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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #195 on: January 29, 2013, 09:50:49 AM »
Its almost the end of the month then and in Poker terms can pretty much right it off, down on both Stars and tilt haven"t got the exact figures to hand but on both  sites I am down about $150, plenty of time to redeem this situation.

I had a quick scan through my hand histories and apart from a few spewey moments I am quite happy with most of my play, no final tables made but was close on a few occasions, including a couple of bubbles and losing big flips for a chance to get a decent score, these have been documented earlier so won"t bother going through them again

Live poker again has run pretty much the same as online, not getting the rub of the green at the business end of games and I have made a slight loss, again the stakes I am playing it"s not a worry, I play what I can afford if I can"t afford it I won"t play.

The team event weekend started with the local G game on the Friday night bubbled the final table on that one, again going for the win when I could of played a bit tighter to make ft, 6 places were paid but I want to win these things not sit for 6 hours for a min cash, lost a flip AQ v 55, then my A 10 couldn"t hold against J 10 to get me back in the game.

On leaving the casino the snow had been falling quite heavy and I was hoping it wouldn"t cause to many problems for the following days activities.

The next morning got a text from Dave saying he would pick me up around 8 at my my home but to save him driving onto the estate I made my way to the end of the estate, then a mile or so extra and then to the slip road of the A19, felt like Scott of the Antarctic, too much exercise that early.

The tournament started off well, 3 bet some one with AQ, he flats flop QQK, this could be a short game if he has KQ,  the board eventually ran out QQKAQ,
Praying for him to have AA KK or AK, but my bet on the river got nothing, he had pocket 10 s and as he said he couldn"t see a hand he was beating so folded, sigh.

I got up to 30 k after I got some chips of rodders who had been really unlucky in 3 or 4 hands with KK, QQ when despite his betting the final boards were so ugly, flushes, straight draws he could only call or fold and I think this led to a bit of frustration in his last hand against me, he is a good player and understands this stupid game we play.

At 30 k raised utg with AK off to 525 got shoved on for 11 bigs from utg2 gets to me assuming we are flipping call and it"s 8c9c, he flops massive including top pair I hit the K on the river but it gives him a flush, pretty standard had 60% equity pre instead of the assumed 50 ish so can"t complain.

I exited in about 122cd I think , I raise JJ utg from a 22 big blind stack and utg  plus 2 min reraises me, this stinks of AA KK, but I had decided if I was 3 bet I was shoving, should of went with my gut instinct as I was right AA v JJ,  I didn"t bink.

I would like to thank Carl for the opportunity to play and hope you are feeling better as I know you weren"t feeling too good and no doubt we will meet again.

The table tennis the following day went as expected, badly,played 3 games lost the first 2, 2-0, but got a little pride back with a 1 - 1 draw in the last game.

Finally a big thanks to Dave and Lucy who were my travelling companions for the weekend and as always was a pleasure.

Off to Scarborough at the weekend for a stag do, not sure what to expect in Scarbororugh on a cold weekend in January but we shall see.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #196 on: January 29, 2013, 10:40:47 AM »
That was me with the 8 9C, was getting frustrated with the hands I was getting and since I hardly played a hand since sitting down I thought I would get some respect. With AKs it was a no brainer for you, I got lucky, the last time I got lucky was in 2009  :D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #197 on: February 07, 2013, 01:43:11 AM »
One week into February and began the month with positive thoughts and dreams of winning big, still waiting,3 weeks to go so plenty of time.

On to the action, online first,Stars decided to give me some run good in two mtts earlier in the week flopping sets, straights etc, AK holding in a few spots v smaller aces and was in a good position in 2 mtts but both failing in the last furlong for cashes totalling around $120 enough to splash around in a few more games, but as is the case a few hours of run good turns back to a few days of run bad so breaking even on Stars.

Onto Full tilt, we have a little bit of good news, not in the money department but in the self belief department, actually made a Final table tonight,losing the Inevitable shove with AQ where villain has the obligatory AK,apparently it"s law if I have AQ, AK is always out,  flop gave me hope in that a king would give me a straight but it didn"t arrive so busted in 8th for $58 I think, so clawing back a bit, been getting deep in a few just need that bit of luck at the end.

Onto live stuff, joined Dave at the G on Sunday you may of read his report, the self deal aspect of the game is so frustrating in the fact that it"s the same people who deal all the time, when we returned from the break the person who offered to deal didn"t bother turning back up and when Dave returned to his own seat the other players cowered away from the cards in case they had to deal. I took on the mantle, don"t mind dealing,actually saves me looking at my cards, keeps me more interested.

The game itself was nothing special,didn"t trouble the cashiers when I shoved KQ into KK gg me, earlier in the game when my AA lost to 53 off got ribbed by a reg indicating I should of raised more with my Aces pre and I might not of lost the hand, I was quite happy being called by 53 off and will take it every day of the week thanks, didn"t lose the lot as the board had 4 to a straight and flush possibilities so lost the minimum.

