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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #630 on: May 04, 2015, 03:50:01 AM »
Good news, bad news, just finished 3rd in the Sky Roller thing for £1520, in via £24 sat, wiii happy days, bad news lost over £1k in cash equity when my AA was cracked by KQ, all in on a Q high flop, the poker Gods decided to put the 2cd Queen on the river, cheers for that one.

I think it may be time to take a break from Stars as it"s just killing me at the minute and actually try to take advantage of smaller fields like on Sky or 888, etc.

Strange that I have just lost £1k extra due to the drop of a card and I don"t really have any feelings one way or the other, slightly miffed of course but overall happy with a £2k start to the month, stupid game.

Sky sometimes analyse this game on a Tuesday so I might get a bit of air time, Spitfire10 is the user name on that site, although when I finished 5th a few weeks ago that was the only one which wasn"t done out of the last 4, typical.

I decided against Leeds 25/25, too much hassle plus I was very tired after a late night Friday at the casino and an early Kick off on Saturday morning, definitely wouldn"t of been in the right frame of mind.

As expected the game on Saturday was a damp squib which was always going to be the case and as the results came in pretty sure we played for 4th place so we would play Brentford in the play offs.

Our form isn"t great at the minute but I am quietly confident we can do the job over 2 legs and hopefully a trip to Wembley awaits, we shall wait and see, probs at the Rainbow tonight for the £1k sit and go, let"s keep it going and keep the cash coming in.

Withdrew most of the cash from Sky tonight but left a little there to have a dabble at the other games during the week, Sky was the first site I played on and always did ok but the lure of big money elsewhere was too tempting, home James, the circle of Poker.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #631 on: May 06, 2015, 10:15:45 AM »
Turned up at G last night to try and complete hat trick of results after Sunday"s success.

I got a chop of Mondays £1k gtee, took £275 as 2cd in chips, only 3 paid and as per when 4th was knocked out the usual bubble discussion started to take place, again all regs and pretty much shove fold poker it made more sense to just flatten payouts, if bubble had been paid ie £100 then chances are a 3 way split would if meant £300 each, made more sense to lose £25 than to play for another 35/45 mins just shove folding, it nearly made its guarantee tonight so it will probably go on for a few more weeks.

No cashes last night( what that can"t be right, hissy fit thrown, joking).

The last few games I have quite enjoyed there but last night was back to its normal obnoxious atmosphere.

I lost my first buy in when I shoved 44 into a utg raise, which is always JJ+ v this player but only had 10 bigs but with 2 more callers it was worth a gamble, the Queens from utg hold.

I get moved to the nut worst table, all the players here are constantly moaning at the dealer regarding cards dealt, people"s play etc and I was just ready to get home tbh,

I raise utg AJ get flatted by A3, flop 345, I check he just jams 25k which is what I have left, normally an easy fold but I had lost interest and stacked off,he had A3 pre, I hit the J on the river only for a tirade of crap to be hurled in my direction, not nasty but the usual oh my life, never win a flip, I knew I had you, every time you get lucky v me blah blah. It was a bad play on my part but whatever.

He shouted to his mates on another table who added a few more jibes about how lucky I was all the time etc, quite funny tbh, keep playing guys your the value.

Eventually I shoved K9 over 2 limpers from the small blind, the bb reshoves, both limpers get out of the way and I am up against Q9, lol, I may have to stay for another 2 hours, aargh, luckily the Q binked, again when the cards were turned over some guy quips, "Ade, Ade Brian"s being gifted chips again", this was before the dealer dealt the flop, turn river.

Shook the guys hand at the end and got outta dodge, to be honest the last  few weeks there have been ok sometimes you just have to accept who is at the table and just block out the noise.

