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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #315 on: September 21, 2013, 23:27:12 PM »

Out of the £150 jj into qq, got 50 bigs in the big 55, very early days though, I will accept this as a substitute.

Yes do a win - come to Vegas. That is my advice for people in general this weekend it seems.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #316 on: September 21, 2013, 23:33:42 PM »
Min cash big 55, KK loses to AQ, then A 10 into QQ, then the rest AJ into QQ, yawn they just have it every time.

Again got lucky once pre cash, when I rivered 2 pair so was effectively freerolling, keep at it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #317 on: September 23, 2013, 01:58:09 AM »
Just got back from my triple header poker weekend at the G managed to get a chop 4 ways £200 each which I was well happy with as the following will explain.

Get to the final table with around 15 bigs, literally been card dead since the start and only managed to keep alive with a few well timed shoves over limpers.

My first 3 hands on the Ft are Ak twice and Kings which I didnt get any action from as the 2 limpers folded to reraises.

We are now 6 handed and a bubble payment is refused so we play on, I thought I had already cashed, apparently only 5 paid, need to go to specsavers.

Get QQ , I raise, get reraised all in, I call QQ v AQ, happy days, flop k j 10, marvellous, the chips are counted and I am left with 9k at blinds 6k/3k and I am in big blind next.

Utg raises I don"t bother looking and call blind villain turns over 77, I have found JJ, in the big blind, which holds, yippee I have 6 bigs, next hand I see a jack in the small blind, it"s folded round to me and I shove and gets through, up to 10 bigs now.

Next hand folds to me on the button I get Q8, all in, get snapped in the bb, by the guy who had cracked the queens, he tables 77, door card a queen, back to 26 bigs and can now raise fold at least once but I am no longer desperate.

5 left now we agree all to take £100, and play for the rest, We lose one more player so are 4 handed, then a mad hand, shortie all in q10, called by q9, and big blind who is priced in has q7, flop Q high, there was no action as the 2 players covering the all in guy check it down so the shortie trebles up, blinds are now 12k/6k, we do a quick count and we are all fairly level so we agree to a 4 way chop.

Would of preferred the luck in the bigger tournament but a decent enough run in the 3 games, Tuesdays 30/30 next on the agenda.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #318 on: September 25, 2013, 10:10:53 AM »
Made the Final table of the 30/30 last night at the g.

Unfortunately busted 8th for no cash, pretty standard exit hand AK v QQ which if I failed to connect with, actually turned into a freeroll as another well known member managed to chop it 3 ways, we swop a bit in each tournament so he saved my bacon, well played Dave. He got rather fortunate in one hand but we all need a bit of luck and I was rooting for the 9 or 7 to bink so his k9 would beat Ak, the 7 duly arrived to give him an unlikely straight.

Apparently a new 2 monthly league starts at the weekend in which all results from every game count as I only play 2 nights a week might not make a dent but we will see, 3/3 final tables since last week plus one at Gala been running ok.

Was hoping to miss the start of the game as I was deep on a $26 mtt on Tilt, alas QQ not good enough against The buttons KK for a final table spot and chip lead, finished 18th or so.

Had some monster hands yesterday, first hand of a $33 mtt on stars, rivered a house but was already dead villain had quads, yuk, and last night live, rivered a full house, the smaller one but the 9 which gave me a house gave the villain a straight flush, the 9 saved me from losing the lot as I just called villains value bet, a 9 was definitely in his range, plus it was one of those nights for him were every pot he was in he just smashed, he was part of the chop at the end, if there was betting in play I would of had £10 on him to win it at 9pm.

Next game probably Galas £40 on Friday, May play at least 1 Grand Prix game on Dtd, my usual problem exits in the fact if I do make a Day 2, getting Susan looked after for a full day is problematic but it"s worth at least one go, even for the min cash of £250.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #319 on: September 27, 2013, 03:48:41 AM »
More bubbles than a bar of aero at the minute made my 4th consecutive final table at the G tonight in the £10 rebuy, was only in for £20 so no biggie finished 8th, actually 2 of the cash but near enough, got to the final table in ok shape but a baby flush being beaten by it"s slightly older brother seen my stack diminish, called blind with 96 in the big blind to 5 big shove, had 2 live cards, but despite picking up a middle pin draw on the flop the villains hand held Q high good, my final 3 blinds went in with j7 but again didn"t improve versus a king high hand.

