Answers to the quiz............For anyone who is remotely interested

In the event of any disputed answers I don"t really give a sh** coz nobody PM"d me any answers in the alloted timescale

I will though, in true APAT spirit

duly provide some kind of beverage to Richard, Ger and Gerry when I see them next for providing a correct answer or 4 afterwards
1/ Martin Turner (Scottish) and Laura Pahomova (UK Open)
2/ Wales, Italy and Germany (hope to rectify 2 of those this year)
3/ Mt Saint Helens Volcano, CN Tower, River Danube, Harbour Bridge and Niagara Falls
4/ Maine Rd, MCG, New Wembley, Earls Court, The Kingdome
5/ Sammy (Aygo), Sammy Igoe (ex English league footballer), Annie Apple, Corinne
6/ a)Paul Sefton b) Craig Rattray c) George Dickson d) Chris Kelly e) David Blacklaw
7/ a) Aberdeen b) Blackpool c) Newcastle