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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #615 on: March 22, 2015, 16:29:07 PM »
Just busted at Bradford in 15th, 13 paid, Guy jams 5 bigs Q 10, I reraise 77 with 12 bigs, Q on the turn does me, the rest goes K2 v 96, 6 on the flop kills me off.

No bad beats to moan about didn"t really get above the 124k I started with, had 99 early doors which i flatted a 3 bet with, he double barrelled the 10 high flop quite hard and  I just laid it down, pretty confident I was beat.

Made some chips back here and there but never in any significant quantities to get the blood flowing, one mistake I possibly made was laying down JJ, to a 4 bet, he had AK, but there had never been any 3 betting never mind 4 bets and I probably out thought myself making a hero lay down, who knows may or may not of won no point dwelling on it, still had 25 bigs at that stage.

Maybe time for a break even the local games are becoming a drag and although in profit this month don"t know whether it"s worth the hassle tbh for the sums involved, no doubt after the disappointment has subsided will get back on the horse but at this moment in time, I am at a low ebb.

Oh yes Boro got stuffed as well, that has made it a top weekend, NOT.

We could get home in 2hours but if we leave early there is a £30 surcharge by the hotel wtf is that about, going to see if that can be waived and get the feck out of Dodge, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #616 on: March 26, 2015, 22:05:54 PM »
Having a ridiculous run online the last few days, got 16 th in the big $22 last night, made 3 final tables in the Knockout comp on Full Tilt, getting $440, $110 and $90 plus bounties and a final table on Stars for $120 today, most frustrating one was the Full Tilt today get to the final table with 45 bigs, 3 bet, then 4 bet all in with KK, into the only one who could bust me and he calls the all in with AQ, yes we want the call all day long, but not the Ace on the flop, 50p in the tin.

It seems no one likes to fold anymore.

Really thought it was my time in the big 22 until 10 10 into KK, then 99 into KK but still had 30 bigs then my QQ lost to A8 aipf, then I ran 10 10 into AA, ok £1.50 in the tin.

As said before my bankroll management is appalling, but have span a $50 deposit on Full Tilt last week to $900, could of been so much more but it"s the nature of the beast, GPS on the horizon in a few weeks at Newcastle that will be the next big one, there is a super sat live in a week and a half, will have a shot at that and have one go online, will probably play whether I qualify or not, it"s close enough not to have extra expenses.

Oh yes bubbled the £1k gtee at rainbow on Monday, getting it in good twice for all the chips and an outright win but not getting the love at the business end, apologies if I comes over as a whingefest, it really isn"t it"s just the way it"s been going, fun times.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #617 on: April 08, 2015, 10:19:40 AM »
Been a while, not a great lot to report tbh, local games been pretty meh haven"t cashed in what seems like an age.

The few games I have played haven"t managed to build stacks so it"s down to the inevitable flip at the end which hasn"t been going my way.

I popped up to Newcastle last night to play the 6 max at Genting, there was no guarentee but ended with £3k5 in the pot, finished 15th 9 paid, no bad beats all standard play, took all the right spots, when I needed a double with decent pairs couldn"t get a caller, peaked at 40k, just couldn"t kick on.

A few more deep runs in the bigs on Stars but again couldn"t convert, had Ger on the rail in the big 55 when deep which probably helped him sleep as I hardly played a hand, pretty card and spot dead, a few years ago I would be too tight in these positions and try and wait for decent stuff but these days will take spots but just couldn"t find a semi decent holding to go to war with, eventually A3 < AK led to my demise, got $200 but the $12k up top would of been better, had a look through the hand history of the game as Ger had asked didn"t I just feel like shoving suited connectors etc, there was not one decent spot to re shove over raises and jams, would of just been a pure gamble.

Made the top 100 in the bigger $8 on Sunday, just beat the 10k runners for a paltry $90, keep knocking on the door it may eventually open.

GPS at Newcastle this week, unfortunately at this time can"t get Susan looked after for the full day so may look at playing the online leg tonight or just try a sat and late reg on Friday, to be decided.