Also went out in 37th place, 36 paid in a $26 on tilt, ran JJ sb into big blinds KK, could of actually folded but the payouts  at the bottom of these things are not worth bothering about, was healthy before the bubble but I lost 3 hands v short stacks before the bubble burst, was ahead in 2 of them but got outdrawn, and ran into AA in the other, still continuing to run poorly on Tilt although I have got deepish in a few in the last week but not getting the rub of the green at the business end of the game, tournament poker can be pretty brutal.

The mtts at the G usually attract between 25/45 players and are effectively sngs and my general game is Tag early, which usually serves me well, I do open up mid game, as this is when a lot of the others tighten up ( there are one or two exceptions so I try to avoid them) i do find it difficult to accumulate chips mid game as people assume I am raising with a fairly tight range, so I know if people play back at me they are usually with solid holdings so unless I pick up decent equity I have to tread carefully, these things are 20 minute blind levels after the break so you have to get a bit creative.

I was also called crazy tonight, which is not a word which often describes my poker playing skills, he pushed with 33 (8 bigs) , I isolated on the button with KQ suited, and we have totally standard flip at this stage, I picked up a flush draw on the flop so I am now a slight favourite, I river the Queen, and say unlucky to the villain who says "you make some crazy calls", and off he pops.

Galas £40 freeze out tonight, let"s try and get a stack and actually win one of these things, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #320 on: September 27, 2013, 11:11:45 AM »

I was also called crazy tonight, which is not a word which often describes my poker playing skills, he pushed with 33 (8 bigs) , I isolated on the button with KQ suited, and we have totally standard flip at this stage, I picked up a flush draw on the flop so I am now a slight favourite, I river the Queen, and say unlucky to the villain who says "you make some crazy calls", and off he pops.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #321 on: September 28, 2013, 23:51:40 PM »
Played Galas £40er on Friday but didn"t make an impact, we lost the dealer to the cash game so I volunteered and dealt for an hour, quite enjoy dealing once in a while.

Enjoyed the first table, one guy was giving it verbals, nothing nasty was quite fun listening to him, and he actually managed to triple up because of his speech play, got a few players to spew off to him, don"t think I can add this to my game it just wouldn"t suit, although I do engage with the other players a lot more than I used to.
One thing I did disagree to was his giving advice to help other players, lets not tap the tank, tbh they wouldn"t act on any advice given.

He had just apparently qualified for the Ept in London and was telling me his total buy ins last year was £150k, he may be exaggerating but I have no reason to disbelieve him, must be odd going from £5k buy ins to the old £40er at Gala.

Made the break with 12k but didn"t improve on this, we were down to 2 tables, and I called the shorties shoves with marginal hands, raggy aces etc, was ahead in all 3 encounters but by the river was second best, wanted to get chips rather than just creep to a final table in need of help.

I finally had a win on Full Tilt on Friday as well, you may have seen on the staking thread, $1k3 from a $26 mtt, it"s odd when you get to a Final table on Tilt, the chat box starts to get busy, not from the other players the cyber beggars appear, people wishing you well and saying they have been following you and hope you win  and could you spare a few $$$.

Susan and I were supposed to be going out on Friday but as I got deeper I managed to get her to change her mind about going out and our trip to the coast was postponed.

We got to 3 handed and the discuss deal box was ticked by the other 2 players, I had about 100 bigs compared to the 15 and 20 of the other 2 so chose to ignore it, diff was about $500 for second place but I wanted to win it outright which I did finally with j9 v k 10, JJ on the turn and river, was nice to have the best hands hold on a Final table for a change, apart from the last one of course, we all need that little bit of luck.

When I got back from Gala I couldn"t sleep so later regged the $10 rebuy $3k gtee which I managed to final table, finished 7th for $131, AK < JJ in a standard spot, but was a bit more annoying because of the limpers had made it a 100k pot and would of been for chip lead, oh well, can"t win em all.

Been a few posts this month, I think I keep it pretty balanced and inform both wins and losses, hope it doesn"t come across as a sing when I am winning blog, I would like to put a bit more stuff in but tbh there is not a lot worth writing about and it"s a blog about poker so unless anything major happens keep it poker related.

