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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #525 on: October 07, 2014, 23:48:08 PM »
Pretty much a crap start to the month, made a final table on Stars in the afternoon $33 game last week finishing 7th for $250, which has since been distributed back into the poker community, played a few of the spin and goes on Stars, breaking even in them, biggest prize seen so far was $42, lost that one though.

Live stuff pretty hard going, just got in from the 30/30 at the G, QQ losing to A8 aipf, for 10 bigs, then 999 losing to a rivered straight 52, on a 934 board, this left me with 5 bigs which I lost with j 10 in a limped pot v QQ, on a 10 high flop, fairly standard stuff, running into big hands or people just getting there both live and online, mustn"t moan as it"s part and parcel.

Annoying thing was both people who got my chips lost them all before my last  5 bigs disappeared, both in pots which they should not of done the lot in, it"s tptk so it must good innit.

Done a bit of adding and subtracting of the finances and decided to give Vegas another spin, just got to check a place out tomorrow for Susan to stay in, the dates are available so as long as it"s clean and tidy I will get the flights and hotel booked.

I intend to withdraw 50% of stars roll which almost covers the flight, the hotel won"t need paying for until the end of the stay and I have enough cash for a few tourneys, some special trips  ::) ::) ::) and a few treats.

Had a quick look at the Venetian deepstack and there is a seniors event on which is 30k guaranteed,  $400 buy in, this will be the biggest one I will play, the Aria daily and Venetian nightly will make up the rest of the itinery, hoping to fly out the 6th November for 7 nights.

Plans are also afoot for a weekend of debauchery in Germany in February to celebrate my brother and cousins 50th birthdays, haven"t mentioned this yet to Susan but will start dropping hints after Christmas.

Clash of games on Saturday G have the £5k gtee, and Apat Leeds, think I will go to Leeds as Susan is sorted for the day and different surroundings may bring a change of fortune, plus if I get knocked out early can visit my son who now resides in Leeds.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy, may see you in Leeds on Saturday.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #526 on: October 11, 2014, 21:35:04 PM »
Quick report from the last few days, variance not being kind at the business end, first the potential Vegas trip has been put on hold due to room un availability for Susan, the usual place is not available and the 2cd choice was not really enticing, plus they haven"t had the decency to return 2 calls, so that has put us off them, if they can afford to lose a potential £900 good luck to them.

Played Rainbow last night got up to 70k and with 11 left looked set for a final table, only 7 paid so still work to be done, crucial hand report, blinds 1500/3000, villain opens  7k utg (55) , I 3 bet 20k (AQ), obviously expecting villain to shove, if he has AK no probs bink a Queen, or take the flip, he tanks and flats leaving himself 29k,  flop 6 high all hearts I have the Ace hearts, he checks I put him all in, he tanks for ages and eventually makes the call, I miss and he scoops, although he made the correct call I don"t like any of his play here, shove pre fine but flatting seemed the worse option pre, my final 10 bigs lose with Q 10 v 99, the nines hold, home 2 am no cash annoying but what can you do.

Onto Apat Leeds, arrived feeling pretty tired after not much sleep, only recognise 1 player on the table, was up 1k at the break to 16k made a few hands and was up to 23k when the following occurred obviously easier to analyse after the event but will give my thoughts.

Utg opens to 600, I 3 bet with JJ to 2k, it gets flatted by a big stack in the cut off, he has already cracked AA with a flopped flush, made runner runner straight in another big pot so is running pretty golden.

Initial raiser folds, we see a flop of 10 9 2 rainbow, I check he leads out, I reraise he jams covering me.

My first mistake is not counting my stack after he reraises me, if I count it and know exactly how much I have left this should make my decision easier.

I stack off and he has 99 for a flopped set, obviously I don"t get the re bink, the most annoying thing about the hand is that he gives me the chance to fold because I have seen this so many times online it"s just pretty obvious he has 2 pair or better, even the other hands which beat me are in his range ie slow playing Queens, Kings or Aces which obviously are crushing me as well, perhaps I am being a bit over critical of my play but it was a hand I possibly should get away from, every days a learning day so put it in the memory bank and take it onto the next game, missed the bloody buffet as well, as I just left the building and to further tilt me I had to do a 22 point turn to get the car out of the parking space as someone had parked right behind me on a massive sign which said NO PARKING.

Get home to a message indicating that getting back to Day 2 if I made it would of been a struggle even if I made it which further softened the blow, the other Carer had to cancel Sunday as a family member had been taken ill and couldn"t look after Susan.