Re Leigh's thread regarding first time Apats mine was in Edinburgh, can"t remember the year but was on Leighs table and it was my first biggish game, I remember shaking like a leaf trying to get my stack all in with trip Aces, every one on the table spotted the tell except the guy who called, got knocked out in the last hour of Day 1, lost a flip.

Sad news re Devilfish, met him once at Dtd and seemed a genuine character, rip man.

Football continues to frustrate, we have lost to probably the best 2 teams in the Division recently so my head says it"s the play offs but my heart still would like top 2, if we score first in a game we usually hold on but against teams who score first we struggle, whatever happens it"s been a good season considering where we were when Karanka took over, Gibson deserves to get promotion to get some of the money back he has put in, I actually prefer the championship, we win more games, usually 2 games a week and it"s more competitive, if we go up, next year would be one long struggle with the team as it is trying to fight against relegation the main aim, but I do understand the financial implications, go on then Boro get up there.

I have definitely cut down on the games I have been playing locally, so content is a little short twice a week is the max games for me, the G continues to irritate, the £5k gtee is played on Saturday will play that if I haven"t made Day 2 Newcastle, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #618 on: April 11, 2015, 00:57:52 AM »
 I managed to get Susan sorted for today so the GPS at Newcastle was a possibility.

I tried to load Stars on both the laptop and PC but neither would oblige, ( still need to investigate this), loaded onto I pad, withdrew $300 leaving $150 to try and spin up, if I made it to $400 will withdraw later in week to virtually cover buy in, played 50/1 Zoom and hit $380 which was close enough, job done, ( probably won"t take this out but it makes me feel better that I got there, lol).

I regged 15 mins into tournament and first hand was up to 29k, hitting the nut flush after raising A 10 of the spade variety, lost the next load of hands played and was down to 21k, no problem though the structure is decent.

Had KK twice and QQ, c betting low flops getting rid of callers.

We are moved to feature table for the last few levels and have 42k, raise QJ get no callers, raise 52 clubs in cut off but get 3 bet by an ace on the button but I folded, hadn"t played a hand in a while thought it might get some respect.

I 3 bet KJ over 2 limpers, bb called which brought the others in AQx flop, decided not to c bet as any Ace would call and with 3 in pot assumed one was out there, called a 2k5 turn bet to try and hit a 10 the board paired so now any raggy ace has 2 pair with a Q Kicker so didn"t think it would be wise to bluff, A7 in the big blind won the hand.

Won some chips with A10 flopping 2 pair on a A10J board half expecting KQ to be out there, was surprised no one peeled with a K or Q in their holdings.

I flatted AQ in the bb from a utg raise by a Full Tilt pro, didn"t want to play a big pot oop even though I had a decent hand, maybe I had Locked up a bit, the flop came J high with no draws only over cards I just let it go, bit weak but whatever, finished on 32,100 with blinds at 500/1000/100 so not in imminent danger but a double early doors would be nice, if that is unsuccessful then late reg the £5k guarantee at the G.

Best line of the day 2 guys giving each other stick over the size of their noses, the scouser says if we stand back to back we would be a pick axe, tickled me that, was a fun table actually really enjoyed it.

After playing this game don"t fancy the local limp fests too much, may pack them in or just play one game a week and save what I would of spent on them to enter these games, that"s to be decided in the coming weeks.

Happy with my play overall, would of liked more chips but wasn"t to be, first hand tomorrow AA v KK which holds would be most welcome, whatever will be will be, one time ?.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #619 on: April 12, 2015, 00:24:53 AM »
Day 2 report, contains some serious run good but in the wrong spots, went back with 30 bigs, get to table got Simon Deadman to my left, raise AQ on the button, he defend, flop K 10 10 I c bet, he floats, ( fishes if not a pro), lovely Jack on the turn, please have a 10, I bet he folded, sigh.

3 bet JJ to an early min raise, probably going with it he folded 42k, at least we are on an upward trajectory.

