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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #795 on: June 25, 2016, 10:45:05 AM »
Really like that mate! Absolutely superb.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #796 on: July 10, 2016, 21:18:58 PM »
Rough with the smooth, poor start to July, only played 4x but these did include   2 X£100 games, so down a bit, only money  so it"s not really that important.

1 visit to Newcastle G where I finished 18/100, 12 paid, usual game making good folds when people obviously had it, eventually shoving 10 10 into 5 5, the 5 binked and I was gone, guy was sick of me jamming, my 10 to 15 bigs, ironically most of the other hands were of the questionable variety but the tens decided my fate.

Similar situation to the Apat game, got drawn on the same table as Pokerpops, not ideal but didn"t clash too often.

I managed to win a $109 seat to the Grand Prix mini in Newcastle via a $22 sat, decided to play the online leg on Wednesday night, managed to go through with 105k, which was 30 big blinds, report on that one further down.

Sandwiched in between was the local £100 game on the Saturday before Day 2 at Aspers, hoping to go one better than last months 2cd place, however this game went on a downward spiral after I made a straight flush to the King in my first hand, annoying that one of the biggest (and richest apparently) had already flopped a 8 high flush but the 4th spade appeared on the river,  I was slightly greedy with my reraise and he makes the fold.

Next hand guy triples up, with Q3 hearts v 84 hearts and a J 10 who decided to call the 2 all ins with a gutshot straight draw, which does get there but alas the flush has also, welcome to Teesside poker.

Popped home at the break to feed and water Susan, got back 10 minutes late, first hand get AA (all about timing), original limper utg calls my 3 bet and just jams the K high flop, faded the 2cd pair and we have 32k, it went downhill from there, bubbled final table, just one of those games were it was never going to be.

Onto Aspers Newcastle, arrive 12:40pm, get in Casino at 1:15pm, they had delayed start as car park was rammed and there was not a lot in.

We have 105k (33 Bb), first hand guy jams 45k, folds to me , I have 10 10, meh probably a flip but it"s an opportunity for a good start, he has 77, 7 in the window, sighballs.

Win a flip with AK v 55 (12bigs) then another with 99 v AQ, so back in it, eventful first two levels.

We have 200k on the bubble, don"t ask me I can"t remember how, it was mainly calling short stack stuff around cut off in blinds etc, all standard spots and we held.

I couldn"t get that big double to take me to 40 plus big blinds and eventually shove over a  5 X big blind raise with AJ (14 bigs) v someone I play regularly with, this is his standard raise with any pair even Aces and Kings, he may fold 77 -10 10 in this spot v me but he had Kings which held despite me picking up a gutshot on the river, perhaps v this villain a fold is better but hey ho it is what it is.

Finished 16th I think and just checked payout sheet $491 plus a $109 seat, that"s ok from a single $22 sat entry, can"t complain too much as I got lucky with   AK v 55 for my tourney life, was freerolling from then on in.

I have 2 pictures on my hit list, one is £2500, (probably not getting that one) the other  is slightly more affordable, ( add another £300 to today"s prize) been married 31 years this week, might get it for Susans wedding anniversary present, (she actually likes it so it"s a win win), will decide on that purchase in the next few days, try binking something with the $109 ticket first.

Exciting things happening at the riverside, looking like a strong squad is being assembled, looking forward to the season.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #797 on: July 25, 2016, 00:35:41 AM »
Nothing much happened of note in the last 2 weeks, made a final table on Party in a $22 but a 5th place finish was all I could muster, OK for $160, that plus the $500 for the GPPT in Newcastle means we are pretty much break even for the month, had a few min cashes here and there but they usually get eaten up in the following days, no problem it is what it is.

No cashes at the G, only play there on a Tuesday now, the other games can"t be pestered with, will play the odd Friday even though it"s the biggest game of the week, I don"t particularly enjoy that game.

Quick report on Lucy"s charity bash when a few Apat regs trecked up North for a game, think 19 started £30 plus £30, prizes were allocated as bounties provided by various people, big thanks to all who donated.

I almost didn"t make it due to a pretty aggressive attack of Gout in my left big toe, I used to laugh at my Dad when he had it thinking he was exaggerating but I tell you I won"t laugh anymore, I literally couldn"t walk and I ended up in my first visit to the doctors in 20 odd years, tablets helped and I managed to get over there for 7 for the game to start.

