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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #645 on: May 20, 2015, 17:28:31 PM »
For sale, 2 x Flamingoland tickets......

Got to go to Wembley on Monday, binked a ticket in the last minute rush, freeroll after Monday"s little win, UTB.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #646 on: May 23, 2015, 11:40:48 AM »
Made a final table on Stars on Wednesday, the $5 cubed, lasted one hand when my AK lost to A8, all in on a A8x flop, bit annoyed as I made 2 mistakes in the hand, first not 3 betting in position pre the utg raise, (stop trying to be tricky or weak just play properly) then calling the Jam all in after I had bet the flop.

I know it"s easier saying should off folded when you see the cards but it just screamed 2 pair or set, then again it could of been AQ, there were no shorties on table and if I folded still would of had 28 bigs, live and learn.

Played the Medium scoop last night, finished about 400th, with 3 bounties and $100, doubled my money, not going to pay the mortgage off but pays for a few more games.

Getting ready for the trip to Wembley, driving down early Sunday night staying in Watford overnight then get over there for the Kick off.

It"s going to be a pretty close affair obviously hoping for the win but whatever happens it"s been a good season, got to look at were we were when Karanka arrived, got me going again regularly again which was a tough ask, Que Sera Sera, UTB.

Took a small percentage of someone heading to Vegas next week.

He is due to play around $6k worth of events, let"s hope he binks big.

Gl to anyone playing the Grand Prix, looks like a massive overlay, not good news for Dtd, would of had a couple of bullets but busy on Monday, then again probably wouldn"t of made Day 3 anyway, in before any comments, lol.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #647 on: May 23, 2015, 13:18:01 PM »
Enjoy the play off final mate. Possibility of me making a trip to Yarm for 2nd July.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #648 on: May 26, 2015, 19:03:11 PM »
Well, yesterday came and went, no complaints, beaten by the better team on the day and in all honesty the best 3 teams in the championship went up, although the 12 points we gave away v Leeds and Sheffield Wednesday does slightly irk with me.

Been to Wembley 5 times now and still waiting for us to win one, knock the place down and play at Cardiff, 100% record there.

We failed to produce when it really mattered v Watford, Bournemouth and Norwich. I will be investing in a season ticket for next year, it"s an afternoon out with my brother and a few mates, not always about the football that"s a side issue, other than the massive cash injection not too bothered about playing The Arsenals, Liverpools, etc, would rather see us win 19/20 home games and be competitive away from home, much more enjoyable, I haven"t subscribed to Sky Sports for a few years now blanket coverage has pretty much killed football on TV for me, very rarely watch a full 90 minutes even though I can access most of it if I really wanted too.

Onto the other stuff still constantly running into Aces, and even managed to do it at Rainbow on Friday, drunk guy (playing and raising any 2, usually getting there) with loads of chip raises utg, I re jam 99 (18bigs), unfortunately Mr playlesshandsthanido, rejams his 30 bigs, confident of being ahead of initial guy, but pretty much knew I needed to hit a set to beat the other guy, I was right and I didn"t, gg me.

It"s still been a good month, although no significant cashes in the last few days despite a few deep runs, playing at G tonight, just had a message to see if I can play in a team event in Newcastle on Saturday but used up all credits getting Susan looked after the last 2 days so had to turn that one down, again Coventry would of been good to get down to but life stuff dictates, gl to all those playing, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Enjoy the play off final mate. Possibility of me making a trip to Yarm for 2nd July.

Be good to see you, wasn"t as enjoyable as it could of been, no problems, it happens.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #649 on: May 27, 2015, 22:20:12 PM »

Been to Wembley 5 times now and still waiting for us to win one, knock the place down and play at Cardiff, 100% record there.
As a Bolton Wanderers fan I don"t want to be reminded of that thanks  ;)

I still enjoy reading your updates Bri keep up the good work. It was nice to see you at the Bradford 25/25 Series, you were unlucky not to go on to a big payout in that one. I hope you can find a way to get to Coventry as I will be playing the Main Event and trying my luck at the cash game comp for the first time.
If not, I am sure that I will see you at either the Bolton or Stockton 25/25 next month.
All the best.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #650 on: May 28, 2015, 13:12:46 PM »
Cheers Craig, sorry about the reminder of that glorious day lol.

Coventry will be a no, but obviously Stockton will be there, probably play the Thursday and if I fail to qualify then a possible 2cd bullet on Saturday, try and get a couple of places better than last years 6th place finish (feckin Aces). Are you coming up ?.

Whilst I am here cashed at the G on Tuesday only got £120 finishing 6th or 7th usual shallow stack final table, lost 2 hands v shorties shoves when I have to call with any 2 cards, on both occasions was against premiums, how do they do that, dwindle to sub 5 bigs then pick up Aces and Jacks, whatever.

I got knocked out at 3am, far too late as I was still done in from the Wembley trip and am still tired now, far too many chips for a midweek comp.

Fun hand not involved, all spade flop , guy jams loads of chips with the K high flopped flush, Chinese guy who runs God like snap calls with a 6 high fiush draw, runner runner straight flush, the aforementioned Chinese guy does win a lot down there but is really annoying with his commentary on every hand played whether he is in the hand or not, what people should or shouldn"t do what he would do, why he played it wrong, just shut the feck up, rant over.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #651 on: May 29, 2015, 05:30:42 AM »

Cheers Craig, sorry about the reminder of that glorious day lol.

Coventry will be a no, but obviously Stockton will be there, probably play the Thursday and if I fail to qualify then a possible 2cd bullet on Saturday, try and get a couple of places better than last years 6th place finish (feckin Aces). Are you coming up ?.

