Slipped off to Newcastle to try the Gentings afternoon game yesterday. £3 reg fee for 3000 chips with £10 rebuy and add-on each for 5000.
71 runners and £950 prize pool
As is my usual I built a stack early. Had a couple of mishaps close to the break/end of rebuy period and stuck the £20 in for the extra chips.
Picked up a fair few chips without showdown till we we"re down to two tables then had AA v AK aipf, and 66 which turned a set and where I"m sure my image got me a call for an extra 25000 on the river. Had a couple of nasty tangles with one guy where I had to bet fold on the flop or turn. Nothing too bad, just boards where I have to c-bet and he found a raise, or a call and then a bet on the turn. I"m 100% he"s not doing this with air so fold is irritating but no more.
Final table was on the feature table which apparently may have been streamed with a 15 min delay. Regulars reckoned they have been able to view this, in the club, or even at the final table... I said nothing at the time but, really?
I picked up a few chips and the final table had maybe 4 stacks of 100k with 585 in play
I get a few hands and accumulate a few chips before I find the value bet button on a hand where I"d opted to flat call the button with

behind one limper and get to see a flop four ways in position.
Flop brought 2 diamonds and it"s checked round to me. I check behind.
Blinds were 3000/6000 so there"s 24,000 in the pot when the turn makes a pair on the board and there"s a bet of 6,000 from BB. Limper folds, I flat call, as does the SB. Pretty sure he doesn"t bet a house here.
Pot is now 42,000 and the diamond on the river also completes a straight draw.
BB leads for 6,000 (his bet-sizing was like this in every hand he got involved in..)
I contemplate flatting but I"ve been working on my value betting and remembered a few PHA threads where bet"fold is vaunted as being a better option than just calling in spots like this.
He calls with worse and pretty much only shoves the absolute nuts, so I raise to 31,000. SB folds, BB tanks and as soon as it takes him more than 20seconds I know I want a call. Which I get

So now I have c200,000 chips and the lead.
Then I made a rather horrible mistake vs the same guy
At the same 3000/6000 I open raise to 14000 with 44 from the button. sb folds, my man, in BB calls.
Flop 88T, he checks, I bet he shoves...
I level myself into thinking he"s doing it with overs and flush draw... And I tell myself I still have 100k if I"m wrong, or if I"m right and he gets there..
He has JJ
Hello 4 on the turn :-)
After that, I have 50%+ of the chips and I pick off chips and players and win without ever really being in trouble.
The final was played on the live stream table. Apparently, had I so wished, I could have been watching the stream at the table on a 15 minute delay. As it happened, one of the others logged on and it wasn"t working, but even so... it must change the whole dynamic of the table if holecard information is available so quickly. It must also slow the game if they put it on the tv screen above the table (as I believe they have been known to do)