Moved tables twice, shove A 10 to a min raise 15 bigs, he open folds 77, Lose a few more, shove AK for 13bigs, again bb open folds 77, happy to flip in either position, open 44 from button from a 15bb stack bb jams, I call hoping for a flip at least, he has K 10, wii I am ahead it"s all you can do, flop AJQ, sigh, flopped pretty much dead, nh gg, fun times.

Happy with the way I played no mistakes, just one of those games.

Susan had someone with her till 10pm, so I checked the G and there was a £3k overlay, too much value there plus a free buffet, so regged it, if only for the grub, proceed to fold, fold, fold, twice raise pretty but marginal hands only to be jammed on or reraised by the big uns, down to 12 bigs, shoved K7 diamonds in the cut off called by A10, flop AKx, x K, bink, back in the game.

I chip up to 20 bigs but was back to 10 when I called a jam from the button (34 suited) with AQ, a 3 done me, no problems, small margins and all that.

I get a few hands through, then I flat AA in the big blind to a serial raiser, flop 4410, he leads as expected, I min raise he jams he has 99, fade the 2 outer and get to the final table with 25 bigs.

A couple of short stacks are eliminated, button shoves, with QJ, I have 77, it"s only 11 bigs easy call, why didn"t they call at Newcastle, I held, actually hitting a not required set on the river.

7 left and someone suggests £700 each and play all in or fold for the extra £100, this was accepted, tbh I was dead on my feet and didn"t fancy a 3 hour stretch, anyway have Aces twice which scoop, then my tens binked a 10 v AA to leave me heads up for the extra £100, I was Knackered so we just went in blind, I lost the 60/40 so didn"t get the extra £100, can"t complain about that, if only those hands happened 50 miles up the road it would of been a lot sweeter, embrace the variance and all that.

What was going to be a poor poker weekend didn"t end up that bad, I don"t have to withdraw that little spin up on Stars so a few more games this week, may try a couple of Sats for Ukipt max spend £100 or I might just go and buy a new hat.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #620 on: April 12, 2015, 15:09:15 PM »
Good seeing you last night Brian.. and congrats again mate. Nice bink. Drifters downstairs were immense BTW... from what I remember  ;D x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #621 on: April 12, 2015, 22:29:57 PM »
Beautiful stuff Brian.

GL with the sats. DTD appear likely to be giving it away this week, £1MM is a big ask and there"s 50 seats tonight with a monster overlay.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #622 on: April 13, 2015, 02:56:52 AM »
Cheers both of you, was going to play a sat tonight but totally forgot about it as I regged the sky roller on Sky, managed to get 5th position for £1050, which co incidentally is near enough the buy in for Nottingham.

I don"t think I am degen enough yet to hand over £1k to play poker in a field were  I would imagine I would be dead money so into the bank it goes.

I will probably have one go either on Stars or Party  sats depending if I can get Susan sorted.

Its a funny game, Thursday night I was all set for packing it in then I have a £1700 upswing, its stupid it wont let me go.

It wouldn"t be an entry without a whinge so if my Queens hold v J 10, 2 Jacks on the flop, my tens hold against 99, 9 on the river and I win either of my flips v the shorter stacks it could of been a much better night, but winning £1k sitting on your bum watching tv aint that bad an effort.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #623 on: April 13, 2015, 10:59:02 AM »

Cheers both of you, was going to play a sat tonight but totally forgot about it as I regged the sky roller on Sky, managed to get 5th position for £1050, which co incidentally is near enough the buy in for Nottingham.

I don"t think I am degen enough yet to hand over £1k to play poker in a field were  I would imagine I would be dead money so into the bank it goes.

I will probably have one go either on Stars or Party  sats depending if I can get Susan sorted.

Its a funny game, Thursday night I was all set for packing it in then I have a £1700 upswing, its stupid it wont let me go.

It wouldn"t be an entry without a whinge so if my Queens hold v J 10, 2 Jacks on the flop, my tens hold against 99, 9 on the river and I win either of my flips v the shorter stacks it could of been a much better night, but winning £1k sitting on your bum watching tv aint that bad an effort.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Another quality effort Brian, you should start giving out lessons!!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #624 on: April 13, 2015, 19:14:38 PM »

Cheers both of you, was going to play a sat tonight but totally forgot about it as I regged the sky roller on Sky, managed to get 5th position for £1050, which co incidentally is near enough the buy in for Nottingham.

