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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #930 on: April 02, 2018, 01:12:26 AM »
Quick report from yesterday with a bit of smile news on the end, as Dave has said the structure is spot on and it's nice to play in a game without 9 people to a flop and 100 bb pots in the first level.

However I just felt like a spectator as it was one of those days were basically Nothing happened, pretty card dead, and in these games it's not as easy to accumulate chips except for seat 8 who I know is a vey good player but he did run pretty golden and pure, that's not a complaint it's just envy and jealousy.

So after 10 levels of play and a starting stack of 20k, I had lost 300 chips in the previous 8 hours of play, we go 10 handed and get AA, 2 limpers one of which had limp called a lot and another who I don't know, I just decided to jam my 17 bigs as I would with any hand I am jamming there 88 plus AK AQ, in hindsight I could of limped and let the big stack in the bb potentially squeeze but it could of meant 4 to a flop but we picked up the pot uncontested.

I then get it in v 9 10 spades with AK which holds so I have 30 bigs, my 1 would or could ov moment occurred the next hand, the guy who I had just crippled pushed all in 6 bigs from utg, I have A5 hearts utg plus 1, in a later position I isolate but with 6 players behind I decide to let it go, 2 other players do get it with QQ being the eventual winner, me I was cursing the heart on the turn which would of meant a treble up with the nut flush, can't be results orientated, just move on.

I 3 bet AQ in bb v an under the raise, and get a fold so we finish the day with 45k which will be 25 bigs or so which is good enough for me to get back to Manchester with been in worse spots so let's get lucky on Day 2 next week.

Thanks to Dave for driving there and back, as I was absolutely shot and tbh, I wouldn't of fancied the drive home myself.

I was intending to play the Easter beast final day at Stockton but I was too tired and pretty much would of been a waste of £115, so decide to reg the £33 BH on Sky which I final tabled the other day.

And we reached the final table again so more jewellery in the offing alas could only manage 6th place but was good for just shy of £400 with bounties.

Lost a big pot which left me short but with my laddering skills and other peoples lack of icm knowledge, ( mine isn't that good) but I do know if a guy is on 4 bigs (hello) wait till he goes first, obviously holdings dependant, but whilst watching the other table go mad I just sat and went £96 gteed for 11th to £250 for 6th.

Got a treble up sweat on my exit hand A10 v 88 v AQ  3 diamond flop, I have the ace diamonds, unfortunately didn't materialise, not a problem, nh, gg wp, I had the worst had of the 3 and it stayed that way.

Been a very good few days and I have my eye on a new picture which is currently being discussed with the boss, will see, perhaps win in the G on Tuesday then its probably a given.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #931 on: April 09, 2018, 04:21:05 AM »
Unable to spin up my 30 bigs on day 2, had a few hands which I had to shove rather than trap given chip amounts, then when I was in a position to play a bit, I raised A10 and the big blind flatted, decent flop, A10x bb leads out, flat to keep his Weaker or better aces in, turn was a Jack, not ideal but whatever called his bet and his bet on a brick river, not that happy as KQ, AJ all sets now beat me but I called and was shown AJ for a higher 2 Pair, my last 5 bigs went in with 33 and was countefeited on a double paired board.

As usual a well organised game, structure is so good, as well as the freezeout element which even though no guarantees are given still made £7k for top prize which in these days of multi entry tournaments proves that given a good game/ structure decent prize pools can be generated.

Anyway, decided to pop into Leeds on the way back as they had a £3k gtee on, unfortunately bubbled the final table, only 8 being paid and missed a treble up with AJ v Q10 v 33, meh standard, game was pretty ridiculous compared to the one I had left in Manchester, but these games are fun, sometimes.

Wasn't feeling the love today so resisted the temptation to play at Stockton in their deepstack, instead I received an email from Party with a free $22 sat Ticket to a $215 game, managed to bink one with 2 big blinds, so that's in the tank for later in the week.

I also regged the $27 Sunday main and after a roller coaster of a game, more ups and downs than the Himalayas managed to finish 4th for $2580, more through laddering the ft as big hands seemed to clash constantly.

A guy had half a big blind left and him getting Knocked out meant a $600 pay jump for me, but he got AA in consecutive hands and I was in trouble, I jammed AJ called by KJ, K on flop but I made a straight after giving the screen some verbals not realising I had doubled up, the guy who had the consecutive rockets eventually went out, my last hand was A9 v AQ which held, meh whateve, whoever mentions blockers to me can do one, they just always have it.