On arrival the fire brigade was there and everyone was outside, for some reason everyone blamed Stuart Ward who protested his innocence vigorously.

The game eventually started and I volunteered to deal, I had Tom to the left of me and he was in a fruity mood playing every hand, usually getting there and had built a fairly hefty stack, Stuart took his cracked Aces by the 9 high flush of Tom really well and congratulated him on playing the hand so well, ( believe that if you will).

I don"t mind dealing early doors as I would normally fall asleep, but my standard opening hands of AK, KK and AA provide me with a healthy stack at the break, including Knocking out Rodders AK to my KK with a nice treble provided by Toms A7, he said he reads this as well. The knockout earned me a hoodie and a kit big which I donated to Delboy as my needing of a bag for the gym went a long time ago.

I took the add on mainly as an extra donation to the charity and nothing major happened until I get it in 3 ways with AK v 10 10 (Tom) v JJ (Paulie), I hit the King but Tom hit a 10 on the flop and neither of us realised the 10 was there until the dealer pushed the pot towards Tom, this gave him tons of chips but when the results were announced he didn"t finish in the top 3 so he must of shared them out between the rest on the final table.

Lucy posted the game had raised £1k6 for the charity concerned so she was pleased with that and a good night was had by all, due to home circumstances I couldn"t join in with any of the other activities normal life just gets in the way but looking at Facebook posts etc everyone seemed to enjoy the weekend.

Posts may not be as frequent as I am playing less and less but if anything exciting happens ( been saying that since I started writing this 5 years ago) will let you know.

Off now to take the tablet for the gout then a quick venison sandwich and a glass of port before sleep, haven"t a clue why I get gout, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #798 on: July 30, 2016, 10:48:17 AM »
Thought I might see you last night, Brian - played your Grosvenor Friday night tournament. It was a really enjoyable game, mostly older locals, with mixed styles - some decent players there, and a few adventurous ones. I"m sure you know most, or all, of them. There were a couple who you could confidently pick off their river bluff with three overcards to your pocket pair and, yet, there was one tricky guy who liked to check-call his monsters til the river and get paid for his apparent bluff there. I got into a spot for a while where I had some younger players with game behind me, who were a total contrast to the rest of the players. One of them (Irish) plays online for a living, one (a soldier) said he came 7th in the Sunday Million. The three of them were discussing what"s the best strategy when you"re a big chip-leader in a Stars tournament. They couldn"t have been more different to the rest of the field. As it happened, they had too much game and were a good source of chips. Only one of them made the FT, and neither of the superstars.

There was a black guy with a white beard (Adsy?), who had one bet - all in. It didn"t matter whether he had 50 BBs, that was the bet. I knocked him out once and he came back in and was chip-leader for most of the FT, unfortunately on my left. Eventually, he doubled up about four players (not me :() with A7
They were a very friendly crowd - I can see why you like it (and why you do well). The FT went on til 3am, which they said is later than normal as there were more players (four tables) and big stacks/blinds for most of the FT.

I played in the Genting on Thurs. Susan, the Grosvenor dealer, smashed it up - ran all over the FT with her big stack. Good player.
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #799 on: July 30, 2016, 19:35:21 PM »
I had  been decorating all day and stunk of turps and paint so decided to swerve last nights game, glad you enjoyed it, as you said there is a variety of styles down there, but  there are a few decent players amongst them. It is no longer the cash cow that it once was, but it"s still a decent game and for the buy in and a decent first prize.

This Friday game has really took off in the last few months, from your descriptions it sounds like the usual suspects were out in force, and some of the plays are not conventional, sometimes this helps you and sometimes not, it sounds like Bash from your description of the all in bet variety, he is apparently the unluckiest player in the world as we are constantly told if we are ever drawn on the same table as him.

Finish times are an ongoing issue at the minute, the Tuesday game, similar structure has been edging towards 4am finishes and the Friday one even later, but if you are going to bank £1k from £60, just have a lie in the next day, not an issue for me, but can understand if for those with work but it is what it is and in the end no one forces anyone to play.

