Author Topic: The Fossil does Vegas  (Read 364715 times)

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #345 on: October 18, 2013, 11:10:21 AM »

Thought i would try online tonight for a change, first game online for a week or so managed to finish 30/600 on tilt for $50, close but no cigar.
I had £20 left on Dtd so i put in the extra £5 and played a sat for the weekend 6 max, i managed to bink a seat but it went down hill from there.

Dave was playing so we swopped our usual 10% and we ended up on the same table for the first hour.
1st hour went from 30k to 20k, buth 2cd hour got up to 52k and in decent shape, then the trouble started no moaning here was happy with plays just got unlucky, all part and parcel.

3 BET AK from buttons min raise, he/she flatted q10, flop k 10 10, there is one shortie doubled up then.

i get moved to Leighs table who triple barrels on a Ace high flop, cant remember his holding but villains A3 was good, was a good attempt at winning the pot
but if Leigh had asked me first i would of told him not to attempt to bluff this guy as my stack found out in the first hour, calling station.

I hit a set of 9s v same guy who had flopped the straight,and even though i bet all 3 streets i had an inkling he had it but i had outs and the deck didnt work for me.
Actually enjoyed the 6 max format of the game for a change, might get back to sky and drop a few quid on there.

Currently railing Dave who has made day 2 with 66k which will be 30 bigs I would imagine, wp sir, bring it home.

All good fun tonight. Passport arrived today was supposed to be on a week service it arrived after 2 days glad I didn"t bother with the £128 same day service, insurance sorted, just need to get the dollars and Esta and I am sorted, happy days.

Have you booked your seat on the flying aeroplane?

I am in 36G with Stu, Matt and Phil to my right. Seat next to me is free so may as well book that.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #346 on: October 18, 2013, 17:14:36 PM »

Thought i would try online tonight for a change, first game online for a week or so managed to finish 30/600 on tilt for $50, close but no cigar.
I had £20 left on Dtd so i put in the extra £5 and played a sat for the weekend 6 max, i managed to bink a seat but it went down hill from there.

Dave was playing so we swopped our usual 10% and we ended up on the same table for the first hour.
1st hour went from 30k to 20k, buth 2cd hour got up to 52k and in decent shape, then the trouble started no moaning here was happy with plays just got unlucky, all part and parcel.

3 BET AK from buttons min raise, he/she flatted q10, flop k 10 10, there is one shortie doubled up then.

i get moved to Leighs table who triple barrels on a Ace high flop, cant remember his holding but villains A3 was good, was a good attempt at winning the pot
but if Leigh had asked me first i would of told him not to attempt to bluff this guy as my stack found out in the first hour, calling station.

I hit a set of 9s v same guy who had flopped the straight,and even though i bet all 3 streets i had an inkling he had it but i had outs and the deck didnt work for me.
Actually enjoyed the 6 max format of the game for a change, might get back to sky and drop a few quid on there.

Currently railing Dave who has made day 2 with 66k which will be 30 bigs I would imagine, wp sir, bring it home.

All good fun tonight. Passport arrived today was supposed to be on a week service it arrived after 2 days glad I didn"t bother with the £128 same day service, insurance sorted, just need to get the dollars and Esta and I am sorted, happy days.

Have you booked your seat on the flying aeroplane?

I am in 36G with Stu, Matt and Phil to my right. Seat next to me is free so may as well book that.

Having Rodders as a barrier between you and the Three Reprobates Musketeers sounds like a great spot!
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #347 on: October 18, 2013, 18:03:14 PM »
I am in 36G with Stu, Matt and Phil to my right. Seat next to me is free so may as well book that.

36f booked.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #348 on: October 21, 2013, 02:19:56 AM »
Ok, run good come to a halt, Fridays game at Gala ended with me losing a flip Ak v 10 10, think I was slow rolled as as he had 3 bet my early position raise with a bet which pot committed him but he still agonised on calling with his 10 10, flop included a 10 and the turn gave me the ace as a little rub down, was all standard stuff, just wish the villain didn"t huff and puff for five minutes before sigh calling off, if you think your in front just get the chips in the middle, have to win the flips late on finished 15th I think.

