Quickie, played the Gala £2k gteed tonight, finished 6th for £110, which will pay for the £5k gtee at the G on Sunday.
Concentration levels were not particularly high, I stationed a guy down with 88, pretty sure he had a flush draw, and even though I hit my set on the river I just called his bet, full house he said, urgh, then realised mine was a higher full house, missed out on a full double as this guy was never folding his house, massive sigh, wakey wakey Brian, nb it wasn"t the nuts he could have had quads,

always a monster under the bed.
Return from break with 9k5, started with 10k, flop a house holding AA, flop AKK, never got paid, then get a nice double with 8 10 v 83, flop 88x, people will call me too light at times, it was suited though.
Doubled shorty up 44 v KK, for a 5 bb shove, he had just had AA cracked by 77, so didn"t begrudge him this hand.
Poker Karma here, I jam 12 bigs with A9, guy who I had run in with at Gukpt satellite a few months ago, not one of my favourite people, ( massive fish so like him at the table), he tanks for a few minutes and says, I will have to call you my friend, he tables QQ, ace on the turn, I make the final table with 30 bigs, in the sat a few months ago he had QQ then v my 22 and he slow rolled me then as well, the 2 binked.
Lose a few here and there, raise 99 utg, I am 3 bet, then a 4 bet goes in, I reluctantly fold, AK v KK, ace binks, I call a 5bb shove in the big blind with 9 10 v JJ, so drawing thin, got a sweat a 9 on the flop, but that was it, I jammed A3 for not a lot and the bb called with A9 which held, the guy in the bb had an endless supply of Aces, pretty sure he had them up his arm.
Profits profit so can"t complain, but it"s getting slightly annoying with so many min cashes, got to start winning a few of these things, let"s start on Sunday with the £5k gteed! let"s finish the year with a bang.
Still can"t hit a flush either, a couple of attempts tonight, decided to play them slightly more passively than last week.
Nothing of note online, having a few days running into monsters, or getting coolered in hands, still have $2k on tilt, due to a few bonuses being released and a few small rush sessions, losing a few buy ins in these after my hot streak last week, still prefer mtts to cash so will stick with them for the majority of the time.
I will post again after Sundays game with some goals for next year, in the mean time run good, be lucky stay healthy.