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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #210 on: March 04, 2013, 09:34:52 AM »
Nice play - and cash Brian!  Can"t help but think a really big one"s waiting for you one day. 

Would love to see you all blinged up!  ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #211 on: March 05, 2013, 17:19:19 PM »
Cheers Gary, though it was going to happen today just finished 19/1332 in big $33 on Stars, got lucky in penultimate hand to stay in, got unlucky in the last hand for a possible good run at it, will keep at it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #212 on: March 06, 2013, 20:12:40 PM »
Bri, in another thread you noted that you have subscribed to Tournament Poker Edge.

Any recommendations on which series to watch assuming I was to give it a try for a month?


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #213 on: March 07, 2013, 02:40:06 AM »
Anything by bigdogpocket5s and kid Cardiff are good, these are higher stakes players so some of the stuff is quite difficult to get away with at lower stakes, ttwist has some good lower stake stuff inc deep runs in micro millions etc.

The videos are downloadable so if taking the trial download as many as poss, you can also watch them on the iPad which is a good point, I used to use deuces cracked but found the content on there was mainly focused on cash, been with these a year now and it definitely made a difference in my game, it"s about $15 a month which is decent value, they tend to have at least 1 or 2 new videos a week, there is a lot of content from theory, going over hand histories and live sweat sessions, I prefer the live sweat sessions as they tend to be more real as opposed to going over a hand history when the result is already known, if you are up here later this month can show you some of the stuff if you havent already subscribed.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #214 on: March 07, 2013, 12:34:59 PM »

Anything by bigdogpocket5s and kid Cardiff are good, these are higher stakes players so some of the stuff is quite difficult to get away with at lower stakes, ttwist has some good lower stake stuff inc deep runs in micro millions etc.

The videos are downloadable so if taking the trial download as many as poss, you can also watch them on the iPad which is a good point, I used to use deuces cracked but found the content on there was mainly focused on cash, been with these a year now and it definitely made a difference in my game, it"s about $15 a month which is decent value, they tend to have at least 1 or 2 new videos a week, there is a lot of content from theory, going over hand histories and live sweat sessions, I prefer the live sweat sessions as they tend to be more real as opposed to going over a hand history when the result is already known, if you are up here later this month can show you some of the stuff if you havent already subscribed.

Cheers - not coming up in March as cant get time off work so will give it a try in the next few weeks, download the videos and watch them on my daily commute!


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #215 on: March 08, 2013, 03:56:45 AM »
So far been a week full of nearlys, obviously Nottingham although never in with a serious shout of winning it there was a vague possibility.

Pokerstars on Monday sees me deep in the Big $33,  i make 2 errors with 50 bigs and throw away a chance of a decent score, finish mid 50s.

Tuesday again big $33, limped pot at 2500/5000 I get 83 off in big blind flop 2 pair eventually gets it all in v a turned straight, obviously don"t bink my outs for the house, so nearly a 45 big blind stack with 18 left with $6k up top, finished 19th.

Wednesday, a deep run in a knockout tournament on tilt finishing 13th with $2k5 up top, lose the standard flip at this stage.

Thursday $55 $5k guarenteed, get it all in for 51k v AJ  with AK for chip lead with 15 left, lose that hand, not too worry still got 15 bigs can get back into it, shoving every hand on the bubble eventually someone calls me 66 v AQ flop 9910 10 x, go to bed, can"t sleep not loving the game at the minute.

Sngs continue to frustrate,obviously volume is the key to these things, cashing in a few then losing a few it"s a two steps forward one back scenario.

Sorry for venting my spleen but it is a blog about Poker, warts and all, then again I shouldn"t complain I am in Profit for the year and all of the above is just part of the long game.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #216 on: March 16, 2013, 11:48:19 AM »
Popped over to Gala tonight for the £40 freeze out £2k guarenteed for 30 plus players, the other option was G casinos £20 double chance which in previous weeks has seen fields of 70 plus but and usually generates prizes between 1500 and 1800, I decided on the lower variance game, my preferred card room is the G but lately things have been a bit tiresome over there.

I was gifted a double up early doors when I limped in small blind with A8 hearts and eventually get it all in on a 3 heart board against 53 hearts.

A few hands later another 13 k is gifted when I hit top pair top kicker AJ v a not so well timed bluff by a drunk guy to my left.

The rest of the tournament went smoothly with constant 3 bets over serial limpers which I either took down pre or with a c bet.

