Just got home safe and sound and as I won"t be able to sleep for a while may as well give my final thoughts on the Gukpt from Bolton.
I finished 12th for a min cash £1k which is slightly disappointing but from what I started Day 2 with I have got to be happy.
The cash bubble seemed to last an eternity, the shorties kept doubling and although I was comfortable, it"s still slightly annoying, I did nit it up a bit, not on purpose I just did not see any decent cards, knowing the shorties were going to shove.
I lost a few chips when I played A10 weakly in the big blind, I hit a 10 high flop, but didn"t lead and let the Q3 hit, should of 3 bet pre, although he had loads of chips and he wasn"t in the mood for folding.
I then raised 3 hands on the trot and with my image got through so no lasting damage.
My last hand was with the said villain, always knew we would clash, wasn"t an ego thing it just seemed destiny.
the bubble burst and we had made the cash after this it was never my intention to fold my way to the final table.
The blinds are 8k/4k/1k, I start with 178k, around 21 bigs, serial raiser raised to 18k, I 3 bet to 40k, A8 hearts, ( it just looks so pretty), we are 7 handed, folds to original raiser who flats, the flop is K xx, (2 hearts), he checks, I lead out 35k, he check raises, I can"t flat so I jam the rest in approx 60k, he tanks for a good 5 mins before making the call, he has JJ, I don"t hit either an Ace or a heart so I am a goner.
He does say its the first time he has actually had a hand which was one of my reasons for the 3 bet i was pretty sure he was at it, just unfortunate for me he had a hand, but I still think I almost got away with it.
With another trip to Bolton on the cards I wanted that double up and was quite happy with the spot, obviously not the outcome, went for it, didn"t get it,that"s poker.
If I win that hand I have nearly 400k and in a pretty strong position to final table with a healthy stack as opposed to coming back for a flip, alas it wasn"t to be.
On the drive back home if I have played badly I am pretty annoyed with myself but going over the above hand I am pretty sure I played it ok and it didn"t really annoy me that I didn"t get there with it so i was happy with my decisions all the way through the hand.
When I first started to play live poker, my buy ins were £30 and this used to scare me to death, I have now just handed over £550 (with a bit of staking involved so not as bad as it sounds)to play a game of cards, obviously this was a shot with previous winnings and I don"t think that this type of buy in will be a regular occurrence for me, although with a tiny sample have made 3/4 day

in these games just not getting the rub of be green at the business end.
I imagine going back to the local £30 freeze outs is going to be a tad frustrating after playing in a game were people can and do fold after putting chips in the pot, but that"s we"re I got the money to enter this so cant knock it to much.
Thanks for all the well wishes by the way, hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did, run good, be lucky stay healthy, cheers.