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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #675 on: July 08, 2015, 01:19:32 AM »
Stuff I have learnt in the last 2 days of live poker locally.

Nobody 4 bets anything but  AA and KK, ( I know same old post from last week, borrrring), just couldn"t fold my Kings though, I know I should, I know I am right, why can"t I fold the feckers, because you could always Bink one on the river, skill game, couldn"t be the King of diamonds either, love those 2%ers coming in.

Alas it delayed the inevitable as explained in the next paragraph.

If people limp utg at 1k/ 2k, then 4 people limp along, AJ is never a good shove spot because the utg limper always has AA or KK, didn"t get there, lol, nh sir trapped me well and truly. The limpers made the pot too big to 3 bet without getting it in so just went with it. It may have been a bit rash with 20 bigs but got to accumulate chips at this point, see enough people limp utg and fold over there so it"s probably a decent move a lot of the time.

Haven"t cashed over at the G in what seems an age, for a while it was a cash machine but lately it"s just not happening, even my last 2 games over at the Rainbow I have just been the donator, Crisis,panic, throwing toys out of the pram time, not really, actually enjoyed the games for what they are, luckily Sky been paying for these games, embrace the variance, next stop £5k guarantee Saturday at the G I think. Made the buffet though, £50 a tad expensive for a Chinese, still thinking its a case of food poisoning waiting to happen.

My dreams of a percentage of the main event winner went out the window yesterday, had a small sweat of someone who flopped a straight, but ended up with it all in against a flush draw and  a set, he came third in the hand, flush got there on the turn other villain housed up on the river, oops there goes a $10k buy in, stupid game.

Done the yearly visit to the Ms specialist today just so the Missus can have a go at him for not finding a cure in the last 12 months, pretty much a waste of his and our time but  we have to keep in the system just in case a miracle turns up, he is ok and lets  Susan have a little rant and he takes it in good heart but he knows there is not a lot he can do with her situation, sometimes life just kicks you in nuts and that"s it.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #676 on: July 13, 2015, 00:49:07 AM »
Another poker week ends and luckily it"s been nearly saved by the Sunday.

Played 3 times this week and was down £300 and was feeling a bit down after Saturday"s £5k gtee exit JJ < 10 10 for  30 bigs and a chance to get back into it, not near the cash but an 8 hour grind for nothing slightly annoys, no problem it"s all part of the fun.

A bit of poker Karma regarding the above hand as my A7 diamonds beat his QQ an hour earlier, again the abundance of limpers made the pot too tempting for me not to get it all in, 12 bigs, again trapped by the Queens, the flop gave me the nut flush draw, straight draw, plus the overcard which got there on the turn.

A lady surprised me with an out of the blue call on Friday night at Rainbow, she is a serial limper and usually plays fairly straight forward and usually has it, she had limped utg, again 4 limpers later I have 88 in the small blind, I am slightly tilted having lost with 2 pair against a higher 2 pair on the river in a pot I shouldn"t be involved in, ie big blind, my 88 goes all in probably 13 bigs and she snaps me off, sigh ran into Aces or Kings, nope it"s 9 10 off suit, don"t know where that call come from, she got there and an extra £40 donated to the prize fund, eventually went out AK < QQ, again standard spot in a tournament, don"t like the guys reaction when cards are turned over as if he has already lost, immediately starts moaning, it"s me who has to hit not you, anyway  I didn"t and was an early night, better than losing the flip 2 off the cash 3 hours later I suppose.

Just finished 4th in the Apat online for £211, so last weeks buy ins almost returned, had the usual KK into AA but a straight on board gave me a chop, got lucky with 5 bigs just into the cash and managed to ladder a few spots, exit hand, reshoved A9 v openers K 10 who called, 678 flop, no nine then, oops, there it is, again standard no problem.

Also satted into the Sky Roller and had N Channing to my left who was a bit of a pain, he doesn"t like to fold his big blind, had to fold Jacks on an AKx flop, then slow played Aces against him blind on blind, in which he said he had made a big lay down on a King high flop.

Exited before the cash getting it all in for a potential treble up with the nut flush draw and an overcard again didn"t get there, that"s life.

It"s still been a good month but before tonight"s effort was thinking more of the £300 I have lost this week than the £1100 I made at the start, ie still in profit.

In other news Season ticket purchased for next season so that"s Saturday"s sorted, plus will save a bit by not playing on a Tuesday night at the G, when Boro are at home.

