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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #510 on: September 10, 2014, 02:55:26 AM »
Run good continues with a chop at the G tonight for £400 less £40 for Dave who also made the final table, but he unfortunately he was first out.

He got it in good against a very angry Chinese guy who always plays with a permanent scowl on his face, it was inevitable who would win because the guy never misses.

I had the unfortunate run against him on Monday night when he cracked my 10 10 with running deuces, after I raised his pre flop limp with Q2 clubs, he finally finished the job when he limped utg Q9, diamonds , I had 3 bet with AK from the big blind, an Ace high flop with 2 diamonds, the diamond binking the river, post flop ok fairly standard but the call pre, bit iffy, not a problem though it"s why we go and hope he is on the same table.

Usual grind tonight, got lucky when I shoved A9 into K 10 and AK, the 9 hit for a treble which got me back into the game, again won a flip with AQ v 10 10 on the final table, again standard spot when shallow, gotta win dem flips. No premium hands tonight just chose my spots and got lucky at the right time.

4 handed we do a count and I am offered £400, with the others getting a bit more, (£455),  I had 14 bigs and was only a double away from getting a lead, 4th place was paying £185 so decide to accept the £400.

I will be trying to sat into Gps Nottingham tonight, and G has the £5k guarentee on Saturday and whilst in this run of form will be giving that a go.

If I don"t qualify for the Gps I may buy in but that depends on home stuff, there is also a £50k guaranteed £165 on the Friday night which might just tempt me in.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #511 on: September 11, 2014, 14:46:21 PM »
Decided to take a shot at the GPS at Nottingham next week since recouping Gukpt loss over the last few days.

Had a couple of pound on Genting so made it up to pay for the £10 feeder, where I managed to get a seat into the £55er.

We got to 14 left with 10 seats and £250 for 11th, I pick up QQ utg, I have 15 bigs other shorties are between 15/22 bigs, I decide to shove after all probably only going to get called by 3 hands. Yup chip leader had dem Aces, I lost.

I wasn"t guaranteed a seat but Does anyone fold or limp call, raise fold here with Queens from 15 bigs in a sat, it"s a result orientated moan I know but we only need 1 chip to get a seat in 10th place, I think this year I have lost £2k in seat values by trying to guarantee a seat rather than go down to the wire.

Had an interesting hand were Slow playing Aces is not the best way to play em.

Button raises (KK), I flat (AA) bb, flop AK9 rainbow, I check he bets I call, we are now both trapping here, turn A, I lead he calls, river 9 , I bet out, he just calls,moral just GET EM IN PRE,  anyway film about to start, love an empty cinema.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #512 on: September 11, 2014, 23:05:19 PM »

Decided to take a shot at the GPS at Nottingham next week since recouping Gukpt loss over the last few days.

Had a couple of pound on Genting so made it up to pay for the £10 feeder, where I managed to get a seat into the £55er.

We got to 14 left with 10 seats and £250 for 11th, I pick up QQ utg, I have 15 bigs other shorties are between 15/22 bigs, I decide to shove after all probably only going to get called by 3 hands. Yup chip leader had dem Aces, I lost.

I wasn"t guaranteed a seat but Does anyone fold or limp call, raise fold here with Queens from 15 bigs in a sat, it"s a result orientated moan I know but we only need 1 chip to get a seat in 10th place, I think this year I have lost £2k in seat values by trying to guarantee a seat rather than go down to the wire.

Had an interesting hand were Slow playing Aces is not the best way to play em.

Button raises (KK), I flat (AA) bb, flop AK9 rainbow, I check he bets I call, we are now both trapping here, turn A, I lead he calls, river 9 , I bet out, he just calls,moral just GET EM IN PRE,  anyway film about to start, love an empty cinema.

Theoretically we should be folding QQ if there is a stack to act that can damage us I think.  Tough to do though.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #513 on: September 12, 2014, 00:02:14 AM »
Just shoved 99 into 10 10 equal stacks 12 bigs to finish 13th, 10 seats, same game I never learn, buying in any way, oh and set over set in the big $55, I had 33 villain had AA, my tinneth  overfloweth with 50 pences, embrace the feckin variance, growl.