I can't complain as I was resigned to pick up $550 for 8th but made another $2k willing other peoples cards out.

It's been a few weeks of close but no cigars to winning one outright and although ok with this bink was stil $8k up top, but happy with tonights outcome and with a $215 ticket to use as well.

Decided to take a different approach with bankroll now, any decent wins will withdraw half and leave the other half to play with, just ordered a new pic with last weeks winnings, and my walls are now officially full so will be the last for a while, will put a copy up once it has arrived.

I was playing for charity in the Apat game and unfortunately that amounted to nothing but will contact Lucy to give a bit of tonight's efforts to said cause, Click Sargeant I believe it is.

Congrats to all medal winners over the last week and although I only managed to make one event a shoutout to everyone at Apat for organising such an even, perhaps next year I can partake in a few more events, thanks for reading, rungood, etc etc.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #932 on: April 12, 2018, 01:48:43 AM »
Slightly warm run continues, I decided to play a $215 6 max bounty hunter with the ticket i won, my thinking being a couple of bounties it would be a decent profit from a free ticket, managed 4 bounties and a $250 cash, around $550 in total, then cashed in a smaller bounty hunter for $80 or so, then the wheels came off slightly as I was on positive tilt and played multi tables and bricked off $300 in buy ins, I now remembered why I stopped grinding mtts, I don't like downswings or playing everything on the same site, so put my sensible hat back on withdrew most of the cash from party, left a bit on to plod along with, it's never been an ambition to play higher buy ins all the time, don't mind the odd shot take every now and then but always wary about leaving cash on sites because of The Full Tilt fiasco a few years ago, not playing for a living playing for the little extras.

No cash last night at the G jammed A10 over a raise, never a good move as the minimum requirements for raising any hand down there is JJ +, and my assessment proved correct, he had the jam jars and didn't realise my 30% equity, no worries was an enjoyable game.

G have decided to reduce the guarantees and it has caused a bit of uproar, the games usually reach and exceed the guarantee but the locals are not happy

Personally my thoughts are players make the guarantees so if every one keeps playing the prizepools shouldn't vary that much, there is talk of mutiny though and every one going to Leeds, won't happen.

The one thing which is annoying, the stacks are 7k then 14k add on, which means the people who just want to spin up and not add on are more affected, I tend to buy them all at the start anyway, and it's very rare I re enter twice as its not worth paying £110 or more for certain players in this type of game.

It will affect the amount of re entries I think but we shall wait and see on that front.

I managed to buy a 25/25 seat from some one for £180 for Newcastle next week, gave him 20%  of any winnings, saved me £45 which I deposited on Stars to play a sat to the Gps in Sheffield this week, no seats guaranteed but it got enough runners for 3 seats and £40 for 4th, we get to 4 handed and there is hardly anything in it I am leader but all within 5k of each other.

I see AA but only get 1 street of action but i have increased chip lead, next hand I get jammed into by JJ, oh hello KK, which holds and managed to get a seat, happy days.

I will be playing Friday, other carer had already been lined up for Friday and possibly Saturday, will worry about Sunday later on, another reason to make Day 2 is so I don't have to go to the riverside, this season has been a pain, not enjoyed it at all, oh yes renewed for next year, why oh why.

A few days off the internet now, family stuff to do, paintings to hang and other various menial everyday tasks, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #933 on: April 25, 2018, 10:37:16 AM »
April ending with a damp squib but still had my best month of the year, the Gps in Sheffield was frustrating and the first hand indicated how the day was to go, I flopped nut straight only to lose to a runner runner full house, I didn't ever get above starting stack but somehow still didn't bust until the last level in a hand I didn't want to be involved in, I made trip Aces with a poor Kicker v trip Aces with a slightly better crap Kicker, annoying as the initial limper had limped utg with JJ, he was expecting a Jam from shorter stacks, but we had a family pot instead.

Made Day 2 of 25/25 in Newcastle but didn't trouble the scorers when I jammed 33 into AK, (18bigs), lost the flip, meh whatever, slightly marginal but was a flip I jam most pairs there so not a problem.

Online finished 2/690 for $550 in a $7.50 on Stars which was good, final table played really deep average stack was 35 big blinds also a deepish run in the big 44 alongside that one, would of preferred my run good in that one than the other but beggars can't be choosers.