Whilst I am here cashed at the G on Tuesday only got £120 finishing 6th or 7th usual shallow stack final table, lost 2 hands v shorties shoves when I have to call with any 2 cards, on both occasions was against premiums, how do they do that, dwindle to sub 5 bigs then pick up Aces and Jacks, whatever.

I got knocked out at 3am, far too late as I was still done in from the Wembley trip and am still tired now, far too many chips for a midweek comp.

Fun hand not involved, all spade flop , guy jams loads of chips with the K high flopped flush, Chinese guy who runs God like snap calls with a 6 high fiush draw, runner runner straight flush, the aforementioned Chinese guy does win a lot down there but is really annoying with his commentary on every hand played whether he is in the hand or not, what people should or shouldn"t do what he would do, why he played it wrong, just shut the feck up, rant over.

Did he say " I outplay you "?

I was certain he was born in the year of the Donkey, but apparently that"s not a thing. Must have been the year of the Rooster....
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #652 on: May 31, 2015, 02:48:48 AM »
The first 2 weeks of this month went really well, the last 2 not so good, reading the above posts variance has not been my friend over the last 10 days, however Variance tonight paid me back in full on Sky.

I stumped up £33 to play the 8pm bounty hunter and 6 hours later finished 2cd for £723 plus £268 in bounties so just short of £1k.

Sky been really good to me over the last 2 months, played about 10 games with 2 £1k wins and a £1k5, pretty ridiculous run tbh.

First prize tonight was £1k3 and when we got to heads up I had a slight advantage, I made 2 mistakes which saw me tumble to a 15/20 bb stack but couldn"t recover and finally lost a flip AQ v 66, lost a flip to the same guy when 4 left 22 (me) v A6, which would of put me in a commanding position with 3 left, no doubt sucked out once or twice early on so can"t moan too much.

I will probably play the Super Roller tonight and possibly the return of Dtds £300, at least a sat or two.

Again no cash on any particular site just deposit as and when required.

Since the start of the year actually earned more through poker than I get paid in the real world counting both online and live results, obviously this can change in the coming months depending upon the dreaded variance, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #653 on: May 31, 2015, 12:06:13 PM »
Awesome results mate, no doubt in my mind you are good enough to maintain it. Hope you run like God and smash it up in the next six months. hope you get to an apat soon but will see you at the start of July anyway.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #654 on: June 02, 2015, 03:12:45 AM »
Cheers Rodders, will see you in July, booked a couple of tables at Rainbow for your visit on July 2cd, they don"t have anything on that night, saves disturbing the G regular game and cash game there, not that far from the G so not a problem.

After Saturday"s bink got my first live cash of the month, chopping the Rainbow for £290 4 way, people wanting to get away because of having to get up early for work, I was relatively short but one double and would of been equal so think I took £10 less than the others.

The usual buffet was on and I just nitted up to get fed at midnight, got some chips and reached the final table. The chipleader wanted to get home so offered a 6 way chop after he had knocked 2 people out, I would of been ok with it tbh but one guy refused, the other 4 were happy to get home with a little bit of profit so we carried on.

And you can guess what happened, 5 handed guy jams A6 hearts, into the Aces of the guy who refused the chop, the all heart flop kicked the guy in the nuts and he slunk off, we then split it 4 ways.

I got the benefit of an over generous deal, 2 random guys just wanted to get too bed and the other just wanted to cash, he had kept asking for a deal after every round, chipped up through him just by jamming 15/20 bigs over his limps, he indicated he would catch me sooner or later, as with shoving it only works till it doesn"t.

G tonight probably and at least one Sat into Dtd £300 during the week unless I win the buy in at G tonight, no luck in the Roller on Sky on Sunday ran JJ into Kk to finish about 30th, can"t win em all, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #655 on: June 03, 2015, 03:05:33 AM »
Have to take the rough with the smooth, pure bubbled the G tonight, had 16 bigs when I jammed 99 into AA.

The bubble had been discussed but someone didn"t want to pay it, fair enough at least we didn"t have to go through the deal or no deal card process, looking back there were 2 sub 5 bb stacks so maybe an Icm mistake to shove, unlucky to run into Aces, had a split pot possibility on the river, board was A 10 K Q blank, Play for the win 99 too strong there to try and fold to the cash.

I was also in the last longer with another guy on the table not one of the shorties so that was worth  a £220 seat as well, hey ho probably only getting called by the big 3 hands unlucky to run into the biggest, had jammed tens earlier into the Kings of a 15 bb stack which was again annoying but what can you do, used to fold a few years ago, couldn"t fold against this particular guy

May play the online leg of Dtd tonight, won enough to take a shot during the last month, see how I feel later on tonight, Susan is sorted for Saturday if I make Day 2, Day 3 May be a problem but will cross that bridge if and when.

Thanks for reading, tell me if you sick of this and will consign it to the bin otherwise will continue to plod on regardless, cheers.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #656 on: June 03, 2015, 12:33:32 PM »

Thanks for reading, tell me if you sick of this and will consign it to the bin otherwise will continue to plod on regardless, cheers.

Plod on please. Good luck tonight with DTD


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #657 on: June 03, 2015, 16:42:05 PM »

......he indicated he would catch me sooner or later, as with shoving it only works till it doesn"t.

No shiite sherlock  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #658 on: June 03, 2015, 17:52:44 PM »

Thanks for reading, tell me if you sick of this and will consign it to the bin otherwise will continue to plod on regardless, cheers.

Plod on please. Good luck tonight with DTD

Plod on? Your record hardly suggests plodding.

Shall I get your name engraved on the trophy for Jul 2nd now?
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #659 on: June 03, 2015, 18:30:36 PM »

Thanks for reading, tell me if you sick of this and will consign it to the bin otherwise will continue to plod on regardless, cheers.

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