Saturday was back to my roots playing turbo sngs with my brother and some mates, having a few beers and a very hot chillie was a fun night until at the the end a bit of an argument started over nothing, the atmosphere became a bit chilly, so the  final game was abandoned, we all get a text from the protagonist the following day apologising for his behaviour, that was always going to happen so it"s no biggie, no one going to fall out over it, too old and daft.  Alcohol probably had an involvement and an inadvertent comment regarding Middlesbrough Football Club from our host, mountain, mole hill comes to mind.

Poker wise I won a couple of games and a 3rd place gave me a free night out, paid for my beer and paid into G "s, 15/15 tonight which was a total non event for me, lost a flip at the end and was home by 8:45.

It"s still fun to watch people losing a 15k stack for £30, then another 15k for another £30 all before the middle of the second level, I can understand it if they were in situations which were coolers but they were just nothing hands which got way out of control, unfortunately I wasn"t one of the recipients of said chips, and even though I made the break with 22k, a few 3 bets which didn"t materialise into anything I was soon in shove or fold mode and lost with 33 v AQ, not winning the flips in the last few days.

Getting everything sorted for Vegas now Flight booked, Passport done, Esta done, rooms booked ( via Mathew), get $$$ this week and I will be ready for the off, no online play apart from the Dtd sat on Thursday and the subsequent online day 1 which I bricked as above.

Tempted to play on Sky and try and qualify for their grand final next weekend at Dtd but can feel a cold coming on so will just see how that pans out, run good be Lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #349 on: October 23, 2013, 02:57:04 AM »
G tonight, had the pleasure of Stuart sat to my right for the first few levels, and was the usual fun table, not as manic as a Sunday but some odd plays and decisions, I benefitted with a raise from the cut off with Kings, bb defends with K4, flop contains a 4 so villain leads out, an easy raise from me, turn a brick, I lead out and get called with 4th pair for a nice double before the break.

My usual thing in these things is if I have below 15k before the break I will take the add on, I had 12k so I purchased the add on for a 20k stack after the break.

We get to  12 left and am looking for a spot when I get lucky with AJ v 1010, an ace on the river saved my bacon, I had the guy covered and his range is pretty wide there so was an easy call.

Guy sat to my right has indicated he is waiting to get to the final table for the extra league points and was an easy target on the ft bubble, he limps, most people shove over him and he folds, this gets annoying later.

Guy shoves 26k at 500/1000 with AJ, I have 99 in big blind (30k)and make the call, don"t like the jack on the flop, but the 9 on the river means another final table.

We get to 4 handed and the guy playing for the league points is still hanging on to his 4 big blind stack and wins every time he shoves, and for some reason always has AJ+.

He limps from utg at 3k/6k, i jam q9 suited, he is never calling but button finds 10 10 and it holds v my q9, original limper folded as expected, so I finished 4th for £200, which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, 3rd would of been another £160 if the shortie had done the decent thing and lost one of his all ins, hey ho just got to get on with it.

Off for physio on my finger later today, basically seeing how far I can now bend it, still can"t make a fist with my left hand and my left handed world record juggling act is still suspended until further notice, may buy a fish today, tank has been set up 1 year now, although I have lost a few corals, only one fish has died on me, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #350 on: October 23, 2013, 08:46:14 AM »
Well done last night mate, was an enjoyable night actually!!

My demise came when it folded to Mr any 2 Thomas on the hijack, who raised to 3.5 k with blinds at 500/1000/100 so I shoved for 22k with 88 and the bb woke up with QQ.

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #351 on: October 23, 2013, 13:31:16 PM »
Glad you enjoyed it, as you seen first hand with some of the decisions being made, it can be profitable playing there obviously suck outs and outdraws are going to occur, long term though it should be profitable just playing pretty solid and not getting involved in fancy play.