As for the A3 guy, play with a bit of dignity Sir, beats occur if you can"t take them stop playing, actually don"t as I like it when you are at my table, VELLY VALUE as they say on Teesside.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #632 on: May 06, 2015, 16:23:16 PM »
Speaking of beats.... Home game tomorrow night?? :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #633 on: May 07, 2015, 08:44:33 AM »
Name and shame Mr A3 please. Given the move I"m thinking fat miserable and Chinese...
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #634 on: May 07, 2015, 14:17:54 PM »
Messaged elsewhere, won"t name and shame here as they might be fanboys. Lol, they like to play against me as I only play Ak, as I was reminded several times on Tuesday


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #635 on: May 07, 2015, 14:25:33 PM »

Speaking of beats.... Home game tomorrow night?? :)

Took Susan for meal and a Guiness, she is now putty in my hands, got to be back by 10 though


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #636 on: May 10, 2015, 02:30:17 AM »
First the important stuff, good win on Friday night at Brentford, still not counting chickens as "typical Boro" could turn up but fairly confident of a draw minimum which will see us through, hope we are 2/3 up before half time though so the old ticker doesn"t have to go through 90 mins of turmoil. I got a ticket online as opposed to going and standing in line from midnight in the rain as some people decided to do, hopefully a trip to Wembley is on the cards.

Decided to watch the first half in the pub then late reg at Rainbow, should of stayed in the pub tbh, played about 3 hands, exit as follows, Utg raises (K8 off) to 1k, I 3 bet JJ from small blind to 3k5, happy to get it in here as blinds are going up next hand will have 18 bigs, bb (KJ clubs)flats, as does the original raiser, flop Q 10, x 2 clubs, I check utg jams for not a lot (should be all in pre rather than call), I Know he is fos, I rejam as does the big blind, need to fade clubs, 9, Ace, King,  I don"t, the Ace from space gets there and Bob the other half of the infamous Bob and Betty chuckles as he scoops the lot, I  say nice hand and I am home and in bed by 10:20, his call pre bit iffy, (against me he probably only has 30% equity in this spot! always, but it"s Bob, it"s suited and pretty, he is not thinking what I might have, as long as he keeps coming to play it"s no problem), no probs with his jam with the up and down and flush draws.

I don"t have any money on any one site anymore, I know how much I have won this year live and online so I know what my bankroll is, ie poker winnings, so I tend to deposit on any sites if I fancy a game, I was becoming stale on Stars and am currently on a $1k6 downswing there, obviously live results and results elsewhere have compensated for this but I am trying to look for better value, reopened 888 and Pkr accounts and played one or two on there, no cashes but a couple of deep runs which gives me some encouragement.

I put £33 on Sky and played there Bounty Hunter at 8pm tonight, another frustrating night finishing 7/347 for £275, getting it in AQ v A9 by the only guy who could bust me, the 9 binked and although I picked up a flush draw I couldn"t get there. We had been battling all game, the only time he didn"t jam all in was when I flopped a house, sigh.

The Strategy in these seems to be if you hit the flop just jam the lot in, not very subtle, but was ok with me as I chipped up quite easily and got away from marginals without too much damage.

I have left £110 on to play the Sky Roller thing tonight and withdrew the rest, Scoop starts tomorrow, I may plonk the other £150 on there and play the low and medium events today or I might just go and buy a new hat.

I realised a few months ago I was becoming really unfit so have started to get out and about a bit, doing loads of walks round the moors locally really enjoying these although got a bit scary last week when we got lost and bloody grouse were flying out at us every 5 yards, the gamekeeper with his rifle got us back on the right track and we made it back to the pub for a well earned pint, a 1 hour hike turned into a 3 hour wander, typical townies, I blamed my mate as he was in charge of the map, fun times.

The home game returned on Thursday in the old Rileys, not a lot to report apart from its gone really posh, the venue, not us, 2 real tables with drink holders, table tennis tables, snooker and pool, the game itself I finished 4th, think Stuart was 3rd, I didn"t stay to see who won, Gary and Phil F heads up, these don"t run as regular as they used to but it"s good play every now and then.