Nothing locally happening, not even a deep run, Tuesday night triple barrelled 5 high after I had 3 bet 4 limpers, (trying to be too clever), any way 77 couldn't fold and I missed my straight and flush draws which I had flopped, obviously villain doesn't put me on 88+, standard put you on AK, again no probs got to get back to basics down there and stop the fancy play syndrome, still managed to get 140 big blinds in on the flop with AA pre in last two comps, £1 in the tin, 50p for both of them.

Lifestuff gets in the way of building a roll, most of this months profit gone on a roof repair standard £500 quote turns into a £2000 bill, I was shown the damage after tiles had been removed, rotten felt and wood, unfortunately I was in a position where it was impossible to refuse the job being done as all the verge tiles had been removed, don't know whether I was ripped off or not, just got to trust them I suppose, anyway they finished the job off and to my untrained eye happy with what they have done and hopefully that will be that.

 Been on the wrong end of a few massive hands lately trips v straight flushes and quads v full houses just got to,laugh at these occurrences, Edinburgh Gukpt tomorrow, relaxing train journey up there, staying over unless I bust early then will try and find way back home if not early train back on Friday morning.

If I make Day 2 will decide on whether to drive up on the Saturday, don't really want to return with 20 bigs as is my usual so I may loosen up a bit and add KK to my opening range, think 40 bigs minimum for returning for Day 2


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #934 on: April 27, 2018, 10:10:03 AM »
On the train back from Edinburgh, quick report on yesterday's shenanigans, first bad beat of the day was getting on the wrong 10:05 train which was announced as the 10:05 when it was in fact the 9:45 running late, this incurred a £31 extra fee, schoolboy error, my original train was apparently running 30 mins late which I was aware of but I am thick.

Checked in to hotel or rather didn't again check in 2 got there at 1:30, left bag and arranged to collect key on return, advised was 15 minute walk down the road, asked google who advised 38 minutes, walked it, arrived 49 mins later, wet (decided to pour down for 15 mins),and Knackered not ideal.

Won't go into too much detail about the game but 2 crucial hands when I was at 27k, utg raises, utg 2 3 bets, I have JJ, 2cd player been aggro, I 4 bet JJ,gets flatted then it's 5 bet by original 3 better, still have 30 bigs left, I fold, maybe set mine pre, but made a move as I had not played a hand for a while.

Next hand make 2 pair with 9 10 on a 9 10 J board, bet bet, call call, then get reraised on a 55 run out, make a reluctant fold, obviously KQ already there but I put him on a KJ AJ hand , making his 2 pair better than mine, may of been wrong but happy with fold.

Now in 20 B.B. territory, Jam QQ into 2 limps one of them has Kings, lol was a matter of time, hit Queen, back in the game.

Feature table next and my exit hand can be seen if required, not my finest moment, made a set but lost to nut flush, I jammed into it from an on a straightening and flushing board, if I fold to his inevitable shove I am crippled anyway, probs should bet the flop and if called jam turn, either way I lose if he doesn't fold.

I was so tired by then gone past caring, onto the next.

In slightly better news dropped a bit onto 888 on Thursday and final tabled and finished 3rd for $311, May pop to G tonight, Boro game tomorrow, out on the drink afterwards, play offs beckoning, as said this season hasn't been very good but a if we make the play offs may be an exciting season ending, then again I don't do exciting, can't be bothered.

Renewed season ticket anyway, whatever division, after our last effort in the premier, won't be holding breathe for that experience again, anyway guard here, hope this is the right train, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #935 on: May 11, 2018, 15:19:19 PM »
May has continued as April ended with nothing of note happening, Gout has returned,luckily it's my left foot this time so can still drive, have an automatic, be different if it was manual as there is no way I could use the clutch.

Couple of sat wins into bigger events but they didn't go to plan, I have bought a small stake into a pro who has a schedule of bigger buy ins in Scoop and Power fest and he has had some really deep runs with 30/40k up top, but losing in standard spots, frustrating for him and us but has had a few cashes and will be getting something back, a few more games to go on that one.

He used to write a blog which I followed when I first started playing and he just appeared on twitter and decided to invest for a sweat, speaking via twitter he doesn't blog anymore, grown up a bit but was always a good read.

Managed to win a 25/25 seat on Monday for £33, was convinced I was going to bubble 11/10 and was short stack but JJ in consecutive hands meant a cheap seat.

Leeds was the destination last night, gout had relented a bit so popped down there for Day 1 B and I bagged 91K4 for a Day 2 spot on Sunday, makes a  change just  going for a flip but no doubt there will be one or 2 required on Sunday.

