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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #255 on: June 19, 2013, 16:43:49 PM »
The stake is going to have little drops then good rises, if you see wha ti mean, if you were just cashing in all of the tournies you played in you would be a pro :)

The way the stake is generally on the rise so far has been superb, just keep it going how you are mate :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #256 on: June 20, 2013, 11:16:32 AM »

The stake is going to have little drops then good rises, if you see wha ti mean, if you were just cashing in all of the tournies you played in you would be a pro myth :)

The way the stake is generally on the rise so far has been superb, just keep it going how you are mate :)


Yes, the stake is amazingly consistent and so far has run pretty good and not had many swings, if you can keep it up for the rest of the year then the result would be beyond amazing to be honest.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #257 on: June 20, 2013, 14:34:54 PM »

The stake is going to have little drops then good rises, if you see wha ti mean, if you were just cashing in all of the tournies you played in you would be a pro myth :)

The way the stake is generally on the rise so far has been superb, just keep it going how you are mate :)


Yes, the stake is amazingly consistent and so far has run pretty good and not had many swings, if you can keep it up for the rest of the year then the result would be beyond amazing to be honest.

If you could start winning a few flips on final tables that would be nice.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #258 on: June 20, 2013, 16:03:37 PM »
Flips, like to win a 80/20 on the odd occasion as well, re Gala and G in the last 14 days, only kidding, its all part of the game, no doubt I have hit sets v big pairs we forget about them easily enough but we bemoan our luck when it happens to us, but 2 on a final table is a tad cruel.

Will be travelling to Coventry next week, had to pay a bit extra for a disability friendly room as will be travelling with Susan, looking forward to it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #259 on: June 24, 2013, 02:22:37 AM »
Supposed to have a break from live poker but can"t resist, played the Home game on Thursday, a return to the old stomping ground, only 5 of us but won it for £30, happy with any profit.

Ok then, nearly a freeroll at Gala on Friday the £40 freezout, nice bonus when I arrive an envelope with my name on it contains £70,  in last weeks game I was the bubble, it was agreed if any of the regs won they would pay the bubble, there was one objector to paying out on the night so nothing was paid out then, the objector went out in 6th place, and as was agreed my money was there, bit of karma from a few weeks ago when I agreed to a chop 3 way when I could of argued for a bit more, bubbled the final table in the game tonight, only paid 5 so was trying to chip up, ran A 10 into 99, didn"t get there, standard spot, no problems.

Poker drawer has some cash back so played the G 15/15 tonight which again managed to get a chop 4 handed for £175, blinds were 5k/10k and we were all in shove mode so happy with the chop.

My rep may have been dented a little tonight, I am considered an uber nit by a few players down there, but had one hand when I had 30k at 1.5k/3k, it"s limped utg, and 5 people called, I look at k9 hearts and just get it all in, utg calls she has just lost a massive pot with KK, everyone else folds, and I end up winning the race v 33, one reg was really surprised at my holding, will have to go back to only playing Aces for a while till the dust settles.

I very rarely show my hands as the tendency down there is to analyse the hell out of any hand played, and to be honest there are very few people down there whose views I would take on board. I am happy to keep them all in a state of  not knowing any of my holdings whether it is early on or late in the game, dont give out free info.

So running into a bit of form just in time for Coventry, may play Tuesdays £2k gteed at the G will wait and see with that.

Nothing happened online over the weekend, played the Sunday Kick off after winning a seat got pretty deep then lost a standard flip, back to Full tilt tomorrow after a swim/sauna session tomorrow afternoon, a nice bit of r and r.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #260 on: June 27, 2013, 22:14:34 PM »
Last post of the month, frustrating month online especially on Stars, some really deep runs only to get unlucky at the business end, hey ho it is what it is, all details can be seen in above posts so won"t go over old ground.

Full tilt had another winning month but again nothing substantial, started really well, then fell away, then had a good result then fell away but that is the nature of mtts, still think Full Tilt is so soft compared to Stars but they have started to reduce one or two of their guarentees during the day, reached Platinum on their edge rewards thing so a few extra $$$ at the end of the week, just looked on opr and I haven"t cashed in my last 20 mtts which is pretty poor form but all part of the fun, just done a review of some hand histories and tbh don"t think I have played badly just variance not being on my side, sure it will turn around.

Started to play a few turbo sats for tourney dollars which has helped, 300 chips to start and people still limp fold. I don"t think there is any skill but sometimes the value is too good not to jump in and try and get lucky.