Tuesday saw me return to Gala, I know I shouldn"t but I did, Susan had friends round so it was the only game on.

Got registered 1 min after closing so didn"t get the extra 1k sat down first hand KK, raise by me, re raise by villain, re re raise by me, insta shove by villain, I have never seen him before and went with my read and folded , good read then, not, he showed QQ, first time I have folded  KK pre live.

I think I have ran into AA so often lately that it was in the back of my head I was behind so i just re enforced my position down there as being a nit, not a bad thing to be honest.

I eventually make the final table, see sometimes bad folds work out,i was the shortstack and eventually pushed 66 into 77 to finish 6th for £120.

Home game tonight and the G have their monthly £100 game on Saturday which I hope to play, sorry for going on a bit, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #198 on: February 07, 2013, 09:45:55 AM »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #199 on: February 07, 2013, 10:50:57 AM »
Hah - so you fold to some unknown when he 5bet jams vs your Kings but you wouldn"t fold to me!

First hand or not, unless someone turns over his cards and shows me AA I"m not folding Kings preflop. As you well know, even if your opponent has Aces you can always hit a King...

Home game tonight - and are you playing Saturday?

Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #200 on: February 07, 2013, 12:52:23 PM »
That is the first time I have folded KK pre, it is awful I know but it was just a reaction to constantly running into peoples slightly bigger hands both online and live, Apat team JJ v AA, Sunday KQv KK, AA into 53 off  ::),It was a mental thing although the previous games should have no bearing on my decision and I deserve a bit of a slap, it worked out in the end though.

Home game tonight,yes providing nothing unexpected happens at home, and Saturday 90% certain to play, again circumstances allowing.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #201 on: February 11, 2013, 01:26:26 AM »
Well that was one weird poker weekend, starting on Thursday with the home game which was fun, raucous, noisey, I volunteered to deal and I dont think I played a hand till I got knocked out in the 4th level, the card room manager threatened to eject two players and he was getting a bit irate with us I think, but it was fun although my head has been buzzing for 2 days since.

Friday played a fruitless session on Stars were every draw hit every bluff was called, always having the second best hand and it was just a horrible session, I am usually fairly calm but I could feel tilt raging inside and to be honest was getting really angry and snarly which should not really happen, dented the roll on Stars a bit but no big deal, have to get over it.

Saturday played the £100 game at the G, and when the draw was made the table was full of solid players including Pokerpops, I would rather meet him on a final table than tangle early but needs must.

The game played out as expected, it was very difficult to accumulate chips as every body was solid, raised 44 utg early flop 488 2 clubs got a little bit but not a lot and the rest were standard raises and c bets some got through some didn"t.

I eventually went out when losing a flip KJ v 99 I hit my K but the turn was a 9 and that was me done.

I got home about 9 and regged  for a $24 super stack which I took down for $1300 on Full tilt, this was extra pleasing in the fact it is part of a stake which a few people are involved with on here, we have now doubled our starting roll, had Stuart on the rail via face book after he had seen my post,and he railed me to victory, finding Full Tilt not as aggro as Stars in the games and I was quite comfortable throughout.

Sunday morning regged for a 6 max $50 game and bubbled the final table for £113, made a weak play with KK on the bubble when I just flatted some ones 4 bet, was shoving any non ace flop but the ace hit and villain was betting out, I folded on the river,due to someone with 6 bigs at other table, prob a bit weak but hey ho it was what it was.

Eventually got it in good as a 70/30 fav but lost the semi flip.

Played the G 15/15 tonight, got paid off when I hit a straight flush after my raise with 77 was called in 4 spots turned the straight flush and was paid off by the K flush, my last hand I raise KK get flatted by 57, flop 777, the rest is history.

The difference between yesterday"s game and today"s was shown in the first hand, Levels 25/50 raise to 400, called in 4 spots, apparently he doesn"t like JJ, he won the pot and gained the 2k plus pot, next Hand I get JJ make my standard raise to 150 and win the blinds, then again I am a nit who only plays aces.

Played a couple on Tilt when I got home, min cashed in a $10 3k gteeed, and flopped a straight flush in a sng which I finished 3rd in so an extra $30 added to the roll, didn"t get paid with the straight flush though.

Promised to stay in the rest of the week so no more live games until next Sunday, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #202 on: February 19, 2013, 19:51:58 PM »
Just a few words about this weeks poker efforts, not running well. Those few words sums it up really but I will give you a few more details if you are interested.

