Author Topic: The Fossil does Vegas  (Read 364706 times)

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #840 on: December 04, 2016, 16:25:58 PM »

15th December was the last I had seen and it seemed it was a goer,


(in the tradition of one word posts)

About an 8pm start, get ****ing slaughtered.

(i am available all day everyday for drinking if needed)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #841 on: December 04, 2016, 16:28:17 PM »
Apologies, just getting the count to 6 figures, it will be at the former Rileys, prob start around 8, but pre match drinking cab started earlier, even I may partake if my butler can get me there and back.

There is moonshine available normally (bramble brandy), made by Gary, carol service before, then a friendly £10/£20 sng I would imagine.

The carol service may or may not happen, Think we have 7 definates and a few sitting on the fence waiting for confirmation.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #842 on: December 04, 2016, 16:39:11 PM »

Apologies, just getting the count to 6 figures, it will be at the former Rileys, prob start around 8, but pre match drinking cab started earlier, even I may partake if my butler can get me there and back.

There is moonshine available normally (bramble brandy), made by Gary, carol service before, then a friendly £10/£20 sng I would imagine.

The carol service may or may not happen, Think we have 7 definates and a few sitting on the fence waiting for confirmation.

Im sure we can sort something out!!!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #843 on: December 04, 2016, 16:42:24 PM »
There is room at the "Inn" - plans are afoot  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #844 on: December 04, 2016, 16:43:09 PM »

There is room at the "Inn" - plans are afoot  ;D ;D ;D

I LOVE your plans
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #845 on: December 04, 2016, 16:45:55 PM »

There is room at the "Inn" - plans are afoot  ;D ;D ;D

I LOVE your plans

Oh, bring Wee man too please :p
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #846 on: December 04, 2016, 17:40:09 PM »

There is room at the "Inn" - plans are afoot  ;D ;D ;D

I LOVE your plans

Loooong weekend - will confirm tomorrow


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #847 on: December 06, 2016, 08:01:07 AM »
And the man was thinking of discontinuing this? 100,000 views don"t lie.......


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #848 on: December 10, 2016, 04:30:51 AM »
100,000 hits who would of thought that 5 years ago anyway I digress.

Back at it last night with a trip up north to Newcastle for the last 25/25 of the year, would of preferred Sheffield tbh but  circumstances dictated it was not feasible.

Plenty of players from Teesside made the journey up and a few were on the starting table, Gimac showed his intentions early on 5 betting v someone and showing the 2 of hearts, him being on the big blind to my button wasn"t ideal, but we didn"t clash often.

I had all 3 of the big ones early doors, had to fold QQ but made a bit with KK and AA v I don"t know what, but it was difficult to build big pots, so starting stack at the break.

Serial limper limps UTG, he is 3 bet, the 2 callers follow, I have KJ clubs which I re raise to 3k, nearly gets through, the guy who I was least expecting to calls, I c bet the Ace high flop no clubs, get reraised then I fold like a wimp, perhaps I was bluffed, who knows, doubt it, it"s now difficult to make any moves now with stack depths, just bide my time and wait for good spots.

I then go on a downward spiral, and after a limp and a flat, I jam 15 bigs with A 10, we beat 77 so we are back to 30, raise 97 diamonds in cut off get re raised then re jammed , ran into QQ and AK, obviously I fold and would not of got there, win A10 v A8, back to 20bigs, lose with AK v whatever, folded to his river  bet, they always have it, and he showed to prove it.

Interesting spot,  a raise from UTG, then a flat by UTG 1, jam by UTG 2, I am covered by all, I have 10 10 with 18 bigs, horrible spot, I fold reluctantly, 99 v AJ, flop 68J 10 (aaaaargh), river 7, I am a genius, lol, I was rejamming if the AJ hadn"t jammed all in so I would of been a goner.

Last level and I have 22k, and last 5 hands are announced, these were going in at some point as 12 bigs doesn"t justify the journey back up, UTG raises, ohh hi there KK, just jam as I am jamming all my range here, we hold v 10 10, AJ folded, lucky for me as it was an Ace high flop.

The last hand 4 hands are dealt and tbh non were likely winners but would of gone in if it wasn"t for the Kings winning.

So it"s back up the A19 with 49k on Sunday, a slight increase on the journey back to Leeds last week, again though it"s the first level and a half which will determine how the day goes, I can live with that, chip and a chair and all that.

Boro continued the upward trend, Southampton and Liverpool in the next 4 days, think Southampton is definitely winnable, Liverpool happily take a draw, but if we lose both it"s back down the table we go which tbh it"s going to be like this all season as it"s pretty closely bunched at the bottom, it will go to the wire, hopefully we will gain enough points before the last month of the season because our run in is not an easy one.

