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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #405 on: December 17, 2013, 13:54:01 PM »

Probably my favorite thread on APAT right now.

glgl for the new year


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #406 on: December 17, 2013, 18:33:42 PM »
Probably my favorite thread on APAT right now.

Me too  ;)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #407 on: December 18, 2013, 02:52:13 AM »
Go on then, mini report from tonight"s 30/30. Sat on Pokerpops table but I was sandwiched between two players who were at it all night, verbals and all, more testosterone flowing than on the set of a porn film.

Cliffs of the disagreements, twice a guy made two speculative calls getting there with A7 v AK for a lot and then KQ v AK, both pretty poor calls tbh but he got his chips in so no big deal, but the other guy was not happy, also there was a bit of a mini celebration Wsop like which is pretty annoying but hey ho if it makes him smile then it"s ok.

After the latest spat I get KK v guy who looked slightly tilted, and proceeded to get all the chips in the middle, of course he finds AA, sigh,  he is muttering that a king is bound to come out, it didn"t, nh, cooler, chips please! take the extra 8k, and manage to get to 13k at the break, not ideal but it"s a decent shove stack.

Dave manages to get all his chips in the middle v a guy who has hit top pair, rubbish kicker with AA, but the guy rivers Trips and Dave bids farewell to everyone, same guy hits a flush with KQ v my AK in a 3 bet pot, all part of the fun.

Table breaks, at last I can get away from the 2 arguing, nope, they have just swopped places, still on my left and right but the other way round, joy.

Blinds are 500/1000, I have 15k, limp from utg! and 4 limpers later round to me in big blind, KJ clubs, with 6k5 in the middle happy to take the dead money, if someone is trapping then so be it, utg reraises with J 10, I win a nice pot.

It"s final table time, I have my own chair now, it"s inscribed, Brian the serial bubbler, because once again I get it in good with 66 v QJ and finish in 6th, 7 paid, got £70 so just under £1 per hour, actually owed Dave £7 so a £2 loss, still, can"t win them if you don"t appear at the final table.

I have a rep of being a pretty nitty player but I tend to know decent spots to shove fold etc which these games are after the break, unless a couple of players have big stacks very little poker is played, At the final table tonight there was only one big stack and tbh it was just a matter of who got lucky at the all in showdowns for the rest of us.

There was a funny spot earlier, the guy who had sucked out in the above hands lost a big pot when his flopped 2 pair was beaten by a higher 2 pair on the river, he bangs his cards on the table, enough to rock everyone"s stacks ands starts bemoaning his luck, I reminded him about the hands he had earlier on, how easy one forgets, really can"t understand his reaction, it was like a little kid having his toys taken away, felt embarrassed for him. Embrace the variance.

Next game is either Friday at Gala or Sunday at Gala or both, Thursday out for a Christmas curry with my brother and some mates, these guys had a piece of me on Stars this year but unfortunately Stars hasn"t been that good this year, I did have one decent hit which got us above our starting roll but instead of grinding low stake mtts, just decided to go for a big one, playing a lot of the bigger tourneys on there, almost got a big score in a big $22, but wasn"t to be.

I said if I had any success elsewhere I would treat them to a curry, I have, so a promise is a promise so drinks and food will be taken.

nb on Dave"s thread regarding the JJ hand, told you it was KK or AA, he didn"t bink his Jack, sorry if that is a spoiler, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky,  stay healthy.

Incidentally I shove, muttering as the cards get turned over show your kings or aces then, this is so common in mtts when someone min raises from that stack size, there should be only 2 hands doing it tbh.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #408 on: December 18, 2013, 11:07:30 AM »

Go on then, mini report from tonight"s 30/30. Sat on Pokerpops table but I was sandwiched between two players who were at it all night, verbals and all, more testosterone flowing than on the set of a porn film.

Cliffs of the disagreements, twice a guy made two speculative calls getting there with A7 v AK for a lot and then KQ v AK, both pretty poor calls tbh but he got his chips in so no big deal, but the other guy was not happy, also there was a bit of a mini celebration Wsop like which is pretty annoying but hey ho if it makes him smile then it"s ok.

After the latest spat I get KK v guy who looked slightly tilted, and proceeded to get all the chips in the middle, of course he finds AA, sigh,  he is muttering that a king is bound to come out, it didn"t, nh, cooler, chips please! take the extra 8k, and manage to get to 13k at the break, not ideal but it"s a decent shove stack.

Dave manages to get all his chips in the middle v a guy who has hit top pair, rubbish kicker with AA, but the guy rivers Trips and Dave bids farewell to everyone, same guy hits a flush with KQ v my AK in a 3 bet pot, all part of the fun.

Table breaks, at last I can get away from the 2 arguing, nope, they have just swopped places, still on my left and right but the other way round, joy.

Blinds are 500/1000, I have 15k, limp from utg! and 4 limpers later round to me in big blind, KJ clubs, with 6k5 in the middle happy to take the dead money, if someone is trapping then so be it, utg reraises with J 10, I win a nice pot.