The league at the G starts on Monday and all comps are getting a guarentee whether this is enough to get me to play more I am not sure, if you play the full schedule it would incur a total buy in of about £200 per week if you took add ons, rebuys etc, Do I really want to, and could I afford to pay £200 a week to play poker, I don"t think so, the only game with a decent first prize is the Tuesday game, happy with my current schedule of Sunday, Tuesday and if I have won anything the Friday game, rambled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #322 on: September 30, 2013, 01:10:25 AM »
The G continues to astound me with the standard of play, almost called the td over to check for possible chip dumping, final table (that makes it 5/5), alas another near miss, really need to close these things out got £20 back finishing 7th ran into Ak with 84 suited got a flush but villain rivered a full house.

Button raises, bb flats, flop K high, bb donks 15k, dealer jams for 18k, bb mucks instantly, this looks like an obvious chip dump, if these were 2 randoms I would of definitely got the td over but they are regs and I am certain they aren"t in collusion as I have never seen them together or even speak to each other, I just think the player in the big blind is so bad he never even realised, all he had to do was ask for a count and he would of had to call.

Before play I had decided that any hand I was involved in I had to raise or reraise and it worked out in the main, I tilted one guy who had limped utg with K 10, it got the obligatory 4 limpers and I get AJ in the big blind, which I 3 bet with, he insta jams moaning about being raised all the time, I called it  off, the King hit the flop but I turned an Ace, so won a few chips of him.

Crucial hand on the ft I had around 30 bigs, utg min raises I 3 bet 99 from the cut off, he insta jams, not happy really here and I dwell fold, Ak would be the best I could hope to be against, but more than likely JJ+, AK.

Happy with the fold,but the better spot never materialised and as said finished 7th.

Last ever Breaking Bad in the morning, if you haven"t watched it, and have Netflix it"s all on there so no need to buy the box sets, even if you just take the one months free trial it"s worth it for that alone, get it watched, think it"s my favourite ever TV show, just pipping The Sopranos.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #323 on: October 01, 2013, 01:27:58 AM »
Binked a seat to Dtds £300 at the weekend, decision now live or online, preference would be live, anyone fancy looking after the missus, she doesn"t bite.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #324 on: October 02, 2013, 00:06:15 AM »
Run of final tables came to abrupt halt tonight, although I did get rather unlucky, 3 bet k 10, flatted by 88 on button, flop 10 high, I lead out he repops, I flat, turn 10 which gives me trips and second nut flush draw, I lead out 8k, he flats leaving himself 6k behind 8 on the river, obviously all goes in, sigh, oh well that"s poker, the rest goes in kq v aq which I lose.

Decided to play the live leg at Nottingham on Friday evening, although the online leg makes more sense prefer the live game, if I make day 2 got 24 hours to get Susan sorted, be good to start a run of final tables on Sunday, one time.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #325 on: October 05, 2013, 05:28:42 AM »
Dtd £300 trip report, early doors nothing playable, I am willing to play suited connectors in multi way pots early, but unsuited 6, 7 gapers not that profitable unless you smash the flop, didn"t play them so would of just bled chips away.

Get JJ in the small blind utg has raised to 800 blinds 100/200, 2 callers, all with a propensity not of fold I choose to call, flop 10 high, 2 hearts, check to raiser who bets 1200 folds to me I re raise to 4k, he then reraises me to 10k, I sigh fold, he may have the flush draw but, he had AA with the A hearts, dodged one there then.

Utg raises to 800, 2 flats again, I have Ak suited, I repop it to 2200, utg ships for 8k, flatters fold, with the dead money in the pot getting 1.5 to 1, I call we are racing v QQ , which I lose.

Bit stuck now I have 20 bigs so need to be careful, 3 limpers, I look down at KK, may as well shove, it looks weak, never folding so make em pay, they didn"t.

Call an utg raise with 88, flop Kk6, villain leads out, I 3 bet to 2.2k, he flats, turn 3, check check, river K, he checks hoping I bet my house, but I check back, he has AK for quads, I run too good, could easily of had a higher pair than 8s, but lost the minimum.

I win a few chips with a turned straight after raising limper with KQ, he hits the bottom end and puts me in on the river, there is a flush out there but I am in too deep, hand is good.

Now the blinds are up I start to open more pots in position and get a few light steals through, I am 3 bet once or twice but I just let go of my hand because they were pretty weak to 3 bets.

