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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #810 on: October 19, 2016, 10:02:33 AM »
The Tuesday form continues although not as profitable as it should of been and ended up being a min cash effectively, reasons will follow.

The first 3 levels seen me go from 10k to 28k with pretty standard spots, so didn"t pay the extra for the rebuy, my opinion is the extra 22 bigs isn"t going to make that much difference after the break as winning one pot early on will reap the same rewards, ditto within first level after break I was up to 60k, courtesy of making a 5 bet with QQ and holding v AJ, now sometimes player dependant Queens is an easy fold in this spot as 4 bets are usually the nuts, but against this villain couldn"t fold them, I was more afraid of the utg min raise but when he flatted assumed he was weakish.

We hold v the AJ, utg bemoans his luck as his K8 off suit would of scooped, Ahhh, the G Stockton, home of the biggest fish tank in the North East.

It now goes in a downward spiral AK loses to A6 for a chunk, a flopped straight loses to a flush which got there despite my chunky bets, can"t get rid of him chasing that flush.

I run good with a couple of shoves AQ v 55 and KJ v A 10 and am guaranteed £120 at which point the inevitable deal discussion stars as I am involved in a blind blind spot, I double barrel a board with 2 hearts on it and the 3rd heart hits the river, it gets checked back to me and I have 8 high, the only way to win the hand is to try and rep the flush which I do, unfortunately I run into a Queen high flush, oops a daisy what can you do.

I could of folded and have 8 bigs to negotiate my part of a deal but meh with 20 odd bigs my bargaining power would of increased, hey ho can"t complain, I ran good in spots I was behind in, that"s poker.

I was watching Wsop coverage and thought Mr Kassoof was harshly treated by the TD and the rest of the table in yesterday"s coverage, although slow play is one of my dislikes in poker and we don"t know how long he took in other hands and situations it just looked like the pack mentality was out and in truth was quite ugly, fair play to him though to play through that must take some doing, personally I would just start crying.

Anyway last nights profit will be utilised in a sat attempt into Dtds Million tonight and my agreement with Susan is if I cash on a Tuesday I can play on the Friday so I may be back at the G then.

2 visits to Newcastle in the next few days to see the boy with tape on his face, comedian I think, brother has got me tickets and it"s Sleaford Mods time again on Monday at the O2, seen these last year and impressed me enough to go back, you tube them, not everyones cup of tea, nsfw and don"t play in front of the kids.

Good luck to everyone going to Vegas, it was a flip between me going there or New York, but I am hoping to get out there in the summer so a new experience beckons.

Thanks for reading if you are still here, god knows how I am it has  been 5 years in November, time flies when you are having so much fun, run good, be lucky, say healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #811 on: October 19, 2016, 12:37:36 PM »

oops a daisy what can you do.

Not a lot really  8) 8) 8)


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #812 on: October 27, 2016, 23:32:16 PM »
Home, wide awake so may as well round off the months musings, nice to see blogging has been revived unfortunately I don"t have the stories Ger has hidden up his sleeve, I have been racking my brains and got feck all like his tales so I will continue to bore you to tears, with this drivel.

Tuesdays at the G have been a success with a 4 figure winning amount, (4/5 final tables), counterbalance with G on a Friday, I cannot hit a cows backside with a Banjo and the odd effort online means we had enough to take a shot at the WPT 500 at DTD with the help of a few other hardy souls, thanks again for having a shot.

It"s the first time I have been on the M1 since it turned into a 8 lane superhighway and made the journey south a bit easier, one complaint though the extra lane just gives the middle lane blocker an extra lane to hog, just move to the left it"s not difficult.

We peaked at 60k and went into level 7 with 55k, made set of Jacks and someone decided to buff river but was astute enough not to call my all in bet, pretty sure he had AK, I was 3 bet pre and he double barrelled turn and river and with all under cards to my Jacks on board, if Jack had not of hit river would of just called his bet, always a monster under the bed etc.

It then went downhill from then on, JJ loses to AQ blind on blind, I called his value bet on the river, was annoyed as the Q hit the river, the King on the flop meant I could and should of got away from it, was quite confident he didn"t have the King and I was right, lol.