Whilst I am here threw away a decent chip stack for Day 2 in Manchester on Thursday night with 10 minutes left in the online day 1 decided to rejam 77 with 30 bigs v a mid position min raise similar stack who snapped with 88, still, saves a trip to Manchester and I can continue with my decorating, can"t help having a moan, me and Bash are from the same stable, lol, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

As indicated in previous post, break even for July, any one want to buy some Art ?.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #800 on: July 30, 2016, 21:12:28 PM »

Thought I might see you last night, Brian - played your Grosvenor Friday night tournament. It was a really enjoyable game, mostly older locals, with mixed styles - some decent players there, and a few adventurous ones. I"m sure you know most, or all, of them. There were a couple who you could confidently pick off their river bluff with three overcards to your pocket pair and, yet, there was one tricky guy who liked to check-call his monsters til the river and get paid for his apparent bluff there. I got into a spot for a while where I had some younger players with game behind me, who were a total contrast to the rest of the players. One of them (Irish) plays online for a living, one (a soldier) said he came 7th in the Sunday Million. The three of them were discussing what"s the best strategy when you"re a big chip-leader in a Stars tournament. They couldn"t have been more different to the rest of the field. As it happened, they had too much game and were a good source of chips. Only one of them made the FT, and neither of the superstars.

There was a black guy with a white beard (Adsy?), who had one bet - all in. It didn"t matter whether he had 50 BBs, that was the bet. I knocked him out once and he came back in and was chip-leader for most of the FT, unfortunately on my left. Eventually, he doubled up about four players (not me :() with A7
They were a very friendly crowd - I can see why you like it (and why you do well). The FT went on til 3am, which they said is later than normal as there were more players (four tables) and big stacks/blinds for most of the FT.

I played in the Genting on Thurs. Susan, the Grosvenor dealer, smashed it up - ran all over the FT with her big stack. Good player.

Doesn"t sound like Stockton G to me. Don"t recognise any of the players you mention and they get a lot more than four tables on a Friday night, and finish sometime after 4. With the Genting reference I"d guess you were in Newcastle.

Have a drive down the road to Teesside next time you"re oop North.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #801 on: July 30, 2016, 22:37:13 PM »
David is probably correct there was 70 runners at Stockton last night so  7 tables minimum, strange but your description probably describes most card rooms with the variety of players involved, goes to show most card rooms have a very similar mix of people and styles.

Anyway glad you enjoyed it and again as David said, head down to Teesside next time you are in the area.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #802 on: July 30, 2016, 23:03:36 PM »
Yeah, Newcastle. For some reason, I thought you go to Newcastle to play. Anyway, very friendly they were to a lost stranger. I"ll try to get to Teesside for a game if I"m up that way again.
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #803 on: August 13, 2016, 11:03:09 AM »
7 long years in exile, back today, hope we stay up expectation with a good cup run would be ideal, UTB.

4/4 final tables in the last 2 weeks locally best cash was £444 last night, one was a bubble payment and the other 2 ran into monsters when shoving obligatory short stacks.

It was a last minute decision to play last night, highlight eventually getting AA all in v 4 players pre, luckily the bb, narrowed the field down with an attempted squeeze otherwise it would of been AA v 7 villains minimum,went from 20k to 75k in that hand.

Got to final table with 8 being paid, lost AK v AJ so was down to 10 bigs when a deal was discussed, was offered £420, (3rd place cash), it was 4am and seemed sensible as I was short.

I also win a turnover for the extra £24 pound in the lms, freerolling the 25/25. at the end of the week, but it"s all about the Boro today, after 2 years of expecting to win mindset has to change, more draws, defeats etc but fun times ahead.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #804 on: August 21, 2016, 00:34:07 AM »
Made day 2 of the local 25/25, going back to 1k/2k with 133k so sufficient to see the first half of the Boro match, hopefully watch the end of the West Ham game as well with a bit of luck.

Craig and G Mac also made Day 2 , heads up repping Apat would be good.

Alas this was a 2cd bullet, Friday"s game was a non event, lost half my stack with top 2 v a flopped flush, then 99 < AQ to get back in it, alas The Queen hit on the river.

The temptation of a 2cd bullet was too much so I succumbed and regged again today, folded AA incorrectly v 2 people when I thought the guy betting the river had 2 pair minimum, then another caller made the call, for  the price should of just sigh called and got the good news, hey ho went with my read no problem.

