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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #915 on: February 19, 2018, 23:02:15 PM »
Something different for a change, just want to talk about 2 hands not involving me for a change but both very similar but with different reactions from the poker community, one incidentally was seen by 9 people i.e. On my table in the Day 2 25/25, the other by a few million watching the 5 million guaranteed involving Isulder.

I assume as most of you play poker you will of seen the call by Vicktor Blom via twitter, poker feeds etc and it was an amazing call given stakes involved prize money etc, would I of made the call, not a chance in hell and I would hazard a guess not many would of, so we hail the poker genius that is Isulder.

This one is slightly different as was 9 handed but the action was limp utg K 10 off (this is a local player who has a rep as a really bad player plays by the way of as he describes CGAF, couldn't give a ****), 2 limpers then a 3 bet by the aggro button both are playing 200k (button) 250k at 3k bb, it goes heads up.

To save time K 10 calls and it's heads up, flop turn and river was AQK  2 clubs, a 3 rd club on the turn, the aggressor has bet, flop and turn both fairly chunky bets which were called by the initial limper, river was a brick, checked to the button who shoved his last 75K into the middle, pot is now 300K, would I make this call if I had got to this point, probably not given action, tbh, I would of folded pre, anyway the local guy calls and his one pair is good, I am just wondering if we have found the new Isulder on Teesside, although the conversation at the break was how the hell did he make that call most of the people agreed they couldn't or wouldn't make that call in that spot, the locals reaction was and I quote "that was a bit daft by him wasn't it",he would of been left with 12 bigs if he was wrong, his stack is now 500k and should comfortably make the final table, he didn't, he did min cash though. I really liked the play by the aggressor but he has obviously never played this guy and he just cannot be bluffed at any point.

Long live the CGAF down the local that's what I say or have we unearthed a poker genius who is just waiting for his time in the sun, I know he won't read this but I love it when he is at my table, it's either an early night or a double up, and the way some of the regs react to his play is part of the enjoyment of poker.

By the way would you make that call by Isulder ?.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #916 on: February 24, 2018, 23:54:52 PM »
What a week of ups and downs this week was, how any one plays this game for a living I don't know because it just does your head in, anyway I digress, heres this weeks fun times.

Tuesdays game was the standard limpathon affair and other than failing to get a quadruple up when I flopped a set with 66 late on, slow played Aces decided to give the villain his 5% chance, not a problem got lucky then didnt, water off a ducks back these days.

Remember in the previous post re the new Isulder, well yesterday went to prove that theory wrong as he was back to his usual tricks, he was sat to my right on the first table and I managed to get him to put in 100 bigs with 82 off suit v JJ, he then managed 2 more re entries by the break.

Pretty much cruised to the final table and had 15 bigs with 6 left get it in with 10 10 v Queens for a £255, annoying but they always seem to have it, never mind.

Writing this from hotel in Nottingham, decided to use last nights winnings to buy into the £200k gteed.

Ridiculous run of cards and by first break we up to 280k, it soon went down hill Kings lose to AK for 80k, tens lose to Kings for another 80k, perhaps should of folded the 10 10 but guy was drunk and just jamming every hand:

Got moved tables and the downswing continued until I get 15 bigs in with AQ v A 10, needless to say I was out the door, pretty brutal to say the least, 10 on the river, highs and lows of mtt poker, the tens could of got away from but the others what can you do.

Rinse and repeat in the few online games I have played, built big stacks then clash with big hand on big hand, min cashes everywhere.

Manchester this week but looking at the weather forecasts driving over the M62 may prove to be slightly dodgy, will have to see what that brings.

Missus currently in hospital, hence my trip away, been in since Tuesday and still waiting for scans etc won't go into the details but I don't know how she copes with what she has to put up with, not just the MS but all the other problems which go along with it.

My son is doing a 10k swim in the summer and has decided to raise cash for MS society, will put a link up at some point if this drivel continues, anyway going to try and get some sleep , now these hands are out of my system, roll on the next game, keep on keeping on.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #917 on: March 02, 2018, 22:28:00 PM »
Made it to Manchester yesterday for the Gukpt only had the hour delay on the train so got there just at the start of 50/100 level, still 200 big blinds deep so not a problem.

