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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #465 on: May 05, 2014, 11:08:42 AM »
Sunday Funday, battled my way through 12k people in the bigger $8 game on Stars for a $40 prize, standard exit KK me v AQ,(50 bb pot) no ace required just 4 flush it, had said to Susan 5 mins before Due aces or kings soon, standard then.

Scoop 1 was going ok until I 3 bet KJ v loose opener and bet all the way and lost to K3 on the river, the K high flop was always good, the 3 on the river scuppered my chances in that one,  people just don"t fold anymore (I know,we don"t want them to), didn"t trouble the scorers in that one.

Then finally the one that hurt the most 7th in a ukipt sat with 5 seats guaranteed, had to take the flip with 99 v AQ, (12 bigs), Queen hit, there was one really short stack on the table so was effectively the bubble pretty sure win that flip would of been a guaranteed seat.

The guy who I had lost the flip too had my number, every hand I played against him he beat me, always behind as well.

I made a mistake earlier when calling a raise with 910 spades, villain had min raised AK, I turned the straight, and get it all in but the 10 on the river gave him the nut straight, I didn"t really have to get involved in this hand as I was chip leader but had folded twice to his 3 bets previously, it"s just been the story of the year so far, looks like it"s the 25/25 at Leeds for me this week, probably playing Friday night.

£1.50 in the tin then, apologies for the moans but it is what it is.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #466 on: May 11, 2014, 02:45:46 AM »
Swerved Leeds 25/25, makes more sense to play the local game next month. G had their monthly £5k guarantee, it got 39 runners plus 7 re entries so a £400 overlay, plus the nightly game overlayed slightly as well.

Ground out a 5th place finish for £400 jamming K3 into AK sb to bb, no complaints was a standard spot.

A few highlights first hand, 22k starting stack, kid raises A6, bb reraises AK, kid calls, flop A6x, pot has 700 chips in it, bb bets 7k into 700, yes you read it right, kid calls turn is a 6, old guy jams the other 15k in,  which obviously he insta calls and 22k is shipped over to the young lad, mbn.

I raise j9 clubs, get called in 4 spots, flop 7 8 10, 2 clubs, it is eventually all In at the river, villain also has J9, unfortunately no club appeared or that would of been a nice double.

I raise AA utg, get min reraised then bb jams, obviously insta call, min reraiser eventually folds and we both have AA, flop 10 high, min reraiser had 10 10, swerved that one, we chop the pot, although the way villain was running a 4 flush was a distinct possibility.

There were a few spots on the final table were if I had been a bit more gung-ho I could of chipped up (eventually rivering the nuts),but I was correct in my reads pre, can"t be results orientated, frustrating but hey ho.

I finally won a flip on the bubble, jammed Q8 small to big, and was racing against 33, hit an 8 and it held, not been flipping too well down there lately so it was nice to win one.

Didn"t trouble the cashiers at Gala last night but one hand stuck in the memory, I wasn"t involved but on the flop of 10 7 A, all the chips fly in and the hands shown down were 77, 10, and AA, first time I have seen that live, rigged I tell you.

Unsure of what i will be playing this week as I feel a bit pokered out, if anything will be Rainbows £3k on Friday night, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #467 on: May 31, 2014, 10:55:36 AM »
Been a while, cut back on playing live and online, just flicking some in here and there, this month has not gone well with only one cash live and one semi decent cash online, so overall losing.

The games I have been playing I just seem to consistently run into big hands with me having decent hands and if the villains haven"t got there they will by the river, hey ho it"s poker got to accept it.

Conspiracy theory of the month below

Earlier in the month we were at the final table when a young girl shoves all in with 99 and guy calls with 10 10, a 9 binked and this crippled the guy and he gets knocked out in the next hand.

I see the same guy at Rainbow the following night and he asked how I got on, I explained I got knocked out in 6th place.

