10 10 at the local G, managed a 3rd for £70, made the mistake of playing a pot against the better of the 2 players (David3103), both flopped top pair no folding at this stage of the game, he had

that other guy must have been RUBBISH  :P


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #67 on: December 25, 2011, 12:44:46 PM »

They"ve just played the Antti Niemi clip which is one of my all time favourites

Yes i remember that one, if i remember correctly the discussion was about a new keeper for Scotland, absolute classic.

yep, in essence a Hearts fan calling in to enquire why, when the Scotland manager is picking other Hearts players he hasn"t selected their keeper.

"I don"t understand why, for 3 years now he"s been ignoring Antti Niemi"
"Antti Niemi?"
"Aye, I don"t know why he doesn"t get a game"
"For Scotland?"
"He"s from Finland"
"He"s Finnish!"
"He"s no finished. he"s only 28" ;D ;D ;D ;D
"No he"s a Fin! He"s from Finland"
"What d"ya mean?"
"He"s a Fin! His nationality is Finland"
"He"s No Scottish?"
"Oh, I though he was Scottish" :-[ :-[ :-[

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #68 on: December 25, 2011, 12:47:15 PM »

Do you Know what happened to Mike Parry ? he just seemed to vanish of the face of the earth, he was always a permanant fixture on them clips.

Mike Parry quit about a year ago. Not sure why but I know his health had been very bad. I"ve heard him on Fighting talk once since and I think he"s stood in on 606 a couple of times
@jpround on Twitter
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #69 on: December 25, 2011, 15:31:55 PM »

End of week report coming up, not too much going on volume wise.
I have played twice live the first being a 10 10 10 at the local G, managed a 3rd for £70, made the mistake of playing a pot against the better of the 2 players (David3103), both flopped top pair no folding at this stage of the game, he had

that other guy must have been RUBBISH  :P

Indeed he was
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #70 on: December 26, 2011, 03:14:52 AM »

Do you Know what happened to Mike Parry ? he just seemed to vanish of the face of the earth, he was always a permanant fixture on them clips.

Mike Parry quit about a year ago. Not sure why but I know his health had been very bad. I"ve heard him on Fighting talk once since and I think he"s stood in on 606 a couple of times

didn"t he quit in protest at the appointment of Keys and Gray
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2011, 10:41:54 AM »
It"s possible. The timing was about right.
@jpround on Twitter
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #72 on: December 26, 2011, 12:18:19 PM »
Re Mike Parry, found him, he is still alive and kicking he is still broadcasting on, got a random tweet yesterday, weird how this world works.

Nothing happening on the Poker front, choice today between £100 game at G or Boro v Hull choosing the later as its a chance to meet with some mates, and get some fresh air and a few drinks.

I packed in going to football a few years ago, but missed the social side, starting to feel the love again. Come on Boro !.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2012, 22:55:59 PM »
After a brief break from Poker over the holidays decided to fire up a couple of tables on 888 and on Stars with a nice bink in the end, although there will be a couple of bad beat s thrown in, i will place 50p in the old tin.

888 played 2 games $22 $3k freeze out pretty standard ending 88 me, shoving 15bbs into kj and losing standard stuff.
The other game $3 rebuy managed to get a decent stack with 1 rebuy and and 1 add on was up to 40k, villain limps utg 99 i re raise with 10 10 it all goes in pre 9 first card out gg me, on other sites i might fold the 10 10 there with 35 bigs but on 888 its usually +ev so no cash on 888 today, bumped into Ger on one table dont know if he cashed or not will have a look later.

Onto Stars played the 8k 1 rebuy 1add on $8 game, lost 1st stack aq v q7 on nearly decided to ditch it, but rebought, to cut a long story short managed to finish 6th/1313 runners for $951, my penultimate hand was as follows raise utg  Ah As, reraise by me  Ac Ad  all in pre 2.6 million chips, heart, heart on flop heart turn, heart river just had to laugh.

Does this class as a bad beat ?, as once the 2 hearts hit the flop he has the advantage all be it slight.
Happy with the $951 but first prize was $4k, oh well onwards and upwards.

Hope you all enjoyed the festivities and I would just like to wish every one a happy, healthy and prosporous new year.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2012, 10:21:21 AM »
Not a great deal to report on the poker front in the last week or so, a few deep runs on stars losing the important flips at the business end of tournaments, min cashes for the win, still $899 profit in jan on stars.

On 888 losing about $65, min cashed in a couple, one cooler hand in $4k gteed,on the cash bubble sitting in 4th place with 35 bigs 20 paid,get into a raising war with the chip leader,  i thought he was just abusing the bubble I get it all in with QQ v KK, I didn"t bink the Q so went out in 21st one of the cash.

The way the pay structure is on 888 min cashing between 10 20 not worth folding there just to min cash going for the win every time.

I also decided to play a few sngs on Stars to see if I can boost bankroll a bit, after a decent start 2 wins and a 3rd $15 games didnt cash in about 10, can"t see myself grinding these as they are so dull, will prob play the odd you or 2 and if I win one just use winnings for a higher buy in mtt.

Had a load of problems with HEM this week as well thought I had lost 3 years worth of data but it"s sorted now seems to be working ok.

Instead of the sngs have decided to have a little dabble in the cash games I have about 40 buy ins for 50 nl so gave that a little go last night played about 300 hands made $12,peak being $55 lowest being -$32 bit swingy. At the moment only playing 1 table just to get used to the differences between mtts and cash, will prob add a 2cd table if I have double up on first or drop to 25nl and play two or three tables.

Live poker got a 3rd at the local G this week got it in good aq v a10 v Stuart who binked nh gg Gl and Riley"s got in good qq v 10  7 v Stuart who again binked nh gg Gl. All fairly standard stuff in the late game.

Looking forward to Apat game tonight, off to watch Boro this afternoon, may meet up in the game tonight if not run good,be lucky and good health.