I 3 bet utg limper with Aj, he has never folded to a 3 bet but some of his holdings have been pretty poor, unfortunately I have bet out of turn as guy on right has decided to put his head on the table and have his cards covered, apparently he does this when he has a decision to make.

In short I win a decent pot and I am up to 58k with blinds at 400/800, I do get sent to the naughty corner and get a one round penalty, which seemed to last forever, not much damage done to stack but Obviously missed a few hands , oh well live and learn, just move on.

Unfortunately it"s all downhill from here, utg limps at 400/800, I 3 bet AK, from cut off to 2200, bb calls as does original limper flop Ace high, checks to me, I lead out, bb folds, limp caller calls 5k leaving 10 behind, he Checks again, I put him all in and he says **** it I know i am behind and calls with A10, 10 on the river and I lose an 18k pot, standard.

Lose a few when I defended bb with 45 suited, flop an up and down draw, don"t get there so am down to 35k at 500/1000.

Table move , I defend with k10 diamonds to a utg min raise, flop k74 rainbow, I check, he bets out, I call, trying to control the pot, blank turn, check check, river is a 10, happy to see that, I put out a small value bet of 3k5, which he insta min raises, in my experience this is 2 pair minimum, if he has 2 pair I am in front because of the board, I just call in case he has 77, 44, yup he has 77, perhaps I should go broke here but still have a shoveable stack, hence only calling his min river bet, nh sir move on.

Easy game now get 2 shoves through, in decent spots, then get Ak, I make the mistake of betting 7k, picked up a 5k instead of a 500, get shoved on, was never folding was raising to induce any way, cards on their backs QQ v Ak, win a race ?, nope, never felt it was going to happen.

All in all was pleased with the way I played, I identified the players I wanted to be involved with and this proved profitable as these were the ones who I got the chips from, the other hands were all pretty standard situations, where I needed to get lucky, it wasn"t to be, I got in via a £50 sat at the first attempt so was cheap enough.

Have decided to go to Vegas in November, it does depend upon getting Susan into the care home for the allotted dates, this should be verified by Tuesday, then need to get Passport renewed, will probably have to fast track it, bit more expensive but as long as it"s done before The start of November should be ok, will confirm this as and when.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #326 on: October 05, 2013, 12:50:14 PM »

Dtd £300 trip report, early doors nothing playable, I am willing to play suited connectors in multi way pots early, but unsuited 6, 7 gapers not that profitable unless you smash the flop, didn"t play them so would of just bled chips away.

Get JJ in the small blind utg has raised to 800 blinds 100/200, 2 callers, all with a propensity not of fold I choose to call, flop 10 high, 2 hearts, check to raiser who bets 1200 folds to me I re raise to 4k, he then reraises me to 10k, I sigh fold, he may have the flush draw but, he had AA with the A hearts, dodged one there then.

Utg raises to 800, 2 flats again, I have Ak suited, I repop it to 2200, utg ships for 8k, flatters fold, with the dead money in the pot getting 1.5 to 1, I call we are racing v QQ , which I lose.

Bit stuck now I have 20 bigs so need to be careful, 3 limpers, I look down at KK, may as well shove, it looks weak, never folding so make em pay, they didn"t.

Call an utg raise with 88, flop Kk6, villain leads out, I 3 bet to 2.2k, he flats, turn 3, check check, river K, he checks hoping I bet my house, but I check back, he has AK for quads, I run too good, could easily of had a higher pair than 8s, but lost the minimum.

I win a few chips with a turned straight after raising limper with KQ, he hits the bottom end and puts me in on the river, there is a flush out there but I am in too deep, hand is good.

Now the blinds are up I start to open more pots in position and get a few light steals through, I am 3 bet once or twice but I just let go of my hand because they were pretty weak to 3 bets.

I 3 bet utg limper with Aj, he has never folded to a 3 bet but some of his holdings have been pretty poor, unfortunately I have bet out of turn as guy on right has decided to put his head on the table and have his cards covered, apparently he does this when he has a decision to make.

In short I win a decent pot and I am up to 58k with blinds at 400/800, I do get sent to the naughty corner and get a one round penalty, which seemed to last forever, not much damage done to stack but Obviously missed a few hands , oh well live and learn, just move on.