Martin reached the final table as well, but he finished 6th, a bubble was agreed so he got £100, he jammed with AK v 77, K on the flop but the 7 on the river was brutal for him, plenty of sets out tonight.

In other news almost passed out in the hospital today when my finger was being manipulated, what a wimp, I blame the heat it was roasting in there, still if you are going to pass out might as well do it in the hospital.

A gentle caress of the forehead by the young physio soon had me back in shape  ;D  ;D, actually a glass of water and sticking my head out of the window helped more.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #352 on: October 26, 2013, 02:29:06 AM »
Made the final table at Gala tonight in the £2k gtee, had 30 bigs at the start and there was only one big stack, it was anyone"s game tbh, unfortunately I was pretty card and spot dead, I picked up a few chips here and there but was always treading water and was soon in shove mode, got one shove through over a min raise and a flat with A10 but that was it, my exit hand was 88 v QQ blind v blind, was no sweat as the board ran out well for the queens, £80 for my troubles finished 6th, which was a min cash, the £800 up top would of been nice but circumstances dictated it wasn"t going to happen, at the business end of these things you do need the cards to fall kindly.

It was pretty much a grind all night tbh, just picking decent spots against people who will fold to 3 bets and try and play in position as much as possible, QQ was the biggest hand I seen all night, luckily someone had jammed original raiser with A7 and I ISO shoved with QQ, original raiser folded AJ , flop was K Q 10, with the board failing to pair so I escaped that one.

Sunday probably my next game although there are 2 games on a Saturday on offer now, actually say to Susan I am off to work now when I go to poker, poker income so far this month has doubled our normal income, good timing with Vegas on the horizon.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #353 on: October 26, 2013, 09:40:11 AM »
My passport turned up quicker than yours did!!

Had appointment at 10am yesterday, it arrived at 9am this morning!! Cracking service :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #354 on: October 27, 2013, 01:16:10 AM »
Took advantage of Susan wanting an early night, popped to the G for the 20/20, more points on the leader board as I made the final table but was short stacked, lost a 77 v KQ before final table, only flatted the original raise it was a Q high flop, the kid was running Golden, I called his c bet, but had to give up when he double barrelled, he showed KQ, nh sir.

Get to the final table with 12 bigs which seems to be a recurring theme, lose the important one before the final table so always in shove mode, still, if you have chips always got a chance.

Shove AJ over 2 limpers for 16k, G mac calls, original limpers fold, he shows A 10, original Iimper has folded Q 10, 10 on the river hands the pot over, sigh, my last 5 bigs go in with AQv K4, q4x flop but the k on the river finished me off, only 4 payed so was nowhere near the money but, if the AJ holds I am in reasonable shape, finished 8/30.

All you can do in these situations is get it in good, after that there is not a lot you can do, the cards will decide.

Not sure if I am playing the rest of the week, it"s the £5k gtee on Saturday might just play that before the Vegas trip, ( I have said that before and ended up playing the lot, so easily led).

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #355 on: October 27, 2013, 20:58:26 PM »
Went tonight, big mistake the only game I may play before Vegas is Saturdays £5k, getting the run bad out of my system, tonight"s gems include, 3 betting with QQ, 10 4 eventually hits his 10 high flush, a four flush as well, hit my set on the river just for rubs, I still can"t see why he is in the hand at all pre, then the call on the flop, then the call on the turn, ahhh that"s why,you liked the hearts, nh sir.

The ladies again, this time I should get away from it, 3 bet pre, flatted by 56, flop fairly safe j54 rainbow, I lead he calls, turn is 6, I lead he repops it, I can"t flat its jam or fold, he is pretty bad so he could do this with AJ, KJ, J2, I actually say it"s stinks of 2 pair but do have outs if the j or 4 pairs, sigh, missed good read, crap call, this tables inhabitants were pretty tilting so was glad to move.

Hit a set of 7s but a flush gets there so only got 9k after the break, first hand AA, yes I know I am a luck box, 3 bet 2 limpers QJ spades calls, flop has 2 spades on it villain bets out, I reraise all in, he is calling with his flush draw I have the ace of spades, turn is a spade and I brick the river.

