Ok guys, this is it! our team members to do battle for the season 6, will keep updating as the season goes on

Name Pokerstars ID Apat Online
Simon Gordon - (Capt) Tigerflash67 Tigerflash
Dawn Dineen - Laxie
Jack Prime - technolog
Derrick Andrews - Delboy1968
Christian Briggs - Bainuk PLOWh0r3
Daniel Phillips - kinboshi
Phill Scott - Monkeyboy888
Vaino Tiik - Rhino56 Rhino5656
Chris Osborne - Losbert
Baljinder Powar - shozboy shozboy21
Jamie Oodit - POKER_STA484
Simon Lawlor - redsimon redsimon63
Rupinder Bedi - George2loose
Shelley Bedi - Shell2loose
J P Round - AceOnTheRiver5th Aceon5th
James Barber - jbworldwide jb_apat
Justin Marsden - Marsbar1976
Mathew Truepenny - Mattroop1987
Anil Summan - ChasinStars ARDS86
Gary Suffolk - neverkings gaz70
Peter Collins - Jumpa
John hubbard - hubbard02
Daniel Inglis - Mingles01
Helen Wilcox - Harmony26 -HeadCase-
Amit Mehta - amitmehta
Barry McDonald - vw28uk Bazza@
Adam Shave - djshave
Jace Swift - J10aces
Andy Barnes - AWB666
Dale Clarke - Sexytits969
Angus Macdonald - Redduke
Andy Lyon - Skaro
Paul Pitchford - Pitchie
Gina Weiss - Starshine StarshineI
Rickyy Jephcote - RickyJ8827
Phil Colls - Spirey Spirey1
Ian Overton - The Doofus77
Colin Witts - redcol
Hopefully more to follow... so come on East Midlanders, join and enjoy the ride!