Anyone playing a scoop schedule ?, waffled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #637 on: May 11, 2015, 00:49:16 AM »
Fun day of poker today, played the Kick off scoop event and the 6 max prog Knockout, the former I got it in 4 ways 25 bigs with AK v AK v QQ v 99, flop AQ9 that was fun.

The latter I had a deep run finishing 317/19000 for around $200 was around 40 bigs towards the end of the tournament just couldn"t get that one double to make it to 80/100 bigs to be able to make moves, final hand was AQ v Jacks, I didn"t bink, fun game though was a change playing and enjoying it rather than a total grind, will play a few more scoops, the structures give plenty of play but it"s the usual run God like for a few hours required me thinks.

Small profit but the $30k up top would of been better, lol.

I also played a Sat for Vegas on Coral, my first attempt I got my buy in back after finishing 6th so hopped in another at 5pm in which I managed to bink a seat.

I was chip leader for a while but ran into KK on a J high flop, having defended KJ in bb, couldn"t really get away from it Villain only had 14bigs.

I was back in the pack then lost 2 flips v shortstacks were my pairs were beaten against random overcards, again standard spots, just got to hold, jammed KJ suited 15 bigs into a min raise who had the bullets and that was that.
There were only 3 seats guarenteed so needed to get a stack, wasn"t to be, accept it and move on.

I had left some cash on Sky to play the Sky roller thing but decided not to play it and concentrate on the 2 games I was playing, withdrew that back to bank account and that will pay for the boiler to be repaired, no hot water today so that needs sorting.

Rainbow tonight I would imagine, and it"s the £5k gtee on Saturday at the G, going for a hat trick of wins in that one.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #638 on: May 12, 2015, 12:30:33 PM »
Sigh, 2 tournies run on a Monday locally both £1k gteed, Rainbows game failed to start 4 runners, 5 needed to start, 32 turned up over the road for that one, if one of the regs got off their backsides and regged  in time instead of waiting till 9:30 to late reg, could of had a £30 £1k guarentee sng, possibly the coffin lid is starting to close on the Monday game at Rainbow, we shall wait and see.

As I was out I played over at the G, doubled my money by finishing 6th, bubble paid, not a great hourly but all profit is ok, free rolling one buy in tonight, lol.

Re the Rainbow game to encourage people to turn up on time maybe only allow people 1 lot of chips if they reg at the break rather than the full 18k, the game is perfectly playable late regging with 45  bigs so I can understand people who want to late reg, but the casino need to encourage people to get there at the start.

The usual suspects turned up at 10:15 to late reg the G game,  non reached the final table or cashed.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #639 on: May 16, 2015, 23:43:36 PM »
Couldn"t make it a hat trick in the G"s £5k gtee today, peaked at 40k, then got a table move and was pretty much card and spot dead, got it in good 13 bigs 99 v KJ, didn"t hold, no problem one of those days.

I had a deep run in  $5 cubed earlier in the week finishing 10/650ish, got it in good KK v A7, for chip lead and a decent position, didn"t hold, no problem one of those days, I think there is a pattern emerging here, lol.

No Friday game due to the Boro v Brenford, was pretty confident before the game after last weeks results, they always had to come out to win it and tbh it was a fairly comfortable win.

The atmosphere was really good not had one of them nights since the European games 9/10 years ago.

As a non season ticket I didn"t get priority to get a ticket first so will log in on Monday when they hit general sale to try and get one, with 38,500 allocated should be ok, if I can"t get one then so be it, my brother and mates being season ticket holders have theirs already and booked a hotel for the Sunday night but I will probably have to do the day trip, driving there on the Monday morning ( currently trying to borrow my sons car, brand new Golf R) to make the journey a bit easier, it"s not going well at the minute, time to call in the £2k he owes me I think.