I was told on Friday I was a luckbox and ran golden all of the time, wish he was there to see the above unfold, so pretty much a break even week but got to show a bit if discipline and not play at all this week except maybe for the £5k gtee, unless I qualify for Nottinghams £300 online.

It"s probably a good idea to have a break don"t want to go over there tilted and sick before we start.

Promise no more posts for at least a week, honest.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #356 on: October 28, 2013, 07:03:50 AM »

Went tonight, big mistake the only game I may play before Vegas is Saturdays £5k, getting the run bad out of my system, tonight"s gems include, 3 betting with QQ, 10 4 eventually hits his 10 high flush, a four flush as well, hit my set on the river just for rubs, I still can"t see why he is in the hand at all pre, then the call on the flop, then the call on the turn, ahhh that"s why,you liked the hearts, nh sir.

The ladies again, this time I should get away from it, 3 bet pre, flatted by 56, flop fairly safe j54 rainbow, I lead he calls, turn is 6, I lead he repops it, I can"t flat its jam or fold, he is pretty bad so he could do this with AJ, KJ, J2, I actually say it"s stinks of 2 pair but do have outs if the j or 4 pairs, sigh, missed good read, crap call, this tables inhabitants were pretty tilting so was glad to move.

Hit a set of 7s but a flush gets there so only got 9k after the break, first hand AA, yes I know I am a luck box, 3 bet 2 limpers QJ spades calls, flop has 2 spades on it villain bets out, I reraise all in, he is calling with his flush draw I have the ace of spades, turn is a spade and I brick the river.

I was told on Friday I was a luckbox and ran golden all of the time, wish he was there to see the above unfold, so pretty much a break even week but got to show a bit if discipline and not play at all this week except maybe for the £5k gtee, unless I qualify for Nottinghams £300 online.

It"s probably a good idea to have a break don"t want to go over there tilted and sick before we start.

Promise no more posts for at least a week, honest.

See you Tuesday :)

Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #357 on: October 30, 2013, 12:49:56 PM »

Went tonight, big mistake the only game I may play before Vegas is Saturdays £5k, getting the run bad out of my system, tonight"s gems include, 3 betting with QQ, 10 4 eventually hits his 10 high flush, a four flush as well, hit my set on the river just for rubs, I still can"t see why he is in the hand at all pre, then the call on the flop, then the call on the turn, ahhh that"s why,you liked the hearts, nh sir.

The ladies again, this time I should get away from it, 3 bet pre, flatted by 56, flop fairly safe j54 rainbow, I lead he calls, turn is 6, I lead he repops it, I can"t flat its jam or fold, he is pretty bad so he could do this with AJ, KJ, J2, I actually say it"s stinks of 2 pair but do have outs if the j or 4 pairs, sigh, missed good read, crap call, this tables inhabitants were pretty tilting so was glad to move.

Hit a set of 7s but a flush gets there so only got 9k after the break, first hand AA, yes I know I am a luck box, 3 bet 2 limpers QJ spades calls, flop has 2 spades on it villain bets out, I reraise all in, he is calling with his flush draw I have the ace of spades, turn is a spade and I brick the river.

I was told on Friday I was a luckbox and ran golden all of the time, wish he was there to see the above unfold, so pretty much a break even week but got to show a bit if discipline and not play at all this week except maybe for the £5k gtee, unless I qualify for Nottinghams £300 online.

It"s probably a good idea to have a break don"t want to go over there tilted and sick before we start.

Promise no more posts for at least a week, honest.

See you Tuesday :)

See, not a slave to the G, almost caved in but gave Susan my car keys and asked her to hide them, as you know Susan has no mobility so her hiding places would be effectively within arms reach so would be fairly easy to find if I really wanted to go.

I was going ok in the £300 sat at DTD, I ran into shorties AA, then lost A10 v KQ, then jammed 97 into AA, so finished 5 of a seat, needed a double after losing v AA, got it in good, all you can do.

