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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #180 on: December 17, 2012, 08:23:39 AM »
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #181 on: December 17, 2012, 11:03:23 AM »


If there is supposed to be a question mark after the above remark, yes I might go and buy a fish or a piece of Coral, if there is no question mark I totally agree  ;)


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #182 on: December 17, 2012, 12:13:48 PM »


If there is supposed to be a question mark after the above remark, yes I might go and buy a fish or a piece of Coral, if there is no question mark I totally agree  ;)


Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #183 on: December 19, 2012, 19:59:18 PM »

License issued to Brian Harland.

Drums fingers..... x
Winner of 1 gold, 2 silver & 1 bronze medals.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #184 on: December 19, 2012, 21:32:33 PM »

License issued to Brian Harland.

Drums fingers..... x

constantly - fastest finger first  ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #185 on: December 19, 2012, 22:33:18 PM »
Unless you have been sensible and reserved....
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #186 on: December 27, 2012, 00:02:25 AM »
Part 1

Ok end of year review coming up ie a quick resume of the previous 12 pages
any new readers can either read this or if you are a glutton for punishment start at Page 1.

I think it was around May/June 2011 that a few people from Chezger were planning a trip to Vegas, and as I had never been before I put my name down as a potential visitor, this then spawned into an epic trip which will probably never be bettered, Apat organised the first American tournament in November plus a wedding was also on the cards.

All Vegas reports can be read in detail in the blog but I ran really well and came back home in profit, (would of been more if trips to certain establishments were not taken, but hey it was Vegas).

November 2011 also seen the opening of a G casino in competition to the local Gala, this was to provide a happy hunting ground throughout the year.

I used to flit between sites but decided this year I would play mainly on Stars with the odd game thrown in elsewhere, my end of the year stats according to opr were as follows

Games Played  612
In The Money     106 (17%)
Cash won           $14803
ROI                        27%
Net Profit.          $3184

I also got a 2cd place in one of the Apat online games when it was on W Hill and had a couple of other bits and pieces on 888 and sky, it"s not all good news online though my cash play has been pretty poor when I have played.

I am not a cash player but having looked at some stats on Hem, I tend to get coolered in standard spots but I am not too keen on cash poker so I try to avoid it.

The new G has been really good to me this year and I think I am approximately up minimum 2k5, including a 3rd place in a 6 max Gukpt event admittedly only 26 runners, but a flag is a flag to go with my first flag ,Apat Vegas.

I really enjoy the G and have to laugh when the so called better players moan about playing the serial limpers and people who cant fold,and play their hands virtually face up, i want these players to turn up every week , I know they will suck out on me or beat me with better cards or better play but give me a table full of weak players every single game and I would be quite happy.

This year also saw me play in my first ever £500 event, (got in via satellite) at dtd,  I made day 2 and finished out of the cash losing a standard flip, I was ahead pre with 10 10 v AQ, gotta win those flips (sorry Phil, had to get it in).

December came and I decided take rest from online poker and I emptied all accounts, Live at the G continued to be successful 3 final tables in succession and a £650 profit, I succumbed to online poker and redeposited on Stars and managed a 3rd place in 6 max for $660, took half out for Christmas and will start playing again in the new year, I have a staking deal going on for the New Year which will be on Full Tilt which will give me a bit more focus and hopefully i can turn a profit for all investors.

I also found out I had been selected to represent Team Apat in Luton in the team championships in January, this has put the cherry on my Poker year and am really chuffed to have been chosen and am looking forward to it immensely, if you are still here I would like to wish everyone a happy, prosperous and healthy new year and whatever you wish for you achieve.

I will put Part 2 up tomorrow sometime.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #187 on: December 29, 2012, 12:19:32 PM »
Part 2

I would just like to share with you a few highlights 2012 poker has brought

Vegas, although technically 2011, it was what inspired this blog, Epic trip got to be a target for next year, WSOP 2013?, may set aside a few quid to try and qualify, if not November 2013 a possibility.

Final Tabled a Big $33 on Stars.
The elusive big bink still eludes me but getting closer.

My favourite hand, still makes me smile, this was on the final table of a $8 cubed.

First prize was $3650, should I have folded?, lol.

G casino, player who is in cut off receives cards from dealer, asks person who is sat next to him to fold his cards for him as he doesn"t want to fold out of turn as he needs to go to the toilet.

Betty a local legend, calling my bets all the way down when she has flopped the full house and just calling my last bet on the river with the nuts, possible collusion going on there, I had trips she had the fh, the thing is with Betty you cannot put her on any sort of hand, it could be the nuts or it could be 23 off, chasing and hitting and missing any flush, straight or 2 pair draw. Long live Betty, Dr Donk and the rest of the regs at G.

Knowing you opponent, jamming 10 10 on the cash bubble of a £100 game, knowing he is the only person who is capable of folding the hand he did fold, sorry Dave for bringing that back up.