Leeds half marathon on Sunday as well which may cause some problems getting to casino, currently in contact with son to try and find a decent way to casino, roads closed all over the place, sigh.

Started well by getting full double v a Stockton reg, house over house, in my favour, I was ahead all the way, a case of be careful what you wish for for said villain.

Later on after moving tables raised 95 clubs, hadn't played a hand for a while which was defended by A7 hearts, flop J55, mbn, it all goes in and villain drawing dead on the turn with another Jack, peaked at 115k but lost a few before end of day, go back with 45 bigs on Sunday, we will see what happens there.

I will probs pop to Stockton tonight but running pretty bad down there at the minute but it goes like that, all part and parcel.

First leg of play off tomorrow and feeling relatively confident but don't think there is much between all 4 sides tbh, again if promotion happens will be ok with it but then again would much prefer to go and watch a winning side with the possibility of competing at the top end of a division than constantly getting stuffed week in week out, understand Pullis has his critics but he has been a breath of fresh air up here, re engaging with the fans and the area and if we don't go up this year we will be there or there about next season, will be there whatever happens.

Will report back if Sunday goes well, if not you will have to wait till the end of the month for another whinge fest, thanks for reading.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #936 on: May 27, 2018, 12:27:56 PM »
Just to finish the month off, instead of leaving it hanging, last post was before Day 2 Leeds and obviously it didn't go to plan otherwise you would more than likely have heard by now.

JJ has been a real nemesis hand this month and I made a fold in this game which was probably incorrect but went with read and I think the read was upside down as it should of been a jam at this point in the game, no problem move on forget about it.

The guy who I had 2% in a 10k stake broke even but had some really close sweats and I basically broke even, however I have left the cash with him and will have another sweat in the upcoming weeks.

I seem to have become a donator at the G, but thinking back on hands most of them pretty standard  so no cashes at all this month, finished 11th on Friday 3 off the money, again trying to bust shorties but not winning the 60/40 70/30s, we battle on.

£60/£60 tomorrow with a chance to get out of it but feeling like crap today, sore throat/cold so may or may not make it.

Leeds have a £50 k guarantee on this week may pop down, health permitting.

Play offs went as expected  so no great hardship there, if we had got there fair enough but the top 3 in the league went up which is how it should be.

Visited Liverpool last week for the first time ever, was quite impressed with the touristy bits , was there for a concert in Bold street which again had a nice vibe about the place, pretty sure it wasn't too happy a place last night but done that lose a Euro final, thing is Liverpool will more than likely be there again at some point we probably wont.

Very little online at the minute games seem to be raise, 3 bet then 100 bigs go in with AK or a pair not very subtle, will still play occasionally but perhaps the fun has stopped.

One last thing son doing a 10k swim in Lake Windermere in aid of Ms any one fancy throwing a few bob his way would be gratefully appreciated, link below

Not a lot of poker on the horizon may or may be back, perhaps this has run its course, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #937 on: June 29, 2018, 13:51:58 PM »
A quiet June on the poker front and nothing of note happened except an 11th place finish in the local 25/25 for £500, was a 2 bullet affair one of which was via a sat (£33), so effectively a £260 comp instead of a £225 one.

Frustrating last hand jamming 10 10 into QQ for 20 B.B. pot, hit my set on the flop, but the villain found a Q on the river, Villain was a previous winner of an Apat up in Newcastle, he ran pretty well tbh, cracking Aces with Queens earlier as well, but to win tourneys these are the ones to win, scraped into the money so can't complain too much.

Don't think I done enough to win it tbh, card distribution and spots few and far between.

A couple of small cashes locally but not enough to prevent a small losing month, meh whatever.

More new players arriving at the G variance increasing as most flops are 6 handed minimum before the break and you have to run good early doors to get a stack.

Nothing online other than a few small cashes here and there but they have been redistributed back into the system.

Biggish game in Leeds tonight but can't be pestered to drive down there, Fridays local game is 50/50 as I am pretty tilted down there at the minute, not really the results they are just standard but tuesdays game was horrendous seeing 3 hands per level, combination of new dealer ( not a prob with that, they have to learn), but players tanking even when others have been tanking before them.

Keep looking at Vegas but got to be disciplined, Susan still not well enough for a care Home visit so Gukpt Leeds will be next biggish one which I believe is September.

Anyway just been called into Doctors, deaf in left ear hope it just needs syringing as it's a bit annoying, old age definitely starting to creep up slowly.

