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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #825 on: November 21, 2016, 18:00:17 PM »
Latest pieces added to collection, the bottom one was a spur of the moment buy as it was in a gallery in the Boro, could of got it £50 cheaper online but a bit of haggling brought it down to a price i was ok with, postage and potential hassle with online ordering meant that prefered to give the money to local economy.

Walls are pretty much full now in the living room, so unless i decide to swop and replace that will be it for my foray into the Art world, he does some nice statues, but will save them for another time.

Will these make me money in the future ?, who knows, at the minute i like them so i am ok with it, the lad might get the monetery value in the future.

Congrats to Craig on another final table finish at Glasgows 25/25 yesterday, think he got 3rd for a decent cash.

Enjoyed the game yesterday, probably a fair result but would of been happier if we scraped a draw, unfortunately the ugly side of the premiership showed up, half and half scarves for sale, and people actually buying them, can sort of understand it in a major European game or final but Chelsea, get a grip, not going to lavish any praise on Chelsea as its, well its Chelsea, cant stand the team or anything about them.

Oh yes that plinth with the ball on at the start of the game, whats that about, the older i get the grumpier i become.

Might pop out to play the Monday game tonight, numbers have been low recently and with the weather poor may be an overlay and may as well play the rush, thank for reading.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #826 on: November 23, 2016, 09:05:56 AM »
Was reminded by Facebook this morning it"s 5 years this week since I started this thing, (a chop in the Aria daily today), how time flies when you are enjoying yourself.

As expected a £500 overlay on Monday at G, unfortunately couldn"t take advantage of the free money running QQ into KK for 20 bigs, its 15 minute blinds after the break, I wanted to fold pre tbh but I decided to set mine seeing all 5 Cards, pretty much knew I was behind v this particular player but didn"t get there.

We have a player locally who is so tight it is pretty ridiculous, I don"t think he played one single hand last night before I got knocked out, the highlight of this particular game was when I raised KK, and the afor mentioned player had left the table just arriving back as the dealer was pulling his cards in, he asked to see them and was pretty naffed off when he said he had 33 on a 33x flop, bit of luck on my part there, would of been an £80 comp instead of a £40 one.

As said this is a turbo and the first level after the break we seen 2 hands with ridiculous tanking going on and both villains eventually make bad calls against hands which they were never ahead in, both with smaller pairs than the 2 over cards on the flop, both indicating with speech play "I think I am ahead", of course you ain"t, just fold and see more hands, plus if you think you are ahead just get it in.

Better luck in the Tuesday game, finishing 5th for £200, had the full buy in so not a massive profit but all profit is ok, again get pretty unlucky just before the final table losing with 99 v 33 leaving me with 10 bigs, 6 were paid, I managed to squeak into the cash, couple of jams got through then the last one didn"t.

It"s been my best month of the year so far and with a pile of games coming up in December, loads of time to spoil that record, thanks for reading, run good etc.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #827 on: December 01, 2016, 14:14:29 PM »
Unfortunately November ended in a whimper but I can"t complain as the previous weeks results upped my average for the year to what I usually aim for.

I don"t have massive expectations regarding poker winnings especially as I don"t play as much online and anything won is a bonus and is used as such.

December is usually a quiet month but I will be trying to go out with a bang, first off its Susans birthday today and a trip to Leeds shopping and meeting son for food will culminate with us staying over in Leeds, it just happens that next door the 25/25 game is on so it would seem a bit silly if I didn"t take advantage, made Day 2 of the last Leeds one so let"s try and emulate that first before dreaming off glory.

Next week there is the GPS in Sheffield and a 25/25 in Newcastle, so it"s 1 bullet in Sheffield or 2 in Newcastle, or a sat win would be preferential, to be confirmed, my preference would be Sheffield, try and beat last years 20th place finish, I think that game plays better with an hour clock, I shall decide next week.

Obviously bankroll management is not my greatest skill set, it used to be but now it"s take a shot or 2 if it"s gone ok in the previous few weeks.

As previous posts have indicated my poker roll is now hanging up in the living room and with a trip to New York done I can"t complain about poker this year, let"s finish the year in style, if not who cares it"s been fun trying, we will start again next year.

5 years on and we are almost at 100,000 hits didn"t really expect to still be writing this drivel after 5 weeks to be honest, the latest thing seems to be vlogging, don"t panic I have no intention of letting you watch and listen to this horrid Teesside accent, plus I have a face for radio so that is not on the agenda, if you are still here after 5 years thanks for reading and and input etc, see what happens in 2017 whether it still goes on or not but I have enjoyed going back and remembering some of the stuff that has gone on, run good,be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #828 on: December 01, 2016, 17:42:32 PM »

see what happens in 2017 whether it still goes on or not

I really hope you continue to post - it is very interesting and insightful.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #829 on: December 01, 2016, 18:29:31 PM »

see what happens in 2017 whether it still goes on or not

I really hope you continue to post - it is very interesting and insightful.

Absolutely this.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #830 on: December 01, 2016, 20:28:03 PM »

see what happens in 2017 whether it still goes on or not

I really hope you continue to post - it is very interesting and insightful.

Absolutely this.

and that.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #831 on: December 02, 2016, 09:43:30 AM »
Cheers for the above comments.