And relax.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #514 on: September 13, 2014, 09:45:43 AM »
Another ft last night at Rainbow, was well positioned for a win but my reluctance to lay down 99 on a j 10 x rainbow board resulted me in being in the 10 bb shove stack mode, I had raised 99 from utg and got flatted by Queens which held, no problem nice hand.

A chunky overlay seen the table decide to give all players minimum £60, haven"t got a problem with that, makes the game play a bit quicker and that part was the casinos contribution to the prize fund.

The first table was pretty ridiculous, There was more limping done than that at a leper convention, don"t think there was one hand in which at least 5 people were involved, suffice to say i didn"t get involved that much although I would of stacked a few people with my off suit 6 gapers if I was that way inclined, perhaps it"s the way to go, we actually lose 3 players within the first 15 minutes and as they all re entered, all 3 players were re sat at the same table but in different positions.

After the break players usually tighten up a bit, so I 3 bet the utg limpers AJ suited, 3 callers behind, and we see a flop 6 handed, sigh, whiff flop have to fold given the action.

I then run JJ into AA, Who had flopped a house on a AQQ board, not to worry for the Aces though,  guy with 77 was a non believer and stuck around, only to turn a 7 and his night was done.

I had chipped up due to me flopping 2 pair in big blind and holding v 2 all ins, always nice to house up on the turn so villains are drawing dead, shouldn"t be in the hand tbh but will accept the gift.

Nit mode working when I folded 10 10 to  limp and a re raise pre,( a min raise from a 10 bb stack looks extremely strong to me here),  KK got busted by original limpers QJ who had called the 3 bet by the Kings,  guy flopped 2 pair.

My final hand, I jammed over limper with A9, 10 bigs but ran into AK which held, original limper had A 10 who folded pre, who would of got there, got £100 for my troubles which effectively pays for today"s £5k gtee at the G provided this cold which has been hovering for the last few days doesn"t hit me by 2pm, god I ramble this was meant to be a 2 line affair, with a tourney report of today"s game later on, there may or may not be a report on that one.

The stupid thing was if I squeezed my bb the previous hand with 23 off I would of trebled up and possibly gone on for a bigger win, easy game when you can see the cards though.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #515 on: September 15, 2014, 01:04:12 AM »
Saturdays game was pretty un eventful, got a few 3 bets through early on but as I am a nit they assume I only play AK, so no massive action ensued, I got to the break and had 18k coming back to 200/400.

Susan"s sister had been round during the day but I still had to nip home at the dinner break to sort some stuff out for Susan, unfortunately this took longer than normal, won"t go into details but meant I missed the full next level, I get back to the game at 300/600 with 15k, nothing for an orbit, then Utg ships for 15 bigs, I look down at JJ, re shove my 16 bigs, the bb contemplates calling but I think he was just enjoying a bit of TV time, making me think he had a decision, he dwelled for 2 mins then folded Quell surprise, anyway utg had shipped A 10, happy with that until the Ace popped up on the flop, then, bb moaned He had AJ, thanks for that, my l bb went in with 37, and was in bad shape against a set, so an early night.

Played a few games on Stars today but couldn"t get a stack in any comp, think I ran into AA twice and in other flips I was just flopped dead by villains hitting sets, one of those days suppose.

Played the Apat online tonight and finished 4th, £153 for my troubles, my last hand was in a limped pot I had J 7 in bb, flop 9 810 rainbow, guy bets out I min raise, he jams 9 5 diamonds happy days, until runner runner diamond, left me with 1 bb, meh whatever, another ridiculous beat on a final table to join the rest in my collection, £1 in the tin.

I know the old adage is dont go broke in an unraised pot, but what can you do when you flop the nuts, hey ho it"s poker.

Playing the Gps in Nottingham on Thursday, would of liked to bink a seat in a sat but that hasn"t happened so will go down and give that a go.

Keep embracing that variance.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #516 on: September 15, 2014, 09:01:28 AM »

Saturdays game was pretty un eventful, got a few 3 bets through early on but as I am a nit they assume I only play AK, so no massive action ensued, I got to the break and had 18k coming back to 200/400.

