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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #165 on: October 15, 2012, 22:52:06 PM »
Mid month mumblings, don"t worry not a long one.

My report from Glasgow will be very short.

I lasted till about 7:30, 88 was the best hand I had seen all day, unfortunately ran it into 99 so I was out. The banter at the table was first class mostly provided by Phil who is a pleasure to be sat with, at one stage 3 players from our home game were at the same table, what are the chances of that.

We popped over to Gala for the £30 fo (glutton for punishment), bubbled the final table ran A 10 into AQ, I did bink the 10 but broadway arrived on the river so that was that, 3 Apat members made ft and Gary M from Stockton managed to get 2cd place which helped pay for his weekend well played him.

Although the poker was pretty meh it was a good weekend really enjoyed the company, good times.

Played a couple on Stars today and cashed in both 27/360 in a $16:50 fo and 36/450 in a $5 cubed, losing standard races for min cashes in both pretty frustrating as in both games lost crucial hands for 50/60 bigs in the mid stages then limping over the line, oh well that"s poker.

Next live appearance probs Sunday at G"s 15/15 need a break tbh pokered out, looking forward to Full Tilt reopening, that will feel like a win, I have about $450 stuck on there, never expected to see it again so happy days.

I will be ordering my new fishtank tomorrow done plenty of research and have found one that will fit the bill, going for a marine set up, so more random fish will be entering my life.

Run Good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #166 on: October 28, 2012, 17:45:29 PM »
Writing this before I head off for the 15/15 at the G hoping to add to it at the end with some positive news on the poker front.

The clocks went back last night and SAD has already set in for me, not the depresion illness but the Sets Always Destroyed syndrome which i seem to be suffering a lot from, alright its a cheap bad beat story but hey got to get them in somehow.

Poker very quiet since Glasgow just the 2 Thursday home games one of which was literally a home game at mine with Susan on the rail giving Stuart a bit of chew, was only a 5 handed affair and was a pleasant night, Lucy won the game I got second but made a nice change, my place is only small so a 5 or 6 max game is comfortable any more would be to many, fancied an outdoor game during the summer with BBQ etc but alas the weather has been pretty poor so that never materialised.

Online only played about 12 games for a loss of about $50 and live with Glasgow probs down about £300 had  1 cash in 6 games.

I had an interesting dual with Ger in the Scots online game twice all in against him with the same hand splitting the pot on both occasions, then his QQ holding against my AK, finished about 14th I think no cash good fun though, he has a bit of a hex on me at the minute can"t seem to win a hand against him, he went onto cash I think so well played him.

Currently setting up a Marine tank in the living room this is taking most of my time and money doing plenty of reading so Poker is taking a back seat at the minute.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy, Nb assume if no report later assume it didn"t go well.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #167 on: October 29, 2012, 01:24:35 AM »
Good news from the G, for me anyway done a 4 way chop for £220 happy days, then realised I have an outstanding bill due on the first of November sigh, a buy now pay in 6 months jobbie has just caught up with me, still it"s effectively a free Dyson, I said to Susan don"t worry will win enough to pay for it before November, cut it a bit short but got there.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #168 on: October 31, 2012, 04:53:48 AM »
After Sundays escapades at the G headed over to Gala for their 30 freeze out tonight, took my usual seat in the dealer position as no one else seemed to want it.

I don"t mind dealing to be honest,it keeps me out of trouble early doors mainly because I keep forgetting to look at my cards, the tournament was the usual 6 or 7 to a flop and as usual I hit nothing better than second pair, folding correctly on all occasions.

The cut off for the optional re entry is 9 30 and at about 9:10 I get AK suited on the button , 4 people limped their 200s and with 1k2 in the pot and with only 15 bigs I am happy to take the flip here or better still a 70/30 favourite, the utg limper duly obliged with a call with AJ and I held so get to the break without having to rebuy, which I don"t think I was going to do, jobs to do at home etc.

After the break, nothing major happens until the loosest player at Gala opens utg, an easy shove by me with AK gets called again by him with AQ, happy days, well it was until he hit the flush on the turn, drawing dead looked like an early night, counted out the chips, I have 2700 left blinds are 300/600, I was a bit sick now I was still dealing and wasn"t in the best of moods, utg min raises gets 1 caller and I am in the big blind, if I look i will fold junk so just go all in without looking both players call, treble up possible to 12 bigs if I win the hand, flop jj2 rainbow, turn k river 7, turn the cards over I have 77 in the hole, lol treble up. I almost left my chips on the table after the AK v AQ hand to go home.