Prices range from £36 to £100, hoping to get one mid range but will pay top whack if needs be, having a winning month so poker paying for treats.

If we play like we did last night then I think we have a great chance but if we play like we did against Bournmouth and Watford it could be a long day, having beaten them twice already this season they will be out for revenge, que sera, sera, whatever will be will be.

Almost booked Vegas for the end of June, put a hold on a deal but no rooms at the inn for Susan, told them a stable would suffice but they declined my suggestion, provisionally booked her in at the beginning of November so can start to look for deals if and when, again the room places are not guaranteed for her but at least she is in the Queue.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #640 on: May 17, 2015, 07:14:44 AM »
Boro are favourites to go up in my opinion. You have good results against Norwich in the season (not that it matters much). Enjoy Wembley winning a playoff final is the best way to go, if you can I would strongly recommend sticking around in London for the night after the place will be jumping.

How do you rate Boros chances of survival next season or is it too early to say? are Boro currently better than Newcastle and Sunderland?

Hopefully will be coming to Yarm to catch up with you lot shortly btw

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #641 on: May 17, 2015, 08:19:13 AM »
My preferred option would be London on the Sunday but life stuff gets in the way off that, ie the other carer is not allowed to lift Susan on her own, health and Safety etc.  I need to get her sorted on the morning and night,  if my son is home on the Sunday/Monday it may be possible, but he is in London for the weekend I think, not for football he hates it, we will see, (car issue still in negotiations).

Don"t want to count chickens but we have a decent foundation but it would be a struggle, as per it depends who comes in etc, as for the other 2, it"s lucky there have been 2 useless teams below them, still going down to last game but Hull look nailed on for that. If we don"t go up its been an enjoyable season and it"s got me going back regularly which was a tough ask as I had pretty much lost all interest, the premier league doesn"t interest me at all, but understand financially and the surroundings which go with it its a big game for the club. Of course we are better than the other 2 doesn"t matter what Division, always better.

Gibson deserves the riches which promotion will bring and him being the supporter he is would re invest I would imagine, not like Ashley up the road, Sunderland just in the queue to go down eventually.

You can pop up for the promotion victory parade hopefully, see you soon.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #642 on: May 18, 2015, 18:53:07 PM »
Beware may contain some whinging, Sunday finished 20/1950 in the $8 cubed, QQ lose to Ak for just under a mirrion with 19 left, will enjoy putting the $150 back into the community over the next few days.

Today 20/200 in a $4k gtee, 77 loses to A3, if he hits the Ace fair enough, but he gets there with runner runner straight, variance innit, £96 to be redistributed.

The most important bubble was lost today though, failed to get a ticket for Wembley, joined the queue at 9am, at 1:15 the red bar was at 90% then decided to do a back flip and I was back at the start.

There may be some left for sale tomorrow, but not confident, my own fault really should of bought a pride card earlier in the season ( this would of knocked a few pound of tickets bought during season as well), schoolboy error.

I am now planning to win the Grand Prix in Nottingham, nothing else to do on Monday.

Pokerpops to make a very rare appearance tonight at Rainbow, his first outing locally in quite a while, may edit post later tonight if anything exciting happens, no moaning though, honest Guv.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #643 on: May 19, 2015, 09:34:24 AM »
WP sir.

I enjoyed the conversations at the table. Didn"t enjoy only having one pocket pair all night, but I made the best of it.
Next time I"ll have to put my nitty boots on.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #644 on: May 19, 2015, 14:14:10 PM »
Cheers, tight is right in these things then go Loosey Goosey later when everyone else tightens up, works for me, I always have it in the late stages, allegedly, get your 10% to you next time, half a freeroll next week.

It was chopped 3 ways, took £280, lost a 3 way all in for the £500 first prize, just another mild irritation on the poker front.

May late reg at G tonight, depends if deep in any online.

Ticket attempt today proved fruitless, never mind, going to Flamingoland instead #familyfunday, yea right.