In other news Dollars acquired, passport, esta insurance all sorted, countdown has officially started.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #358 on: November 02, 2013, 19:10:25 PM »
Run good continues at the G, not, played the £5k gtee today, these hands are all v same villain, last one a corker

Qq < 44, jj v 64, after he limp calls 3 bet, I hit a set he eventually gets the straight and the final nail in the coffin I flat 55 (30 bigs), from utg raise, I have enough to set mine, villain calls in with bb with q9, it goes all in eventually, turn is a 9, yawn, tbh the way I have ran down there in my last few games it wasn"t totally unexpected. Kk was the original raiser.

Flop was 995 by the way.

No more poker till Vegas now hopefully got the run bad out of the way.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 19:57:01 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #359 on: November 03, 2013, 14:52:05 PM »
Vegas beckons, I would like to say i am heading over there full of confidence but the last weeks efforts have certainly dented that, been getting it in good on most occasions (happy with that), but variance hasn"t been good to me, shouldn"t complain though, this trip is virtually a freeroll via a couple of 2cd places locally and the withdrawal of funds from Full Tilt.
I am still happy with my game so let"s hope variance gives a bit back in the next 10 days or so.

Dropping Susan off on Wednesday morning, I do feel a bit guilty about leaving her but she was ok about it, the place she is staying at is ok but the choices of places available is pretty limited and this is as good as it gets, expecting a bill of £1k on return, (May have to pay all or part of this, that will be decided in the next few weeks),could get to Vegas for that, we have looked at costs for Susan travelling but insurance costs and other factors make it virtually impossible to do so, plus she is not a fan of the heat and although it"s not that bad in November it"s not worth the hassle tbh for her or me.

Even travelling to hotels in this country is a bit of a mare.

I will update the stakers thread with details of tourneys played and the running totals etc, will try and keep hand details to a minimum, I have just re read last weeks posts and it does feel as though I am just posting bad beat moans, I don"t want it to come across as a constant whinge but I am just reporting it as it happens.

I have just read through the blog from my first post 2 years ago and I think my initial post said follow my journey to mediocrity.
I haven"t had any massive scores, ( it would of  been nice), I have played in a handful of biggish tournaments and again with a bit of luck at the right time might of got something but it wasn"t to be.

The truth is I am a small winner/ break even player who may or may not hit a decent score in the future, pretty sure if I was losing chunks I would of given up a while back. I have to put this into context and as a recreational player am happy with the extra cash I have made through poker which does help with the home finances.

As for taking this blog into a third year will decide after Vegas, I am surprised it"s lasted this long to be honest, the thing is with writing these things is if you are winning it comes over as self congratulatory  and if you are losing it sounds like a whinge fest, no shades of grey, winning, losing or breaking even, then again we all play poker and understand the nature of the beast.

Whatever happens will be re depositing on Tilt in January and starting all over again, as for staking not sure as yet, even though the initial stake was smallish it does put a bit of extra pressure on when you are playing with other peoples money, luckily i made a bit so that was ok.

A few things I do intend on doing is keeping a proper record of the live tourneys I play, I downloaded an app which will do the job, pretty sure I have had a winning year live as I still have cash in the bank at the end of the month even after paying for Vegas and other items for the home, the local games are profitable but prizes aren"t massive and the nature of mtts is volatile, so earning a wage at these is not in my opinion feasible,(but any wins pay for a few extravagances), another option is to use any winnings in these as buy ins for Dtd, GPS etc with a chance for a decent hit.

Got everything sorted for the trip now and have all my stuff required out of the way so I can just pack and go, got to get my brother to pop around mine whilst I am away to keep an eye on the fish tank as I don"t fancy coming home to death and destruction in that, not a lot to do just has to feed the fish and top up the water if necessary, shouldn"t be too much bother for a man with as many degrees as a thermometer, currently going for a masters at the moment gl to him in that quest.

Whatever happens its been fun and hope any one who is still here has enjoyed the ride, Vegas, bring it on.