Done for now, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #938 on: August 08, 2018, 16:43:00 PM »
Longest time between posts since this started 6 years ago, it's mainly due to very little volume both online and live other than the usual Tuesdays and Fridays at the G haven't been doing a lot.

First 3 weeks of July were very unprofitable but cashes in the last 2 Friday games meant July was another break even month.

Get 4 handed in the first of the cashes and myself and another guy refused an even chop when there was a small bit of play left, unfortunately I went out in 4th place for £450, prob cost myself another £200 for the deal as they dealt as soon as I was gone, not a problem with it, attitude in these games now are just play to win, just happened to run into AK with 96 suited blind on blind, was only going to get called with the above holding, didn't get there on that occasion.

After this cash decided to play the Goliath in Coventry and it was what I expected it to be just a giant Tuesday night game at the local G, but a £125 game to win £100k worth a punt.

First table had 2 guys playing for stacks every hand so little play ensued, would of been happy seeing AJ off and getting it in v either off them, doubling or reentering, alas wasn't to be , they were both out by end of level 3 despite one of them having 75k at the end of level 2.

Running into 2 sets and a flopped full house on first bullet pretty much knew it was one of those days, second bullet again not a lot happened and was hanging about for 4 more hours as guy who i had travelled down with got knocked out around 11:30, in my own bed by 3am.

Local game on Friday get to final table 8 paid, lose 1, someone suggests bubble, agree £100, one guy refuses but he is happy to pay £50, buy in £67, I refused just play on, what's the point of losing £17, bubble burst and we get to 7 handed I and 4 others are offered  £ 250, next prize is £325, I refuse but get it upped to £450 for us all with the 2 chip leaders taking an extra £100 each, glad they didn't ask what my chipstack was, sometimes a deal is ok as long as it suits me, not really bothered about the others, not going to cut my nose off to spite my face.

Played the Sunday game and met up with Pokerpops and looking at the results page I think he cashed unless someone has same initials, i inadvertently ran K8 into limped AA, the other 4 limpers made it in my mind an ok shove but as per down there virtually every hand is limped so you cannot put any body on any sort of hand or range, if he was doing it too trap well done fair play, but with a minimum 5 players behind the limped Aces probs not the best limp in the world, then again he got this fish to jam K8 off.

Football back and Boro currently have more ins than outs but with a day to go still time to get some in, decent start to season but this league is a slog and last nights win doesn't indicate we will be one of the best teams but we will be hard to beat and pretty sure we will be there or there abouts re play offs, automatic not sure but don't think anyone will run away with it like Wolves last season.

Summer sizzler returns this month, going to try and retain last years title (joint), and Leeds Gukpt in September to aim for, as for travelling to play loads of choices but wife still recovering from her probs so not in my thoughts at the minute.

Good to see an Apat event up here in October and no doubt will be at the Stockton leg, would imagine the Day 1 in Newcastle to be busier but hopefully a few regs down here take advantage of one of the best structured games at this buy in level.

I would imagine the non guarantee will be a bit off putting to a lot of them but will try and give them enough reasons to get involved.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #939 on: August 24, 2018, 22:31:33 PM »
As some of you know Susan my wife of 33 years passed away on Sunday 19th August, obviously a few people on here knew here and had met her in the past, she did come to one tournament with me a few years ago and if things had been different she would of been to many more and more of you could of met her, if you did you would have met someone who would of loved this community and the ethos behind it.

Apat has been a big part of my life since  I started playing poker and that first epic trip to Vegas when this thing started back in 2011.

Susans condition meant travelling abroad was a no go, not just because she was in a wheelchair, there were other problems, she so wanted to go with me on all of my trips but each time i mentioned going she never ever said no always encouraged me and was supportive all the way, just another one of her character traits.

Susan placed a lot of trust in me with my Poker playing as I was in control of the finances of the house and as you know in this game, you can easily get sucked into chasing losses going bigger etc and things could of ended up messy.

She put up with my moments of tilt online and live, and listened or pretended to listen to my tales of woe, and also shared in my times of success, not the hundreds and thousands but the bit of smile money which poker has brought from time time.

The funeral is on Wednesday 29th August 2018 in Middlesbrough and would imagine that 30 minutes is going to hurt. If any of the locals want to come you would be most welcome, just message me or Stuart Ward who has the details or go to local papers website and details are on there.

Anyway as regular readers of this thing know I always wanted to finish this blog of with a picture of me with a poker trophy, but the picture below is the biggest trophy I have ever or will ever win.

Someone was batting way above average back in the Eighties.