We eventually reach the final table and managed a double with KK v AK and we were 4 handed, the bubble was given £50,  the chipleader has knocked every one out and has a big stack compared to the rest of us I have about 120k blinds are 3/6k,  I raise with K 10 against chip leader, this player never folds, he has final tabled a world series event and knows what he is doing flop comes 10  7 2 rainbow, he checks, I am ok with the flop pretty sure I have the best hand and  bet 18k into pot which is approx 36k, he calls turn card is a jack, not ideal but we will assess, he leads out here 25k sigh didn"t like that card.

As I said previously this player never folds his big blind and will call light, he doesn"t have to have the Jack, the other two players are both short stacked and not knowing the maths in my head pretty sure this would be a bad shove over the top icm wise, prizes 160, 240, 480, 800,  he could have KJ, I have k blocker so not as likely, AJ , QJ, I reluctantly fold and he shows J8, he probably saves me here by leading the turn as I was always double barreling, he had a gut shot on the flop and with his chip stack he was justified in calling.

Eventually get heads up the two shorties going in the next two hands and get heads up with a4:1 chip deficit, at this point I only have 20 bigs, the last hand I raise 10 7 from button get flatted flop 10 Q 3, I bet out he calls eventually goes all in he has Q2, I didn"t bink my outs and finished 2cd for £480, with my chip stack I wanted a double up and get a chance to play a bit of deepstack heads up but it wasn"t to be. Genting deepstack this week ....... Maybe.

Although I prefer the G, this game provides a lot more value on a Friday night so if Fridays are Poker nights it may be Gala in the future.

One good thing about last night there was no pre flop analysis of every hand by so called experts which has become a pretty big bug bear of mine over at the G but I will still be there on Sunday for the 15/15 hoping for a bit more run good, off to buy a fish or piece of coral.

Good luck to any one playing in Grand Prix especially Dave and Lucy had 2 attempts online this week came up well short, would of preferred to play live but home circumstances dictate unfortunately.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #217 on: March 24, 2013, 01:53:47 AM »
As its a poker blog I will make a blog about poker, I wasn"t going to do a tourney report from the Gps but I am wide awake so I thought I would put a few things out there, it gets it off my chest and may provide a bit of interest to some.

Gps structure is a 1 hour clock 25 k starting stack within 5 minutes the shout of player down came echoing across the room, the guy who got knocked out came over to our table to explain his misfortune to his mate who was sat next to me, he flopped a set of jacks against an open ended straight and  flush draw 53 who decide to put his full 25k across the line with the draw obviously the Jacks call, and obviously one of the draws hits, he is off to re enter.

The early levels I drop from 25k to 21k then back to 30k, with the river being my saviour on several occasions, much to the annoyance of the guy to my right, first hand I 3 bet with AA over 2 limpers he calls flop 678, horrible flop 2 clubs as well, both check turn is a q, he checks I bet 1k into 3k pot, he min raises me which immediately sets of alarm bells, I call, river is a 8 non club, he bets 2 k I just call, just in case he has 66 or 77 pre but the 8 gave me a better 2 pair he had 67, he had a little moan at me not malicious, just saying I had you trapped etc etc, it could of been worse for him I might of shoved the lot in on the flop and he would of been rebuying with his mate.

We clashed on 2 more occasions were again I 3 bet pre with the best hand, he flats but again by the river I have the best hand, flush v a set I think, but again he never reraised my c bets and let me get there pretty cheap.

The next few hours are the usual grind, get small pairs in early position raise with them get the odd one or two callers, fail to hit sets then the bets are flying in so have to get out of there.

Eventually get moved to the feature table with around 28k I think, Did anyone watch any of it interested in any ones thoughts or comments.

Card dead for a while , then I 3 bet with k 10 off on the button v  an utg min raise, I hadn"t played a hand for half an hour so this looked a decent spot, he folded so got enough to pay the next couple of rounds.

I get KK utg raise to 2k, utg1 flats gets to aggressive player on button who 3 bets to 6k I think, I only have 24k back, which is 30 bigs, if I 4 bet here it looks like AA or KK so I decide to shove hoping he has AK and puts me on jacks or tens and wants to flip, he sheepishly folds obviously was doing it fairly light, cant blame a trier.

I get KK a few hands later but my 3 bet of the utg raiser is not resisted, he said he had AQ and put me on AK , they always do.

Totally card dead in the last hour and ended the day with 35300 for Day 2.

Day 2 starts with blinds 1600/800/200 so not a lot of wiggle room, no hands in the first half hour, but aces and kings flying around all over, I raise AJ diamonds utg I am 3 bet by a guy I had been sat with on Day 1, pretty sure I am dominated here so I fold, he shows KK, good fold then but perhaps I might of hit a flush, more of that in a bit.

