In 1996 I left an average University with an average degree in a subject which is largely hard to apply to the "real world". I could have used my degree to become an actual economist but I couldn"t possibly have done a better job than the current bunch

So, I did what most graduates were doing back then and got a job in a call centre whilst I looked for a "proper job". I ended up spending just over a year there and often reflect on the fact that the work was stress-free, we had a bit of a laugh and I never took my work home with me and wonder why I ever left.. And then I remember the £8.5k basic salary and quickly stop reflecting!
But while I was there I met some great friends who I will keep for life. We have been drunk together countless times, attended weddings, christenings etc. and had several golf holidays and weekends as mates.
Back in "97 we started playing poker.
You may have gathered from the title of this entry that we didn"t really know what we were doing. We had a basic idea of poker. We knew you needed to make a 5-card hand and we knew the hand-rankings. although we still have a quarterly home game and to this day Jamie has the hand rankings in front of him when we play which is possibly the biggest tell in all of poker. "OK, Jamie"s looking at the rankings. He"s got a flush or a straight"

Where we really struggled was the betting rounds and with no actual knowledge but plenty of assumed knowledge coupled with people not wanting to admit they didn"t have a clue, we sort of made it up. Hands could last ages as several 10p, 20p & 50p coins made their way into a ceramic pot in the middle of the table until someone eventually said "ok shall we have a look now?" Shocking looking back on it, but it was, and still remains, more about the friendship and a good night out than the poker.
Whilst the poker has changed over the years, the basic format remains similar which is in essence; Turn up at host"s house between 7pm & 8pm on a Friday night, go to Local Pub for 2 hours, Return and Play Poker for 2 hours, Eat something Prepared by the host (must be home made) usually Chilli, Continue into the small hours until the last 2/3 players call it a night, sleep in various spare rooms, on couches, on floors etc. Games are £10 SnGs, 1st one out becomes the dealer which passes on with each elimination. We usually get 3/4 games in and have a side pot for "best shown hand of the night".
I am the only one who has "pushed on" from this group (stop laughing), one of the lads did play APAT Coventry in 2010 but has subsequently moved to South Africa and another has played a couple of casino tourneys but while everyone"s game has improved (except Jamie"s) I am the only one who really knows what he"s doing (I said stop laughing). I love this game, it"s where I started and I hope to always be playing it. The poker is largely irrelevant; it"s the social glue we use as an excuse to get together, like the golf is and if you think I"m bad at poker you should see me play golf

Around 2002 one of the lads discovered NLHE on TV and taught the rest of us. Initially the 10ps & 20ps and the ceramic bowl remained but over time, poker chips were purchased, then some felt followed by a full-on poker table so the game at least looks more professional now.