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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #735 on: November 18, 2015, 15:33:19 PM »
 A few hours before the flight home and another Vegas trip comes to an end.

It was always going to be a high variance trip and bankroll management was thrown out of the window.

On previous trips there was 1 biggish buy in game, the rest being the 100/200 at Aria or Venetian so losing didn"t hurt as much, this week we took some shots at winning decent money, alas it didn"t happen, can"t be too upset about it, I was prepared to lose i have no complaints. The winner of the Ph event won $100k, an amount not to be sniffed at, I only wanted the trophy though, money was irrelevant.

I think I played much better than last year and that trip ended with a decent profit, got lucky in the right spots, this year I didn"t, variance innit.

Regarding the games in Vegas, usual starting stack was 12k in all games including the Wsop circuit event but the difference was the structure and level length 30/40 mins,all levels were included so this makes the games a lot more playable.

The local games have far too many chips and structures are poor in comparison, I understand why they do it, games need to finish etc, people like loads of chips to see flops with and tbh my experiences this week have pretty much killed my desire to get home and play the local games, no doubt I will play occasionally but gone are the days of 3 games a week, partly financially and partly because the joys of playing flops turns and rivers with 7 people involved doesn"t really appeal anymore.

The daily Aria game was as above so all though it"s a nice room etc if I do return it will just be for  Venetian deepstack events, pointless paying to come over here and just play in similar games which are just around the corner.

To summarise then, zero cashes, not adding up the buy ins, brings a tear to the eye, lol.

Had one of the best steaks I have tasted, again the price of this meal usually feeds me and Susan for 10 days, it"s once a year so why not.

I managed to get a ticket for Love at the Mirage, enjoyable, may of said this before but you have to wonder what goes on in the designers and choreographers heads when planning and producing these things, takes me all of the time to think of a colour if asked.

I am not a party animal and getting tanked up by yourself is not my idea of fun but had one heavy night on the drink just to numb the pain, met a few nice people at the tables and in the bar so overall it"s been ok, easier to say it"s been fantastic when you have come home winning, so ok will suffice, no feelings of tilt or desire to quit the game.

We play, we accept what happens, we decide what to do next.

I spent the last day being a tourist, wandered the full length of the strip, seen a few exhibitions just to kill time, pondered playing one more at the Venetian but that was scuppered when I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up 20 mins before late reg ended, wasn"t that bothered tbh.

I popped out for a few hours to get rid of the remaining $$$$, and bumped into a face from the past, Gripper, when I say bumped into,he was the driver of the limo which was sent,if you read the first of these reports 2011,  you may have an inkling as to where I ended up, he is still a very scary man, I mentioned to him we had met previously and although he didn"t remember me he said he will drop me in the back way ( really scared now), so I didn"t have to pay the cover charge (nice gesture but cover charge was waived because I called the limo anyway).

I got back at 2am, packed my stuff, and that is the end of this years trip. Back to reality, Boro game on Friday, will try and make Newcastle game and would imagine that will be the only one for the rest of the month, may try and Sat into Genting Sheffied as well.

Hope you have enjoyed reading, although financially hurt a touch don"t think I could of done anything different in any games played, re decisions made, that"s all folks, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

New balls please Me 2 v Vegas 2, going into the decider


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #736 on: November 18, 2015, 23:15:10 PM »
Great read Brian, thanks for writing it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #737 on: November 18, 2015, 23:33:53 PM »
Great read Brian, thanks for writing it.

I echo Steve"s sentiments, it"s always a pleasure to read your posts.

Playing upstairs in Planet Hollywood, lighting could be better and again cards are tiny, after yesterdays game making sure I can read the board correctly...

This is my only gripe about playing poker in Vegas, WHY do they insist on using those damned tiny cards ?  >:( >:( >:(
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #738 on: November 18, 2015, 23:39:15 PM »

Matthew will be pleased to know he is still on the go!!!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #739 on: November 29, 2015, 22:49:18 PM »
Well November came and went and it"s pretty obvious that this has been my heaviest losing month this year, with the trip to Vegas and all other costs incurred my monthly average was halved, luckily poker is played for  fun rather than wages so it"s not a problem, always my intention to try and win enough for a yearly trip and I have done it for the last 4/5 years so no complaints here, took a few shots, didn"t happen, move on.

I have only played the once since my return, even then it was under duress, Susans friends were round and it was the back room or out, chose the out version, wouldn"t be a post without a moan, got 14 bigs in with 88 v a limped 67 spades, villain flopped straight, standard lately, more Sklansky dollars added to the Bank of Air.

I was disappointed at not making Newcastle, obviously it is the closest to me but needs must, congrats to Pokerpops doesn"t play for ages then builds stacks and gets a decent run, might take the one tournament a year route, whoever said Volume is King is talking out of their rear.

There is a local 25/25 at Grosvenor which I may be throwing one bullet at the following week.

The Stockton home game  get together is this week and a home game with some mates in the week before Christmas are the other poker commitments for December.

Happy with the position Boro are in although we are not playing particularly well we are still up there, still need a couple of players to push on in 2016, Everton next will be a hard game in the cup, get the first goal we will have a chance or just go down the penalties route, it was successful when we won it in Cardiff a few years back.

This blog has now definitely run its course now and the local games don"t provide enough interest to warrant me wittering on about them, (not intending to play as much tbh) if something major happens will let you know though.

Online, again, just picking and choosing games, no intention of depositing and grinding games

I might be back in November 2016 for the deciding set in Vegas.

Thanks  for reading and cheers for any comments you may have added in the past few years, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

That"s all folks(maybe).