Live play this month has seen me lose or break even, cant be bothered to work it out,  but either way it"s not significant.

Looking forward to Coventry, only myself and Stuart from the Stockton massive attending I think. If you are a reader of this thing would be nice to meet up for a chat and you can put a face to these ramblings.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #261 on: June 28, 2013, 10:53:50 AM »

Looking forward to Coventry, only myself and Stuart from the Stockton massive attending I think. If you are a reader of this thing would be nice to meet up for a chat and you can put a face to these ramblings.

GL Brian got a good feeling for you this weekend. Run well mate and try and keep Stu out of mischief x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #262 on: June 28, 2013, 18:20:12 PM »
Cheers Phil, I want that onion as a card guard.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #263 on: July 01, 2013, 00:13:11 AM »
Quick report on Coventry, really enjoyed the game don't fancy the £30 freezouts at home now, structure superb, affordable buy in played in the right atmosphere etc all round superb entertainment.

Starting table contained some familiar faces and although it wasn't mad aggro it was difficult to pick up chips every one was solid and played really well, I had the eventual winner to my left all day and as Rodders said he did play really well, although he should of reraised me when I turned a boat, but he only had A high so the chips I got were probably all I was going to get.

Had the situation of AA me v KK , but villain had a feeling and got away from it losing the minimum whilst I only won the minimum, actually had AA 3x against the same Guy and he got away all 3 times well played sir whoever you are.

I was always hovering between 20/30 bigs  when I look down at QQ in the big blind and it had been raised utg I decide to flat, Ace high flop Adilong leads for 2k I think, he should be c bettimg this flop all day long so I repop to 5k2, he repops  so I give up, he shows me Ak nh sir, could of lost the lot all in pre so lost the minimum.

Back to 30k again, Rodders  raise utg, I have 77 in bb, I 3 bet to 5k, he 4 bets me to 14k,  shove or fold for me here, don't think he does this with 66 downwards so put him on  10+ , AK suited, online I might take the flip, I let it go he didnt show but said we were flipping so I would say AK, think he folds AJ and poss  AQ  to my 3 bet pre, nh sir.

Incidentally the above 2 villains are currently in my stake on Full Tilt not the way to treat someone who is currently making them a bit, only joking pleasure playing with you guys.

My game killing hand raise QJ off mid position, (see not only AA in my raising range), sb and bb both call flop aj9 2 hearts not ideal its checked back to me and I check pot control ( or being a wimp), turn is a k hearts, checked to me I lead out now, sb calls, river is a j so I have made trips.

I bet out and am called and beaten by 57 hearts,  flush baby, massive sigh so instead of 45k back to 17, any heart on the river I have the nuts, oh well.

Utg min raises, I jam A7 with 15 bigs, Rodders wakes up with KK, I miss gg me, glad the Ace didn't hit as Rodders had already lost a similar one a few hands earlier and would have been a bit unjust, all in all a really enjoyable game didn't make any mistakes best I have played for a long time tbh.

Small brag alert, retuned home fired up 3 mtts on Tilt, got a third in a Knockout for $960 plus a few bounties which took us to over $1k, then finished 15th for $75 in another, played the Trex but nothing happened in that lost a flip trying to get a stack.

May have a new project on the go will reveal all when I have heard back from the people in the Full Tilt stake, watch this space, that's if you do watch this space, gone on a bit again.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #264 on: July 03, 2013, 04:12:13 AM »
Off to decent start to July, managed a 3rd at the local G tonight for £400, also got my first ever  live Royal Flush.

Been asleep for first levels, literally only played 2 hands, limp utg from Ray ( you may Remeber him from  a previous post) utg + 1 flats, I raise to 400  Ac Kc 3 callers  behind.

Ray min raises me here to 950, ( he has 3 hands in his range here, i am splitting with him or have 30% equity or i am screwed.

utg calls, I just call , it just looks too pretty, looking to flop a flush draw here nothing else if an ace or king comes, I am folding, (still a nit at heart).

Pot is now about 5k ish, flop  Qc  10c  9d, ray jams all his chips in around 5k, utg jams his chips in, gamble time for me, all in, nfd, straight draw and royal flush draw, guy behind tanks for ages pot is around 25k and he decides to get it all in he is getting about 5 to 1, utg shows AA (told you), utg + 1, 9 10 for 2 pair my with Ackc and guy behind with 5c6c, turn card Jc, river 10, guy who has boat cheers not realising he was drawing dead on the turn, scoop 32k in level 2.

