First post in strategy section just wondered on peoples thoughts on these two hands.
Both hands are AJ off one is dtd 50k gteed, other is $55 fo on stars 10 off the money.
In both circumstances I was happy to go with both hands the way the tables had been playing.
I would like peoples thoughts on which strategy to take, push taking blinds and antes hopefully or raise to induce, as I said I was intending to go all the way with the hands.
DTD blinds 300/150/a25
UTG I raise to 650 my standard raise I have 22 bigs (6k) get 4 callers flop comes down A high 2 diamonds, small blind checks pot is now over 3k so happy to get it in here, don't think AK or AQ out as I would have been reraised, I get 3 folds and 1 caller, villain shows

, villain gets there on the river hits his flush.
Stars $10k gteed $55 buy in. (10 off cash)
On the button AJ off again 20 bigs (4k2) min raise to 400 bb who covers me shoves, I call he has KQ off Q on the flop and I am out.
Obviously being results orientated folds would have been better, but my question is do you just shove in both positions and put the decisions on the others, or do as I did in the examples above.