In summary Poker can do one, as in the words of Andy (Little Britain)" I dont like it".


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #527 on: October 15, 2014, 00:03:57 AM »
and was up to 23k when the following occurred obviously easier to analyse after the event but will give my thoughts.

Utg opens to 600, I 3 bet with JJ to 2k, it gets flatted by a big stack in the cut off, he has already cracked AA with a flopped flush, made runner runner straight in another big pot so is running pretty golden.

Initial raiser folds, we see a flop of 10 9 2 rainbow, I check he leads out, I reraise he jams covering me.

My first mistake is not counting my stack after he reraises me, if I count it and know exactly how much I have left this should make my decision easier.

I stack off and he has 99 for a flopped set, obviously I don"t get the re bink, the most annoying thing about the hand is that he gives me the chance to fold because I have seen this so many times online it"s just pretty obvious he has 2 pair or better, even the other hands which beat me are in his range ie slow playing Queens, Kings or Aces which obviously are crushing me as well, perhaps I am being a bit over critical of my play but it was a hand I possibly should get away from, every days a learning day so put it in the memory bank and take it onto the next game,
You have analysed it correctly now Brian.  He is never playing it this way with a worse hand than yours. You know that fold was the only option with your stack. I think that tiredness affected your decision here.
Incidentally he didn"t have you covered and it took over an hour to blind you away.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #528 on: October 15, 2014, 03:21:24 AM »
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 04:01:36 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #529 on: October 15, 2014, 10:25:23 AM »
well done on your deep run again, always there or there abouts, playing Sheffields 25/25 ?.

I intended to play the Sheffield 25/25 but it clashes with Grand Prix at DTD .
I like the 25/25 Series comps very much, but the Grand Prix is guaranteed at a whopping £250k for a little over half the buy-in as the 25/25.
On the plus side if you do decide to play at Sheffield that weekend there is a good chance of an overlay on the £25k gtd
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #530 on: October 18, 2014, 04:12:57 AM »
As is the norm when I get in late from the pokers it"s quite difficult to sleep so will just do a quick trip report from tonight"s efforts at Rainbow.

The great and the good had turned out to welcome back the latest winner of the Ukipt London and we had 7 tables running with a pot of £3k8.

Said winner dusted of 2 entries before the break, a small chink in the £110k he won last week.

Great start, had to fold QQQ, when it went a bit mad, would of come third in the hand, AK hitting the straight but a flush also came in to bust the AK guy, took the add on so was back to 10k.

Got full value with AA v 10 10, on a KQx flop, so was up to 20k, didn"t improve much till the break.

I get it all in with AA v 66, guy moaned indicating it"s the same people who get lucky, I had 3 bet his utg raise and he jammed 30 bigs, the usual I put you on AK was the default cry, Aces held.

Made a tight fold with AK after an utg raise and a flat, I reraised with about 40 bigs behind, I was min re raised back by the button, went with my gut feeling and let him have it, he showed KK, an ace had been folded by someone else so i was drawing thin. The table was very soft and didn"t fancy a potential flip at that point, I felt as though I could get chips in better spots.

Played a nut flush draw really weakly just stationing utg raiser, flush didn"t come in but the Ace on the river gave me the pot, even then my kicker wasn"t too good so wasn"t overconfident of wining the pot, nits going to nit, I still had a shove stack left if I lost the hand, so was ok with the way I got there, although I felt a bit daft, but will take it.

Get to the final table, 2 shorties are knocked out, I make a call with KJ in the small blind to a 10 bb shove, this was totally player dependant, I know he will shove light in this spot, he had Q9, didn"t hit but neither did he so King high was good.

I have 200k but blinds are 5k/10k, someone suggests a deal giving me and another £480 and the others 350/400, it was 3am and could of gone on for a while so took it, a couple of weeks ago I got the benefit when I was a Shortstack, and 2 people who agreed then were on the same table so swings and roundabouts.

