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DTD's new policy on deals
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Topic: DTD's new policy on deals (Read 8273 times)
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #15 on:
February 06, 2012, 23:15:20 PM »
However DTD run so many sattys into these biggies, giving the recreational player a shot at the big time, and many of those will want some sort of deal.
Tbh once I pay my money for chip stack it"s up to me what I do with it. They get there rake either way. If I wanna deal for x then it"s my money, why can"t I if all agree??
Payout structure at DTD is sick top heavy, and poor. Doing 0.5% jumps of the buyin and then for final 18/27 a % of remaining prize pool makes stupid numbers.
Seems I"m against the grain here, but hey ho.
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #16 on:
February 07, 2012, 01:37:13 AM »
My recollection of years ago was that deals used to be done away from the table, in secret, and it all looked very dodgy - so most people were pleased when it was all brought into the open and made transparent.
I do not believe any "no deals policy" is enforceable, in reality.
I think the best compromise might be to fix the deal formula in advance: make it fair and non-negotiable. That way, newbies don"t get screwed and the formula can be set to ensure plenty of money is left on the table to play for.
I play live infrequently and go deep in something even more infrequently, so I"ve only been involved in a deal once at one of the Virgin Poker Festivals at Aspers Newcastle. I felt so intimidated at the time, I had no idea what was even going on and couldn"t really take in the explanations from the other players. A published, fixed formula deal would have been much less stressful, because I wouldn"t have had to worry whether or not the deal with fair or not. I would have trusted the tournament organisers, because the formula would be open to scrutiny by the experienced players, whose collective judgement I would trust.
Just to be clear, when I say "intimidated", I mean put under pressure to make a quick decision on something that I didn"t understand. In particular, I don"t mean threatened or anything else of that nature - I don"t think I was done out of anything and I have no reason to believe anybody was proposing anything that wasn"t completely fair - it"s just that in the heat of the moment, it was a situation that I hadn"t been expecting, was not prepared for, and was a distraction to what I was doing in the tournament.
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #17 on:
February 12, 2012, 15:38:16 PM »
I was involved in a FT deal once, n hadn"t been playing live long, and like you say felt "intimidated" n didn"t really know what was happening with 9 guys trying to get me to agree, anyway i made the quick decision n said "feck it may as well" it wasn"t til after it i had time to think about it n realised i got screwed as it was an even split but i was chipleader by a decent amount. Partly the reason i don"t like deals.
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #18 on:
February 12, 2012, 19:54:13 PM »
Rightly or wrongly, some people consider this a skill in itself, and part of tourny poker to be able to extract value from less experianced players. I think this is one of the many reasons why DTD are making changes.
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #19 on:
February 12, 2012, 23:12:45 PM »
I"m not keen on deals being done. My biggest win to date is still the £1200 I won at APAT Luton in 2010. And I was perfectly happy to play until a winner was reached. However, if I was in the position of being able to pocket in excess of £10K I"m sure I could be tempted!
Saying that, I hate to see an unfinished tournament. You will never see Wimbledon or the World Snooker Championship getting down to the semi"s or final and all the players agreeing to split the pize fund!
I wouldn"t have a problem entering a tournament that wasn"t willing to permit deals. If it"s stated at the start and you don"t like it then don"t play!
If deals where allowed then it should be split according to chipstack sizes with some extra set aside for the eventual winner. No discussions allowed, just a secret vote of YES/NO. If all agree the deal is done, if one or more persons disagree the game can continue and no-one will know who wasn"t willing to deal.
Another option is to make the prize jumps less in the first place. But, I"m not sure that would appeal to most!
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Re: DTD's new policy on deals
Reply #20 on:
February 15, 2012, 12:01:09 PM »
No deals,,,,play to win,,,if you dont like it dont play,,,hate that you are made to feel bad not dealing,,would much prefer the option was not there,,,total anti climax after a long tourney,,poxy deals !!!!
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DTD's new policy on deals