I didn"t bother with the add on,  get to the ft with about 25 bigs, bubble is paid then I get KK v AJ which holds then AA v 88 which holds, get it all in A10 v A4, for 2cd in chips, chop it, yuk, then lose a flip, I run so bad,  ::) ::) ::),some one has an early flight to Spain today and wants to deal I only have about 5 bigs ask for an equal chop, wasnt going to happen , I took £400, instead of £325, the other two split the rest, happy with that although I could of just tried to gamble the 5 bigs, Susan had just phoned to ask me to get home as she needed her bed.

Got to a final table on Tilt as well but only managed 8th for $60 but still good to get there and be in with a chance.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #265 on: July 08, 2013, 01:38:28 AM »
The G delivers again tonight, managed to chop 4 ways tonight"s tournament for £195 each, got to be happy with that, was down to 6 bigs on the bubble, when I limp with AA from the cut off, the big blind picked up a flush draw, but I managed to hold for a full double to about 16 bigs, bubble bursts, I jam KQ into A Q, Kingball cheers dealer, we have a about 95k now with blinds at 3k/6k, there are only 450k chips in play and a quick count indicates we all have similar stacks, so we agreed a 4 way chop, was just shove or fold at this point so we agree to chop it up.

Chipstack was up and down tonight, scooped a big one with k9 dd after I 3 bet 2 limpers from the button, original limper jams 88, post flop, second limper has A 5 dd, 2 diamonds on the flop, turn and river bring 99.

I lose the minimum with KK, on a paired, straight, flushy board, he turned trips, and rivered the straight, so back to 30 bigs on the ft.

Utg raises 2.5 xI decide to flat 10 10 in the small blind, flop comes down 8 high, I check he leads out, , I click it back and he jams it all in, I tank and fold my 10 10, put him on JJ+, he showed pocket 8 for a set on the flop, good fold then although got the cards wrong I was pretty sure I was beat.

Had a really good day in York with Phil and a few others on Saturday, the place was heaving but the atmosphere was great not a hint of trouble any where, first time in a while I have had a good drink, felt a bit flat on Sunday for some reason and nearly didn"t bother with the G but glad I did.

Managed to late reg the online champs on my return, lost a few with AK on. K J x board the j giving villain a set, get back into it but then get it in good with QQ v AK for a decent stack, k on the flop sealed my fate, tbh I don"t think I would have lasted till the end of the tourney as I was cream crackered.

Full Tilt has started poorly, only one final table so far, variance giving me a quick reminder that poker can be a pretty brutal game, one minute you can do nothing wrong the next you are the biggest donk on the planet.

I have transferred some cash from that stake over to Dtd to play a few sats for their Golden chips and summer series events, probably start playing a few of those this week.

We had a bit of a scene at the ft tonight, I was not involved, old guy bets out when a 3rd club got there on the river against some who has bet all the way, who decided to call the old guy, a lucky b******d, which is out of order, old guy  throws his cards towards the muck and the old guy was really upset, quite understandable tbh, management got involved and the cards were allowed to be turned over, the flush had got there so was awarded the pot, although the young guy insisted they were in the muck, he eventually said he would concede the pot as an apology, actually the flush won any way, he did apologise but it left a pretty sour atmosphere for a while.

The young guy involved I had given him a bad beat on Tuesday with QQ v KK, and was seated to my left on the first table tonight and he started the evening by complaining to me how lucky I was last week, really !!!, time to get over it, let it go and move on.

run good , be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #266 on: July 08, 2013, 09:34:34 AM »
Have to wonder whether Mr BadBeat is cut out for this game. If he was a little more pleasant I might take him to one side and explain stuff to him, but I find it hard to like him.
Always pleased to see him at the table though...

Good luck in the DTD satellites - try and avoid taking my chips though. Please.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #267 on: July 11, 2013, 10:44:41 AM »
2 posts in a week but got to post the negatives  as well as the positives, although it does end well.

After Sundays cash I popped along to The deepstack on Monday, 20k in chips to start and around 30 runners, the table was great, ie if I get a hand or two will be up to 60 k within the hour, alas it wasn"t to be and was down to 15k at the break.

Dr Donk has returned, you may remember him from previous ramblings he managed to dust off 40k before the break to the rest of the table, I can understand if they were coolers but the hands which I saw he went to showdown with were just bizarre, any way it"s a bit of fun on a Monday night.

To cut a long story short got my chips in good with JJ v AK v A3, after the break and I was left with a bowl after the k hit the flop.

Tuesday was the £2k gtee which would be interesting to see what numbers this got as Gala were having a £2k5 gtee on the same night £60 buy in as opposed to Gs £30/£30.

