Des told me it was in a country with a K in it and we were parachuting into the venue!
The time has come! Tell us where were going!!!!!!
And i promise that I wont get drunk the night before and I will make it to the venue before 5-30pm! Ooops
kc kd kh ks
There was a conspiracy theory once that the Russians were going to ParaCrute into Blackpool when their invasion of the British Isles began. It all stemmed from a Map the Blackpool council people made for some Russian Governemnt official in the 50"s cause theey wanted him to come to Blackpool to switch the illuminations on.
It had all the landmarks ringed in red and so MI5 or whoever got hold of the map assumed it was an invasion plan and the tower was going to be on obsevation post and the Russian army would land sometime later in Cleethorpes.
I haven"t been at the Rhubarb Gin again, it"s true. Google it. Are we parachuting into Blackpool Des? And this Kay woman, is she an Aries? I"m compatible with Aries"