Dtd £300 trip report, early doors nothing playable, I am willing to play suited connectors in multi way pots early, but unsuited 6, 7 gapers not that profitable unless you smash the flop, didn"t play them so would of just bled chips away.
Get JJ in the small blind utg has raised to 800 blinds 100/200, 2 callers, all with a propensity not of fold I choose to call, flop 10 high, 2 hearts, check to raiser who bets 1200 folds to me I re raise to 4k, he then reraises me to 10k, I sigh fold, he may have the flush draw but, he had AA with the A hearts, dodged one there then.
Utg raises to 800, 2 flats again, I have Ak suited, I repop it to 2200, utg ships for 8k, flatters fold, with the dead money in the pot getting 1.5 to 1, I call we are racing v QQ , which I lose.
Bit stuck now I have 20 bigs so need to be careful, 3 limpers, I look down at KK, may as well shove, it looks weak, never folding so make em pay, they didn"t.
Call an utg raise with 88, flop Kk6, villain leads out, I 3 bet to 2.2k, he flats, turn 3, check check, river K, he checks hoping I bet my house, but I check back, he has AK for quads, I run too good, could easily of had a higher pair than

, but lost the minimum.
I win a few chips with a turned straight after raising limper with KQ, he hits the bottom end and puts me in on the river, there is a flush out there but I am in too deep, hand is good.
Now the blinds are up I start to open more pots in position and get a few light steals through, I am 3 bet once or twice but I just let go of my hand because they were pretty weak to 3 bets.
I 3 bet utg limper with Aj, he has never folded to a 3 bet but some of his holdings have been pretty poor, unfortunately I have bet out of turn as guy on right has decided to put his head on the table and have his cards covered, apparently he does this when he has a decision to make.
In short I win a decent pot and I am up to 58k with blinds at 400/800, I do get sent to the naughty corner and get a one round penalty, which seemed to last forever, not much damage done to stack but Obviously missed a few hands , oh well live and learn, just move on.
Unfortunately it"s all downhill from here, utg limps at 400/800, I 3 bet AK, from cut off to 2200, bb calls as does original limper flop Ace high, checks to me, I lead out, bb folds, limp caller calls 5k leaving 10 behind, he Checks again, I put him all in and he says **** it I know i am behind and calls with A10, 10 on the river and I lose an 18k pot, standard.
Lose a few when I defended bb with 45 suited, flop an up and down draw, don"t get there so am down to 35k at 500/1000.
Table move , I defend with k10 diamonds to a utg min raise, flop k74 rainbow, I check, he bets out, I call, trying to control the pot, blank turn, check check, river is a 10, happy to see that, I put out a small value bet of 3k5, which he insta min raises, in my experience this is 2 pair minimum, if he has 2 pair I am in front because of the board, I just call in case he has 77, 44, yup he has 77, perhaps I should go broke here but still have a shoveable stack, hence only calling his min river bet, nh sir move on.
Easy game now get 2 shoves through, in decent spots, then get Ak, I make the mistake of betting 7k, picked up a 5k instead of a 500, get shoved on, was never folding was raising to induce any way, cards on their backs QQ v Ak, win a race ?, nope, never felt it was going to happen.
All in all was pleased with the way I played, I identified the players I wanted to be involved with and this proved profitable as these were the ones who I got the chips from, the other hands were all pretty standard situations, where I needed to get lucky, it wasn"t to be, I got in via a £50 sat at the first attempt so was cheap enough.
Have decided to go to Vegas in November, it does depend upon getting Susan into the care home for the allotted dates, this should be verified by Tuesday, then need to get Passport renewed, will probably have to fast track it, bit more expensive but as long as it"s done before The start of November should be ok, will confirm this as and when.