« on: February 22, 2012, 21:50:50 PM »
APAT (PS) ajei (AJEI)
allinbob2 (allinbob1)
AlphaMale (HyperCode)
BestGerne (migmann)
carlosmuc (Carlosmuch)
cert2408 (cert2408)
CincinnatiKid (MagicMaexx)
Denyy1 (Denyy)
DexSeptic (DexSeptic)
DodgyEnd (DodgyEnd)
EK (eekki)
Geissbock70 (Gonzo1970)
Hotti (kati3112)
joffus18 (joffus18)
lordkiller (lordkiller)
Mattejat (Mattejat)
Mediaman1966 (Mediaman1966)
No_Way_22 (No_Way_22)
nooteboom17 (moneybrother)
okhansen (okhansen)
Papalego (papalego)
Pempi (Pempi)
Possiworld66 (Possiworld66)
Reinhardinho (AiR.Otte)
Schnickser12 (schnickser12)
Starshine (plstarshine)
sting31 (Stingray31)
Suedpfalzpower (Chrimi)
therealgor (therealgor)
Tuzson (Tuzson)
XGambler83 (xgambler83)
For the start a very nice number (32) of recruitments. Let"s continue!
All players: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsZm7g1dE_xpdGdmOHE3V2VaaVlGb0ctOGZLWUtfcWc#gid=0
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 08:32:36 AM by CincinnatiKid »

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