Only playing Monday this week, a friends daughter is suppporting a band locally on Friday so out for drinks and to support her and listen to some live music for a change, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #677 on: July 21, 2015, 23:30:10 PM »
No live poker last week, live music instead, saw The Southmartins, house martins and beautiful South tribute band who were very good if they are in your neck of the woods.

A friends daughter was the support act who may be a star in the making, she is just waiting to hear regarding auditions for the voice which she attended up in Glasgow last week, fingers crossed for her will update if she gets to Tv stage.

The guitar has made a reappearance the last few days, still crap but whatever it"s something to do.

Wedding Anniversary yesterday 30 years,dont know were they have disappeared to, had a trip to Whitby but as per was cut short due to a lack of disabled amenities, pretty much 15 mins from home is becoming the furthest we can go at the minute, test driving a new car on Thursday, nothing spectacular just a pope mobile to get Susan out and about.

Played the Monday night game last night and again made the buffet and was fairly comfortable, but the usual late play failed to deliver.

One hand to mention, I raise AK, 4 flats behind, there should be at least one pair out there so should be getting it in to flip, brick the flop, don"t c bet there is then a flurry of action, I wasn"t involved, 33 hitting a set on the river v JJ, the guy with the Jacks has a right moan about how lucky the 33 guy was.

I don"t usually talk about hands played but said to him, if you played it properly ie 3 bet me I am happy to get it all in 33 folds, he wins flip and increases his stack by 20 bigs instead of losing the 20 bigs he lost in the hand, thus also tilting me slightly as I could of been home and in bed an hour earlier not losing when I rejammed K 10 into 10 10 which was the same scenario as last weeks exit.

Onto today"s online effort just finished 8th/4150 in the big $5.50 for $275 I think, didn"t even bother checking, so frustrating just before final table raise JJ, 42off defended in bb, flop 235 rainbow, potted it to charge the draw, get a call, K on the turn, jam, 6 on the river, down to 15 bigs for the final table, couldn"t get past 8th spot jammed A9 over initial raiser who calls with K8, he gets there, was $3k2 up top, £1 in the tin, moan over, tomorrow"s another day did beat QQ with 10 10 earlier so I was Freerolling I suppose, got to remember them ones as well.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #678 on: August 05, 2015, 16:34:32 PM »
I finished July like the previous few months going downhill, luckily as in the previous few months winnings at the start of the month funded the following 3 week downswing so it"s not as bad as it sounds.

Season ticket has been purchased so freerolling this season.

Made the final table at Rainbow last week, not cashing though A10 < AK, finishing 9 th, also had the joy of flopping the nut flush, but losing to a turned straight flush, why wouldn"t he have called raise from utg with J 7 off, oh yes velly value after another caller had joined in the fun.

Had some pretty brutal run outs in various spots, but got to be happy we got it in good at some point, variance, good luck , bad luck whatever.

Pretty low on confidence at the moment and perhaps a break is in order, will definitely be cutting down on the local games dropping to 1 a week, or even just saving all the local buy ins and just play Dtds £300 each month, seems like a long time ago since my last cash live and have got into a bad habit of limping with any old trash and not getting there, and generally doing everything wrong plus calling when I know I am beat, because 9 times out of 10 they always have it but I just have to make sure I am right.

As indicated above games are going to be few and far between so blog won"t be updated unless anything major happens, it hasn"t in the previous 4 years so won"t be holding my breath, it"s been a fun ride, but time to step off the roller coaster that is poker mtts, (ok then will still play one or two here and there, it"s firmly entrenched now).

Vegas is still a possibility in either October/November so may resume it then but for now it"s over and out, thanks for reading and for any one who has had any input over the last few years, cheers,  run good, be lucky stay healthy.

And finally Esther, I support a championship club and tbh have little interest in the Premier League, this year to get a bit of interest in said league have put a team in the fantasy league on here, just off to buy a half scarf Boro/IntertheAbyss, aargh one of the reasons why I don"t like the premier league who the hell thought that up, GL all in that comp.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #679 on: August 05, 2015, 22:10:49 PM »
Always a good read; chin up & hope to meet up in the not too distant future.....


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #680 on: August 25, 2015, 04:52:54 AM »
As alluded too in the above post I was going to take a break from poker, however I didn"t and have still been losing with alarming regularity so not much change there then.

I have made a few final tables here and there but no love in the end game so no cashes to mention, until last night where I managed to Bink first place to recoup the last few weeks losses.

