Author Topic: The Fossil does Vegas  (Read 365274 times)

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #375 on: November 14, 2013, 00:32:32 AM »
$400 deepstack cliffs,

River quads but guy who has house on the river didn"t re raise me when he hit his house, tbh wished he had hit quad 10s on the turn  as it would of involved a $15k jackpot quad 2 or better, only time I want a bad beat please, wasn"t to be.

3 bet JJ after utg min raises and gets 1 flatter, flop 688, checks to me I lead get mi. reraised, slow played QQ, KK 66 or a random 8 here, I open fold he has flopped the house with pocket sixes.

Get back to 22 bigs then run 88 into shortstacks 99.

8k going back to be continued, should of phoned Katrina.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #376 on: November 14, 2013, 02:06:01 AM »
First hand after break get it all in QQ v KK, 5 clubs on board I scoop.

AQ beats 66, tide is turning hopefully.

Chop a pot with AJ v QJ all in for a bounty board jjx 22.

Next hand get the bounty AK > K6.

Miss a bounty opportunity when A6 > AQ.

Wasn"t involved in this one 88 v JJ aipf, flop J99 turn 8 river 8, sick.

170 started 62 left, average 32k , I have 26k, blinds 500-1000.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #377 on: November 14, 2013, 03:12:12 AM »
Lose a flip Aq v 66, the rest goes when I jam 14 bigs from bb over min raise and 2 limpers he has 98 hearts, never in doubt he was getting there, finished mid forties, irrelevant.

NB had kj hearts.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #378 on: November 14, 2013, 18:36:27 PM »
Daily whinge report coming up, sat at the Venetian drinking Strawberry Daqueries for breakfast so it ain"t all that bad.
Played the Venetian $200 last night after busting the $400, it"s like Internet poker with legs here.

Cliffs on tourney got up to 45k and was running good for a change, then my job over here come into operation, ie doubling the shorties which I did dutifully, think 160 started and there is 30 left I have 25 bigs, lose a flip 99 v KJ, I was behind but happy to take the flip, miss an opportunity to double up when I rivered 2 pair, villain may or not of paid me  then get a min raise from a short stack this is obviously AA or Kk, but I only had 12 bigs and I shoved with 66, good read then, bad call though, AA v 66, pick up a gut shot on the turn but never expected it to come in.

May play the Aria at 1pm this will definitely  be the last one, overall been a pretty poor trip poker wise but I feel as though I have played ok, just haven"t had the rub of the green at the right times, hey ho it"s poker.

Hope these posts haven"t come across as a total moan fest, it"s the way it"s gone.

Another bad beat lost the phone number from the hottie from treasures, meh it was never going to happen, single different ending, hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed it here, roll on the G and future winnings to fund more visits, peace, run good be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #379 on: November 14, 2013, 23:49:42 PM »
Swerved the Aria game, taking the day off poker, shopping then Absinthe at Ceasers palace tonight and might try and find a decent steak.

Been fun, didn"t have to raid home bank account or credit card so happy with that, back to the grind next week.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #380 on: November 17, 2013, 07:21:27 AM »
Back home from my 2cd trip to Vegas, didn"t play on the last day, I think running into AA on my last hand at the Venetian just about summed it up for me poker wise, as said in previous comments I was happy with the way I played so it"s onwards and upwards, all part of the long game

Its not over till you decide you have played your last game so the quest continues.

Went to see Absinthe on the final night, would highly recommend if you are ever over there. The Mc is a bit close to the knuckle but you are warned before you go in though so it assumes you have understood the terms and conditions.
As for the performers nobody should be that strong or that bendy, can"t be natural really was stunning what they could do.

Vegas is a place you can do on your own but it"s nice to have people there who you know at the same time so you are not totally isolated, big thanks to Mathew and Stuart for the drive back from Gatwick, pretty sure I wouldn"t of managed that one, small mishap on Yarm high street on return, car reversed Into  Mattys car whilst he was waiting in traffic, we pulled over but other guy drove off, don"t think there was massive damage done but he got the number and an independent witness gave them some details so no doubt he will peruse that, shared a room with Phil again no probs there other than me moaning him to death with Poker hands, and certain threats about what was going to happen to me during my stay didn"t materialise, all good fun.