Rainbow are fighting back v the G, on Tuesday they are running a freeroll with £1k added, plus a an optional £30 £20 add on to run against the G"s £2k gteed, the general concensus is the majority of rainbow regs will play this, hoping to get the Tuesday game back to rainbow, could be an overlay at the G, my preference would be the rainbow game, personally think the structure is slightly better than the G, but if bust early could always pop over the road and spin the 40 bigs up after the break.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #531 on: October 20, 2014, 19:17:01 PM »
It"s that time of the year when tilt finally hits me smack on the nose and I throw a hissy fit, lost a chip lead pot on Stars yesterday, I was always behind so just give me a slap 555 v AAA, meh whatever so I withdrew the rest of roll like a petulant child and booked a flight to Vegas, will be travelling out on the 6th November till the 13th, going solo but as I will be playing poker no problemo.

There is a Venetian deepstack event on and I shall be partaking in the $30k guarenteed seniors event, ($400), the others will consist of Aria or Venetian dailys with the odd trip out on a night, any suggestions,  ::) ::) ::).

Got the alleged last seat on the Virgin flight, and saved myself £90 as price for the last few weeks has been £700, booked for £610.

Flight and hotel covered by recent winnings, 4 weeks left to get spending money but if that"s not forthcoming, delve into the savings, can"t take it with you, just get it spent.

Restart another grind in January.

The £60 profit from last nights Apat event will pay for the fuel to Gatwick, speaking of tilt, last hand flip situation 88 v A9 flop, I was behind, flop 799, started typing unlucky Rob in the box, 5 6, turn, river, just joking standard spot, the run out is what it is, changed message to ghhhghmnvfffhmjgchgd, nh sir gg gl, he didn"t even go on to win it, next time make better use of the chips I donate please, seriously well played all especially to Kevod, who almost smashed the lot in on Stars, ul sir, makes my moaning insignificant.

Might play Sheffied 25/25 at the weekend as Susans other Carer doing the full day, or a trip to the Riverside, although my brother has issued a banning order as when I turn up they usually lose, waffled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #532 on: October 25, 2014, 22:53:40 PM »
Sheffield 25/25 Trip Report.

Poker jar had enough in to let me play the 25/25, almost depleted now after paying for  flights and hotel for Vegas, not to worry always another game.

Peaked at 30k after 2 levels, but was back to18k after 4 levels, 3 bet 88 and 3 barrelled low flop, with villain calling me down until an Ace hit the river, he had AK, nh well played, he was worried I had 2 pair hence no value bet on the river.

Totally dead next 2 levels, but manage to get a bit of value 3rd pair, with A8 v K8 on a non pretty board, 26k going into the last two levels, blinds 600/1200, so 20 bigs, it"s an easy stack to play.

Sheffield is a 2 hour drive from here so I wanted at least 40 bigs to make the journey back worthwhile, get a double with 10 10 v AK, gets me to 40k.

First mis step of the day follows, someone raises mp 3k, 4 callers, pot is about 14k, obviously getting decent odds just to see a flop but with j4 hearts ( crap hand but whatever), I decide to try and win the pot there and then, I bump it up to 10k, get rid of 3 players, one sticks around, I c bet Ace high flop, but get called, I check he leads out, I fold, he shows a Queen for turned trips, nh sigh, back to 26k, thought my image would help with the 3 bet pre, should just go back to being a nit, fold like a wimp and move on.

Back to 25k, active utg player raises, gets flatted, I reraise 10 10, in hijack, button re shoves, it"s JJ v 10 10, other 2 players get out of the way, flop K Q 10, wiii, happy days blank turn, but I couldn"t fade the 9 on the river to give villain the straight, no problem, nh gg me.

I was behind pre, got lucky then got unlucky, s*** happens, 10 days till Vegas something to look forward to.

Played ok with the hands I was dealt, could of limped more and tried to hit outrageous hands but wouldn"t of hit big very often and the table dynamics were nobody was getting too out of line. There was only one player who was being a problem and to give him credit played well when he got to our table, the rest were pretty ABC including myself tbh but sometimes spots and cards dictate that.

The J4 hand was a bit annoying but would of been a nice pot to win without showdown, if I make the call and it comes down J high, still have no clue were I would be so decided to try and win it pre.

One guy had amassed loads of chips early by scooping in 2 set over sets scenarios and was up to 90k by playing and hitting every hand, when the blinds got bigger he never slowed down and was calling 3 bets and chasing draws, these times he never got there, he eventually lost the lot when he called a 4 bet with 98, although it was a cooler flop 10 J Q, villain had AK he really had enough chips to play a lot smarter than he actually did and should of made Day 2 in a comfortable position, wasted opportunity imo.