I shouldn"t of made level 4 when flopping the K high flush, v the A high flush resulted in me losing 1600 chips, probably go broke if villain reshoved the flop after my raise, his all in bet on the 4th heart on the river gave me a chance to get away from it, it"s probably a losing fold in the real world but v this villain pretty easy to get away from.

I also turned a K high flush v a flopped nut flush v the the same opponent again I should go broke but the paired board gave me the opportunity just to call his min re raise on the river, again guy is very rarely bluffing in this spot, he had again flopped the nut flush, easy game. Nits going to nit.

Variance was definitely on my side tonight, got it in bad a few times, and managed to get there somehow, 4 handed went from 60k, to 350k with A9 > 66, and 33 > AK.

We played heads up for about 30 minutes, I then offered the guy an extra £60 and I would take the rest, personally wasn"t bothered either way, probably had a 4:1 chip lead but was happy to take £450 which means Augusts losses are reduced to an ok level.

In other news qualified for the ipo at Newcastle $25 into a $250 event, made day 2 going back with 25 bigs, lost a 40 bb pot in the last level on Day 1 which would have seen me handily placed for Day 2 but wasn"t to be.

17 were to get paid, I went out in 19th place, exit hand was annoying, shoved 10 bbs with 10 6 from cut off, one guy had his cards lifted as if to fold, one hadn"t played a hand and had enquired about a bubble and the big blind had open folded AQ to a 12 bb shove earlier, of course the big blind wakes up with AK and calls, I make 2pair then a flush on the turn but the 4 th diamond gave villain a K high flush, meh whatever, min cash was £300 which for a £17 sat win would of been a ok return but needed chips as blinds were due to go up, perhaps I could of waited but no regrets with the move.

There is a 25/25 next week at Newcastle and I shall be in attendance me thinks probably playing the Friday night leg, Gl me.

Online games been few and far between, did sat into Sky"s high roller on Sunday but ran QQ into KK mid game, again no significant cash online just put a few bob on when I fancy a game, may redeposit again and grind with decent bankroll management in the Autumn, to be decided.

Obviously a little bit of a sing when your break even post but it"s a bit easier to write when there is a whiff of positivity, rather than just a load of moaning about losing, waffled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #681 on: August 27, 2015, 22:31:04 PM »
Good to see you still posting Bri.
UL in Newcastle but keep knocking those doors.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #682 on: September 01, 2015, 09:45:35 AM »
Mini revival complete, chopped the Mighty Monday night sit and go at Rainbow last night so officially out of it for August or as I collected the cash on the 1st September, a winning start to the month, which makes up for a small losing month in August, meh semantics, winning for the year still so we plod on, fun this poker lark.

As I have said before credit to poker professionals to make a living from this stupid game, relying on this game to pay bills etc especially mtts really must mess with your head, again me playing a max of 12 games a week live and online is a minuscule amount it"s not really a comparison.

Last nights game ran totally pure one of those games in which the best hand holds, the best draw gets there v the 2cd best draw and just generally getting there.

Highlights included, set of Aces v a set of turned Jacks, the nut flush v the rivered straight, and the turned nut flush v a flopped 2 pair, all in my favour.

3 handed myself and another were 100k plus and there was one short stack who hung on like a limpet, normally my job that one, eventually busted him when I raised 55, he jammed A7, he won the flip on the flop but I rivered a 5 high flush, all 3 of us were regs so there was no asking for a 3 way chop, although he did say don"t chop it evenly till he is out of earshot, we gave him that courtesy and split it £360 each, I was quite happy to play on but we were very deep at 800/1600 and although it would be good to get in some heads up practice sleep was more important, plus the other guy had work so happy with chopping it up.

A few deep runs online but nothing major to talk about, again satted into Sky"s £100 on Sunday and was fairly deep until mid game, any 3 bets were met with resistance from initial raisers and people behind, whiffed most flops and the c bets were met with resistance so whittled down to a shove stack which dwindled to nothing.

Highlight or Lowlight on Stars, had $2 left in my account, played a $1 spin and go, got a $240 prize pool, ohh a chance for a small starting roll, wasn"t to be got 2cd for $20, got it in twice ahead for all the money but lost both opportunities, then lost a hand were I was behind and that is were I stayed, played a tourney and cashed for $35, so we have gone from $2 to $55, no doubt this will disappear into the ether in the next few days.

Vegas may be on the cards but dependant on £2k being paid back by my son before November, it"s been promised back but not holding my breath, got enough to go but need £1k5 for a deposit for a car in November so it"s one or the other, the car is more important than Vegas, we will see on that one, 25/25 in Newcastle at the weekend playing Friday leg, let the run good continue over that weekend.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #683 on: September 05, 2015, 04:22:27 AM »
Made Day 2 of the 25/25 at Newcastle will be going back with 78k @ 1k/2k.