Thanks to Ger and the rest for their company during the stay and arranging the limo to and from the hotel, and Colin if you read this I owe you some dollars, sent pm, was good to see you again, without Apat don"t think I would of been to Vegas but now would be ok to go there again either with this group or on my own, as poker is not a spectator sport and if you are just grinding you do spend a lot of time alone.

A big shout out to Joe as well one of the most un PC and funny guys you will ever meet, one story, I wasn"t there but was told by Mathew, he was at the 3 card poker table and was doing his nuts in, when he decided to shove the lot in including his false teeth which flew across the table towards the dealer, who proceeded to fall about laughing, but was replaced by the miserable pit boss who didn"t see the funny side.

His roommate also had to put up with him in the morning in his hotel room waking up to him standing in front of the bathroom mirror reciting Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all, You are Joe Ball in an excited fashion, he was a funny man.

I met some interesting people at the tables and in other establishments ( cough, cough) and all though the trip was never going to be as epic as the first time it was still an enjoyable one.

Back to reality as soon as I reached home, received a call from care home Susan had been taken to A&E earlier in the day, dropped bags off at home, tried to get car of drive but neighbour has has blocked me in and can"t get off drive, so I get a cab to the hospital.

She has been there since 1pm, with a worker from the care home, at least they didn"t leave her by herself, I won"t go into details about what was wrong, it"s an ongoing problem she has with her condition.

A specialist came in around 7:30 and decided it was going to be best to keep her in overnight, this is ongoing so will update when I have further news.

Finally got home around 9:30, and started to get stuff sorted around the house,  such a small world, 48 hours ago cocktails and sunshine at breakfast now trudging back home with the temp reaching freezing point.

Back to the local scene this week, playing what, depends on what"s happening with Susan, regarding online stuff will be re depositing on Full tilt as yet an undecided amount, but want to put some cash aside for Dtds satellites to their big live games, as for another staking thread again undecided, if I do decide to do it will be at the start of January, probably result dependant over the next 6 weeks, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #381 on: November 17, 2013, 14:52:37 PM »
Good read Brian, and hope all is well.

I"ll be interested in next years run when/if available?

This time next year we will be millionaires!!!  ;D
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #382 on: November 22, 2013, 09:08:55 AM »
Been a week now since I got back from Vegas and to say I am all over the place would be an understatement, sleeping patterns totally erratic, and generally feeling as flat as a pancake, incidentally Susan was released from hospital on Sunday morning no further problems, she is as good as she is going to be at the minute.

Played the 30/30 at the G on Tuesday and got a semi decent stack after the break then ran into quads when I flopped 2 pair, by the river I was getting 6-1 to make the call even though I probably knew I was beaten I had put to much in the pot already, nh sir, quads seem to be becoming the new 2 pair as I keep running into and getting this hand lately.

This left me with 8 bigs which I shoved over a limper at the last hand before the break with 44, button called with KQ, original limper folded and we we were off to the races, KQ flop and no help from the next 3 cards, nh sir was glad to get home as I was done in.

I checked the league table for the freeroll at the start of December and am currently in 23rd place which will give me 10k to start with which is ok with me, plenty of fish with 20k to steal from when that game plays out.

Went to see Gravity at the local multiplex, would like to tell you my thoughts but fell asleep about 10 mins in, was a bit loud so it did keep waking me up and the bits I did see it looked very impressive in 3 d, obviously the storey was fairly self explanatory, ie get lost in space and float about a bit in zero gravity and eventually find your way back to earth, normal day for an astronaut I assume.

Played a bit online but as yet nothing major to report, lost with AA three off  the cash in a 12k (25 big blind stack) yesterday, that was frustrating, and after a decent start in the big $10 on Stars AA > KK > QQ, didn"t win a major pot after that scoop and eventually fizzled out to nothing.