Won a few with flush over flush in a limped pot, then the flopped nut flush v a rivered straight for a double.

I slow played a set of fives and was jammed all in on the King river, Only KK and 36 would beat me so an easy call, 40k to 80k, KK beat JJ to get to 110k, then went card dead for the last 2 levels, get to 133k when I stationed A10 on an Ace high flop and was good v A7, the joys of playing a weakish Ace oop, missed a bit of value I think, but guy could of jammed the river if I tried to bet the river for value, and didn"t fancy being in that spot with 5 mins left of the day.

I got someone to fold Queens when I reraised his turn bet, I had defended 85, but they were suited, (flop 752) in the BB, (I know I am a fish), usual thing good odds, no one folds the big blind any more, the turn brought a possible flush, straight or a weird 2 pair, the guy knows me and assumes I always have it here, wasn"t the greatest of plays but it worked in this instance.

There should be a lively atmosphere with the Derby on the TV as there will be a few Mackems in the field, let"s hope for a double Boro and myself winning, the lack of a post will probably indicate how it went, hopefully will be boring you with today"s exploits later, run good, be lucky, stay healthy, still a stupid game.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #805 on: August 21, 2016, 17:35:51 PM »
There is no story without an end so here goes, I get seated in seat 8 table 4 which if you had to pay for an ideal seat to sit and watch the match on this was it.

A few unknowns, 1 fish and a few local good players on the table, we start with 133k which by the start of level 4 was whittled down to 85k, standard QQ v AK spot, I had 3 bet, guy flatted, I repped AK by betting he jams and shows, meh whatever.

The rest played pretty standard, shoves here and there, no callers, flats here and there, miss completely, the usual should ov, would ov got there but pointless moaning about it if your chips ain"t in the pot.

Standard exit hand KQ v A9 (10bigs), aipf and I was dead on the flop, was behind so can"t complain, finished 3 off the cash.

Good news with Boro beating the Mackems, obviously concentrating more on the poker than the game so don"t know how good or bad we were, but we won that"s the important thing, don"t think Gusan has endeared himself to the Boro fans with the fumble but Karanka gets paid to make them decisions, I would imagine Our keeper from last season is not too happy.

Unfortunately Augusts graph is in the red and I need to pick and choose games carefully now as my separate poker account is running dry, (mainly through Art purchases not poker losses).

Inspired by the Olympics, I went into the loft to get my old badminton stuff out, unfortunately twisted my knee on the way down, (not life threatening) but enough to throw said equipment back up were it belongs.

Anyway that"s it for August, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #806 on: September 28, 2016, 15:41:09 PM »
Been a while, mainly because Poker pretty much taken a back seat, still playing the Tuesday game at G and the odd Friday but online has been minimal and pretty much no results until last night which made September a break even month £350 received, took 3rd place cash after a guy trebled up and basically had all the chips in play, made sense to give him first place and split the rest, left casino at 3.30am. This hand although giving me probably an extra £200 in cash wasn"t the greatest ever seen.

6 left, utg big stack jams all in 22 bigs KJ off, 25 bigs in cut off rejams QQ then millionaire fish(apparently is a millionaire) decides to join in the fun and rejams his 30 bigs with AJ off suit, the inevitable happens on the river and well money goes to money and the Ace binks.

I dont like the KJ shove as there were 3 shorties, Queens obviously fine but the AJ  ???,even if the Queens had held the chop would of gone the same way so will take advantage of other peoples mistakes and getting unlucky.

Flopping 2 flushes in consecutive hands with the second being against a flopped set and another chasing a 6 high flush is always going to help in getting chips.

One local was trying to get under my skin by continually asking about my tight play and only playing the nuts, its water of a ducks back to me and i find it funny when he stacks off with A6 off v my 3 bet with AK on an Ace high flop, " i would stack you if i made 2 pair was his reply," i agreed and he slopped off.

I may pop to Leeds and play the 25/25 tomorrow evening, effectively using last nights game as a sat, see how i feel.

We now have only 1 casino locally as Rainbow closed earlier this week, it was always a matter of time tbh, once G opened it was a matter of when not if, dont think they helped themelves as they did not seem to fight for customers, plus the location was a bit out of the way with no walk up customers etc and 2 casinos in the area was probably unsustainable.