He then went on to say that he had heard that the G casino has a policy to favour the regs and the dealer some how manipulated his exit hand the 10 10 v 9 9 hand and that is why he was knocked out, I would like to think he was being sarcastic but his demeanour didn"t give that impression, he is also a reg by the way.

Last day of the month, so it"s the £3k guarantee at Rainbow tonight so will be trying to make it a hat trick of cashes and try and go better than last months 3rd position.

The 2 casinos are in a bit of a battle at the moment as the G has managed to get the £1/£2 cash game from Rainbow, don"t know the reasons why and is also upping it"s guarentee to match the Rainbows game on a Friday, so it will be interesting to see if G takes a complete stranglehold on poker in the area, personally I prefer Rainbow which is a complete turnaround for me, it wouldn"t surprise me if Rainbow started to lose players they just give up on the poker because they don"t seem to want to battle it out with the G.

Re season 8, can"t play as many as I would like but Leeds will be on the list but should be flicking it in online, got 1 ticket for the 25/25 in a few weeks hope to get another so I can have 2 bullets at it, run good be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #468 on: June 01, 2014, 08:53:28 AM »

Been a while, cut back on playing live and online, just flicking some in here and there, this month has not gone well with only one cash live and one semi decent cash online, so overall losing.

The games I have been playing I just seem to consistently run into big hands with me having decent hands and if the villains haven"t got there they will by the river, hey ho it"s poker got to accept it.

Conspiracy theory of the month below

Earlier in the month we were at the final table when a young girl shoves all in with 99 and guy calls with 10 10, a 9 binked and this crippled the guy and he gets knocked out in the next hand.

I see the same guy at Rainbow the following night and he asked how I got on, I explained I got knocked out in 6th place.

He then went on to say that he had heard that the G casino has a policy to favour the regs and the dealer some how manipulated his exit hand the 10 10 v 9 9 hand and that is why he was knocked out, I would like to think he was being sarcastic but his demeanour didn"t give that impression, he is also a reg by the way.

Last day of the month, so it"s the £3k guarantee at Rainbow tonight so will be trying to make it a hat trick of cashes and try and go better than last months 3rd position.

The 2 casinos are in a bit of a battle at the moment as the G has managed to get the £1/£2 cash game from Rainbow, don"t know the reasons why and is also upping it"s guarentee to match the Rainbows game on a Friday, so it will be interesting to see if G takes a complete stranglehold on poker in the area, personally I prefer Rainbow which is a complete turnaround for me, it wouldn"t surprise me if Rainbow started to lose players they just give up on the poker because they don"t seem to want to battle it out with the G.

Re season 8, can"t play as many as I would like but Leeds will be on the list but should be flicking it in online, got 1 ticket for the 25/25 in a few weeks hope to get another so I can have 2 bullets at it, run good be lucky stay healthy.

Not sure if serious?

Name and shame though :)

Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #469 on: June 01, 2014, 12:04:16 PM »

Been a while, cut back on playing live and online, just flicking some in here and there, this month has not gone well with only one cash live and one semi decent cash online, so overall losing.

The games I have been playing I just seem to consistently run into big hands with me having decent hands and if the villains haven"t got there they will by the river, hey ho it"s poker got to accept it.

Conspiracy theory of the month below

Earlier in the month we were at the final table when a young girl shoves all in with 99 and guy calls with 10 10, a 9 binked and this crippled the guy and he gets knocked out in the next hand.

I see the same guy at Rainbow the following night and he asked how I got on, I explained I got knocked out in 6th place.

He then went on to say that he had heard that the G casino has a policy to favour the regs and the dealer some how manipulated his exit hand the 10 10 v 9 9 hand and that is why he was knocked out, I would like to think he was being sarcastic but his demeanour didn"t give that impression, he is also a reg by the way.

Last day of the month, so it"s the £3k guarantee at Rainbow tonight so will be trying to make it a hat trick of cashes and try and go better than last months 3rd position.