Heard some horrendous tales of fellow Teessiders driving down on the Thursday for today's start, pretty scary stuff, luckily they got here safe enough.

Had Craig on my table at first, always nice to see a familiar face as it lets you relax a bit, recognised a few names and faces, and soon realised the guy in the B.B. to my button was very good, just his demeanour and early play, he was friendly enough and didn't come across arrogant but it's odd you can spot a decent player a mile off, also spot the nit as well ( Oh hello me).

First few levels were pretty boring and I made 2k in 2 levels, at this rate could win this by 2019.

Luckily I cannot remember any hands I played other than I was 3 bet virtually every hand I played my holdings were mid pairs and Jacks, too deep to 4 bet fold but deep enough to set mine which didn't happen, flops were usually not good for my hand, all high cards, floated one or 2( fishing for us non pros), but alas nada nothing nowt, happy with folds in the spots but was down to 12k when got moved to feature table.

The structure is so good with these games we are still 30 bigs deep not ideal but no need to panic.

First significant had is with Alli Mallu, I defend A9 v his Q4 suited, it all goes in on the turn, I have to fade quite a few outs but held, tptk v flush draw and 2 pair outs.

Won a few small pots here and there but nothing significant.

Lost a biggish one when guy made trips on the turn and I paid him off, back to 20 bigs, l made a fold with 77 to a tug raise which I was asked about by a local watching, playing with this guy for 4 hours it's the first time he has raised, no one else has joined the pot, don't think it's profitable to set mine here it's either 3 bet get in or fold, I went with the latter.

Off the feature and we get lucky with 10 10 hitting a set v JJ aipf, this was the last significant action and ended the day with 25 k,  earlier I predicted that 1k every level would win me the tourney in 2019, slight amendment here, at 500 a level 2020 is the year.

It was my intention to go back home and return Saturday but decided to stay over and see what Saturday brings, 20 big blinds at 1200/600 doesn't give us much wiggle room but it's just looking for a spot in that crucial first level, it's happened before, fingers crossed happens again.

Again this is miles out of my bankroll but thanks to a generous offer by someone giving me another opportunity to play at this level just want to say thanks to him. At least we made Day 2, hoping for a Decent sweat today.

Obviously this was always going to be a one bullet affair and the odds are slightly in favour of those with deep pockets but freezeouts in these things are probably a thing of the past now, barring Apat of course, which I hope to be getting back to Manchester at the end of the month, providing the car is still not stuck under 6 feet of snow.

Anyway enjoy Edinburgh if you are heading up there, hope the journeys are safe and enjoy the event.

Hope to be writing another one tomorrow if not meh, onto the next, good luck us.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #918 on: March 03, 2018, 11:23:08 AM »
Hello Brian. I was the player in the BB to your Button. I see that you got a correct 'read' on me. You don't me but I know that Craig fella that you are talking about. He joined the table just 5 minutes before you and he has a shorter stack than you going into Day 2.
Climb that leaderboard Brian
England Team member WCOAP 2017
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #919 on: March 03, 2018, 12:18:20 PM »
It was meant before and after you left the table early doors, lol.
Loved your spin up story by the way, an expert on Indian soccer, oh hang on, see you later good luck for today, heads up Sunday, a date ?, seriously Gl for today.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #920 on: March 04, 2018, 11:40:14 AM »
Just to finish the details of Gukpt, returned with 20 bigs, shoved AQ over cut off min raise early, gave me a bit more breathing space.

Folded AQ after I raised utg, 3 bet, then 4 bet, AK v JJ, Jacks hold

Make the 1600 B.B. level, get a shove through then run JJ into KK no help and I book next train Home and was back at the hospital 5 minutes before Susan was brought back up from a small (not life threatening op). She is fine by the way and would imagine be home later in the week.

Played as well as I could of giving cards, circumstances etc, been more annoyed getting knocked out in a £30 local game this one just wasn't to be.

