G was a bit feisty tonight, a faint whiff of testosterone and a whiff of Pot noodles, think it might be freshers week, a lot of student types in, this brought the average age down to around 23 instead of us doddery 50 plus people.
One of the students got Bettied after he flopped a a straight but as Betty does she gets there with a full house, this news was relayed across the room with loud yelps of wtf, standard G fare, ( news filtered through Betty hit a house but another female hit the quads on the river).
An ultra lag player was causing chaos on table 1 shoving and calling with any 2 and usually getting there against the regs, chaos ensued and one by one the regs sauntered off for a second buy in or get home for the X factor results.
I get moved to table 1, and subsequently gathered a few chips of the Laggy guy, i generally went in ahead and ran ok v his holdings, except when I flatted a suited Ace in the big blind, the board double paired after I had bet the turn and he called my bet on the river, he had AA pre, so I donated a few back to him.
I get to the final table, yes I know another one and one by one the massive chip leader proceeds to knock every one out, all his hands were genuine raising and calling hands and again he ran Golden, we got to 4 handed and he offered to take first prize and we three split the rest, I disagreed as there was one guy sat with 5 bigs so renegotiated it for an extra £100 for me and the other guy, the short stack had a moan and eventually, the chip leader agreed to give me and the other guy an extra £75, 2cd price was £325, the young lad in 2cd place wasn"t happy but all he had to do was put a red card in to scupper the deal but he didn"t.
At the cash desk the cashier handed him the slip to sign and he preceded to just scribble all over it for some bizarre reason, the cashier wasn"t too chuffed as she will get grief for that from head office.
I get paid out £275, and walk passed the young kid who was still moaning to his mates.
As said above if you are not happy with the deal put a red card in, no one is going to moan I was quite happy to play on especially against him as he was on my left and had already folded twice to my 6 big blind shove after I lost a big hand before becoming 4 handed.
Next up is the 30/30 on Tuesday there is a £20 deepstack today but will give that a miss and just stick to my usual schedule, got to have a bit if balance, may play online.
Been a good week , flights paid for, room paid for and tonight"s effort might of paid for a visit to the Rhinoceroses in Vegas,

Apologies for these multi posts but my brother likes to hear about my poker exploits and he always checks this first thing before work, it saves a phone call and he doesn"t have to sound interested in my boring rendition of bad beats or good beats, a few minutes reading saves a lifetime of boring poker chat.
As an aside he qualified as a Radiographer 1 year ago after 20 years in the chemical industry, and he is off to London in November to collect an award as part of the team radiographer of the year, he definitely got the brains in our family really proud and chuffed for him, slightly of topic but hey oh he reads it and it"s easier writing it than telling him, soppy git I am.
As per, run good, be lucky stay healthy.