Author Topic: Aces and Agony - An APAT'ers blog of the highs and lows of poker ( and life!)  (Read 125882 times)

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I wont be reading this as i still havent forgiven you for having the aces in the aria tourny in vegas :p

good luck with it mate

Oh yeah Stu, Aces! He likes those Aces does our Asa  ::)

Good luck with this Asa, look forward to reading and learning more, It"s been a pleasure getting to know you a bit through season 5 mate.
APAT Scottish Amateur Champion 2011 :~)
APAT Online North America PLO Champion 2011
Chipaccrual's Big APAT Christmas End Of Year Quiz Champion 2011
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I wont be reading this as i still havent forgiven you for having the aces in the aria tourny in vegas :p

good luck with it mate

Oh yeah Stu, Aces! He likes those Aces does our Asa  ::)

Good luck with this Asa, look forward to reading and learning more, It"s been a pleasure getting to know you a bit through season 5 mate.


Like those Aces haha... in that Aria tournament, the 1st pocket pair I had over 4"s were those Aces with 11 of us left, then on the final table, 1st hand won a big pot vs Mich where I had QQ! That was bluntly the hardest and toughest grind of a tournament I"d ever had!

And I"m still pretty shocked your good self managed to lay down QQ to me on that flop! I know if the roles were reversed I"d have probably shoved - aka Billy bigstack has just come onto my table, and is reraising more than most people have on the table... I have QQ on a 9 hi flop, it"s going in!!

I will say it has been an utter pleasure spending time with you in both Manchester and Brighton, and I"m looking forward in season 6 to firstly be playing more of the tournaments, and secondly spending times with people like yourself, Rich Baker as well as the guys n girls I know from Blonde, as well as, no doubt, the new people I"ll be spending time with at and away from the table in whichever towns, cities, countries or continents we end up on this season!
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No online poker for 3 days now, working lates kills that! I"m off work now until Tuesday, have a few lil bits here n there to do, but hoping to get some good volume in, assuming I don"t get the CBA hitting me!

However, tonight is going to be in the land of the G in Salford, and their Friday night £10 + one £5 rebuy, which usually gets between 60 and 160 runners. It"s time to outfish everyone :)
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
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Got down to the last 2 tables last night, however luck eluded me, picked up  Ah Qh in the bb, with just over 12bb"s at 1k-2k, I was calling anything, and did, however, the other bloke had  Ac Kc

Played 30 sng"s today, run horribly, with just 3 wins. The problem was the 4th set of 6, where I bubbled 4 times, once when shortstacked, the other 3 when being in well ahead ( AQ v Q4 sticks to the mind). Take that out of the equation and I finish up for the 30.

Games played: 80
Bankroll: $151.95 (-$1.01)

No plans tonight as I"m working tomorrow and saving the pennies up in order to play more APAT's, the Blondebash and the Chezger home game. It"s tough to say which I"m looking forward to most. Will obviously wait and see, as it all depends when and where everything is happening!

At the moment though, it looks like I won"t be going to the Blonde bash as I"m off the 2 weeks before it, so it means I"m 99% certain to be working that weekend. However, if it seems to be, as planned for the Sunday only, I won"t be quite as fussed.

Right, time for food after watching the rest of this England v Italy game, then will either grind some more or a bit of COD.
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Played the £15 f/out in the G last night, got a whopping 28 runners. Having now 5 casinos offering poker within 10 miles of each other, generally all around the same buy ins has pretty much killed some of the tournaments.

Table I was on was a laugh, some decent banter flying about.

In the 2nd level, get dealt KK in middle position, and the active player in seat 1 has already raised to 500. Decide to flat call and play him on the flop. Not in the plan, was a tight bloke raising to 3.5k ( 7k starting stacks). Can"t fold KK so go all in, he has AA obviously. Get lucky with the K on the flop to double up.

Manage to get a double up with K5 on the bb later on, turning trip K"s, but as with Friday, my luck was to run out. Shove A6 suited and ran into KK, had the flush and straight draws on the turn but missed.

Have spent the afternoon experimenting with cascading tables rather than tiling them which is what I"m completely used to.

Played 2 sets of 8 and 1 set of 10, and I actually focused more and played better in the 10, was up in 2 sessions and down in 1. Will play another set of 10 later after food, and possibly 2. It would be more, however I have to, by Wednesday, complete the most dreaded of things, the "self-appraisal". I absolutely loathe doing them as I can never think of what to write, whilst being objective and sensible, so as usual, will probably do it last minute on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

Anyways, enough rambling, it"s time for sausages and wedges!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
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Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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it"s time for sausages and wedges!