Unfortunately it"s all downhill from here, utg limps at 400/800, I 3 bet AK, from cut off to 2200, bb calls as does original limper flop Ace high, checks to me, I lead out, bb folds, limp caller calls 5k leaving 10 behind, he Checks again, I put him all in and he says **** it I know i am behind and calls with A10, 10 on the river and I lose an 18k pot, standard.

Lose a few when I defended bb with 45 suited, flop an up and down draw, don"t get there so am down to 35k at 500/1000.

Table move , I defend with k10 diamonds to a utg min raise, flop k74 rainbow, I check, he bets out, I call, trying to control the pot, blank turn, check check, river is a 10, happy to see that, I put out a small value bet of 3k5, which he insta min raises, in my experience this is 2 pair minimum, if he has 2 pair I am in front because of the board, I just call in case he has 77, 44, yup he has 77, perhaps I should go broke here but still have a shoveable stack, hence only calling his min river bet, nh sir move on.

Easy game now get 2 shoves through, in decent spots, then get Ak, I make the mistake of betting 7k, picked up a 5k instead of a 500, get shoved on, was never folding was raising to induce any way, cards on their backs QQ v Ak, win a race ?, nope, never felt it was going to happen.

All in all was pleased with the way I played, I identified the players I wanted to be involved with and this proved profitable as these were the ones who I got the chips from, the other hands were all pretty standard situations, where I needed to get lucky, it wasn"t to be, I got in via a £50 sat at the first attempt so was cheap enough.

Have decided to go to Vegas in November, it does depend upon getting Susan into the care home for the allotted dates, this should be verified by Tuesday, then need to get Passport renewed, will probably have to fast track it, bit more expensive but as long as it"s done before The start of November should be ok, will confirm this as and when.


Hope you get it sorted for Susan as this is obviously the priority but those Aria games are worth the trip and the Venitian has a festival too. Get it sorted mate would be great to see you there.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #327 on: October 05, 2013, 17:09:16 PM »
I like this.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #328 on: October 06, 2013, 22:04:07 PM »
Slightly different Sunday to normal, woke up at 1pm, I know ridiculous but had a late one on Friday, and Saturday got up too early, ran 22 into KK in the Apat game but never got anything going in that so that fizzled into the abyss, meanwhile on Tilt finished 8/592 in a super stack for $148, last hand I min raised Russian who never folded with QJ , flop was Q6x, Russian had Q6, sigh, shove was the right move pre, 18 bigs, he might off called but was a mistake by me, make a note.

Popped to the shops for milk, tripped over a wall, dislocated a finger, off to casualty.

Arrived 2:15, place full to the brim, long day ahead, wedding ring had to be removed, first time in 28 years, mmmmm, cash for gold may make a profit today, only joking she would kill me.

X rays diagnosed as a dislocation, finger eventually numbed and was manipulated back into place with a nice loud click, 2cd x ray taken I have to return at 8 in the morning, it may need to be reset again have to leave overnight and see, half pot on the arm seems slightly excessive but they know best.

Missed the Gs 15/15, just looked on face book 54 runners and a £1k5 gtee this league they are running seems to have worked with attracting the players, as I have said before I have a set budget for poker and will be playing my usual games, if I make one or 2 final tables should be enough to make the freeroll.

If care home can take Susan in November then will fast track passport and get Vegas sorted, hoping this will be done and confirmed in the next 10 days.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #329 on: October 08, 2013, 23:10:24 PM »

Enjoyed the first table, one guy was giving it verbals, nothing nasty was quite fun listening to him, and he actually managed to triple up because of his speech play, got a few players to spew off to him, don"t think I can add this to my game it just wouldn"t suit, although I do engage with the other players a lot more than I used to.
One thing I did disagree to was his giving advice to help other players, lets not tap the tank, tbh they wouldn"t act on any advice given.

He had just apparently qualified for the Ept in London and was telling me his total buy ins last year was £150k, he may be exaggerating but I have no reason to disbelieve him, must be odd going from £5k buy ins to the old £40er at Gala.

These guys tend to be complete tellboxes. Don"t read too much into his speech play, especially considering the general standard of player stacking off.

Anyone who plays a £40 and feels the need to tell you how much he spends on "other tourneys" whilst educating the table is clearly a fish with a big wallet.
Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D