I try to see a few flops in position but stacks behind seemed to keep waking up with hands and I couldn"t continue when they shoved.

I lose with 99 v AJ, I was set mining as there were 4 people in pot, it went to showdown with 2 overcards on board was difficult to continue.

Exit hand raise AK utg (23 bigs), BB defends with AJ, I c bet AJx 2 diamond flop, he jams, deeper I may get away from it but with the possibility of a flush draw as well I made the crying call, pick up straight outs with the Queen on the turn but wasn"t to be.

The table played ok, only one guy was really loose the rest played pretty solid, there was one hand were the loosest guy at the table jammed 30 bigs on a 652 board with 9 high only to be called by a flopped 2 pair, pretty sure he wanted to table his hand and come out with "9 high like a boss", he did have a gutshot as his Kicker was a 4 though, the 65 held.

There is a tiny possibility that I may play the 25/25 at Bradford today, would of been a definite if I hadn"t finished 6th in Wednesday nights sat, 4 seats guaranteed, I just run too good.

My little App with poker results on still shows a small profit for the month and if I do play the above that profit would be £30, all profits good though, or I can put 33%  towards the latest piece of Art I have my eye on.

Bournemouth on Saturday for the Boro and green shoots of recovery after last weeks draw at Arsenal, but being the glass half empty Boro fan (we all are up here, it"s built into the DNA), I don"t expect too much, however with hope in the heart and all that.

All the stuff sorted for New York, got an itinerary sorted, mainly consisting of the usual touristy stuff, lets see how much we can shove into 5 days, looking forward to the Netball with the New York Knicks, anyone know what colour they play in, gonna buy a scarf and a bobble hat, anyway if you have managed to get this far down, thanks for reading, hope you run better than I have in the last week, peace, out.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #813 on: October 27, 2016, 23:47:04 PM »
UL - keep the faith it will come


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #814 on: October 28, 2016, 07:15:42 AM »
Comparing blogs with Her is fruitless, the man has lived a life they could make a chuffing movie out of! Just be happy that your blog is better than mine :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #815 on: October 28, 2016, 07:29:39 AM »

Comparing blogs with Her is fruitless, the man has lived a life they could make a chuffing movie out of! Just be happy that your blog is better than mine :)

Quoted to preserve for posterity
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #816 on: October 29, 2016, 09:22:22 AM »

Comparing blogs with Her is fruitless, the man has lived a life they could make a chuffing movie out of! Just be happy that your blog is better than mine :)

Quoted to preserve for posterity

Hahaha my phone loves calling Ger "Her". I will leave it :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #817 on: November 04, 2016, 01:11:25 AM »
Looking like another trip on the cards to Nottingham later today, managed to go from a $22 to a $109 to a £550 seat last night, I could play online and save the hassle but much prefer live, luckily Susans other carer is round today so it"s off down the M1 again, God loves a trier.

If this turns out to be the one, I won"t forget the previous backers for the last one and will redonate something back so you all have a freerolling sweat on this one, usual updates on Facebook and Twitter Erimus1 if you want to follow, anything exiting happens will post on here as well.

Last 14 on Tuesday at the G got it in all in for a juicy stack with the too many outs syndrome, nut flush draw, straight draws and overcards, somehow contrived to miss the lot, meh whatever, 5 days to New York, could do with a bit of extra spending money, let"s get lucky.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #818 on: November 05, 2016, 02:49:59 AM »
Dream still alive, made Day 2 of the Deepstack, bagged 69100 with blinds being rolled back to 600/1200 on Sunday, not a problem if I bust could always stump up £2k2 for 100 bigs, doubt that will happen.

Quick Synopsis of events, lose with a set 888 early doors 4 card flush on board a 9 high flush beating a 7 high flush lose about 3k, then I just heated up and at the end of level 5, I peak at 107k, easy game this.

My value bets get paid off when I have the nuts, I may have lost a bit of value as they insta called before mucking, can"t complain though.

The above was the smooth, it then went down hill, QQ into KK aipf back to 60k, 88 into 99 and AK loses to A4, pretty much a mirror image of last weeks game, but the structure is good so we have time re group.