Premier League reality setting in as 3 defeats on the trot sustained by the Boro, never believed it was going to be anything other than a relegation battle so it is what it is, i still havent received my share of the £120 million by the way.

I didn"t watch much premier league stuff in the last few years (only interested in Boro) but the pace of the game has really impressed me, unfortunately we are very slow and laborious so its going to be a slog, standard 4th from bottom finish then for the sake of the club, or relegation and back to winning more than we lose in the championship, plus more games, enjoyed the sat/tuesday games, better value for my money.

In other news my son has managed to get into the police, he has managed to get in the Direct Entry Inspector program, so will be training for 2 years for an Inspector role, really proud of his achievements, although Susan will be in panic mode now he will be policing full time, he has been in the specials for the last 10 years so its not as if he is going into the role blind.

I looked at Vegas for November but reality is i cant really afford it unless Leeds provides some pennies so may wait and make my first Summer venture in June next year, that"s it for September, standard boring poker month, breking even today, if i play Leeds losing month, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #807 on: October 02, 2016, 22:28:02 PM »
Just a quickie to finish the above post off, freerolled into the 25/25 in Leeds and made Day 2 with 28k, will come back that in a minute.

To complete a break even week played Friday"s game at G, lost full stack KK v JJ aipf, bought 2cd stack and grinded that to the cash bubble were I get it in 3 ways AK v AQ v KJ and lose, slightly miffed with that one but what can you do.

I made the trip to Leeds with hope in my heart, got stuck in Traffic and made it with 2 mins to spare, rejammed 33 v cut off who had Limped AA, the joys of poker, I arrived home before my son who lives in Leeds and was travelling home to look after Susan for the day, he actually overtook me on the A1,lol.

Perhaps it was a bad shove but at home the amount of folds this receives probably makes it an ok shove but folding and waiting was probably better ( results orientated moan).

A new month and we have another bash, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #808 on: October 05, 2016, 12:28:40 PM »
The road to a break even month starts here with a 2cd place last night for £405, the good people at G have now made this a 2 re entry game and at least 2 punters payed £168 including fee for the possibility of reaching the deal process at 3pm, incidentally neither was there at the end, apparently last seen increasing the hourly of the regs at the 1/2 cash game.

With 3 left was offered £405 which was acceptable in my spot £40 off 2cd place cash.

Looked at Vegas again but don"t really feel like it this year so instead decide for some quality time with my son before he starts with the police, off to New York mid November with him for 5 nights, currently planning an itinerary, anyone been ? and any tips gratefully received.

"Like a boss" seemed to be the statement last night, guys proudly showing 9 high, thanks for the double up by the way 9 high flop v my KK.

Meal out for my Dads birthday tonight, off to place Matty works, heard good reports so we will see, looking like a steak is on the cards after last nights bink.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #809 on: October 12, 2016, 03:40:08 AM »
Officially freerolling New York now with another £420 win at G tonight, well I say win we chopped 4 ways, I was chip leader but again it"s so shallow, one flip and it"s gone, the 3 other people in the deal have usually been ok with me in the past so I was ok with it.

No big or exciting hands, just chipped up here and there and calling short stack shoves or shoving in 60/40 spots late on and the best hand holding usually with neither person hitting the flop which was nice for a change.

I have been doing an itinery for New York and although not a massive Basketball fan, I will be popping along to see The NewYork Knicks at Madison Square Garden.

The tickets were fairly expensive and not exactly the best seats in the house but as a one off it should be fun.

It"s my first visit there so will be doing the usual touristy stuff, hoping it"s not too cold but cannot do anything about the weather, what will be will be.

Bit of run good with the deal we got, paid £625 for flights, hotels transfer etc, just had another look same hotel and flights now £999, could do with the pound to recover a bit v the dollar though as The USA is not as cheap for us Brits, still looking forward to it though.

My son is trying to arrange a ride along withe the NYPD via his police colleagues in West Yorkshire, apparently they do some sort of swop scheme like a twin Town thing, again it"s only a possibility, that may prove interesting.

I still haven"t got the urge to play a lot online but with Dtds Million guaranteed stuff coming up may have to have a few attempts at satellites etc, we shall see, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.