Mid position min raises I look down QQ, all in and a call, QQ v QJ happy days j on the flop, always a sweat, back to 40k now, I raise 88 utg +1,gets through, next hand AK with the ace hearts, raise to 4k3 guy shoves 45k, gets back to me, this guy has just lost a load of chips 44< 99 and JJ < AA so I think it is a tilt  shove so I call, he has kJ hearts, he flops the flush, I did t even see it as I was looking for the  Jack to arrive, the chips were swept over to the other side of the table and that was it, the pot was about 100k and with blinds and antes at 1k/2k would of been a promising position to be in, alas it wasn"t to be.

Even at this buy in level I felt as though I had done myself justice and would have no qualms about playing them again, obviously I don"t have the bankroll to buy in direct to these things so it will have to be via sats or other means ie grinding a few wins on line, I would like to thank the people who put up their cash for the stake so I could play this game and although we didnt have a massive sweat we had a bit of mild perspiration.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #218 on: March 25, 2013, 16:10:36 PM »
Cliffs on last nights effort at the G.

Both Dave and I reach final table.

I lose 150k  pot just before final table, A10 < A2 no change there then, still got 65k left.
Lady open folds AK v my 8 big blind shove.

Dave slow rolled on cash bubble, he shoves with 66, young girl tanks at least 5 mins, she has 8 big blinds, it"s a 15 min clock, she eventually calls with QQ, was worried about people behind apparently.

Old guy blinds down to 1.5 bigs gets there with 94 v my q 10, eventually goes out next hand.

Dave finishes 5th after pushing with 33 and the same girl snaps instantly with AK.

I push with Q6 sb to bb and run into AQ to finish 4th for £105, which pays for 3 peppermint shrimp and a File fish with some change leftover for midweek treats.

It wasn"t the final table I wanted to appear on this Sunday tbh,but profits profit and it"s been a while since I have cashed at G, live definitely more profitable than online so far this month.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #219 on: March 30, 2013, 14:12:17 PM »
March has been full of close but no cigars unfortunately, live play has produced an overall profit of around £900 which   I have to be pleased with.

I am playing well and with a bit of luck in decisive spots could of been a lot more but poker can be a bitch at times, take Thursdays rebuy at G, lose with QQ v AKv Q6 came third in that hand , fairly standard with the AK but I don"t know were the Q6 came from, incidentally Q6 wins.

Take the add on build a stack to 15k get it in JJ v J10, lose, no probs rebuild back to 20k, get it in JJ v AQ, again standard, lose, then A8 v j 10 who flops the straight fun game, eventually push with 48 into bb who wakes up with one of  the  4 hands he is going to call with, gg me,congrats to Dave for winning it, only played because it was 1k gteed and only had 12 runners velly value, it did reach its guarentee in the end with just over 30, bubbled final table, not naear cash so not  bothered.

Stars still killing me graph just looks like a slide heading south at an alarming rate, not much left on there and I am not sure if I will redeposit, been deep in a few of the bigs but again no luck at the business end and playing for 5,6 hours for a min cash is soul destroying, ( slight overkill but you know what I mean).

Full Tilt again been losing a bit but got a boost the other day with a final table and a few sng cashes, will post more details on the stakers thread.

Gutted to be missing Nottingham but couldn"t get Susan looked after, if I use the local care home that"s £80 a day and with hotel costs fuel etc turns a £100 comp into a £500 one, good luck to all  who are there and Congrats to the England team on there success last night, especially Stuart, well played.

Gala having a £150 today, have sold a bit here and there so I will be playing over there, hopefully variance will be on my side today and we get a cash if not no problemo just gotta keep trying.

run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #220 on: March 31, 2013, 05:44:40 AM »
Postscript to above post.

Cashed in 5th place in the Gala £150 today for £730, sold a bit was nice to give a return to investors.

Flush draws continue to kill me, flopped a set of queens first hand with a shortie all in, pot approx 200k he runner runner flushed it, seeGps  report for similar story.

Grinded my stack back to 100k, then get it all in AK v KJ, the j hits the flop and I don"t bink my ace or 10 to outdraw villain, massive sigh.

On the final table when someone is all in and it"s a possible pay jump, I like most of us are hoping the shortstack loses and we make a bit more cash, but had the situation tonight were 1 player,not the player who called the all in was shouting for and cheering the Jack when it arrived, personally wasn"t too bothered and another player asked him to calm it, just play with a bit of dignity, win with grace and lose with grace, sermon over.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #221 on: March 31, 2013, 07:57:34 AM »

Postscript to above post.

Cashed in 5th place in the Gala £150 today for £730, sold a bit was nice to give a return to investors.

Flush draws continue to kill me, flopped a set of queens first hand with a shortie all in, pot approx 200k he runner runner flushed it, seeGps  report for similar story.

Grinded my stack back to 100k, then get it all in AK v KJ, the j hits the flop and I don"t bink my ace or 10 to outdraw villain, massive sigh.