I have a tiny stake in 2 people in the Gukpt, one has already made day 2 and another plays today lets hope these two chop it heads up, gives me a bit of interest in the event, probably playing Galas £40 fo tonight, confidence not the highest at the minute after Vegas but as said previously happy with the way I am playing just need the poker gods to give me a bit of a break, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #383 on: November 22, 2013, 16:48:34 PM »
Nice confidence boost got a 3/181 today for $553, some serious laddering skills on the final table, ie play like a nit and let the others go daft, was card dead and was pretty hamstrung in what I could play, eventually jammed A3 into A10 blind v blind, didn"t hit.

May of moaned this one in as at least 3 x got it in as a 30% dog but got there, all pretty standard spots though, the moaners were out in force this afternoon, loads of chat abuse going on, live tonight at Gala.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #384 on: November 23, 2013, 10:10:28 AM »
Loads of stuff going in this week, I could be out 9 nights out of the 7, other than the usual tournaments, there are sats running for the £150 at Gala, and also a sat for the 25/25 at the G, lots of choice going on, could be expensive or I just might not bother.

Thursday is taken care of going to see Billy Bragg up at Newcastle, looking forward to that.

Last nights game at Gala was fun again, got up to 17k, then the last hand before the break 3 bet A10 over 3 limpers on the button, 1 caller, flop A 10 2, of course he has pocket 2.

11k after the break is 30 bigs so no problem, until I get it all in with AA v KK, I lost, K on the flop, standard stuff though, these beats don"t bother me anymore just smile and get on with it, final 2k5 goes in with 77 v KK, I didn"t bink.

May have a full grind day today, loads of sngs and mtts, try and win enough for this weeks buy ins live, after yesterday"s bink roll is just under $1k


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #385 on: November 24, 2013, 03:16:34 AM »
Ended up a small winner online today after bubbling the ft on Full Tilt in my last tourney of the day, with bounties got $110, got lucky when jammed A6 suited v JJ, he hit a set which seems to be mandatory, but runner runner diamonds saved the day, few hands later get KK v AK v 10 10 for a triple up and a ft place but the Ace  from space appeared, same guy who I had 4 flushed so a bit of justice there I suppose but slightly annoying, embrace the variance.

Doing my best to avoid the X factor this year, so popped to the G for the 20/20, advising the card room manager I will win tonight so I can gain the 15k in chips for the freeroll.

Almost kept my word finished 2cd for £330, was only in for £20 so a decent return.

It was one of those games were everything I did was correct hands held, c bets and bluffs worked and ran pretty pure.

Hand of the night, I raise KK, flatted by 78, and by 66, flop was K65, no worries hit quads on the river, rigged I tell you.

I got to the final table with more than half the chips in play and I offered to take first place the rest can be split, the shorties were compliant but the others declined, was slightly tongue in cheek but may of worked.

Final table was really slow as an old drunk guy kept having to be told what to do and it was written in the stars he would win it, he smashed every flop, ridiculous bet sizings etc but fair play to him he got his chips in when It mattered.

My heads up demise was on a KQ flop when villain had pocket Kings and I had AQ, was all in pre,  a set again, always behind though well happy with the £330.

Plenty to choose from this week will keep an open mind on what to play, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #386 on: November 25, 2013, 09:22:40 AM »
2cd Anniversary of these ramblings this week, time certainly does fly when you are enjoying yourself.

I didn"t actually see myself still writing this thing 2 years on as the initial post was just a post Vegas report and I thought that would be that.

I still haven"t had that major binkage anywhere but as I am still playing and my bank account and credit card are still in the black, poker wise I am doing ok.