Susan"s sister had been round during the day but I still had to nip home at the dinner break to sort some stuff out for Susan, unfortunately this took longer than normal, won"t go into details but meant I missed the full next level, I get back to the game at 300/600 with 15k, nothing for an orbit, then Utg ships for 15 bigs, I look down at JJ, re shove my 16 bigs, the bb contemplates calling but I think he was just enjoying a bit of TV time, making me think he had a decision, he dwelled for 2 mins then folded Quell surprise, anyway utg had shipped A 10, happy with that until the Ace popped up on the flop, then, bb moaned He had AJ, thanks for that, my l bb went in with 37, and was in bad shape against a set, so an early night.

Played a few games on Stars today but couldn"t get a stack in any comp, think I ran into AA twice and in other flips I was just flopped dead by villains hitting sets, one of those days suppose.

Played the Apat online tonight and finished 4th, £153 for my troubles, my last hand was in a limped pot I had J 7 in bb, flop 9 810 rainbow, guy bets out I min raise, he jams 9 5 diamonds happy days, until runner runner diamond, left me with 1 bb, meh whatever, another ridiculous beat on a final table to join the rest in my collection, £1 in the tin.

I know the old adage is dont go broke in an unraised pot, but what can you do when you flop the nuts, hey ho it"s poker.

Playing the Gps in Nottingham on Thursday, would of liked to bink a seat in a sat but that hasn"t happened so will go down and give that a go.

Keep embracing that variance.

and they say there"s no value left in poker

nice result anyway, my own entry couldn"t cope with around 20 disconnects in the hour i was involved. overplayed AK in an attempt to make chips while i was connected, ended badly vs villain who called my raise with Q10, called my cBet on an A high board with a gutshot, and got there on the K turn. I pegged him for a lesser ace/lesser two pair
he called a raise a little later with 24o and rivered a full house on x7242 or somesuch. Unfrtumately for him the orig raiser had pocket sevens for a bigger house
spending some time today attempting to make the disconnects stop
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #517 on: September 19, 2014, 05:57:11 AM »
Another week, another poker report and same old same old I am afraid.

Tuesday made the final table at the G, couldn"t make the cash busted in 8th, ran A5 into AQ, meh whatever, pretty much can"t remember anything about the game other than see the usual suspects get there pretty much every hand they are involved in, Dave took some particularly brutal ones, on the final table I Had 88 and 66 which I am quite happy to go with but significant action both before and in one case after, ie player having his hands pretty much full of chips ready to call indicated I wasn"t likely to be in good shape, reads were correct up against overpairs and the obligatory AK, AA tripled up to nearly 50% of chips in play v AK v 10 10, my 88 wouldn"t of got there.

Back from the Gps at Nottingham just now 5am, trying to think how badly I played or did I miss spots but to be honest don"t think I could of done better or worse with any situations presented, I think I peaked at 27K, then back 18k, when I ran into slow played KK after I tried a bet on a river on a paired board, the guy with the KK called sighing if you have the 10 well played, I didn"t he won the pot.

Game changer, chip leader, card rack, opens utg, I flat AA on button from 16k stack (22 bigs), bb ships in 10 bigs QQ, original,raiser folds, safe flop and turn unfortunately the Q binked the river and I am left with 8k at 300/600, I get back to 15 bigs when I re ship KQ v utg raise, and 2 limpers, yup one limper had AK, marvellous, Q on the flop holds and we have 15k, get moved again 5th move of the game not ideal but whatever, Utg raises 2 callers, easy shove with AK in bb with 12k, utg re ships he has QQ which holds, nh gg move along the bus, nothing to see here.

I bust around 11:30 and as a mate is still in and is chipped up had to hang around as I was the driver and would of been slightly churlish of me to leave him stranded, (he finished the day on 160k, so he is looking good for a deep run).

Spot Leigh playing a couple of Sats on Dtd and went over to congratulate him on his recent success, and had a good few hours chatting whilst railing him to another Satellite success, another decent seat credit to his Dtd collection, wp sir.

As said at the beginning, no glaring errors no massive spews, very few spots, to take advantage of I don"t think I was outplayed or outclassed just a typical grind, obviously the AA hand is the annoying one but once the chips are all in, my fate has already been sealed by the shuffle of the pack pre, just one more game in the long game added to the list.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #518 on: September 20, 2014, 03:05:41 AM »
A good start to recouping Gps buy in, got 4th tonight at Rainbow for £250, Had AA hold up twice tonight v KK  and v 99, rather have them hold v the Queens yesterday though, variance, shmariance, so still in profit or the month just.