Good diary and even better dinner choice.. picture for the fans? Love the sausage and wedge combo!


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it"s time for sausages and wedges!

Good diary and even better dinner choice.. picture for the fans? Love the sausage and wedge combo!

Thankyou :)

I"ll give it a go, but I am awful with computers ( especially as I sell them), so no promises!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Who do you sell them to? Do you mind talking about what you do - sounds interesting as I also work in that area.


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Who do you sell them to? Do you mind talking about what you do - sounds interesting as I also work in that area.

Joe Public. I work for Staples, so it"s part of the job. It"s not my area of expertise, but I"m bloody good at matching up what people want based on how much they want to spend. I know a hell of a lot about computers, but using them is another matter  ;D
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Last set of 10 went well. 1 3rd. 7 bubbles. Sigh

Games played: 128
Bankroll : $140.51 (-$12.45)
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
WCOAP 8 game champ
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Just 2 quick 8 game sessions tonight, cashed in dead on half of them for a modest increase, nearly making up for the horror last session last night.

Games played: 144
Bankroll : $148.58 (-$4.38)

Got the joy of joys on Friday morning, a store visit from senior management. Everyone will be rushing around like crazy, whereas I"ll continue as I always do.. I don"t change how I am for any visit ( and once got praised by the no 2 in the company for telling him to get out of the way as I was serving a customer and he was getting in the way of me doing so!)

What it does mean though, is that I"ll probably not get much chance to play until the weekend which sucks.
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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It"s been a bloody tough week at work, so no real chance to grind.

Not managed to play for 3 days, so just to keep in touch, put a small session in tonight.

Played 2 sets of 8, won 2 and finished 3rd in both sets for small profits, and it managed to get back from the horror session.

Games played: 160
Bankroll: $153.12 (+0.16)

Great win rate  ;D
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Hopefully I"m starting to get the hang of these $1.50 turbos.

Over the last 48 of them, I"m $27 up which isn"t too bad, 12 wins, 5 2nds and 4 3rds. Winning 25% I enter, and cashing in just under 45%.

Starting to get to know some of the regulars which definitely helps.

Games played: 176
Bankroll : $167.19 (+$14.23)

Hopefully be able to grind a hell of a lot after work tomorrow, don"t tend to arrange anything for after work. I"m off work on Monday but think I"ll be spending it sleeping!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Not managed to update for a while, not going to tonight either, as it"s the Friday night donkathon at the G in Manchester!

Will be updating where I"m up to tomorrow, and my plans going forward.

Loving the tour for season 6 and will be attempting to play as many as I can this season!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
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Last grinding update was on the 19th Feb. Since then, I seem to have worked every hour under the sun, discovered pokerstars mobile ( a great way to spend travelling home), and not really had any time to relax.

I"ve got the weekend off, am working Monday morning, off Tuesday, and not in until Wednesday afternoon, so I"m hoping to have a lot of downtime.

Plans for today are, watching the rugby until about half 5, watching City hopefully destroy Blackburn, then to the G in Manchester for poker tonight.

Will spend the time watching rugby playing the grind.

This is where we are up to so far:

Games played: 274
Bankroll: $148.81 (-$4.15).

Looking through the results, I"ve been as high as $170 with the roll. 7 out of the next 10 8 game sessions were losses, which is very frustrating to say the least!

What I"m going to do going forward is

Continue these till the end of the month to see where I end up. The lure of the micromillions on stars ( and being off work for the majority of these) means I"m definitely going to be playing a lot of this.

Will I stop playing stt"s? No. What I will be doing, is taking advantage of the deposit bonuses with William Hill and working them off on there. How much I will put on there, and the level I"ll be playing at will depend firstly on whether or not I can make Coventry ( which I"ll know on Monday) and whether I plan to spend my time off going off to play poker somewhere ( probably DtD if I do), and lastly, if anyone would have the confidence to add to my bankroll and stake me at a higher level. I"m not going to specifically look for staking, as at the levels I"ll be playing at, I can"t imagine massive profits instantly, but you never know!
Season 6 Online Ranking Winner
Season 6 UK Online Winner
Season 6 Member of the winning England team at the WCOAP
Season 6 Member of the England 'B' team, bronze medallists at the Home Internationals
Seasons 10 WCOAP Player of the series
WCOAP 8 game champ
WCOAP turbo champ
WCOAP Pineapple 2n