I don"t think I am degen enough yet to hand over £1k to play poker in a field were  I would imagine I would be dead money so into the bank it goes.

I will probably have one go either on Stars or Party  sats depending if I can get Susan sorted.

Its a funny game, Thursday night I was all set for packing it in then I have a £1700 upswing, its stupid it wont let me go.

It wouldn"t be an entry without a whinge so if my Queens hold v J 10, 2 Jacks on the flop, my tens hold against 99, 9 on the river and I win either of my flips v the shorter stacks it could of been a much better night, but winning £1k sitting on your bum watching tv aint that bad an effort.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Another quality effort Brian, you should start giving out lessons!!

Still wouldnt work for you Mr Ward. Brian plays sober.

Maybe thats the trick for you...


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #625 on: April 14, 2015, 01:09:15 AM »

Cheers both of you, was going to play a sat tonight but totally forgot about it as I regged the sky roller on Sky, managed to get 5th position for £1050, which co incidentally is near enough the buy in for Nottingham.

I don"t think I am degen enough yet to hand over £1k to play poker in a field were  I would imagine I would be dead money so into the bank it goes.

I will probably have one go either on Stars or Party  sats depending if I can get Susan sorted.

Its a funny game, Thursday night I was all set for packing it in then I have a £1700 upswing, its stupid it wont let me go.

It wouldn"t be an entry without a whinge so if my Queens hold v J 10, 2 Jacks on the flop, my tens hold against 99, 9 on the river and I win either of my flips v the shorter stacks it could of been a much better night, but winning £1k sitting on your bum watching tv aint that bad an effort.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Another quality effort Brian, you should start giving out lessons!!

Still wouldnt work for you Mr Ward. Brian plays sober.

Maybe thats the trick for you...

Tried it once, won the World Champs with England, it wouldnt be fair on the rest of you.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #626 on: April 14, 2015, 03:36:20 AM »
Upswing continues with a £270 share at Rainbow, ran pretty golden, flopped full houses, turned Quads, set of Queens v Kings, and AJ beating QQ, plus a few well timed bluffs, just reached the chapter on how to bluff people, may start adding this to my game.

Gave the guy with the Queens a tenner for a drink after I hit my ace, not just because of that hand he had AA cracked twice and another few unlucky spots, it was the first time he had played here as it was a mates birthday and they were doing something different, He was decent company and made the game quite enjoyable, didn"t think his daughter was too pleased when I asked if they were married, lol, it was her Dad, he was a young looking handsome chap, easy mistake to make.

Thursday night I was packing in, +£2050 later glad I didnt, stupid game.

Big game tonight, think we have to win all 4 left to stand any chance of automatic promotion, Tonights is a must win, will be going along, Come on Boro.

Easier to write these things when winning, but there is always a downswing around the corner, just enjoying the uphill journey at the minute.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #627 on: April 20, 2015, 11:44:49 AM »
Had a choice on Friday, pub to watch Boro match, or Chinese before poker, ohhh look at Mr Popular, as usual my decision making was wrong.

Had a decent meal but whilst playing poker was stuffed and couldn"t concentrate as the match was on the TV, I spent more time looking at the game rather than concentrate on the poker.

To cut a long story short, 3 bet got it in with AQ v an utg the raise who had the ladies, was for 20 bigs, against the particular villain quite happy to get it in here as he is very lag, against others on this table I will fold and not give it a 2cd thought.

I was home for the 2cd half of Gogglebox, bloated, uncomfortable and £60 lighter.

At least the Boro won, still going down to the wire, obviously still relying on others to slip up, fingers crossed, head says play offs, heart says Champions, been a good season whatever happens.