The 2 casinos are in a bit of a battle at the moment as the G has managed to get the £1/£2 cash game from Rainbow, don"t know the reasons why and is also upping it"s guarentee to match the Rainbows game on a Friday, so it will be interesting to see if G takes a complete stranglehold on poker in the area, personally I prefer Rainbow which is a complete turnaround for me, it wouldn"t surprise me if Rainbow started to lose players they just give up on the poker because they don"t seem to want to battle it out with the G.

Re season 8, can"t play as many as I would like but Leeds will be on the list but should be flicking it in online, got 1 ticket for the 25/25 in a few weeks hope to get another so I can have 2 bullets at it, run good be lucky stay healthy.

Not sure if serious?

Name and shame though :)

I"s true ya knows, live poker is rigged - stick to online imo, at least you know it is fair :-)

Are you two rocking up to the G on 14th August? Rumors are there will be a little game then :-)

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #470 on: June 12, 2014, 12:45:38 PM »
Not a lot happening at the minute, chopped last weeks Thursday game for £225 at the G, this has since disappeared into the fine dining establishments of the Teesside area, trying for another ticket into the 25/25 tonight, got one already but worth another go for a second bullet.

Looking forward to the 25/25 game at the G at the weekend, hope to emulate Robs success last week, well played sir, nice bink. Any Apaters coming to Stockton this weekend ?.

I will be playing 12pm flight on Saturday, fingers crossed for that one.

Lost all discipline online, no bankroll management just playing when I feel like it, usually start a game on the iPad whilst doing other stuff then onto PC if deep.

A case in point last night in the big $11 got up to 300k on the iPad then went to PC with 50 left, alas lost 2 pretty standard spots when I called with ace high hands v late position shoves, I was ahead in both cases but the poker gods didn"t oblige and lost both 60/40s, finished about 44th for $150 ish, sucked out on kings with tens earlier for no cash so can"t complain, still frustrating though, think 8500 people started so was a decent run.

Re August, should be there or there abouts.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #471 on: June 13, 2014, 01:37:20 AM »
Arrived 1 hour early for the sat tonight, regged for the normal game instead, got £200 so got another bullet if needed at the weekend or I can just go and buy a new hat.

Also won the free raffle for a £100 seat next month, an ok session.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #472 on: June 13, 2014, 23:03:22 PM »

Not a lot happening at the minute, chopped last weeks Thursday game for £225 at the G, this has since disappeared into the fine dining establishments of the Teesside area, trying for another ticket into the 25/25 tonight, got one already but worth another go for a second bullet.

Looking forward to the 25/25 game at the G at the weekend, hope to emulate Robs success last week, well played sir, nice bink. Any Apaters coming to Stockton this weekend?

I was watching the final table last week in Didsbury and Rob played really well a deserved winner. I was talking to him at the break.
I am making my way up to sunny Stockton tomorrow for the dinner time flight also.
We haven"t seen each other since we were on the same table Bolton GUKPT last year Brian, I think we got involved in a couple of hands together if I remember rightly.
I am sure we will bump into each other at some point,  hopefully on the ft.
All the best

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #473 on: June 14, 2014, 20:36:04 PM »
Made day 2 I have 70,500 which is just above average, happy with how it went.

Craig also made Day 2 with 147k, he may be chip leader, well played sir.

Played pretty snugly as per usual, was nice to 3 bet 86 ( think it"s called balancing your range)early v 2 players and the flop to come 457 rainbow, (timing is everything), got a few chips of 1 caller who was calling to hit the straight.

Got 3 streets of value with AA on a jack high flop.

Missed a bit of value when I raised AK pre, low card flop, I c bet and hit the King on the turn, guy check raised me on the river, normally this is 2 pair or a set in my world so I just called, relieved to see he insta mucked, spoke later and he had a weaker King.

Hit a set with 99 on a 2 club board with straight possibilities, check raised guy who had lead out, was happy to play for stacks here obviously, he folded claiming an overpair, not sure but hey ho, will take it.