It"s final table time, I have my own chair now, it"s inscribed, Brian the serial bubbler, because once again I get it in good with 66 v QJ and finish in 6th, 7 paid, got £70 so just under £1 per hour, actually owed Dave £7 so a £2 loss, still, can"t win them if you don"t appear at the final table.

I have a rep of being a pretty nitty player but I tend to know decent spots to shove fold etc which these games are after the break, unless a couple of players have big stacks very little poker is played, At the final table tonight there was only one big stack and tbh it was just a matter of who got lucky at the all in showdowns for the rest of us.

There was a funny spot earlier, the guy who had sucked out in the above hands lost a big pot when his flopped 2 pair was beaten by a higher 2 pair on the river, he bangs his cards on the table, enough to rock everyone"s stacks ands starts bemoaning his luck, I reminded him about the hands he had earlier on, how easy one forgets, really can"t understand his reaction, it was like a little kid having his toys taken away, felt embarrassed for him. Embrace the variance.

Next game is either Friday at Gala or Sunday at Gala or both, Thursday out for a Christmas curry with my brother and some mates, these guys had a piece of me on Stars this year but unfortunately Stars hasn"t been that good this year, I did have one decent hit which got us above our starting roll but instead of grinding low stake mtts, just decided to go for a big one, playing a lot of the bigger tourneys on there, almost got a big score in a big $22, but wasn"t to be.

I said if I had any success elsewhere I would treat them to a curry, I have, so a promise is a promise so drinks and food will be taken.

nb on Dave"s thread regarding the JJ hand, told you it was KK or AA, he didn"t bink his Jack, sorry if that is a spoiler, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky,  stay healthy.

Incidentally I shove, muttering as the cards get turned over show your kings or aces then, this is so common in mtts when someone min raises from that stack size, there should be only 2 hands doing it tbh.

The fact the thread exists sort of gives it away, but yeah it is a fold in the game described in that thread. Hard to actually do it in game though, a lot easier on the forum. It is even more obvious in a $4.50 180 man as people just do not do that without AA or KK. I have done stacks this way more times than I can count.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #409 on: December 21, 2013, 03:27:56 AM »
Galas £2k gtee £40 freeze out tonight drew in 35 of the great and good of the
Teesside poker world, it would end in a profit so can"t complain, how much you may ask ?, just look at the last paragraph save you reading all the waffle in between.

First table was interesting, drunk guy who had just won £1500 on the roulette sits to my right and proceeds to open raise to 1400 every pot and is up to 30k in about 30 mins, he is hitting everything and outdrawing every one. But he is a donator so I just bide my time I raise AQ from cut off to 500, he 3 bets to 3k5, his range is massive here and decide to play for stacks, not my usual style but sometimes needs must, 20k in the middle AQ v Q10, he picks up a flush draw but misses and I hold, phew.

He manages to spew of most of his chips before the break and the remains go when he gets it in with 74 v AA, flop was 77, but turn and river gave other guy a flush, he was last seen at the roulette table probably giving back what he had won he was ok but slightly lairy.

One thing that has been happening lately is I have been getting bluffed off marginal hands which I have 3 bet pre, I try and take a small ball approach but people seem to want to play for stacks every hand, will make a mental note of the villains tonight who got me off the winning hand.

Fun hand I raise the kitchens 10 3 parsley in the cut off, get one caller ( anyone know why this is called kitchens ?), flop 33Q, it"s how I roll man, didn"t get paid though, i decide to show, think it"s called balancing my range, still a massive nit at heart.

Reach ft not in too bad shape, 30 bigs, flat 77 v utg raise flop AKQ, meh give up like a wimp, miss most of the hands which are limped and I decide to see a flop with, I   win blinds and antes to keep me afloat with min raises in position.

6 left bubble agreed 2 go to war AA v Ak, the 2 biggest stacks, Ak made a straight, AA guy not a happy bunny, he got £80 for his troubles.

I am now short stacked but one guy is hanging on with 2 bigs, and keeps doubling,  icm wise I am a bit hamstrung as he should be gone and the next jump is £100, he eventually gets knocked out so there are 4 left, aggro guy raises I have K10 hearts, this is good enough against this guy, he calls with 22, was only 9 bigs so ok with his call, 10 on the flop,yay, 2 on the turn, boo.

I finish 4th for £240, can"t complain about losing that flip won two earlier when behind AK v QQ, and AQ v JJ, both standard spots, although guy who lost with the queens was not happy, he raises 4xbb, I 3 bet, he should just jam tbh but calls, ace high flop, I lead out and he moans about me getting there and still calls, faded the Q so took a healthy pot.

One more game before Christmas I think, Sunday Gala have a £3k gtee 50/25, if I do anything in that you will see another post, (only sing win I am winning), if you don"t see another post I would just like to wish everyone on Apat and fellow poker players a Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year, except if you are in a pot with me then you can do one, all the best, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #410 on: December 21, 2013, 11:25:08 AM »
Have a great Christmas and a stonking New Year !!!


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #411 on: December 21, 2013, 13:37:44 PM »
I haven"t commented on this blog but I have really enjoyed reading it over the year.