To cut a long story short made the final table and got heads up, we"re I doubled up twice with pairs holding against over cards and was quite confident of beating my opponent as he had just resorted to shoving every hand, eventually I called with A7 suited which wasn"t a match for his 10 10 I did hit the 7 on the flop but no help with the rest of the flop, got £390 for 2cd place,was £600 for first and a seat in Galas 150 game in December, I cant complain about getting 2cd especially from my position earlier in the game, so my last 2 live games have turned a losing month into a profitable one, happy days.

Off to buy a fish with my winnings.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #169 on: October 31, 2012, 06:06:45 AM »

Off to buy a fish with my winnings.

Stu for sale  ???


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #170 on: November 11, 2012, 10:12:38 AM »
A really slow start to November hardly played anything at all, Full tilt reopened and I had $500 in there played a few games and have now $501, that"s including a cash my first mtt back and a sng win but as per usual with this game it"s a one step forward, 2 steps back, love the software though it"s always been my favourite site.

Stars continues to frustrate the one game I did play  $10 cubed I correctly folded KK early doors to AA pre, I raise early gets re raised 3 x before its back to me it"s AA v QQ v AK, it"s the first level never think I am good here, I don"t fold KK very often but it seemed correct, it was, aces held, good start for the man with the aces.
After losing my Internet connection get dealt KK again, still got 100 bigs at this stage, but the big stack decides to reshove my initial raise with 100 bigs, it"s nearly always AK this so I called,it was, I lost move on.

Live stuff includes the Tuesday game at Gala, the G game has now been cancelled so I pop over for the £30 fo, trying to make it 4 out 4 final tables, alas it wasn"t to be lost 2 flips late on, one semi interesting hand which may have blown my cover a bit over there was as follows, 3 limpers at 300/600 I am in big blind look at 36 off, I hadn"t played a hand for a while and was only bothered about the initial limper who usually never folds the other 2 are semi decent and can fold to a reraise from a tight player.

There is over 3k in the pot I bet 2k, initial limper folds, but the other 2 call, good reads by me then, flop KK3, I bet after sb checks and the dealer calls, sb folds, turn is a 2, I think I can rep the the k as I have raised initially and continued to bet, I bet out again dealer calls, river was an 8, I bet again, about half pot and am insta called, I sheepishly announce 2 pair kings and 3s and have to show the mighty 36 which was a winner, I really didn"t want to show as I like my image down there as being ultra tight, the dealer didn"t show but I assumed he had AJ, A10.

It"s almost a year now for this blog and as I said in my original post follow me on my journey to mediocrity, there has been a few highs, final tabling a big 33 on Stars, final tabling a Gukpt event ( I know it was only a small one but hey got a second Hendon mob flag), making day 2 of a £500 event, eventually losing a flip, gotta win them fl (oops cant say that phrase as Philtc keeps taking the mick).

I still have cash on 2 sites stars and tilt but after withdrawing most of it my bankroll is around $500 on each and I am finding it difficult to motivate myself to play the small stakes mtts so I am undecided what to do at the minute plus I am not enjoying the online game as much as I used to, I will have a think and make a decision, still love playing live though, got to try and sat into a few more big games.

I cannot make Stoke unfortunately, wife"s Birthday same day, seems a bit cruel to put her in a nursing home on her birthday, but will be watching with interest, and finally a Good Luck message to Pokerpops in St Kitts,win the lot sir.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #171 on: November 28, 2012, 10:41:22 AM »
This blog is now 1 year old and have managed to post every month since Vegas which I am quite pleased about as that was my initial aim when I first started writing this thing.

Overall poker has been quite good, my initial roll on Stars was around $500 in January and at one stage reached the heady heights of $4500 but my approach to poker always has been any winnings will be used for life purchases which are outside the normal household income.

I have twice built rolls on a couple of sites were I could move up stakes and play a bit higher but being fairly conservative regarding gambling and money in General, I just don"t have that attitude towards cash, ie it"s more important in real life than online poker.

Since October my volume has drastically reduced from playing 100+ games a month to playing on average between 20 and 30. I was finding I was logging on clicking on 3 or 4 mtts and within 5 minutes I wished I hadn"t bothered so now I just pick and choose a game or 2 when I really want to play.

I managed a 2cd in a 6 max last week for $850 took half out and paid for a new bed and a couple of small cashes means a profit of about $ 500 this month.

I am only playing playing live once a week now the 15/15 at the G on a Sunday which starts early enough not to be sat at 3 am with people folding 3 bigs in the hope of a chop.

Good luck to all playing in the Home internationals at the weekend and the main event in Stoke.

The blog may have run it"s course as volume is reducing and interest at the moment in poker is negligible, and my outside life is quite dull, no tales of degen and debauchery, so if you don"t see any more posts it"s more a lack of interest from me but I will still be playing a bit here and there especially the Apat games, just checked the online player rankings and I am 5th i think, don"t know how that has happened so will be playing the rest of those games hoping to climb up the ladder.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #172 on: November 30, 2012, 23:20:21 PM »
Emptied all accounts tonight, having December away from online poker, unless there is a one off game i fancy. I will make a decision in January whether to redeposit or not, depends if i miss it or not.