Not going to say one time, whatever will be will be, looking forward to singing Carols with everyone on Thursday evening.

Nice touch to see the £30 refunded last week, not expected, but I did give it back in a sat to the above tournament, keep running AQ into AK over the last few nights online and today I folded AQ to a limp, then a rejam for 20bigs purely for the reason I would of been put on perma tilt, villain who i know said he had AJ, I prefer to believe he had AK so I that"s what I believe he had, Good fold me. Will report back on Sunday whatever happens, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #849 on: December 11, 2016, 16:45:38 PM »
Not the greatest of Sundays, lasted 4 levels of Day2 without getting a decent stack, peaked at 70k, just can"t seem to get that one hand were all the chips are passed over and takes an age to stack. Overall played as well as could given position at start, so no complaints.

Last hand, defended 78 clubs in bb v a raise and 2 flats, flop KJ7 2 clubs, the pot is 40k, I only have 52k so just jam, get 2 Folds but guy has flopped a King, of course I miss never in doubt (50p in the tin), as I get in the car Boro go 1-0 just to twist the knife a little bit further in.

Busy week ahead, drinks tonight, poker Tuesday, football Wednesday, poker, drinks Thursday, Friday church. yea right gave that up when I was 11 although I did spend 5 years wandering around on a Sunday morning when my mam assumed I was at church, bless me father for I have sinned, perhaps this is the reason why my flush draw doesn"t get there, nah, it"s all about the maths innit, wasn"t my turn on this occasion.

Tree needs getting down from the loft but the last time I clambered up there a few weeks ago I twisted my knee so this year tree is staying were it belongs and won"t be seeing the light of day, Susan is indifferent to wehther it comes down or not so for health and safety reasons, it will stay in said loft.

I would imagine this will be the last post of the year, although thinking of going to DTD for their seniors club championships in the middle of Christmas week or at least one of them games as son willl be here to look after Susan, so if it is the final post Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone, as always thanks for reading.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #850 on: December 18, 2016, 23:32:30 PM »
If this is the last post of the year I will eat my hat
England Team member WCOAP 2017
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #851 on: December 19, 2016, 03:43:38 AM »

If this is the last post of the year I will eat my hat

Ha, Ha.

I thought this post was going to be saying it"s been my worse month of the year due to the couple of 25/25 games played this month, but I managed to find £20 in my sky poker account, added £4 to it won a seat to the high roller and went and won the stupid thing for £4370, best result £s wise, probably $s too tbh so unless something stupid happens we have had a 5 figure year, only just though but with New York and some art work bought, it"s nice to have a roll again,  heads up can be seen on my Facebook account if you want to have a gander, shaky camera work though, last hand got it in with JJ v 22 and the site dropped only to come back and say congrats you have won, standard the tv show shut down last week, so unable to relive the glory but hey ho who cares, bink.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #852 on: December 19, 2016, 08:12:04 AM »
Nice one (who gives a feck about the shaky camera work WP - love the "hold" "hold" orders to the screen)


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #853 on: December 19, 2016, 08:47:51 AM »

Nice one (who gives a feck about the shaky camera work WP - love the "hold" "hold" orders to the screen)

I probably would have been banned of Facebook if the 2 had binked lol.

Here is a link to heads up


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #854 on: December 23, 2016, 01:46:38 AM »
Heater continues on Sky with a 2cd place finish in £55 bounty hunter last night for £477, at one stage I was down to 3 big blinds, then for some inexplicable reason got folds v bigger stacks even though I had a bounty on my head, not complaining as I the ran hotter than a hot thing in the next few levels.

Got to heads up and we were 50/60 bigs deep and after about 35 minutes I decided K10 was a good enough shoving hand for 25 bigs, it wasn"t so 2cd place was ok with me, got a stinking cold and just wanted it over with, now I cant sleep so decided to update this.

The local Christmas cracker is tomorrow but it"s pointless me playing as I have plans for Tuesday if I made it through.

Next live poker is a charity event a £10 rebuy at the G, were all the old faces appear and reminisce  about how the local pots made £20k every week as this game was legendary, this was before I started playing so wasn"t aware if it was true or not, anyway there is a trophy on offer and last years pot was £10k, so I will probably partake, obviously rebuys don"t suit my style but will take only the amount I am prepared to lose, anyone lend me £20.

Depending upon my length of appearance in the above game I may make the journey to Nottingham to play in the seniors event the next day, it"s a one day affair so only fuel expenses required.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.