There is a local 60/60 Monday night at the G which the regs have arranged to try and get a bigger game built up, reg fee going to charity, will support in this instance but feel any £100 plus game should have a better clock and structure, personally can't see it taking off although this first game has generated a lot of interest.

Off to see Elbow in Leeds Tuesday night, missed a concert in Manchester last week because of the weather which was annoying as tickets had been bought 6 months ago.

Next tournament to travel too will be the Main in Manchester at the end of the month, nothing else in the pipe line, not playing any Sats to Vegas as I don't want to leave Susan in a care Home until her health improves to a better level than it is now, she didn't come out of the last place with any positive thoughts about them and although not blaming them there were a few issues with that particular place.

If I remember correctly a few people from here are in Vegas October/November time, will see how she is and how poker has been going, Poker has paid for all my previous Vegas trips and as I am not putting in any sort of volume live or online I shall decide nearer the time.

No doubt will be back at some time but playing once a week live and minimum volume online posts may be a bit more sporadic, anyway that will suffice, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #921 on: March 06, 2018, 03:48:17 AM »
A £6k pot on a Monday night with all reg fees going to charity at the G tonight and I must say I ran pretty golden until the last hand of course, didn't need the £60 top up as 100 big blinds going into 600 BB was sufficient, £60 for an extra 13 bigs didn't warrant the extra cash.

Field was a lot tougher than usual, with a finalist from Manchesters Gukpt, an Irish open winner and a couple of others who are decent regs.

As indicated getting 6 starting stacks in the first 4 levels was pretty good going and I kept up the momentum after the break, got called Ali Mallu at one point because of all the 3 bets etc, but I can't lie I just had the goods, sometimes not the goods but enough to put pressure on shorter stacks, and ofc I always have it.

Lost a decent chunk when  in the BB made 2cd best 2 pair v Top two annoying as didn't want to play the hand but utg had limped as was her every move.

Cut to the chase made the final table with 8 being paid, bubble was briefly discussed but was rejected by the bigger stacks, not a problem, dynamic changes so be it.

We ladder to 6th place, and I shove 11 bigs with 44, get called by AK and 88, turn was a 4 ball so we are back in the game, but blinds going up still meant a sub 20 bb stack, ladder to 4th when I shove Q 10 of the spade variety 11 bigs and get called by A7 in the Big blind, it was a good call and was actually surprised by the guy who made it, but I think it was out of spite as it was his 88 which I spiked a 4 against, if it wasn't a spite call, well played, even though it was a standard call I think, any way the Ace hits the flop but I pick up a spade draw which didn't materialise, won £665, no complaints here as I did get lucky in a few spots 99 outdrawing QQ and Aces holding on draw heavy boards.

This game had no guarantee but decent marketing by the local poker group ensured a decent pot, perhaps the casino can take a lesson from this, the structure is ok for a one day comp and I think they are going to try and run it at least once a month, a poll was taken and Monday night and the price point was spot on.

Next poker probably Friday with a couple of online jaunts interspersed, but first off to Dirty Leeeds to see Elbow tonight, thanks for reading, run good, be Lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #922 on: March 19, 2018, 08:08:40 AM »
Missed a bit of an overlay on Tuesday night at the G with Gout, literally couldn't walk, drive, put a shoe or sock on, 2cd or 3rd experience of this and tbh, don't want another episode of it, not a pleasant condition.

Managed to make Fridays game and what a frustrating effort this was, flips working out correctly at the time I needed them but at the business end they didn't, got to remember how you got the stack.

Grinded 15 bigs till 600/1200 level then went on a ridiculous heater going from 15 k to 200k, AK > 55, AQ > JJ other hands I was ahead in and ran pretty pure.

Final table and chipped up by just raise and takes, standard no one plays a hand unless it involves an Ace  and a King, then wheels fell of, 99 lost to K 10 off, he limps utg, I 3 bet, he jams, probably sick of me 3 betting him all night tbh, only 15 bigs, he wins flip, then KK loses to QJ, all in on J high flop Queen on turn killed me, left me with 1 big and my 96 couldn't outdraw QQ, £140 Win, pretty meh, As said won the 2 flips earlier to get here, so can't complain too much.