Other than these two hands can"t remember winning any significant pots, just chipped up slowly and steadily.

Ran 99 into AA for my exit hand,  picked up a straight draw, but didn"t get there.

Again there was an overlay and the guarantee was just met with the casino adding  a few hundred.

It will be interesting to see what happens next week, the G have upped there guarentee on a Friday to £2k5, a 30/30 game and it attracted 60 plus runners tonight.

Rainbow must match this at least otherwise people are just going to start to go over the road, there is talk of a change of game which will include an add on which may help boost the pot, but it could be the last rites of the game on a Friday night at Rainbow, which would be a shame because I do prefer a choice of games and structures, and do prefer the Rainbows structure.

Aiming to play the 25/25 at Leeds at the end of the month and have also reserved a place for the Apat event at the same venue in October, as for the Gps Edinburgh is a vague possibility but will decide nearer the time.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #519 on: September 24, 2014, 23:43:07 PM »
No cash last night at the G, played about half a dozen hands in the first few levels, and was up to 30k at the break.

I then just spewed them off, trying to bluff the unbluffable, missed straight and flush draws with 52 in the small blind thought I would rep the Ace, but didn"t work even though it was a chunky bet, he couldn"t lay down A2, no reason why I couldn"t have a better kicker at that point, it was a pretty stupid move on this person because he never lays it down, exited by shoving J9 blind on blind into JJ, no probs nh gg.

Favourite hand of the night, I 3 bet QJ suited from button, cut off called (2cd worse player locally), flop JJQ, (all about timing)he bets I call, turn an Ace, he bets I call, now to give the guy a fighting chance before the river is dealt I have picked up all my chips indicating I will be putting them all in, river is a 2, he proceeds to jam all in, if he has better good luck to him, (don"t think he has AA or QQ), he shows 33, ok it was a flip pre but what"s he thinking on all streets, love the G.

Struggling with motivation online, I tend to start a game on the I pad and if I get deep move to the pc later on, beat 11,000 people on Sunday in the big $5.50 for a $20 return, whoop de do, made a final table in a $5k gtee on Monday finished 7th for $250 and I have just been knocked out of the big $22 in 85th place for $110.

I cant remember anything exciting happening in this game but was over 100k at one point so something must of happened, had KK once but ran into shortstacks AA, all profit is good and another deep run in a 2k5 plus field.

It"s looking like another break even month both live and online, even though I have played 2 games with a combined buy in of £990 so it could of been a lot worse, then again wouldn"t of spent £990 on entries if I hadn"t won it else where, as stated elsewhere in these musings my bankroll management is pretty horrendous but whatever it"s only money, as long as I don"t get into debt or do anything totally stupid it"s not a concern, one thing I am is time rich and I could go mad with poker but I am fairly risk averse, may just bink a big one one day.

Nice to see Boro run into a bit of form, penalties last night were fun, don"t get as excited over football as I used to but always like to see us do well, the area seems get a boost if they are playing well, the team do look like genuine promotion contenders this season, the, again the 2 times I have seen them they have been crap, my brother has banned me from all games as of last week.

Rambling now, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #520 on: September 25, 2014, 10:00:37 AM »

No cash last night at the G, played about half a dozen hands in the first few levels, and was up to 30k at the break.

I then just spewed them off, trying to bluff the unbluffable, missed straight and flush draws with 52 in the small blind thought I would rep the Ace, but didn"t work even though it was a chunky bet, he couldn"t lay down A2, no reason why I couldn"t have a better kicker at that point, it was a pretty stupid move on this person because he never lays it down, exited by shoving J9 blind on blind into JJ, no probs nh gg.

Favourite hand of the night, I 3 bet QJ suited from button, cut off called (2cd worse player locally), flop JJQ, (all about timing)he bets I call, turn an Ace, he bets I call, now to give the guy a fighting chance before the river is dealt I have picked up all my chips indicating I will be putting them all in, river is a 2, he proceeds to jam all in, if he has better good luck to him, (don"t think he has AA or QQ), he shows 33, ok it was a flip pre but what"s he thinking on all streets, love the G.