On the final table when someone is all in and it"s a possible pay jump, I like most of us are hoping the shortstack loses and we make a bit more cash, but had the situation tonight were 1 player,not the player who called the all in was shouting for and cheering the Jack when it arrived, personally wasn"t too bothered and another player asked him to calm it, just play with a bit of dignity, win with grace and lose with grace, sermon over.

Name and shame IMO

Congratulations Bri, that "bracelet" moment is coming.
Just an old bloke living the dream

Proud to be an APAT Forum Team member 2013
Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #222 on: April 01, 2013, 00:54:59 AM »
Good start to the month over at the G done a chop for £200, chipleader took first as he was massive we all had 10/15 bigs, made sense to deal at £200.

I lost a massive pot just before final table KQ v K10 which would of made me chipleader on the final table and not taking a shove stack as was the case.

It was a little bit feisty over there tonight early doors not the normal friendly bunch on a Sunday, don"t see what people get worked up about it"s a £30 freezout, chill people, have fun.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #223 on: April 09, 2013, 12:57:48 PM »
An ok start to the month 2 final tables on tilt, and a few more deep runs here and there for not a lot of cash, bankroll on tilt heading north and on Stars going south.
Thought i would do something different and just go through a hand history it should be below, excuse poor sound, microphone was made out of an old tin of coke and a piece of string.

It was a $10 rebuy on tilt and was in for $40 after add on, appreciate any comments on hands or if any one is interested in more vids rather than hand histories, might invest in a decent microphone.

G have their monthly £100 on Saturday in which i should be investing 22k starting stack 30 min levels, its usually a good game and am usually there or there abouts at the end, lets get some run good at the end for a change.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 13:07:18 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #224 on: April 10, 2013, 14:16:55 PM »
This months quest is to control my online tilt tendancies, in live play i dont tilt at all, i never berate an opponent for a perceived bad play and i can usually control emotions at a poker table.

Online is slightly different, although i dont go on tilt and throw a load of cash away my language is usually pretty choice and can feel my blood start to boil, this is not really pleasant for Susan to hear so i vowed to her last night that it would stop, i usually play in the same room so she is there all of the time.

The poker gods decided to test my resolve this morning i regged for the early fiddy $50 $4k gteed and Susan asked to watch me play so i agreed, first hand in as follows:

Full Tilt Poker Game #32465662968: The Early Fiddy (252200007), Table 2 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:02:21 WET - 2013/04/10 [08:02:21 ET - 2013/04/10]
Seat 1: Credo7 (2,990)
Seat 2: nbgshark (2,950)
Seat 3: rinrus (3,000)
Seat 4: erikuf (2,130)
Seat 5: paulmcb55 (3,000)
Seat 7: BroncoLondon (3,000)
Seat 8: rapidy-zap (3,930)
Seat 9: Dgart (3,000)
nbgshark posts the small blind of 10
rinrus posts the big blind of 20
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Credo7 [Ad Ah]
tr0nzowned sits down
erikuf folds
paulmcb55 folds
BroncoLondon folds
rapidy-zap calls 20
Dgart folds
Credo7 raises to 100
nbgshark raises to 320
rinrus folds
rapidy-zap has 15 seconds left to act
rapidy-zap folds
Credo7 raises to 910
nbgshark raises to 2,950, and is all in
Credo7 calls 2,040
nbgshark shows [Kd As]
Credo7 shows [Ad Ah]
*** FLOP *** [4d 5s Kc] (Total Pot: 5,940, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
*** TURN *** [4d 5s Kc] [Kh] (Total Pot: 5,940, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
*** RIVER *** [4d 5s Kc Kh] [Js] (Total Pot: 5,940, 2 Players, 1 All-In)
nbgshark shows three of a kind, Kings
Credo7 shows two pair, Aces and Kings
nbgshark wins the pot (5,940) with three of a kind, Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,940 | Rake 0
Board: [4d 5s Kc Kh Js]
Seat 1: Credo7 (button) showed [Ad Ah] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings
Seat 2: nbgshark (small blind) showed [Kd As] and won (5,940) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 3: rinrus (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: erikuf didn"t bet (folded)
Seat 5: paulmcb55 didn"t bet (folded)
Seat 7: BroncoLondon didn"t bet (folded)
Seat 8: rapidy-zap folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Dgart didn"t bet (fold

As i smiled and typed nh in the chat box to my bearussian friend, Susan blurted out What the **** was that, how did you lose that ?, Why didnt you fold ?. ;D ;D ;D

The rest of todays games will be played in the back room with my guitar on my knee.

Variance returned the favour in a $11 later AA holds v Ak.