A brand new day; and it"s a Friday! I hope everyone is happy and healthy today

I will be making two brief announcements over issues that cropped up following the announcement of the National Online League on Wednesday. Namely clarifying the position on 1) the breakdown of the Regions and 2) eligibility to play for Regions.
I had some very constructive discussions and feedback from Rich Baker, Stuart Oliver, John Murray and Rich Prew over the course of yesterday evening and I thank them for their input - which in all cases was constructive and well reasoned. Prior to those discussions, I led discussions with a group that included Rich Prew, Ian Burnett, James Barber and Leigh Wiltshire before we announced the League on Wednesday. Needless to say nobody identified the potential emotive reaction that having country wide Regions would bring. Being a proud Irishman I love the passion that comes with participating in something that you really care about. That said, we (that means all of us) cannot allow the discussion to become too emotive or nationalistic, if it starts to take away from the greater community spirit that has always existed here on APAT. To do so would have consequences.
So back to business. as a community, many APAT members had their say on the Regional and Eligibility questions yesterday. Your say has led to a good deal of additional discussion as above and thought and ultimately the decisions I"m about to post. I would hope that everybody will be accepting of those decisions so that we can positively look forward to what promises to be the very best and most competitive APAT National Online Leagues ever.