Ok just a small update to finish the week off, played everyday this week apart from Wednesday, too much tbh, need to limit the games I play, Monday is definite no no, 20k start on a Monday night is just too many chips.
Thursday was a forum at the local Gala which I attended but didn"t amount to much tbh, same establishment which has not had a running clock and update screen for 6 weeks, ( being fixed apparently), pretty useless really, they could actually download a piece of free software just for basic functions but no one has had the foresight to do this.
Apparently there may be a takeover in the offing so this meeting was probably a complete waste of time as I can"t see much changing in the interim.
We played a small sng afterwards just to pass the time, finished 3rd for a £10 profit.
Friday played the £40 fo at Gala, 13 left get it in Ak v QQ, classic race I hear the commentators say, door card a king, middle card a Queen, shook hands with villain, who has knocked me out of my last 3 tourneys there and went home.
Saturday sees the return of the monthly £100er at the G and was a chance of a decent overlay (£1300 I think in the end).
Table draw not ideal, one of the better more aggro players to my right, and a guy who has just come back from a day 2 finish in Ept Barcelona and apparently crushed the cash games over there as well 2 to my left.
The rest were average and wanted to limp and see flops, never seen anyone fold to a 3 bet early doors.
Limped along in a few pots in position but didn"t mash flops and didn"t get going, only significant hand I played raise AK utg, get 3 bet by good player on Button, unknown Geordie who has hit everything tanks for ages and eventually flats indicating to dealer he thinks he has dealt a monster hand, the pot is now 4k, I decide to 4 bet and get flatted in 2 spots, Geordie guy saying I don"t think you would go mad with AK this early as its only Ace high, ( yawn), pretty sure AA and KK not out there as I would of been 5 bet, thought I would just apply a bit more pressure, maybe a bit loose but I was deep enough to ask the question, the decent player is probably putting me on 3 hands here but again he has enough chips to set mine, we do have a little bit of history and I thought he might fold 10 10 even JJ as my 4 betting range is pretty limited to AA and KK this early, the other guy just about knows what day it is so his range is anything as I have seen by his previous showdowns.
Flop 8 high, can"t really rep this board as I am sure I am against 10 10, JJ , QQ, poss AQ but doubt that, also any small pair which has hit a set, all the chips go in and it"s 10 10 v QQ, I get out of the way, I still have 14k would of been a tad spewy to commit all my chips,of course the Ace hits the turn why wouldn"t it, can understand why he flatted with QQ as he was sure to fold on a king or Ace high flop, wish he had 5 bet so I could of jammed and seen all 5 cards, oh well never to worry.
Geordie said he put me on Kk or AA or AK, really !!!, explains why he called the all in from the guy with 10 10, obviously hoping I had AK, fortunately for him he was right.
Get a 14 big shove through with 33, then chip up nicely to 25bigs when 5 limpers at 300/600 I just jam with Ak, all fold, then get AA in big blind, Geordie min raises, I flat, flop is 3 diamonds, all goes in he has JJ with the jack of diamonds, I am informed 3 diamonds have been folded pre flop so in reasonable shape, turn safe then I hit trips, the Ace of feckin diamonds, sigh, shake hands head for home bemoaning my luck, stupid game.
Go on full tilt and proceed to lose with AA < 88, AA < KK, counterfeited with 99 v Ak and lose a few standard spots, I win a big pot with AA v QQ, 1 in 4 the aces win right so statistically correct, yeah I know, 50p in the tin.

In contact with Dave throughout the day who was playing the £300 at Nottingham, we had a 10% swop of each other, I informed him of my demise but as you might know he cashed so was freerolling yesterday"s game, incidentally he chopped Tuesdays game as well, so got 10% of that so got half my buy in back, glad he got my chips in that one JJ v 88, see post above for that one.
I am a bit live pokered out this week so I have promised Susan I won"t be playing till next Friday, with the proviso that if there is a big overlay onTuesday at the G, possible because Gala have a similar game with a similar Gtee I may late reg that one, will see what happens there then.
Overall been a good week live around £250 profit, which although ain"t going to change the world it all helps.
Also got a couple of percentages of someone in Wcoop, and someone in a few live events throughout the country, he got a cash at Nottingham so that"s a good start.
I know I said small update at the beginning but if you are still hear thanks for reading, I tend to go on a bit in these ramblings. Run good, be lucky stay healthy.