Started quite brightly getting hands, raising getting through etc but the first 3 levels didn"t yield a vast amount of chips table was pretty passive so no big pots or clashes.

First misstep was calling someone"s river bet with AJ on a j High flop when it was pretty obvious he had the flush, the downward trend continued until the 300/600 level, when I raised 66 to 1500 from Utg, got 4 callers, the 6 on the flop was an ok card, 2 diamonds, I lead and got 1 caller, the turn brought a spade flush draw now, we both checked, the 2 of spades arrives pairing the board and giving villain a back door flush which we obviously get all the chips in and we are above starting stack, peak at 57k, then head downwards, get a table move for 2 hands then I am sent back to my original seat and we get KK, we jam the turn again 3 hearts out I have King of hearts, maximum cost if he is drawing, he folds.

I lose a few chips when trying to bluff with A high, would of got through if the villain didn"t hit the King on the river.

Last level and we are 25 bigs deep, get 2 shoves through limpers with semi decent Aces, but drop to 18 bigs, (defending big blind and making up small blind with crap, but pot odds dictated), with the last 6 hands remaining.

Last hand of the night button opens my big blind I have 37k which coming back on Sunday would be 18 bigs, check how much villain is playing, I cover him just, I decide to shove Q9 off, not my greatest decision as he snaps with 1010.

Reasons for doing this were, I thought he would fold poor Ace and King hands and if he has 88 or below will take the flip now rather than driving back up on Sunday for a similar spot, not the greatest scenario, however the flop was A9A, then the 9 on the turn arrived, the river bricked and we got an undeserved double, who am I kidding makes a change.

I don"t think I will be on his Christmas card list this year, he was out of there before I could say unlucky, i sheepishly bagged and tagged 78,700 for Sunday, no moaning about any bad beats on Sunday, pretty much Freerolling Sunday, Leggo.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #684 on: September 05, 2015, 07:37:21 AM »

Made Day 2 of the 25/25 at Newcastle will be going back with 78k @ 1k/2k.

Started quite brightly getting hands, raising getting through etc but the first 3 levels didn"t yield a vast amount of chips table was pretty passive so no big pots or clashes.

First misstep was calling someone"s river bet with AJ on a j High flop when it was pretty obvious he had the flush, the downward trend continued until the 300/600 level, when I raised 66 to 1500 from Utg, got 4 callers, the 6 on the flop was an ok card, 2 diamonds, I lead and got 1 caller, the turn brought a spade flush draw now, we both checked, the 2 of spades arrives pairing the board and giving villain a back door flush which we obviously get all the chips in and we are above starting stack, peak at 57k, then head downwards, get a table move for 2 hands then I am sent back to my original seat and we get KK, we jam the turn again 3 hearts out I have King of hearts, maximum cost if he is drawing, he folds.

I lose a few chips when trying to bluff with A high, would of got through if the villain didn"t hit the King on the river.

Last level and we are 25 bigs deep, get 2 shoves through limpers with semi decent Aces, but drop to 18 bigs, (defending big blind and making up small blind with crap, but pot odds dictated), with the last 6 hands remaining.

Last hand of the night button opens my big blind I have 37k which coming back on Sunday would be 18 bigs, check how much villain is playing, I cover him just, I decide to shove Q9 off, not my greatest decision as he snaps with 1010.

Reasons for doing this were, I thought he would fold poor Ace and King hands and if he has 88 or below will take the flip now rather than driving back up on Sunday for a similar spot, not the greatest scenario, however the flop was A9A, then the 9 on the turn arrived, the river bricked and we got an undeserved double, who am I kidding makes a change.

I don"t think I will be on his Christmas card list this year, he was out of there before I could say unlucky, i sheepishly bagged and tagged 78,700 for Sunday, no moaning about any bad beats on Sunday, pretty much Freerolling Sunday, Leggo.

Is the Q9 hand where you re shove the big blind has to be ok/good doesn"t it? Was he a massive nit or something? Can"t see how it is anywhere near being bad otherwise. You could say people might play tighter last hand of the night but if he is a decent player with position he is as likely to be exploiting this as he is to have a real hand. Well played imo.

