So it"s my blog"s 1st Anniversary and I promised a quiz

This will mix my love of music, travel, poker, APAT and all things that are good in life and shall lead to a prize at Brighton for the winner. There may (or may not) be some clues in my blog ( to help you. Keep your answers over the next few days then PM me your answers on Christmas Eve.
TD"s only Rule. Some questions may require more than 1 answer, on these occasions only I will deduct a point for any wrong answers over the number of correct answers....e.g there are 2 correct answers and you answer 1 correct and 1 wrong, you will score 1 point! If you answer 1 correct and 2 wrong, you will score no points :"( don"t throw in too many wild guesses! You have been warned

Easy start -
Question 1)
At 2 Live APAT's I played this year, 2 Bronze Medallists failed to hang around for their obligatory photo opportunity. Name both players. (2 points total)
Question 2)
In my youth (1982 to be exact) my young sister Donna would torture my poor ears with the horrid sound of Charlene"s 1 hit wonder "I"ve been to paradise, but I"ve never been to me" (feel free to google it but don"t dare Youtube it

Which of these countries have I never been to? (1 point for each.....remember to watch those wild guesses

.....more questions to follow tomorrow.