Although the 99 hand was pretty standard perhaps the low variance route may of been better as it was such a soft FT, just call and play accordingly, but wanted to win the lot not trying to chop it in an hours time, result orientated thinking, rather take a 70/30 but if I am ahead in a flip at that stage will take it all the time.

Frustrating week online a few min cashes here and there but managed to break even with a sat qualification into Skys Sunday major with a 15th place finish for £210.

Pretty much an up and down year so far like walking on quicksand slowly sinking then managing to get out of it then sinking back down without any major drama.

I was in 2 minds whether to renew season ticket this year, if Monk was still in charge then it would of been a definite No, don't know why just didn't take to the guy, pretty non descript in terms of performances and pretty bland in press conferences, usually just came out with the usual diretribe, full of cliches and the usual football speak.

Decided to renew anyway, not because of the scintillating football we are playing, it's a day or night out of the house, play offs now a distinct possibility not totally confident but we are a lot more efficient under Pullis and there seems to be the signs of a team there.

After the 2 cashes only need to £40 towards it so it's another freeroll next season.

Haven't been keeping a tab on my results this year but would imagine breaking even as bank account hasn't taken a massive dip, I still don't have a poker roll as such just play what I know I can afford, with Susans current health problems can't really grind 4/5 tables at a time as I may be needed at any time and have to sit out for a while which wouldn't be a good idea.

Next travel will be Manchester on the 31st for Day 1 Wcoap Main Event, will be playing with 10% of any winnings going to Clic Sergeant charity, so if you are on my table any chips will be gratefully received and you may be donating to a good cause, I would imagine this will be the only event I will be able to play but that may change depending upon circumstances.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #923 on: March 22, 2018, 13:31:30 PM »
Limped along to the Tuesday night game, (gout still causing problems) missed the extra 1k in chips due to being 5 mins late, doesn't bother me this but some of the hassle the card room staff get when certain regs cannot get the extra 1k is pretty ridiculous and embarrassing.

Loads of new players lately for some reason and only recognised 2 other regs on my opening table.

As always pots early doors are massive and bloated and usually end in a shout of chips please to take the add on, I usually buy the lot at the start.

Attempted a squeeze with AJ on button after 6 limpers, (75/150), got 7 callers, lol, missed flop, gave up, chips please was shouted after the hand, as a 25k pot was raked in by a random, eventually got these of him before the break.

Fast forward a few hours and I reach the final table, because of the new start time it wasn't even midnight and we were relatively deep with average stack at 25 bigs, quite good for this type of tournament.

Usual Ying and yang on the final table, I 3 bet KK, v an utg limp and the big blind defends, flop 99K, right how am I going to get paid, oh hello , bb jams 12 bigs, utg calls 12 bigs, I  fold, ( one of them must  quads), no I didn't, I called KJ v 97 v KK, avoid the case 9, and I am now comfortable, bubble agreed, don't mind 1 paid as it speeds the game up.

Lose a few but ladder to 6th, then the Yang, Aces lose to 55 and I am then the shortstack, jam 33 gets through, grind a few more hands, prize jumps aren't massive but I still like to play as correctly as possible, just in case of a future big final table, we end up 4 handed due my 77 holding v villains A9, standard shove from him and call from me, I have history with this guy and he wasn't happy as he wasn't on Friday when my AQ beat his Jacks, he wasn't happy with me.

Win with AK v AQ, and we are all on 250k ish with 1million in play, decide on £400 each and play for the extra £150, lose the flip with KQ v KJ v 22, 2 on flop, the 2 left chop the £150 before me and the other guy pick up our payout slips, Ft lasted 2plus hours, deepish at first but as usual it got shallow very quickly, hasn't been that bad a month overall as I forgot about the 4th place in the 60/60 at start of month.

Need new glasses so will use poker winnings for them, always good to use the winnings for stuff, so season ticket and glasses sorted this month.

Just been called into Doctors to get this Gout sorted.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #924 on: March 22, 2018, 18:39:21 PM »
The two Chinese lads that made the Final Table. Are they brothers?
England Team member WCOAP 2017
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #925 on: March 22, 2018, 22:23:06 PM »
That made me smile Craig, and you win the best ever reply to any post I have made, a prize may or may not be forthcoming.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #926 on: March 23, 2018, 09:47:56 AM »
That made me smile Craig, and you win the best ever reply to any post I have made, a prize may or may not be forthcoming.

