Communities > Ireland
Team Player List
Team player List.
Player name Stars name
Frank Bailie (capt) oxoloxo
David Pilkington (vice capt) Cashmano
Kevin O"Hanlon Kohanon
Raymond Crowe Newray1
Colin O"Prey W15eman
Matthew Bailie mobyjack
Billy Johnstone stone_eyes
Brian Frew kronsdat
Damien Bailie greyhounddub
Noel Clarke Islander3232
Kevin Douglas bogmonster1
John Holly thevulgar
Gerard O"Callaghan buttheadboy
Darren Burns darren1237
Artie Dalzell skpmn
Martin Rice marty719
Ben Price Benpprice
Colin McGrane Colmcg
Fergus Dunne highking2
Nick Avery Oznick4259
Aaron Fletcher Pockets984
Desi Graham Jackarama
Des Duffy
Brendan Byrne the snapper
Timothy Lee Hitsey
Joe Hynes Slijoe
Geoff Pearson Geoffp1971
Gareth Cash ggarethh
Gerard Harraghy Jamiecarra
Michael Kelly Artemusfowl
Jono Crute GAWA9
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