It has been a decent year, i have made a bit of cash, plus extras have been bought for the house which would not of been bought if it wasnt for the odd bink here and there, unfortunately these odd binks wouldnt sustain a pro career, (not that this was ever a thought).

I hope i havent bored you too much during my year in Poker, and if you have read it thanks for reading and replying.
As was said in my original post, join me on my journey to mediocrity, i have arrived at that place for now, the journey may resume in January, watch this space.

Run good, be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #173 on: December 09, 2012, 16:01:54 PM »
As stated above resting from online poker in December, except for tonights Apat game were I should be making an appearance, however live poker still on the go and this week has been ok.

The G has a 15/15 game on a Sunday night and this is usually my one definite game of the week, it starts at 6 gets between 20/30 runners and since it started has been fairly profitable for me, made the final table last week and when 4 handed we all had about 10 bigs so we chopped it for 220 each first prize was 350 and it was basically all in or fold for everyone so happy with that.

The home game was played on Thusday at the G, Riley"s now shut down so I would imagine this will be our home ground from now on, first buy in went when I raised utg 89, i get 3 callers ( no respect from anyone theses days)get 2 pair on the river, but the 9 gave Pokerpops a straight, chips required, eventually raise all in with KQ stu calls with AQ but Phil finds AA and it holds, small sweat for Phil on the river but no J for my straight.

I was umming and Arring about playing the £100 game at the G yesterday but decided to go for it when my son decided to pop home from Leeds so he could keep an eye on Susan, it generated a pot of 6k with re entries and as usual it"s a really good game with a good structure, this game will get better,there was a league free roll on at Gala plus a few Newcastle players who usually journey down had a game up there, I can see this game getting 70 plus soon.

The first few levels were fairly standard fold fold and more folds, then get a table move, not a good one really, one player won a Anzpt tour event, one a second place in a world series event and a regular player in the Gukpts he had just had a decent cash in the £2k Gukpt.

I had been pretty card dead and decided to raise utg 9 10hh, the big blind calls but a c bet on a ace high flop gets through, then next hand get KK, again 1 caller, dangerous player, Ace high flop, I lead he calls, turn brings a third spade, I look and I have the K spades, if I bet out here and get reraised all in, I wouldn"t be too happy so I check hoping for a free card which I do get.
Bink a non pairing the board spade, I check and he bets out, after a small dwell I reraise just over min, and he calls with what I assume is a smaller spade, I am now up to 30k.

The very next hand AA raise again win blinds and antes, and the next hand I reraise again, this is the fourth on the trot, did I say I had AA again, I get called by the one person I wanted to call me, was pretty certain I was going to get a full double if he didn"t suck out on me, flop 2,4,5 2 clubs, I check he bets out, i go all in, he could have a set, feasible, he could have a flush draw, I can"t fold against this player any one else yes but not him, 62 off no club, I managed to avoid his outs and am up to 50k.

I get a table move a really good one at least 4 players from the Sunday 15/15 all pleasant people but pretty easy to play against, I get my stack up to 90k, despite folding 99 incorrectly against AQ v AJ to a reraise and a re re raise.

Down to 3 tables I look down at JJ in big blind, utg has min raised it, it"s got one caller and I decide to just call, the original raiser who got a second in a world series event never folds so I decided to be a bit cautious, flop all hearts inc one jack, it gets back to original raiser who bets out, gets one fold, I just decide to flat hoping for a non heart turn, but the heart hit, we both check, river is a 5 which pairs the board, he leads out for 20k, I  put the rest of my chips over the line and he calls for the rest, bink 130k it"s only  30 bigs but a nice boost.

There are 14 left 7 paid, I raise with A10 lose the minimum to 9 10 when he rivers 2 pair, I then lose to AJ when I have AQ, we get to the ft I have 22 bigs  and am drawn in the big blind, I try to make a move from cut off twice only to be reraised, then some one shoves, I can"t call with K10, 2 people were really short stacked and were going to be committed in the next hand or two, the table decided 7th and 8th should be paid 100 as we had been playing for 12hours, I eventually shove with AK for 8 bigs the big stack thinks for ages, he tells me after he had A9, pretty sure he should try and isolate my shove here but hey ho, I get called by 44, QJx flop gives me hope but a 4 and a j gives villain a full house, pretty sure the villain with 44 would fold if big stack isolates but we will never know.

Overall happy with my play , the chips I lost with A10, and AQ were pivotal in me having a chance of winning the whole thing, easier going to a ft with 50 bigs than with 22, but it is what it is, played 3 of these now final tabled 2 so not too shabby.

I got £270 for 7th place.