Hope you and Susan have a fabby Christmas and all the best for 2014 x


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #412 on: December 23, 2013, 00:31:06 AM »
Last post before Christmas, played the new game at Gala tonight and as you might guess this is posted before 2:00am so it didn"t go well..

I am not sure if I am annoyed with myself for playing the way I did will let you make any comments, will take them on board.

Had built a decent stack about 40k and the blinds were 600/1200, about 30 bigs, people are still limping at this level, I look down at A8 diamonds on the button, instead of limping along I decide to 3 bet to 4k on the button, with blinds and antes be a nice pot to pick up pre, limpers come along, flop 9 high 2 diamonds, guy leads out 5k, I decide to reraise and it eventually all goes in, obviously don"t hit he improves to trips, he had 10 9 off, sigh.

Actually, just calmed down after watching below, I am happy with the play, if I win the pot I have 80k, lose, get home to bed, I could limp call, call, fold but that"s boring onwards, embrace the variance.

Fish from the fish, merry Christmas to you all. Had a good December poker wise so I should stop whinning.


Philtc, if you can make it appear on the page would be grateful ta, if not no worries, I hate technology.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 08:30:07 AM by duke3016 »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #413 on: December 23, 2013, 10:25:50 AM »
Cheers Ger.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #414 on: December 23, 2013, 13:12:20 PM »
Brian, great results all year mate. Best thread on the forum in 2013 by my estimation.

Hope that you and your family have the best Christmas and New Year. Wishing you much run good in 2014 and have no doubts we will cross paths on the tables and at the bar at some point.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #415 on: December 23, 2013, 22:18:57 PM »
Absolutely love this thread and it"s author.
Just an old bloke living the dream

Proud to be an APAT Forum Team member 2013
Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #416 on: December 24, 2013, 02:47:26 AM »
Cheers Dave, Rodders, Michelle, you are all making me blush. In poker news,

I decided to play the 2 daily doubles on Full Tilt tonight, got to the ft of one finished 9th, for $50, 66 < AJ, then bubbled the ft of the other one, AJ < 66, $50, too much symmetry in my poker world, not moaning spots were standard, if I reach ft of the second one I get 20% of the jackpot pool! stood at around $3k6, alas wasn"t to be, but there is a bit if good news, I should get a couple of smaller percentages for cashing in both, and being the highest aggregate finisher in both, worked it out should be another $163 or so, gotta win them flips, slightly peeved but that"s poker.

Definitely, maybe the last post before Christmas.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 07:46:19 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #417 on: December 28, 2013, 03:28:13 AM »
Quickie, played the Gala £2k gteed tonight, finished 6th for £110, which will pay for the £5k gtee at the G on Sunday.

Concentration levels were not particularly high, I stationed a guy down with 88, pretty sure he had a flush draw, and even though I hit my set on the river I just called his bet, full house he said, urgh, then realised mine was a higher full  house, missed out on a full double as this guy was never folding his house, massive sigh, wakey wakey Brian, nb it wasn"t the nuts he could have had quads,  ;D always a monster under the bed.

Return from break with 9k5, started with 10k, flop a house holding AA, flop AKK, never got paid,  then get a nice double with 8 10 v 83, flop 88x, people will call me too light at times, it was suited though.

Doubled shorty up 44 v KK, for a 5 bb shove, he had just had AA cracked by 77, so didn"t begrudge him this hand.

Poker Karma here, I jam 12 bigs with A9, guy who I had run in with at Gukpt satellite a few months ago, not one of my favourite people, ( massive fish so like him at the table), he tanks for a few minutes and says, I will have to call you my friend, he tables QQ, ace on the turn, I make the final table with 30 bigs, in the sat a few months ago he had QQ then v my 22 and he slow rolled me then as well, the 2 binked.

Lose a few here and there, raise 99 utg, I am 3 bet, then a 4 bet goes in, I reluctantly fold, AK v KK, ace binks, I call a 5bb shove in the big blind with 9 10 v JJ, so drawing thin, got a sweat a 9 on the flop, but that was it, I jammed A3 for not a lot and the bb called with A9 which held, the guy in the bb had an endless supply of Aces, pretty sure he had them up his arm.

Profits profit so can"t complain, but it"s getting slightly annoying with so many min cashes, got to start winning a few of these things, let"s start on Sunday with the £5k gteed! let"s finish the year with a bang.

Still can"t hit a flush either, a couple of attempts tonight, decided to play them slightly more passively than last week.

Nothing of note online, having a few days running into monsters, or getting coolered in hands, still have $2k on tilt, due to a few bonuses being released and a few small rush sessions, losing a few buy ins in these after my hot streak last week, still prefer mtts to cash so will stick with them for the majority of the time.

I will post again after Sundays game with some goals for next year, in the mean time run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #418 on: December 28, 2013, 09:24:38 AM »
Good luck n Sunday Bri.

You going to WCOAP?

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #419 on: December 28, 2013, 14:08:30 PM »

Absolutely love this thread and it"s author.

As 2103 runs its course this has with out doubt been the best read bar none.