I can't be arsed to look for it, but i'm sure i've been funnier.
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #927 on: March 23, 2018, 10:40:07 AM »
That made me smile Craig, and you win the best ever reply to any post I have made, a prize may or may not be forthcoming.

I can't be arsed to look for it, but i'm sure i've been funnier.

You tried to bluff me when I had a full house. That was pretty funny.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #928 on: March 30, 2018, 01:30:44 AM »
A flurry of disappointments to finish the month off, again close but no cigar, maybe     have to donate to the bad beat tin, actually hasn't been a bad month tbh when adding  up the winnings against the outgoings, better than the current saving interest rate I am getting.

Back to the moaning, I play very little on Stars these days and I noticed the rake has increased in various games so incentivised not to bother playing there again so my last $22 was used to play the afternoon bounty hunter, fast forward a few hours and the $22 was increased to $350 after beating approx 1400 people to finish a respectable 15th I think , decisive hand AK losing to A10 aipf over 1 million chips and probably at least a final table finish, wasn't to be no doubt got lucky to get to that point funny how you can't remember them ones, played the same tournament today and min cashed for $40ish, now I could grind it and try and build it up but can't be pestered withdrew it and will spend it on a new hat.

Looked on Sky and their Ukops series has started so played the £22 BH at 7pm and also qualified for the £100 one via a £24 sat got in with half a big blind after watching another shortie lose his all in, nits going to nit, as it happens the £88 bubble prize would of been better as I didn't cash in that one, pretty card dead then ran 88 into AA for a 30 bb pot.

Meanwhile in the other one I reached the final table with 15 bigs but was 5/6, laddered one spot then get in AA v AJ but the the 4th black card gave villain the flush, can't complain about that one as I know for a fact I got lucky well before the cash with a treble up with J 10 spades making a straight flush v 2 people with pairs.

Got £230 for my efforts which is like a 10 to 1 winner on the horses, again won't be playing online for a few days so withdrew that so plus £400 heading into bank account.

Good thing about Sky is no hanging about for winnings the money is in there pretty much straight away, actually shows as an incoming before my deposit shows on the bank account.

Live stuff cash bubbled the final table on Tuesday, shoved KJ over ladies limp at 5k /10k, probably my 3rd shove over her limps she probably just got sick off me tbh, she called with QJ and I never won the 70/30, probably was a small mistake as one guy was sat with 3 bigs and was in big blind next hand, not a problem as I would rather bubble than get that min cash, go for the win.

Travelling to Manchester on Saturday with Dave (Pokerpops) for the main event, will be playing for Click Sergeant, they will get 10% of my bad beat tin which is currently in a very healthy state at the moment, or any winnings I may acquire.

Depending how I feel I may also play the final day 1  of the Easter beast at Stockton on Sunday afternoon with a possible Day 2 in Newcastle on the Monday, I did have one bullet in it last night, peaked at 27k, then went down hill, Tens into Kings, then AK into Tens late on, a flopped set killed me.

Although a profitable month, I have ran pretty bad on final tables online and live and my winnings could of been a lot healthier, but what can you do, never doing anything different in any of the spots so got to take it on the chin.

Got a £550 Gukpt ticket at a discounted price, so Edinburgh is a maybe but having costed train/petrol, hotels etc I may save it for Leeds in September.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky etc.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #929 on: March 30, 2018, 14:09:00 PM »
Nice write up again Brian.
We seem to be moving in the same circles at the moment. It was nice to see you at Manc G couple months ago. I hope to see you in Manchester Apat, making it to Day 2 of the Main Event is the target. Also I have managed to get through to Day 2 of the Easter Beast Newcastle, so a meet up is a possibility on Easter Monday if you pull your finger out  ;)
I am also considering Edinburgh next month. Nothing confirmed. I will try to qualify via satellite.
See you soon mate.
England Team member WCOAP 2017
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