So we end June with it being my most profitable month of the year so far, (would have to go on a big bender in the next week to lose it), still too many min cashes for my liking, but cashing is always better than not.
Weird game last Sunday, never been involved in so many pots and my stack was as swingy as a thing on swingy thing.
A few highlights, lost with KK v 95, lost with a flopped straight v a rivered full house, obviously had 2 pair on the flop by his bet, paid him off on the river even though I shouldn"t as I knew he got there, he tells me off for playing so bad.
The turn around came with 55 beating 66 and AJ on a Ace high flop, then losing with JJ v 10 8 on a J97 flop, bloody live poker, it"s rigged I tell you, then 10 10 beats AJ and QJ, fun times, cashed for £280
Final tabled Tuesdays game, min cashed again not a lot to talk about to be honest, it"s not like I am just sat there waiting for premiums, played aggressively, just didn"t happen, doubled up the super short stacks, after calling their 5 big blind shoves with virtually any 2 cards, ofc they usually hold, almost got back into I when I binked a set with 33 v AK, but alas my KK couldn"t hold v A5, so plodded off with another min cash.
Not sure about the state of the game on Teesside at the moment, there has been £2k worth of overlays over both casinos in the last 10 days, not sure how long this will be allowed to continue, people usually hanging on to see if guarentee is going to be met then late reg the game, surely if everyone gets there early the players build the pots, players up here seem to want everything for nothing.
No doubt when all games are gone they will be first to have a moan, players make the games and pots, casinos just provide the facilities, tbh poker players like me are not in their interests, only pay the reg fee, very rarely if ever donate to the house games.
Fun times in the big $22 losing a 400k pot with QQ v JJ last night, I was about to go off on one then realised a few hands earlier my 99 bettered villains AA, got to remember we also suck out, I did have a mini rant though to myself, but in the end it"s futile, still got a few more goes at the big $22 over the next few nights.
Latest piece of Art ordered, this weeks winnings covering 3/4s of the cost, son repayed some cash back so why not, only 1 more piece after this one then my walls will be full and my art spending will probably come to an abrupt halt, might have to give the fish some attention as the tank has taken a back seat of late, Susan wants it gone, may relocate it to the back room, to be decided.
Slightly off topic saw an absolutely top notch gig in Newcastle earlier in the week, (not all about the poker).
Sun Kil moon is the artists name and if you have a listen his album Benji from 2014 really is top notch if you fancy a listen, it"s not a happy album but the subjects he sings about he really brings to life, if I was any way talented musically would pretty much be this guy, touches a button.
Had a nice little touch of Sky this week as well, somehow negotiated a deal which sees me get the full package with Sports for less money than I was paying for a basic package, not sure how I done that one but will take it for our re integration into the Premier league next season, aware I can see most games via PC and android box but for what I am used to paying will take it, fro some reason Susan has become a Tottenham fan and she hasn"t the patience to find streams with buffering and Russian commentaries.
I made a post re never going back to Sky on Facebook and I admit it, sucker for a deal, why cut your nose off to spite your face.
Anyway here is the latest piece about to be brought to chez erimus. Happy pokering, run good, be lucky stay healthy