Off to buy a fish, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #174 on: December 09, 2012, 17:18:48 PM »
Nice result, keep the blog going

Off to buy a fish, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

You can get decent fish here

(Stolen from a thread on Blonde)

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #175 on: December 09, 2012, 18:13:12 PM »
lol, prefer mine a bit fresher ie breathing.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #176 on: December 16, 2012, 01:07:36 AM »
As regular readers are aware I was supposed to be taking a break from online poker but as I have no will power I decided to put a bit on Stars as I was getting bored  and the I pad app makes it too tempting to play, having won about £400 live last week I put £200 on Stars and started with an initial bankroll of $350

I don"t follow any strict bankroll rules, if I fancy a game I will play it and I actually like the cubed or quad games, plenty of chips and decent amount of play.

I logged on for the 555 at 7:30 onFriday night and was chip leader half way through thanks to a scoop KK v JJ v JJ an early treble up and was sitting pretty but couldn"t get any momentum going, and I just tended to double up the shortstacks either losing flips or getting outdrawn, all fairly standard stuff, no complaints it"s all part of the game, I finished 23rd for about $55 any profit is good.

I should of went to bed as all the profit went in 2 subsequent games so bankroll back to $350.

I was going to go to the G for the £500 free roll  tonight but Susan wasn"t feeling too good so decided against it, I decided to register for the $22 6 max at 7:30 which I got a 2cd in last month.

I ran like god in the first few levels stacking 3 people when hitting sets against AA twice and KK this gave me a good start and never looked back, chipping up nicely, not taking too many risks, I get to the last 2 tables and have about 50 bigs and was quite confident of getting to the final table, this soon changed losing two flips on the trot.

I finally get to the ft with 20 bigs, it was an odd dynamic 3 people have 20ish bigs the other 3 have 50/60 big blind stacks unfortunately I was stuck in between two big stacks.

I know people say you should always go for the win the big money at the top but my first target was to beat the 2 other shorties, the diff between 6th and 4th being $200, so I decided to only play against the short stacks which provided to be fruitful, the big stacks were very passive and we soon become 4 handed, I only have 10 bigs so have only one move, 4th place was $400, 3rd was $655, the 3 big stacks shouldn"t really clash with me being so short but 2 of them decided to get it all in 88 v 10 10, can"t remember who won 8s might of hit a set and one of the big stack only has 3 bigs left, he loses the next hand so his misfortune has made me an extra $255,  I get my 5 bigs in with 77, of course I lose the flip, that"s standard, but I would of had to get really lucky to have any chance of winning the whole thing, asked for a cheeky deal before shoving my 5 bigs lol, of course they didn"t accept, got to be happy with laddering to 3rd place, as 6th was $190 so it was a job well done.

Bankroll now $1k, onwards and upwards or shall I take it out and spend it on stuff?, I like buying stuff and poker this year has given me the opportunity to buy a lot of treats.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #177 on: December 16, 2012, 08:12:31 AM »
The boy is back!

Just an old bloke living the dream

Proud to be an APAT Forum Team member 2013
Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #178 on: December 16, 2012, 12:27:17 PM »
Nice one, take the profit, treat yourself  ;D ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #179 on: December 17, 2012, 01:40:50 AM »
Another bit of success at the G tonight, got a 3 way chop £300 each which was a nice bonus after last nights little binkage, highlights include getting quad queens and being told by a really obnoxious man how badly I played them and if I min raised he would of paid me off, couldn"t be bothered to explain my reasonings and thoughts behind the play with him.

First hand after the break get KK in small blind with Pokerpops dealing in the big blind, I limp he always raises my limps, ahah  got him, min re raise him, he min re raise me, can you see we"re this is going, all in sigh I ask I assume you have AA good read by me there.The flop was no help, Kingball on the turn, oops I did it again faded the river, I sheepishly said ul, but he had loads of chips left so it was only a minor hit for him. I said if I win the tourney I will give him his buy in back.

We both reached the final table made an open with K 10 sooted from cut off, get reraised and a call before its back to me , I fold, 99 holds v 2 undercards, I wouldn"t of binked good fold then, this left me with a shoving stack but with no spots arriving got it in with   AQ v K7 which held so got a double up, Dave eventually gets knocked out in 5th I think, get a few shoves through, then call an all in with AK v JJ pretty standard spot, I hit so 3rd place guaranteed which is £180, one of the other guys proposed £300 each, which was a bit more than 2cd place so we decide to split it, the extra tenner going to the winner of the last hand.

I went and cashed out and had a look on the cash table for Dave but he wasn"t there,found him on the blackjack table, as promised I gave him his buy in back, he didn"t want to accept it but I did say it and It"s good karma for future games.

It"s nice to win a few flips for a change, variance catching up I suppose.Run good, be lucky stay healthy.