Friday played the G £20 double chance, it got over 70 runners which meant a late finish if you managed to reach the final table, I decided to play a lot looser than normal mainly because with the amount of runners wanted to get a big stack or get home as Susan was still up and didn"t want to leave her sat up till 4 am, nothing major happened mainly due to the fact we were seeing about 4 hands per level due to serial tankers, new dealer dealing ultra slowly for some reason and the usual slow play, eventually 4 bet with KQ off in the small blind after 2 limpers and a small reraise from the button, I only had 6k left so was committed to the pot, got flatted by button flop was KQ9, chips go in he has 99 and that was that, apparently it was chopped at 4ish, glad I got knocked out.

Sunday brings the  15/15, 35 runners, kept running into top of people"s ranges when I decided to open or 3 bet, shown, AA, KK and KK after my raise folds or raise flats, get a few chips when I raise AK utg,  get 3 bet again but this time it all goes in he has KK, binked 2 aces, again I wasn"t bothered whether I had won that pot, we get to the final 2 tables limp utg with KK 12 bigs get min reraised by some one who has had AA 3 x in the last hour, cards turned over, he has AA, I bink the K on the flop but he rebinks the A on the river, the table is full of ohhs and ahhs, standard stuff this week, nh move on, I got lucky then unlucky see plenty of it online, perhaps poker is rigged full stop.

They put on a £10 sat for the £100 game, get QQ early flatted in one spot flop 10,8,8, of course villain has 10 10, still got chips left, ty to villain who although got a few chips didn"t stack me, obv now waiting for a shove spot, Pokerpops opens utg 500 gets 1 flat I shove 1500 with 1010 Dave calls other limper folds 10 10 v K 10, Dave binks the K nh again standard stuff, Dave won the sat so that was good, if I don"t win I want it to go to him.

Online not a lot happening managed to bubble a final table on Stars in a 2k guaranteed last night for not a lot, going for all the chips but again people kept waking up with slightly bigger hands, timing is everything and mine is slightly off at the minute.

Most annoying flip lost was in the big $55 for a 50bb pot and a poss run at some big money, alas wasn"t to be AK < JJ, best hand won, so be it.

Apologies if this comes across as a series of bad beat moans, I don"t moan about bad beats as read in V Blues blog if I am getting it in good after that it is out of my control.

if you are still here thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #203 on: February 19, 2013, 23:52:20 PM »
Will you be in Notts Bri?

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #204 on: February 28, 2013, 01:25:07 AM »
End of month ramblings for any one still interested, won"t be a long one,

Pokerstars can"t hit a thing another losing month apologies to my non poker playing mates who have a little bit of me on there, was due a bad run and it has occurred just got to keep going, I think a lot of my problems is due to a little known software glitch on the Russian download version, apparently no fold button is available and every Russian I enter a pot with is unable to and unwilling to fold, and they always get there, will keep plodding on there.

Full tilt been a good month, results can be seen elsewhere but up about $1k2 so good news on that front, will be adding a bit of cash play from March just as fillers when sngs are not filling up, this may or may not be a good move we shall wait and see, have contacted all stakees who are ok with it, haven"t heard back from Rodders but don"t see a problem.

Live play has been a slog and again a slight loss for the month but only 1 or 2 buy ins so not going to send me to the poorhouse.

I managed to bink a seat to the £300 deepstack last night so I will be getting the back room sorted with music, food, drinks etc ready for that particular slog 30k chips 15 min blinds I think, just railed Pokerpops tonight who also managed to bink a seat, so hopefully we will be travelling down on Sunday for Day 2 together, we have 10% of each other so Gl to us in that one.

I would prefer to play live to be honest but petrol, hotel and costs for getting Susan looked after makes it a no brainer to play the online Day 1a.

I had a spare couple of pound on Dtd so played one of there golden chip games, I didn"t have enough left for an add on ( my bad planning) and went into the latter stages with 5 bigs, got very lucky v Curlarge twice and managed to get a decent stack but alas no shiny golden chip, a handful of bubble instead, still got time to get one of those chip things.

Apart from the £300 game tonight taking a few days off Poker, off to buy some new glasses, sat on my old ones and no matter how much twisting and reshaping i try I have to sit with with my head tilting slightly to the right to see through them, also having a day trip to York on Friday, to get a bit of fresh air into the system, although the bloody romans didn"t think about wheelchair access when designing this city, bloody Romans what did they do for us?.

Whoops gone off on one, run good, be lucky and stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #205 on: March 01, 2013, 01:55:06 AM »
Managed to bag a Day 2 place in Nottingham at the weekend, I have 180k which will be 30 bigs but with antes it"s the M which is a bit low, the last time I made a day 2 had a similar stack and lost a flip hopefully variance will be on my side this time.

The tournament itself was odd, lost a flip AK v 88 early on flop a 8 x, turned a flush draw so was down to 30 bigs and pretty hamstrung I couldn"t raise fold so was waiting for a spot.