The local games are never going to make me  thousands but next year I am going to try and make at least 1 effort per month to play an mtt with some decent scores up top, ie Dtd, Genting,Gukpt, ( especially if I have won some at a local level),these may involve staking as well so keep an eye open for that, these will be shot taking, never going to claim I have an edge over these fields or players so it"s a punt, I have done ok in the bigger buy in games and haven"t felt totally out of my depth but I am also aware that there are a lot better players out there than me, but it"s not like I am taking Federer on at Tennis, also going to be playing more sats online to the majors this is something I don"t do at the minute and I should add these into my games.

Anything I win locally just goes into our normal bank account and this helps with everyday stuff.

I intend to get a separate account sorted just for poker, and all entries and winnings will be plonked in there and keep life cash and poker cash separated, if either needs replenishing then will re evaluate.

As a recreational player we all hope we get that life changing score but we have to be realistic, the game has become much tougher to beat with all the information out there, but we can hope and one day it could be me, or you, as long as we don"t cripple ourselves financially in the mean time.

At the end of last year I also wasn"t sure I would be continuing with this blog but I find it quite cathartic to write so I hope to continue this into 2014, content wise will still be mostly poker as the rest of my life is pretty mundane and some of the stuff I have to do would be more suited to a medical blog, so will leave all that stuff behind.

If anyone has any comments regarding content ie hand histories etc feel free to leave a comment, unsure if people like reading about bad beats, good beats etc as we all get them and receive them, for now will just post what I find fun or interesting.

Post Vegas 2013, I put $300 back online and I have got that to $930 but as my average buy in is around $20 I have 50 or so buy ins, (mtts), not the greatest bankroll management but I can top up if required, ideally would like to start 2014 with $2k online and with 4 weeks left of games locally this year no reason why I can"t get one or two cashes to boost the roll or even bink one or two online, let"s think positive.

As for last nights game at the G my golden run didn"t continue from Saturday Kings beaten twice early doors, then my exit hand was AK v QQ v AA, I had the worst of it, although I did come second in the hand, binked the King but alas no further help.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #387 on: December 01, 2013, 00:22:01 AM »
Well another month ends and again poker hasn"t made millions or thousands but it"s been a fun month.

Vegas aside,  live made a small profit, so I decided to play the £150 at Gala today, had a decent start for a change and was up to 28k when the following occurred.

Blinds 300/600/50, I raise utg AsQc to 1500, folds to big blind who calls with 10s7s, flop comes down all spades, bb leads for pot, I reraise, he jams, I check to see I have the ace of spades, I do and make the call expecting to see a set or 2 pair but he flopped the flush, I brick turn and river win the pot I have 60k but wasn"t to be, home by 8:30, currently 25/60/828 in Triceratops on Tilt, (just rivered quads up to 38bigs).

So a small profit live for November, will pay for Susan"s birthday tomorrow.

Only poker this coming week will be the league freeroll on Wednesday, finished 17/50 so will have 15k to start, with Christmas coming up won"t be playing all my usual games.

Online, deposited $300 on tilt got it to $990, but currently at $850, had a deep run in the big $22 on stars for $110, one day Rodney.

Went to see Billy Bragg on Thursday, top gig, spent Friday with the guitar doing the bedroom rock star stuff, sad I know but it kept me off the tables.

Made the ft at Gala on Friday night, only £50 though, re jammed A3 into A8 which held, standard.

Currently 10/41 in the Triceratops will update this as to were I finish. Credo7 if any one about for a rail.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #388 on: December 01, 2013, 00:57:17 AM »
Break at 12:55, 6/24 got 50 bigs, still can"t win against the Shortstacks shoves with any Ace, ongoing.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #389 on: December 01, 2013, 01:51:20 AM »
Reached ft got 25 bigs, haven"t had aa or KK this game yet, time for them to pop up me thinks 337 locked.

Finished 5th for $1242, final hand AJ me v KJ villain, k on the river done me, no complaints though as I did crack AA 3x at least on my journey to the heady heights of 5th place.

My target was to start Jan with $2k, done that with one month to go.

Leeds 25/25 next week now a possibility, hmm tempted.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 02:32:08 AM by Erimus »