(seriously!) It"s time to share some thoughts, observations and exploits with a community that simply puts a smile on my face every time I think about it.
I don"t know where this blog will take us because we don"t know what the future holds. I know what I"m doing tomorrow, I have a vague idea of what I"m doing next week and 2012 already has a few key dates marked out (it will have a few more once DES gets his fecking 4r5e in gear

) but essentially the future, like this blog, is unwritten!
Having said that the 3-part title should set some expectations as to what the more dominant topics might be:
"The Saint" refers to my passion for the Northampton Saints rugby union team and a wider interest in the oval ball game including the current farce that is England Rugby and the RFU. The Saints have taken me on an emotional rollercoaster recently having been involved in 2 of the greatest European Cup games in history in the last 8 months. and losing them both

"The Brewer" refers to my job with one of the UK"s biggest brewers. I like my job very much. It has its challenges, its politics and its stresses like many other jobs, but even when we are up against it, I reflect that there are many tougher environments I could be in. What"s more, I get a constant supply of free beer and around 30% of my meetings take place in pubs

"The River" refers to my nickname on here and various online skins. If you are an APAT regular reading this, then there is a 98.4% chance that you already know the reason my nickname is "AceOnTheRiver" so I will not tell that story again just now, although I am sure it will come up at some point.... Funnily enough for a Poker Forum, I intend to do some blogging about Poker.
Other themes you can expect are reviews of general service, both good and bad (although mostly bad, I live in the UK after all) and a number of ultimately unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.
I am starting this blog from my local pub due to the fact that there is a major renovation project going on in my house leaving me without broadband, a desk or anything to sit on. I"m no fan of DIY but this project has been a long time coming and whilst I am sick of my current living conditions the end is nigh and the result should be worth it.
In the meantime, I am off to my works Christmas do and I don"t intend to be sober again until I am a year older.