If I had a heart rate monitor on in this hand it would of went of the scale, and under the table was like a dress rehearsal for Riverdance.

Following Daves adventures at Dtd and subsequently in St Kitts, hope next year matches or betters this one well done Dave.

Apat message saying I had been selected for team game in January.

A few indulgences from Poker this year, after all there is nothing better than stuff bought with money won.

Kitchen Upgrade, we had a few ridiculous quotes £10k plus, this was never going to happen, had a decent month in July paid for most of it, sourced all goods ourselves then got a couple of quotes for labour, done it at quarter of the price.

Always fancied setting up a marine aquarium, this was finally set up in October, the tank itself was paid for out of savings, all the inhabitants bought from G winnings.

There is nothing better than after sitting on my backside all day playing poker than relaxing in bed watching Tv, a remote control Tv bed was ordered after a small bink in November.

First world problem on Christmas night though, battery failed on remote control, tv stuck in down position, battery was an odd sized type, this was resolved the next day, order restored.

I apologise for this post being slightly self indulgent, but I suppose this is what I play poker for, getting stuff which the normal household income wouldn't stretch to.

2013 will be different as playing in a staking agreement so no withdrawals for at least a year; let's see where we are next December.

Run Good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #188 on: January 07, 2013, 01:50:22 AM »
First post of the year, writing this before heading to G,s 15/15 tonight, will post later on with anything of interest in that one.

I haven"t played much over the holiday period, the bits I have done have been pretty meh, getting deep losing flips, nothing changes there then, will be starting on Full tilt tomorrow hoping to get a good start in January.

I have been doing a bit a financial jiggery pokery and looks like Vegas later in the year is virtually nailed on, promised Susan a few long weekends away, these will be in this country as getting any sort of insurance and ongoing health conditions rules out trips abroad, plus the heat is no good for MS so any place with a bit of heat and sunshine is a no go.

Really looking forward to the team event in Luton, then the following weekend I have a stag weekend in Scarborough so a busy end to the month.

Depending upon results at the G this month, may have to invest a little in the Vegas qualifiers on Apat, it"s worth a couple of shots, I need to win a little bit though as I don"t want to just keep reloading from normal household income.

Late edit:

Finished 5th tonight for £100, got to the final table with 15 bigs, other than winning a pot with JJ, I had no other spots to open as the blinds are that big that any bet you are committed, finally pushed 84 clubs into A7 who proceeded to hit quad aces, 2cd week running I have lost to quads last week was kkkk, still managed to ladder a few places, G have their monthly 100 on Saturday, so if I can get Susan looked after may give that a go, its effectively a free roll with tonight"s winnings.

Another 40 plus field tonight looks like this place is starting to attract a few more people with  more and more of the Gala regs coming over.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #189 on: January 08, 2013, 02:01:56 AM »
Just a quickie, apologies its a bit of a whinge but here goes.

I have 2 stakes going at the moment one with a few guys from Apat and one with some non poker player mates who after hearing what i was doing on here wanted a little bit of a sweat throughout the year.

The stake on Apat is with Full Tilt, and the other is on Stars, both will get the same amount of attention, will be playing a similar amount of games on both sites.

You may of already read elsewhere but finished 12th of an $8k gtee on tilt losing with KQ V KJ for a plus 60k stack
and have now just final table bubbled a $2k gtee on Stars, knockout hand below

so a possible $3k day turns ino a $150 day, still better to cash than not too, always another game, apolgies again as they are both fairly standard spots, both stakes are now just in profit long way to go though.

The above is totally insignificant in the real world though, I know Stuart reads this and just want to add my support to his Dad and his family at this time, keep strong mate.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 02:29:56 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #190 on: January 13, 2013, 01:18:29 AM »
Just got in from the £100 game at the G , unfortunately bubbled the final table lost to a shorties push Q4 v my K 10, then lost the rest QQ v A 10, I had the queens.

I suppose the villain got some sort of revenge as I had cracked his aces with a 10 high flush AA v 10 10 a few hands earlier, standard spot he min raises I shove 15 bigs with 10 10, I hit straight and flush draws on the turn and get there for once, but the poker gods decided that was enough run good,  had to fold sets of 7 "s and 10 " s earlier on the game as straights and flushes get there despite me betting flop and turn,  massive bets on the river by villains turn their hands face up, neither person was capable of bluffing in them spots and they both turned over the nuts, if they bet smaller I probably pay them off but they were too greedy.

It was effectively a free roll as had won £130 during the week including a 3rd at the home game, seems a long time since I cashed in that game.

Online continues to frustrate, nothing to report after the 2 final table bubbles earlier in the week, down on both Stars and Tilt.