Pushed AQ from utg big blind wakes up with AK which is standard, but I 4 flush it, this gets me to 20 bigs, go card dead for another 2 levels, again all spots when I have hands are raised and reraised so no joy, I have 12 bigs in the big blind when the button min raises, hoping for a flip I shove all in 22,he turns over KK, as I was typing in nh gg wp, the miracle 2 hit the river, not quite a miracle but you know what I mean.

I am now above starting stack and get moved were i get AA into QQ , JJ into 99 and called various short stack shoves with decent hands, always ahead and the hands hold, I peaked at 250k, then lost 3 way flip 77 v a10 v k10, if this hand holds I am up to 350k plus but alas the a k 10 flop didn"t improve, can"t complain about that one, yes I can, sigh balls.

Play slowed down in the last level as we were all in similar positions, I didn"t get any hands in the last level to test any one plus all to my left had me covered so decided to be happy with what I had gained.

Although not a massive stack it"s obviously worth the trip down and get a double early and we are away.

off to learn my 6000 times table now.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #206 on: March 01, 2013, 13:05:23 PM »
Wiiiiiiii nice one Brian.. GL sunday mate x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #207 on: March 01, 2013, 15:50:10 PM »

Wiiiiiiii nice one Brian.. GL sunday mate x

Obviously this, despite your shove on my BB shortly before my exit.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #208 on: March 01, 2013, 17:43:24 PM »
Sorry about that one Dave, only had one eye open seen the ace assumed the other matched, imagine my horror when I opened the other eye and it was a ten, was annoyed when you get moved to my table, we should have had a word with td, at least we didn"t have to come to blows, obv keep you updated on Sunday, may pop to the G tonight to remove all tilt from my world.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #209 on: March 04, 2013, 01:59:57 AM »
Had a few hours to reflect over yesterdays game, and if I was in the same position with the same decisions to make I don"t think I would of played any of my hands differently.

My reputation precedes me as being a tight player and it was never my intention to just go into this tourney  to nit it up and climb the ladder. I had already planned on what I was spending the £30k on, unfortunately all that gold bling  will have to wait another day.

It was good news when we arrived there were 62 players and all were to be paid £600 so it was worth the trip down the motorway  as I was in it for £60 plus had sold and swopped a bit with a few people.

Blinds started at 3k/6k running ante 1k so I had 30 bigs which is ok but can be a vulnerable stack.

As expected no limped hands ensued and usually was 2 people to a flop and when hands went to showdown, the hands shown were fairly decent.
 A barren run of hands in the first 30 mins and I was down to 25 bigs, I get AJ in the cut off and I raise to 14k, bb calls, completely whiff the flop but c bet fairly small third of pot is met by a reraise, with the info given pretty sure I am beaten so I give up, he had 99, nh move on.

Blinds move up a level and I am between 18 bigs, folds to me on button I have A5 suited, the villain in small blind only has 10 bigs so I raise to 10 bigs, obviously hoping big blind doesn"t wake up with a hand but happy to try and get the short stacks chips, he folds as does the big blind, that pays for the next round.

We have just hit a pay jump now guarenteed £850, I wasn"t aware of this but was informed by another player.

I still want a double up rather than sit and fold , I get 44 utg plus 1, happy to flip here, shove,gets through, with my stack people are not calling to light as i have about 16 bigs or so.

Raise utg to 16k, I get AQ suited in cut off,  I 3 bet not all in but enough to say I am not folding, he folds, please I need a double up just not happening.

Dave had put a post on blonde I think about playing 5 hours and losing only 4k in chips, which although is ok and my shortstack play had been ok but I did want a double up obviously not going to win this thing by hanging around my starting stack all day.

AQ shove at 8/16, Bb calls hope to see AJ, no he has AQ split it, get JJ in v k10 yes at last I have won a pot, unfortunately this gets me back up to 180k, I get very few opportunities to shove against people"s raises and reraises and eventually shove KQ utg into the shortstacks AA, he didn"t even cover me so I have 30k left and this goes in blind 84 off against A10 which holds.

It was just one of those days were all my big hands didn"t meet not so big hands and I don"t think I could of done anything different, when holding between 10-15 bigs I have very little fold equity versus people"s raises, I am quite happy to gamble with suited connectors etc, but hands like j3, 94, etc just don"t usually fair well and are insta folds.

I finished 20th  for £1150, 70% of this is mine the rest to be divided between a few people, G have their monthly £100 game on Saturday, should be playing it, again depends if I can get Susan looked after.

Regarding the online day 1, although it makes sense to play it online, ie no fuel, hotel costs etc if I am playing a£300 comp I think I would prefer it live just to make it a bit different to my normal live games which regularly see 11 people to a flop, including 2 from a different table.

If you are still here thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.