Missed a £1k seat by 5 spots on Wednesday night which was a tad annoying AK < A8, may or may not have guarenteed a seat if it held

Emptied all poker accounts the other day as I was going to have a break, that lasted all of 48 hours, deposited £50 on Full Tilt just to while away a few hours, managed a 6th for $440 and a 12th for $60 on Saturday, withdrew half of it and played the Sky roller and Apat game last night.

I was going along nicely until a 15 minute spell, QQ < AQ, 99 < AK saw me go from 3rd to busto on Apat, then QQ into AA on Sky, no problemo, no one made mistakes all standard spots.

Made initial enquiries re getting Susan looked after in November for my now yearly pilgrimage to Vegas, may add a twist this year, thinking of going to New York first for a few days then fly down to Vegas for a week, unless I manage to bink a package for the summer somewhere, waffled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #628 on: April 22, 2015, 03:23:05 AM »
Last minute decision to play at G paid Dividends tonight, made my second ever live Royal, which gets me a free meal for 2, wasn"t aware of this prize but will take advantage later in the week.

Also managed to get a cheeky chop of £450, was probably in 2cd place but with me and the other shortie having 15 bigs and the chip leader absolutely massive it seemed churlish to turn it down, 2cd place cash was £400, the chippie took £600, he absolutely card racked the final table, he did make a good call against the other big stack on an Ace high flop, pretty much icm suicide for the other guy though, he jammed 200k, with A5 and the guy found a call with A10, ( make a note can"t bluff this guy once he has hit), obviously jumps aren"t huge in these games but he probably cost himself a few hundred in equity, wasn"t bothered as it made me at least £200.

A couple of fun hands online today, twice flop straights against sets obviously all money goes in on both occasions, only to be beaten by the quads, fun times.

Tickets bought for the Brighton game next Saturday, could be a sellout with nothing to play for or could be a sellout with one eye on the live scores online, perhaps this weekend makes it a little bit clearer, Watford have an early Kick off so if they drop points, its in our hands, Bournmouth play Monday so it"s spread all over the place, really exciting end to the season.

Been a good month so far over £1k4 in profit, good job as Susan"s care bill came in, the fire needs repairing and the credit card bill for Germany finally landed, easy come easy go I suppose.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #629 on: May 02, 2015, 08:54:35 AM »
After starting April like an express train, the last week or so saw me derail slightly.

My last 2 games saw me cash bubble the Monday sng, too long ago to remember anything about it other than another overlay and a free Chinese buffet at midnight, was still paying for that for the next 2 nights.

Tuesday"s game seen me run pretty good until my Kings were Aipf versus 1010, for a massive pot with 12 left and the 10 Binked, Urgh.

Online I am staring to spew again, got to get some discipline back into my game regarding Brm, been in a few good spots only for my big hands not to hold in the significant pots which either gives you a chance to win big or min cash or not cash at all, usually the latter.

Still a 4 figure profit for April so happy with that.

Good start to May with a cheeky £450 at Rainbow last night which effectively freeroll my games for the month live, was going along ok then tried to rep a straight on a board which I knew the biggest fish down there had over cards too, actually got him to fold, he had KK, but unfortunately the guy behind had the straight, lol, that put me into the sub 15 bb territory from which I never got over, 3 hours later after stubborn short stack play it was chopped 700/600/450/450, luckily for me the villains on the table dont call correctly so got away with a few, was lucky in the fact the big stack every time he was all in he had the nuts v the others, not the most exiting game but sometimes you gotta grind.

Off to the match this afternoon, bit of  a non event, dissapointed after last weeks results but Watford and Bournmouth probably deserved to go up for the amount of goals scored.

Unable to play the Leeds 25/25, unable to get Susan looked after if I made Day 2, although I could drop her off at my sons house in Leeds and she could gate crash his birthday party, this would be doable if he didn"t
live in a town house and his living room wasn"t up 2 flights of stairs, he is 29, were the feck did all that time go.

Starting to look at VEGAS flights for later in the year, still a bit early yet, still hoping to bink a package for the summer somewhere though, may have a travelling companion this year but that depends on his job situation but I have been asked to keep him informed of dates, costs etc, anyway off for food, run good, be lucky stay healthy.