I am not turning this into a whinge fest, although it does sound like it at times, just reporting what has happened, apologies if it comes across as that.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #191 on: January 15, 2013, 00:29:30 AM »

The above is totally insignificant in the real world though, I know Stuart reads this and just want to add my support to his Dad and his family at this time, keep strong mate.

Thanks Bri, you all dont have a clue how much you all mean to us :) xx
England C Captain 2012
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #192 on: January 21, 2013, 01:39:22 AM »
sing when I am winning ?, well not in this post, having a yuk January so far, after the two ft bubbles a few weeks ago I haven"t had a sniff of anything, not playing badly but just losing in standard spots, running into big hands, getting outdrawn etc but it"s all part of the fun.

Played at Gala on Tuesday made the ft, but was cash bubble KQ< A9, could of gone first hand so not a bad effort, managed to lose min with JJ, on a 10 high flop, villain had flopped quads, just grindedit back.

tonight"s 15/15 at the G got to the last 15, repopped A10 from small blind, serial limpers called and the big blind joined in the fun, flop A10 Q, lead out, bb just min raises, she obviously has flopped it, but folding was to tight, she may as well of played with her cards face up, failed to house up and I was a goner.

The last 3 raises by myself led to 2 villains getting full houses, and the last one flopped the straight, must have upset someone somewhere this month, as I type this villain has flopped a straight against my AK , sigh on Full tilt.

Bankroll on tilt now at $900, so got some work to do to get it going in a positive direction, as said above just running badly, gotta play through it.

Can"t wait for Saturday, got Susan sorted, she will be in a local care home so I don"t have to worry about any phone calls from home, it"s not ideal but is less of a worry for me as she will get looked after ok in there.

Hopefully the snow will have cleared by next week for a safe journey down, currently looking for my bookends for use in the Table Tennis comp on the Sunday.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #193 on: January 23, 2013, 12:40:54 PM »
Mini rant alert, had the following 2 hands today, all fairly standard stuff in my world of poker this month, this was on Stars for 180k and chip lead

I think i am deep enough and have enough implied odds to set mine, if i 3 bet original raiser and he re raises dont know whether i want to get it all in with 66, perhaps jamming after the squeeze may have been profitable, neither should call but people dont seem to want to fold once they have 3 bet, no one believes any more.

Obviously happy with the flop, after that not in my hands anymore.

This was on Tilt again for a top 10 stack again sigh balls, I really am trying to get something going on both stakes but it just ain"t happening at the minute,

Cards not showing on replayer, flop was 7 x A, villain had A7 perhaps my reraise was too small but to be honest i want the call every time, just got to get on with it.

At least i am getting to the stage were i have a chance of getting a bink.

After the Stars hand decided to head to Gala for a bit of live stuff, got the most tiltiest table ever, I volunteered to deal and get berated for not getting enough hands in, this guy then takes over and proceeds to misdeal first two hands lol. incidentally the slow play was mainly due to people who had earphones on asking what"s happened in the betting, concentrate on the game please.

Same guy every round, "is it on me ?", "how much ?", "what are the blinds ?"

I raise with AA to 350, guy with headphones says call and throws in 100, realises I have raised attempts to take the 100 back, verbal declaration, he has to call the 350, nothing much happens after that  i win a small pot.

New player never seen before makes his standard raise to 1k2 at 50/100 shows 1010 saying when I have tens people always have KK or AA that"s why he makes it so big, flawed logic there then as surely KK or AA will reraise, he couldn"t see my point of view, any way he won the 150 chips uncontested.

New dealer gets knocked out ,limps with k3 loses the lot lot on a k high board, well played sir please come again.I get to deal again,as per usual the other 8 are incapable of passing 2 cards in a pre determined order due to all sorts of problems they might have, one player who has just finished eating decides to let rip every round with an enormous belch just to let us know he is still here. I may just sound like a grumpy old sod here but manners cost nothing.

Card dead min raise 10 9 off on the button, have to fold to  a re raise and an all in 88 v AK, flop 10 10 9, fml, a few hands later lose a flip v the obnoxious belcher AK v my 10 10.
I hope the G start a tourney again on a Tuesday, I would rather play a friendly sng than endure tonight"s episode again.

Live poker for the win then, not at Gala for the foreseeable future.

           Yours faithfully

                    Mr Angry.

I don"t go on tilt vey often especially in live games,(online, different kettle of fish, just ask the wife), I think I went off it once in one of our home games at Riley"s ,and since then the other players have been waiting for another rant, this is the closest you will get guys I am in a happy place, peace to all


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #194 on: January 23, 2013, 16:42:52 PM »
Been to the cinema this afternoon, the choices were,les mis or the impossible, chose the latter but I should of read the synopsis with a bit more care.

I thought it was about the toon army and Newcastle Uniteds inability to win a major trophy in the last 50 years, apparently it wasn"t.

Joking aside pretty powerful film, amazing things humans in times of adversity.