I was only all in once when I called guys all in when I had hit the straight on the turn, we both had the same hand but was freerolling as I had outs to the flush, villain breathed a huge sigh of relief when a brick hit the turn, meh, that would of put me over 120k.

I would like to say I played with flair and imagination but no it was just a patient wait for good spots here and there, had to fold to a couple of 3 bets when I had raised pre but was comfortable with the folds, my hands were  marginal but pretty.

A decent day then compared to last nights game were I was set over setted, bigger flush v smaller flush and Kings losing to a raggy Ace in a 4 bet pot.

It wouldn"t be an entry if there wasn"t a moan, keep it balanced.

Off to watch the match with a few mates later, should of been at pub first but not fair on Susan as I had been out all day.

There may or may not be an entry tomorrow, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #474 on: June 15, 2014, 19:37:40 PM »
Ft of the 25/25


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #475 on: June 15, 2014, 22:14:57 PM »
Just got in, finished 7th for £750, lost a big pot with AA v AQ, villain flopped a straight, yawn, still had 20 bigs left but couldn"t get that double up, got 2 shoves through but then A 10 v 88 was my exit hand, I needed to hit, I didn"t.

Won a flip before the final table so was lucky to get the opportunity to have the aces cracked.

Ran pretty pure over the 2 days didn"t suffer any bad beats, won a few flips lost a few, the AA hand was pretty horrible but the guy had been hitting everything for 2 days, so it didn"t surprise me.

I was also in a last longer for a £500 Gukpt seat but the guy who busted in 6th got that, just another little rub, we know each other so we had previously agreed a 10% share of that, whoever wins that so hopefully he will run good in that one.

Back to the usual stuff this week, with 8 people to the flop after a 3 and 4 bet pot, joy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #476 on: June 16, 2014, 15:27:36 PM »
Still VWP Brian, its still a cracking achievement mate! Well done.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #477 on: June 17, 2014, 10:26:40 AM »
Cheers Stuart, the AA hand was a bummer but had enough chips to take the hit and get back into it, wasn"t to be.

A massive return to reality last night at Fraggle Rock (The G),

I decided to pop over for the 15/15 last night and the usual protagonists were in attendance.

The game started with 2 tables and one Guy had chipped up to around 35k from 7k5 starting stack in the first level, remember it"s 25/50 first level, every pot he played eventually ended up playing for stacks and he was the beneficiary, fair play to him no problem with that.

A 1/2 cash game was due to start at 8:45 and the above guy said he wanted to join that and just leave his tourney chips at the table, an argument then ensued between him and the card room supervisor and was told he couldn"t do it, he returns to tournament and declares he is all in every hand, wii a chance to chip up, unfortunately I get moved.

He then proceeds to knock 3 people out with random cards against big hands and he is up to 50k ish,he is still wanting to leave, he loses a few and is down to 40k, I get moved back to his table and my first hand is QQ, I have 22k, I obviously shove, he duly calls and he shows J2 off, the flop 44J, turn a brick but the Jack on the river sends me to the rail, obviously happy with the spot, not the outcome.

Didn"t bother re entering, shook his hand and left, poor bloke was nearly in tears, love Fraggle rock.

Mini heater on Stars yesterday 2 final tables 6th in a $33 one for $300, and 8th for $120, plus a buy in at 25/50 zoom, will soon be break even on Stars, ran into QJ into KK in the first and re jammed JJ into AA in the second, they always have it, hey ho, onto the next one, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #478 on: June 20, 2014, 19:39:30 PM »
Well played Brian on making the final table.  I managed to miss out on that pleasure. I enjoyed the comp very much, always felt in control and would definitely make the trip to play at Stockton again. A great set of local lads, and the cardroom staff seemed very efficient.
I was disappointed I didn"t win the thing, but obviously wanted you to take it down once I had gone out.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #479 on: June 21, 2014, 08:32:45 AM »
Well done on making the final of the 25/25 mate, expect I will see you in Stockton in about 8 weeks.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.