The next 4 levels absolutely nothing, nick blinds and antes to keep above 30 bigs, we then move tables and are down to 15 bigs with 2 levels to go, get a shove through blind on blind then jam K9 from button, insta rejammed by the big blind, oops looks like I have 30% equity, was up against 99, stood up and asummed the exit position, the King binked but he picked more outs on the turn but we hold.

With the blinds going back 2 levels we are not just now shoving and can play a bit, in fact we get up to 80k then the final hand of the night defend A4 suited in BB, flop 9A5 rainbow, it goes bet call, check check, he then leads out on Rivered King, I pay him off and he shows K9 for 2 pair, so we lose about 20k in that pot, bit annoying but playing weak Aces oop is not a great idea, hey ho, so just under 60 bigs to play with on Sunday.

Dtd was packed today and whilst in the queue to register one guy with 20k in plaques was paying in a succession of people into the Wpt event, did think of trying to join his queue and he might not of noticed this particular fish and he accidentally puts me in the Wpt event.

It nearly didn"t get as far as it did, got a call from home, Doctor had to be called out, a trip to A and E was on the cards but they decided it wasn"t an emergency but I have to take Susan on Monday to the local Urology dept for some checks.

Anyway we go again on Sunday, trying to turn £15 into £50k, fingers crossed.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #819 on: November 05, 2016, 13:06:20 PM »
JFDI you legend


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #820 on: November 06, 2016, 23:43:04 PM »

Anyway we go again on Sunday, trying to turn £15 into £50k, fingers crossed.

Nice cash you legend - keep the faith the big one will come


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #821 on: November 07, 2016, 02:01:49 AM »
Get this over with whilst still hyper from 2 cans of red bull and coffee on the drive home.

Cheers Ger, in may or may not happen but it"s fun trying, hope you and the rest crush Vegas, enjoy.

I start day 2 with 69100 and after 6 levels I have 70,000, that should not be possible, I make 125 chips every 40 minutes, that is pretty remarkable and something of which I am quite proud of, not.

Quick breakdown of that epic spin up, Had AK 3 times in first level, only wins once and that was when I flatted For deception, yea right couldn"t hit a barn door  so played it like a wimp, anyway Ace high good on the river, minimal stack increase.

We are down to 15 bigs so it"s an easy game now, double up with AQ v A9, obligatory 9 on the flop, Q on the turn, justice, card dead, spot dead, dribble down, stealing the odd pot here and there to keep head above water.

Just stayed around this stack for ages then get moved to a table with the following people, tom hall, Alex goulder, Stato, Simon Deadman and 2 others whose names I don"t know but have seen them on streams etc, luckily we are in no thinking poker mode, shove or fold, we are 10 away from cashing and have 66 in big blind which goes all in v utg raiser and we double v Q10, look at screen and we are 5 away from cashing.

This table breaks, get AK utg first hand still 5 away but it goes in and gets through, the bubble eventually bursts and we are guaranteed £1250 but with more folding than an origami convention we make another £500, eventually seeing my 44 run into JJ, ohh I run so bad, joking no problem I should of been out of the original $22 satellite on at least 2 occasions.

Given cards and spots the £60k was never looking likely but one thing I can do is grind out these things to make the best of what I get handed which was not a lot tbh, it"s not a moan it"s poker and the majority of time it is a grind.

Quick shout out to Ryan Spittles from sky, credit to his profession really nice guy and a very good player, never gave me an inch but he did say I was quite good at winning all ins which tbh today I was, unfortunately the all ins just gave wiggle room  to keep on grinding.

All in all in for £18 plus fuel, food etc, cashed out for £1750, £1700 really as tipped the dealers £50, because I regged through Party they pay out there too so will be in there in a few days.

G beckons on Tuesday before the visit to New York on Thursday, may be some new artwork to be ordered on my return, we shall see, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Ohh yea good result for Boro on Saturday with our new Scottish mascot Tom in attendance pre Vegas, UTB.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #822 on: November 09, 2016, 02:40:42 AM »
Heater continues with £300 on Party last night, and 3rd at the G for £370, looking like I will be buying a new piece of Art when I return from New York.