SAtruggling with motivation online, I tend to start a game on the I pad and if I get deep move to the pc later on, beat 11,000 people on Sunday in the big $5.50 for a $20 return, whoop de do, made a final table in a $5k gtee on Monday finished 7th for $250 and I have just been knocked out of the big $22 in 85th place for $110.

I cant remember anything exciting happening in this game but was over 100k at one point so something must of happened, had KK once but ran into shortstacks AA, all profit is good and another deep run in a 2k5 plus field.

It"s looking like another break even month both live and online, even though I have played 2 games with a combined buy in of £990 so it could of been a lot worse, then again wouldn"t of spent £990 on entries if I hadn"t won it else where, as stated elsewhere in these musings my bankroll management is pretty horrendous but whatever it"s only money, as long as I don"t get into debt or do anything totally stupid it"s not a concern, one thing I am is time rich and I could go mad with poker but I am fairly risk averse, may just bink a big one one day.

Nice to see Boro run into a bit of form, penalties last night were fun, don"t get as excited over football as I used to but always like to see us do well, the area seems get a boost if they are playing well, the team do look like genuine promotion contenders this season, the, again the 2 times I have seen them they have been crap, my brother has banned me from all games as of last week.

Rambling now, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

I wasn"t there.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #521 on: September 25, 2014, 19:36:09 PM »
It at first you don"t succeed, give up, actually don"t keep trying, finally won the $33 $5k gtee on Stars today, $2012, Leeds may now be definitely on the cards, had some luck, had some bad luck, then the final hand of heads up after 25 mins of play, AA v KK, nice for the Aces to hold, think Stars wanted rid of us both, Binkitty bink.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #522 on: September 27, 2014, 18:18:58 PM »
Was supposed to go to Leeds today for the 25/25 but didn"t feel in the right frame of mind, plus if I made day 2 it would of been a bit of hassle getting Susan looked after so I decided to swerve it, saved £250 me thinks.

Mini heater online continues with a few more near misses, finished 20th yesterday in the $5k gtee again for $75 ish, my last two hands played were JJ and JJ both losing to J9 and AQ, win either of these and a deep run may have ensued, been cashing in most sngs so mtts are free rolls at the minute.

Played a $10 6 max turbo on Stars today and as the self proclaimed king of the nits this is not normally on my itinerary, bubbled the final table for $75, 55 didnt hold v Aj, would of had 22 bigs on the final table with the biggest stack being 25 so that would of been a chance of another decent hit, cant complain though A10 > AQ and 10 10 sucked out on AA to get me there.

Played at Rainbow last night and although they have altered the game to include an add on which may increase the prize pool, I think the last rites are being read to this game, 28 runners as opposed to the 60 odd across the road, however I would still play this one if the gtee is met, less players and weaker players means variance not as high as over the road, will wait and see what happens.

The game itself was pretty much over before it began, isolated a shortie who had jammed AQ, only finding 99 waking up behind and my chips get allocated to the villains.

I was a bit on tilt not because of the cards but at a conversation with someone regarding online poker, he says he never wins online because he always gets it in with the best hand but always gets busted by a worse one, I couldn"t be bothered carrying on with the conversation as he was never going to be convinced, incidentally, he had just limped utg with A2, called my 3 bet I had 10 10, he proceeded to flop the house and moaned because I didn"t call his all in jam, he put me on AK pre, yawn, curry had arrived so will sign off, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Moan of the week (not poker), bed I bought with tv lift in, the tv is stuck in the down position, couldn"t stick in the up position could it, no, #firstworldproblems.

Contacted supplier who have sent out replacement parts, took my money no parts received as yet, complaining hat being put on on Monday.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #523 on: September 30, 2014, 13:43:04 PM »
You going to the G tonight mate? Thinking about popping down :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #524 on: September 30, 2014, 17:20:56 PM »

You going to the G tonight mate? Thinking about popping down :)

As per conversation on Messenger, No unless there is a massive overlay, keep me informed Good luck.

Going to jinx the Boro will be my 3rd visit of the season, haven"t seen us win yet, lump on Blackpool.

Quick review of the month, its all been said in the above posts, made £1k, would of been £2k if  i didnt play the bigger ones, still cant watch Jeremy Kyle in bed, its a hard knock life.

See you in Leeds.