I made Day 2 in Leeeds, so we are down the A64 again on Sunday, going back with 40k (20 bigs), this was the highest I had reached all night, it was a bit of a slog.

The table was ok and was generally passive, made 2 pair 3 times with marginal hands and lost all 3 to rivered whatevers, maybe should look at bet sizing but think they were never folding anyway, up and straight draws and flush draws etc.

I won"t be bothering the Friday night game at the G tonight so fingers crossed for a bit of heat early doors on Sunday, not like my last Day 2 visit to Leeds which lasted 1 hand, even less than Jake Codys gukpt Day2 last week which lasted 2 if I remember correctly, nothing worse than preparing for a full day and you are out of the door early.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #832 on: December 02, 2016, 12:31:04 PM »

Cheers for the above comments.

I made Day 2 in Leeeds, so we are down the A64 again on Sunday, going back with 40k (20 bigs), this was the highest I had reached all night, it was a bit of a slog.

The table was ok and was generally passive, made 2 pair 3 times with marginal hands and lost all 3 to rivered whatevers, maybe should look at bet sizing but think they were never folding anyway, up and straight draws and flush draws etc.

I won"t be bothering the Friday night game at the G tonight so fingers crossed for a bit of heat early doors on Sunday, not like my last Day 2 visit to Leeds which lasted 1 hand, even less than Jake Codys gukpt Day2 last week which lasted 2 if I remember correctly, nothing worse than preparing for a full day and you are out of the door early.

What bet sizing do you generally use out of interest mate? Done a bit of work on that recently so interested to hear your thoughts.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #833 on: December 02, 2016, 13:33:09 PM »
It"s all pretty much situational tbh, (standard poker reply), all sorts of things to take into consideration, the couple of hands yesterday were I paid off river bets when they had got there were just situations were it was difficult to get the pot size increased to get stacks in, these 25/25 games play pretty similar to the standard G games locally, lots of limp calling and usually if you get to the river one pair hands are usually not good, once someone hits the flop always a chance to hit that 2cd pair or trips will come in, if I think I am ahead will try and make them pay for draws with 50 to 75% pot,   Other situations try and pot control, so probs between 30 to 50% pot. As stated though these games people just don"t like folding, and if you think you are behind on a wet board by the river and a bet comes in you usually are, there of course exceptions but you have to make that decision on the players involved.

I mean who calls an utg raise by me with 10 8 off suit, then the flop is 97x, then has the audacity to call my c bet, 50% pot, then she checks the J turn, then calls my second barrel, a back door flush arrives on the river, and I pay off her small bet on the river, nb I had 97 not of the suited cards on the board, oops just realised this is a bit of a moan, I will leave it in as I haven"t had one of those in a while.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #834 on: December 02, 2016, 16:18:49 PM »
The interesting spots are where we have flopped the lot and are looking to get paid. Not that it happens often.

In the local games I"ve stopped auto c-betting and there are so few people that notice that I don"t think it makes a lot of difference. Anywhere from 30-60% pot when I do, dependent on the usual considerations of texture, number and quality of people in the hand and position.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #835 on: December 02, 2016, 17:01:10 PM »
I am playing online A LOT now, and have found that the smaller the sizing the better.

I will generally bet 25-35% of the pot in most situations, bluffing or not. Bluffing smaller, so if I want to continue with it I can spend less on the turn and get the same amount of folds as a big old bomb would.

Still find people are making big raise sizes too often. Havent had a chance to really try it out live yet, but am looking forward to seeing if it makes a blind bit of difference. Something tells me it wont :p
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #836 on: December 04, 2016, 14:57:00 PM »
Back from Leeds earlier than I wanted but going back with 20 bigs the first  level was alway going to be decisive, unfortunately on this occasion, didn"t get a spot or a hand to shove and dribbled down to 12 bigs.

I shoved 98 from the button, the big blind had 77 so that"s ok let"s win a flip, picked up a straight draw on the flop, bricked the turn but picked up more equity with a flush draw but we bricked again.

I made some big hands on Day 1 but couldn"t get the vital double up to push on, not a problem, just another game.

Wanted to play Sheffield this week but going to be unlikely as I cannot get Susan looked after for the full day so will probably pop up to Newcastle for the last 25/25 of the year, more than likely play Thursday night.

I could pop to the G tonight but remembered the Apat game is on tonight so will try and sort out my account and play that along with a sat to sky"s £100 game, had a daft football bet come in yesterday which is enough for the sat.

The Friday game at G had 95 runners on Friday with apparently 18 alternates before the start, G decided not to have enough dealers on even though this game has been getting more and more popular, didn"t play it myself and tbh even though the money is good it"s a pretty naff game, rather save up and pop to Dtd once a month, we shall see.

Looking like a Stockton Xmas game being organised in a few weeks, be good to see everyone again as it"s been a while, especially for a fun game

Good luck if playing tonight and remember I am a nit and always have it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #837 on: December 04, 2016, 15:12:48 PM »

Looking like a Stockton Xmas game being organised in a few weeks, be good to see everyone again as it"s been a while, especially for a fun game



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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #838 on: December 04, 2016, 16:02:52 PM »
15th December was the last I had seen and it seemed it was a goer,


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #839 on: December 04, 2016, 16:17:37 PM »

15th December was the last I had seen and it seemed it was a goer,


(in the tradition of one word posts)