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #740 on: November 29, 2015, 23:14:23 PM »
I am glad you had a great time in Vegas.  It is a pity you couldn"t have run a bit better,

gl Bri
I will see you there mate

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #741 on: November 29, 2015, 23:28:52 PM »
Cheers Craig, won the seat no doubt with your help, got pretty lucky, for those interested jammed j6 into Craigs 10 10, then AQ into his KK, defo owe you a pint, What day you playing ?, dependant on getting Susan sorted may have to play online otherwise Friday for me.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #742 on: November 30, 2015, 00:00:50 AM »
Friday for me in Sheffield.

 A good player could have folded KK in that spot with that payout dynamic  and the size of your all in stack,  but obviously I don"t come into that category.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #743 on: November 30, 2015, 00:54:43 AM »
I couldn"t fold KK there v me, I had just jammed J6 off lol, I did however fold AQ in Bb to a raise then a shove, one had AK the other had QQ, flop was Q high, one for the nits, hoping to play Friday myself so may see you there.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #744 on: November 30, 2015, 01:39:28 AM »
I know the KK is in front, but folding is the correct play,  and that is not being results oriented. It is the maths.  Your shove was almost 2/3 my stack.  8 players remained . 5 seats paid. 
I understand you saying that you couldn"t fold there , and neither did I on this occasion, but pro players find a fold and that  level of play is what we strive to become.

A few hands earlier utg pushed for 16 bigs. It folded round to me on bb and I passed AK with 65 bigs because I was chip leader of 8 remaining.  The same way of thinking should have applied with my KK because I almost had a seat locked up but I failed to use the logic. 
I have folded Kings preflop many times before, even in payout structures that were not as favorable as this one.  I have learned a valuable lesson for the future. And that is a positive I will take.

If this had been a standard tournament with a progressive pay structure then it is a snap call with the cowboys.

I am glad it was you that benefited and not any of the others. 
I am looking forward to Sheffield, I have got a good feeling about this one. I am really focused on winning this one so I hope we don"t clash until the end of day three.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #745 on: November 30, 2015, 10:33:20 AM »
Keep writing Brian. How are the fish doing? The ones in your tank at home.

I have a surprise for you on Thursday btw ;)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #746 on: November 30, 2015, 12:36:00 PM »

Keep writing Brian. How are the fish doing? The ones in your tank at home.

I have a surprise for you on Thursday btw ;)

Ohh, intrigued, but it"s looking like I am playing Sheffield on Thursday so hoping for a full day down there, will try and get over there if I am back, think they only play 8 levels theses days, obviously if I am busto early I will be there.

Fish are fine although reduced in numbers, still got one original fish and 3 pieces of the original coral which I bought which are now 3 years in the tank.

In reply to Craig re KK, totally understand your thinking, we are looking for a 5th spot finish and Kings given stacks of the others etc probably was a fold in a sat, totally different dynamics than a normal Mtt, as said above playing Thursday so hope we can meet up on Saturday or Sunday.

Are you coming up to Stockton for the 25/25 the following week ?.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #747 on: December 04, 2015, 01:36:29 AM »
I know, I know,  more comebacks than Lazarus this blog but meh, brother away so keep him up to date.

Report on Day 1 Sheffield GPS.

Got there slightly late so had to wait for the table to fill up, we started 7 handed, tbh the first 6 levels were average, peaked at 33k, then dropped to 16k, due to me running AQ and KJ into their stronger brothers, AK and AJ, both were calls from the bb v under the gun raises, they always seem to have it.

Flopped a set after I raised with 66, but the 3 Jack run out was not ideal as an overpair to my sixes or a 8 on the flop now beats me, put a small blocker bet out which got called he had 33, don"t know what I would of done if he had jammed.

Had AA once 3 bet to 3k over a raise and 2 limpers, no further action.

Then the fun started, I defend an utg raise by Ali Mullu, with K9 in bb, pick up a gutshot on the flop, he c bets as he was always going to do, I peel, tbh not happy with my call but it was only going to be a call on the turn and if I miss get out of there and be left with 22 bigs, luckily for me the 10 binks, he jams all in obviously call and it"s nice to have the 100% win noted before the river, think he hit 2cd pair, decent kicker.

Back to 30k at 250/500, more than enough with this structure.

At the end of level 6 I am back to 25k and I put something on Facebook, minimum I want to return with is 40k so needed to get busy.

We got moved tables and level 7 was a nice 45 minute heater were I went from 25k, to 83k, would like to say I bossed it but got cards, but got value on every occasion, winning 5 showdowns in succession, my value bets always got paid.

At 83k I look down at AQ in BB, Dealer has 2.5 raised, I decided to flat as I had 3 bet 3 times in the last orbit, flop was 995, I checked he lead out, I re raised him to see if he was just c betting, he flats, I see a free turn and river, unfortunately I don"t hit and he has JJ, I don"t think I could of got him to fold if I triple barrelled it, I probably lost as much if I had 3 bet pre I think, as he said he was jamming any raise pre,  wasn"t calling off 35 bigs with AQ off.

The last level was pretty uneventful and I bagged up 71,600 for Day 2 on Saturday, the blinds will be 500/1k/200 I think, happy with how I played, didn"t spew when I could off, obviously got lucky v Ali Mallu but having watched him play regularly it won"t be the worst beat he has taken or given, his 2cd bullet went when he flopped a straight v the rivered flush, live by the sword die by the sword.

Need to get Susan sorted for Saturday, or may book a hotel for Friday and Saturday, there is a match on Saturday plus Christmas shopping, it may be a bit packed.

Hoping to continue this with more than a one word sentence early Sunday morning.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #748 on: December 04, 2015, 09:01:54 AM »
Good Luck for Day 2
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #749 on: December 04, 2015, 15:32:53 PM »

Good Luck for Day 2

+1 GL mate. Look forward to hearing that you smashed it Saturday. The poker that is x
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