Sad news one of Teessides regs died earlier in the week, he came 2cd in a World Series event a few years ago, nice guy I remember getting to a final table with him a few years ago and we actually played heads up as he preferred not to do deals, he always wanted to play for the win, fair play to him,( we actually done a 50/50 chop as the casino was closing and we had equal chips), Rip sir.

Online news, had 3 deep runs on Full Tilt ( haven"t played there for a while) including one Final table, ran AQ into AK but got $250 inc bounties for a 7th place finish and another $150 in the other 2 games, one of which I must of had aces and kings at least 5x all holding v pairs, then lost most of them with 2 pair into a set, couldn"t recover from that one and dwindled to a top 20 position.

I will still play on Full Tilt until Vegas, but as I have withdrew my roll from Stars will re evaluate when I return whether to re deposit or not, current feelings undecided, may just try and sat into Gps and Gukpts, if I can get that account sorted.

2 more local games to play before I travel, then Vegas will either make it a winning year or another break even one, but a freeroll to Vegas at the end of the year is ok with me.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #533 on: October 31, 2014, 02:43:22 AM »
FT big $11 back soon with result
7/8 $915 locked up, 20 bigs so still in the hunt

OK back story before the result, had no car for most of the week and would of went to play at the home game at Stockton, but as i get travel sick on the bus and dont like paying taxi fares decided to play the big $11, turned out to be a wise decision as i finished 4th for $4k2, slight disappointment at not getting the chance of the win but 4/6675 is ok, just watcing the others discuss a deal now, missed a ladder spot when a shortie was all in and behind but rivered the winning hand, that cost me $2k as 3rd place was $6k, hey ho pointless moaning happy with a $4178 profit.

Freerolling all Vegas tournaments next week, lets hope the run good continues, bink.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 04:05:12 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #534 on: October 31, 2014, 11:47:34 AM »
Well done Brian. Had a deepish run in this myself. Good to see a fellow Brit go do deeper

Good luck in Vegas.
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Rob, you are a genius.
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You are a genius Rob  :D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #535 on: November 01, 2014, 03:39:14 AM »

Well done Brian. Had a deepish run in this myself. Good to see a fellow Brit go do deeper

Good luck in Vegas.

Cheers Rob, was a funny game always had between 20/40 bigs, either winning or losing 20 bigs in nearly every pot I was involved in, ran pretty bad on the final table, but ran better when the others started to go to war with each other, up the ladder.
Headed over to Rainbow for my last game before Vegas tonight and finished 2cd for £550, nice to be heading into a bit of form for next weeks trip.

A few thoughts on tonights game, only 5 people are to be paid tonight but when people are nearing the final table bubble the play tightens up, I just can"t see the reason there is no prize for reaching the final table, this tends to be my most profitable part of the game locally, got loads of shoves through limpers and min raisers with hands which should have at least 30/40% equity, heard a little comment, saying it"s all he does go all in can"t play the game, plus I always have AK, so they show me the bare Ace before folding.

Taking flips at this stage is also part of the game and people were open folding tens and Jacks to 10/15 big blind shoves, got to win dem flips, anyway i am not complaining long may it continue.

When I mentioned above that there was no prize for reaching the ft, someone piped up, let"s all get minimum £50, but this was rejected and a bubble was paid to 6th, which is fair enough, if there was an overlay perhaps give people their cash back but 5 bubbles seems a tad over the top.

Had queens twice on the ft which held v AK and Jacks, and I was chipping up nicely, must of lost a few, can"t remember how but was down to 10 bigs when the chip leader offered me and another guy 2cd place cash, an extra £200, he had a massive lead so I was ok with it, was too tired to think tbh, just wanted to get home, so best 2 days i poker I have had for a while, let"s hope the heat continues into next week.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #536 on: November 03, 2014, 13:24:42 PM »
We missed you on Thursday Brian.. but obviously you were upto better things  ::) Well done that man. Have a fantastic trip over to Vegas and don"t be spending too much of the roll in places you shouldn"t (or maybe you should!)  ;)  See you at our xmas themed home game first Thursday in Dec if you can make it x

p.s. I think I owe you some money for Sheffield.. PM me x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #537 on: November 04, 2014, 11:36:43 AM »

See you at our xmas themed home game first Thursday in Dec if you can make it

Road trip 4th Dec then.......


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #538 on: November 04, 2014, 16:31:08 PM »

See you at our xmas themed home game first Thursday in Dec if you can make it

Road trip 4th Dec then.......

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #539 on: November 06, 2014, 10:14:07 AM »