It got about 28 runners and there was another £500 ish overlay the 3 rd in 3 weeks, all the 2 casinos doing is spitting the already small player pool and giving away free money, long may this continue.

I managed to get to 25k before the add on period and with 40 bigs after the break didn"t bother with the add on, it"s only a 20 min clock after the break and I try and change gears after the break to get enough chips to get to the final table and am quite comfy with 40 bigs.

I manage to chip up until I raise AK utg get flatted by q8 in the big blind, flop comes AQ8, I lead get called , check check, I bet small on the river, a blocker bet as this particular person will never check raise unless she has it, she min clicks it back and I pay her off, 2 pair is good.

Eventually jam 66 with 12 bigs, AQ tank calls, ffs get it in man, I lose and I A high flop sees my demise.

I normally don"t play cash but with the £30 in my pocket there was a spare seat next to Dave, I sat with £30 and indicated I won"t be reloading just doubling or going, get it all in with AK v KJ, 4 card straight hits, Betty gets me again 2 nights running, still not a fan of cash, although seeing the spurious plays down there it would be profitable in the long run I would imagine, just can"t be bothered to grind it back if I lost a few coolers plus I don"t have a live bankroll to play properly and am not comfortable losing a few hundred in a night or two so will continue to swerve unless I am feeling in the mood.

I get home about 12 and late reg the $3k  rebuy on tilt, and at about 3:45am go to bed $ 640 to the good, finished 2/166, needed that result as confidence was a bit low as I was down about $400 the previous week.

Even though I say I was down $400 i am not I am still $4k5 up since January, so I unless I lose $4k6 I am not actually losing, this highlights how this game messes with your head thinking you are losing when you are actually winning.

Played the $5k superstack yesterday and finished 13/566 for $45 which is frustrating after 6 hours play, I ran QQ into KK into 88, cooler really all about 25 bigs deep, the 8 scooped the lot, I was always behind the KK so not a bad beat as such, would of had a moan if I held the KK though, lol.

Played a few golden chip sats on Dtd made 3 fts but havent won one tbh not sure whether I will bother with them, they are as frustrating as the $2.50 180 manners on Stars, may put the cash back on Tilt will let all stakees know what I am doing with them in next few days.

Saturday brings the £100 monthly at the G, because of last Sundays cash I can play this and probably will but it means my profit from that game has been wiped out and would of had a break even week which is ok with me.

May treat myself to the new I pad, buy now pay when the stake ends, thanks for reading run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #268 on: July 11, 2013, 12:34:32 PM »
I get as frustrated as you do with the DTD Golden Chip satellites.  There is a minimal skill element due to the structure and fact that it"s a 1 in 12 shot at a GC.

I"m also convinced with the number of familiar faces playing these on a regular basis that there is plenty of soft play going on.  It"s fairly obvious, yet would never be proved.

I"ve got 2 chips so far, but am pretty much breakeven across the satellites I have played.  One player has 7 chips, that is some serious run good going on there.

If you are definitely planning on playing the Grand Prix, then I would persevere with them, as with the new merged stacks rule, if you can get through on the back of a GC early on, then there is a lot to be said for playing a reasonable amount of extra day 1"s, looking to get that stack increased prior to the Day 2.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #269 on: July 11, 2013, 14:29:37 PM »

I get as frustrated as you do with the DTD Golden Chip satellites.  There is a minimal skill element due to the structure and fact that it"s a 1 in 12 shot at a GC.

I"m also convinced with the number of familiar faces playing these on a regular basis that there is plenty of soft play going on.  It"s fairly obvious, yet would never be proved.

I"ve got 2 chips so far, but am pretty much breakeven across the satellites I have played.  One player has 7 chips, that is some serious run good going on there.

If you are definitely planning on playing the Grand Prix, then I would persevere with them, as with the new merged stacks rule, if you can get through on the back of a GC early on, then there is a lot to be said for playing a reasonable amount of extra day 1"s, looking to get that stack increased prior to the Day 2.

The guy with 7 chips appears to be playing every game that runs including the £1 feeders. There are a bunch of regulars on these and that has been the case for most of the GPs, but I don"t think I"ve seen anything too OOL in terms of collusion.

To merge, or not to merge? I"m aiming for 3 or 4 Golden Chips and if I make Day 2 with the first then I will be forced to play the rest and hope to merge, but I don"t think I"d spend cash on merging if I made Day 2 on the 4th.
Being top 10% is hard to do once....
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