Unfortunately made a mistake by tangling with other big stack when 3 handed, with one guy (a random never seen him before) was short by some distance.

I also turned down the opportunity to do some sort of deal, there was enough chips to play it out, as it happens Lose with AJ v AK blind on blind on an Ace high flop, that leaves me with fumes, the rest goes with, it"s  not that important so will just leave it as just another hand in the long game.

I did crack slow played Aces with Q8 so that made me £200 so all is fair in love and war. I think there are quite a few games coming up in Novembe/December locally so this little heater has come at a good time, any way no poker now for at least a week, lasts minute preps for New York later today then a trip to Dirty Leeds to meet up with my son, who will be leaving the exciting world of risk assessment in the financial industry to a Direct Entry Inspector role with the police in West Yorkshire so Good luck to him in his new career, oh yes he is also looking at swimming the channel later in the year for some weird reason, mad as a box of frogs if you ask me.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #823 on: November 09, 2016, 05:10:28 AM »

Heater continues with £300 on Party last night, and 3rd at the G for £370, looking like I will be buying a new piece of Art when I return from New York.

Unfortunately made a mistake by tangling with other big stack when 3 handed, with one guy (a random never seen him before) was short by some distance.

I also turned down the opportunity to do some sort of deal, there was enough chips to play it out, as it happens Lose with AJ v AK blind on blind on an Ace high flop, that leaves me with fumes, the rest goes with, it"s  not that important so will just leave it as just another hand in the long game.

I did crack slow played Aces with Q8 so that made me £200 so all is fair in love and war. I think there are quite a few games coming up in Novembe/December locally so this little heater has come at a good time, any way no poker now for at least a week, lasts minute preps for New York later today then a trip to Dirty Leeds to meet up with my son, who will be leaving the exciting world of risk assessment in the financial industry to a Direct Entry Inspector role with the police in West Yorkshire so Good luck to him in his new career, oh yes he is also looking at swimming the channel later in the year for some weird reason, mad as a box of frogs if you ask me.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #824 on: November 19, 2016, 04:50:35 AM »
Novembers form continues with another £350 added at the G tonight, was in for £36 instead of the full buy in, my rule of thumb is 30k and above is enough to play after the break so no need for the add on.

The initial table was not the usual limp fest, but the sizings of the openings were on the large size and tbh there were a lot of big hands going to showdown, won most of my chips in standard spots, totally uninteresting.

Made a straight flush against the nut flush to give me 25 bigs late on, then JJ loses to AQ and the grind to the final  table started, took a few shove spots, nobody bothers asking for counts, it gets to 6 handed and I am down to 5 bigs at 10/20k, not for the want of trying to double, no one calls without minimum AQ, I am offered 5th place cash which is double the next payout and it"s 4am and I accept it, due to tiredness, I I I could of asked for another £50 as the other shorties wanted £400, couldn"t be pestered arguing over £50 so off to the cashier I went.

Enough of the poker, New York was absolutely spot on, weather was great, all the usual tourist stuff seen, no queueing, everything went without a hitch, my only problem was my legs and feet were totally shot by the end of the trip and are still aching now, if you get a chance to go just do it, it really is an incredible place and well worth a visit.

Also seen Stuart fall off the Stratosphere thanks to Facebook live, well done mate braver man than me and a nice amount raised for Charity, sounded like Vegas was fun for everyone who went over there, was a close call between the 2 places but took the opportunity to have some time with my son in New York, and providing they can surgically remove the phone from his hand, he will be starting a new career in the police on Monday, good luck to him with that.

Genting have a mini on at Newcastle but due to Boro being at home on Sunday and not being able to get Susan looked after for 2 days on the trot decided to give it a miss, there are plenty of games coming up this month and next, hoping to play Sheffields £440 early December to see if I can beat last years 20th place.

We are almost up to £3k so far this month so have invested in some more art, this should be the last piece as there is no more wall space, can"t find a link at the minute but will add it at a later date.

Chelsea on Sunday for us and it"s a sellout, heart says 2-1, head says 1-3, nice to get back after the international break, rambled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.