Good luck on Sunday.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #685 on: September 05, 2015, 11:43:09 AM »
Cheers Rodders,  I thought he was taking advantage, a few people had locked up when the last 6 hands were announced, I had got 1 raise through in that period, he had also got there earlier when he raised my bb with K5 and floated my check raise on the flop, getting there on the river with his King, he didn"t have to be strong, definitely not a nit so it was a decent spot to take, just looked a bit ugly hitting 2 nines rather than the overcard.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #686 on: September 06, 2015, 17:17:07 PM »
Move along the bus, nothing to see hear, lost 2 flips v shorties but kept around 25 bigs with raise and takes or c bets on flop.

Exited AJ v AQ blind on blind, his raise size gave me 2 options shove or fold, decided to shove, blinds were due to go to 3/6 so went with it.

He flopped the Q and that was that, was never ahead in the 3 important pots so can"t complain.

Trying to sat into the sky roller and play Apat online tonight, would like to say really excited for Wcoop but it"s not going to affect me in any way so gl to anyone playing in any events.

Found a deal for VEGAS early November, see if I can get Susan sorted and may book it, stupid thing is if my mate comes will be circa £750, single traveller add another £400, he is currently wining and dining other half for permission.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #687 on: September 06, 2015, 18:11:12 PM »

Move along the bus, nothing to see hear, lost 2 flips v shorties but kept around 25 bigs with raise and takes or c bets on flop.

Exited AJ v AQ blind on blind, his raise size gave me 2 options shove or fold, decided to shove, blinds were due to go to 3/6 so went with it.

He flopped the Q and that was that, was never ahead in the 3 important pots so can"t complain.

Trying to sat into the sky roller and play Apat online tonight, would like to say really excited for Wcoop but it"s not going to affect me in any way so gl to anyone playing in any events.

Found a deal for VEGAS early November, see if I can get Susan sorted and may book it, stupid thing is if my mate comes will be circa £750, single traveller add another £400, he is currently wining and dining other half for permission.

Sunday Storm has some added seats tonight

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #688 on: September 07, 2015, 03:21:26 AM »
Day didn"t end too badly, finished 5/580 in the triceratops on Full Tilt, $830 ish,  it hasn"t been a bad couple of weeks, I"ll be withdrawing most of it and will pay the majority of the Vegas trip if that gets the go ahead, again no desire to grind a bankroll out just deposit as and when I fancy a game, had a deepish run in the Apat game, spewed a few chips off towards the end finished 10th or 11th, was getting disconnected on a regular basis but it let me back in straight away, a mild inconvenience.

Usual games this week, tonight at Rainbow, Tuesday at the G, ( got to cash there sooner or later it"s been a while), G have the monthly £100 game on Saturday, but as I am now back in the fold at the riverside won"t be partaking in that one.

May play a sat to Genting Stoke, and if successful play the online leg, will investigate the sats for them this week.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #689 on: September 08, 2015, 02:35:41 AM »
Hat trick of victories at Rainbow tonight, slightly soured by me going on tilt early doors, this is most unlike me and it was such an insignificant pot it for some reason just sent me off it.

Anyways took the 2cd buy in, and reached the, the final table with 35 bigs, usual limp fest with 5 to 6 to a flop, usually the blinds won the hand flopping monsters when they shouldn"t be there.

Only 3 paid but protocol dictates the bubble is paid £100, with 50/30/20 removed from top 3 prizes.

I burst the bubble JJ holding v Q 10, when 3 handed the massive stack offers a deal with him taking first place, other guy said yes, I refused, the other guy only had 8 bigs and tbh i fancied my chances against either of them.

I don"t think the big stack was too pleased he had to play on, I coolered the big stack with the nut flush v the 2cd nut flush and so I had loads, get 77 in v AJ v the shortie (revenge for putting me on tilt earlier).

We played heads up for about 20 mins and I was chipping up nicely and probably had a 3 to 1 chip advantage and was probably 80% certain to win it, pretty confident against this particular villain but I did offer the guy an equal chop which he accepted.

For some reason I don"t think this guy likes me too much, he always says I am a target for him as he can never beat me in a hand, mmmm wonder why that is, the £90 difference was a bit of a peace offering and as we play the same games in the same venues don"t need to get his back up any more, so the last 3 Monday"s have yielded £450, £360 and £360 plus last nights £600 on Tilt means we are off to buy some new fish and if Vegas is a goer its paid for.

Also we had Dave make an appearance, but I dont think he will be making it a regular Monday appointment, self deal, sent on tilt by the the usual suspects, don"t think it was an ideal comeback, G tonight, let"s try and get some love at the G.