RIP Susan.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #940 on: August 26, 2018, 19:26:31 PM »
RIP Susan
Just an old bloke living the dream

Proud to be an APAT Forum Team member 2013
Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #941 on: August 28, 2018, 14:34:36 PM »
I feel for you at this time mate. I have had my share of grieving, so I know it is a difficult time for you right now.  I didn't know Susan, but I know you were close from how you spoke about her.  You will grieve in your own way and have the knowledge of all the happy memories that you have shared.
England Team member WCOAP 2017
APAT Christmas Cracker winner 2016
Gold Medal-2012 Scottish Online Championship
Player of the Series October 2012
Silver Medal-2011 English Amateur Poker Championship

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #942 on: December 31, 2018, 10:41:45 AM »
Ok, was in 2 minds whether to post this as I had previously said the above post that was the last, but if you are a regular reader of this I have made more comebacks than Frank Sinatra, and it's seems quite apt to finish the year off and finally lay this blog to rest.

Fitted a lot in in the last 4 months, some poker included,but will just go over highlights otherwise could be here all day.

September was In Tenerife for a week, just chilling after the funeral, loads of walking and just getting away from everything.

October was up in Scotland, hiking, with the hike up Ben Nevis to be the highlight, unfortunately I twisted my ankle the day before so I was laid up for 48 hours, could of been worse could of twisted it first day. Loved Glencoe and surrounding areas, amazing place just 45 mins from Glasgow highly recommend for short break, loved it.

I also noticed Apat were in Malta in November so decided to go there with the intention of playing the €550 event and Apat game.

A week before Malta managed a 3rd place in a  £150 bounty hunter in Sunderland for £1850 so Malta became a freeroll, lost said £1850 in Malta but that included travel/hotel costs etc, easy come easy go, I could recount the ridiculous hands I lost to in both the €550 and Apat game but if you flick back a few pages I may of mentioned one or 2 bad beats, rinse and repeat.

Malta was so good, hightlights including first 12 hour drinking session for a long time, shout out to Ger, Rodders, Glen and all others involved.

Oh yes got locked in a club at 2pm and got back to hotel at 8pm, still can't decide whether this was a highlight or lowlight tbh.

If you get a chance to go to Malta next year with Apat do it, great people, nice place and decent games.

Won bits and pieces online nothing major after Malta but whilst leading an mtt on Party got an email re Visit Iceland (not the shop for a prawn ring), decided to go over there for a few days. I didn't win the mtt but booked it anyway.

Again would highly recommend Iceland, a couple of trips were cancelled but one tour went ahead and if you close your eyes tight and see the blackness that was my view of the Northern Lights, never mind can always go back, especially to wallow in the blue lagoon hot springs, again highly recommended.

Counties Event next in Manchester, Stuart winning 2 of his games but with me Phil and Lily as solid hardworking midfielders we managed a Day 2.

Got heads up in my sng to make the final table but couldn't take it down, lost half my stack in first hand AA vJJ but didn't go broke (obligatory bad beat) so done ok to finish 2cd.

Again different format and highly enjoyable, alas no cash.

Spent a fortune in last few months so was nice to finish 2cd in BH on Sky las week for £1k which paid for Christmas.

Got some weekend trips lined up for next year including Blackpool, Krakov, Chester Races, possibly Vienna but all that depends upon work which I start on Monday, had a Daniel Blake moment with the authorities so just took a zero hour contract job as couldn't be pestered with bureaucracy of Universal Credits.

As said on previous occasions always wanted to end this with a trophy, never been about the cash (ok maybe a little bit).

At our annual charity do over Christmas was presented with this which was totally out of the blue and highly unexpected so after  7 years this will definitely be the final post, I will still be playing, just getting ready to play Leeds £100k tonight,(didn't go as planned), but not at the same sort of volume and frequency.

Controversy in the last game of the year last night £30/£30 BH 2 off cash i jam A4 BB snap calls obv A10+, dealer mucks villains cards into the muck, he kicks off, td comes over and asks dealer did cards touch muck, she replied No pretty obvious that they had everyone knew, i said i am happy to play it out even though i knew it was 30% chance for me, he holds with Ak which he told td he had dont disbelieve as its the only hand he would play, jam next 3 hands into A10, AJ and Ak, almost get a treble up on last jam with 99 but K on river led to a bubble in the last game of the year, may as well finish on losing a flip, you gotta win them.

Thanks to all who have read and interacted with this over the years it's been fun, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.

                                                     THE END