a dull day"s poker
Not a lot happened - a succession of small pots won and slightly larger pots lost - my tens beaten on the river by Captain Calling Station who rivered a jack having limped in with J7.
This was the third hand in a row where I had had a hand worthy of a raise, the two previous had resulted in small wins AQ and JJ both winning the pot with a c-bet. Tens utg and I opted to limp with the intention of 3betting most raises. None came, my bad.
My stack dwindled down to under 20,000 when I picked up fours in mid position and called a small raise.
Q 2 4 rainbow flop is bet by the original raiser, I flat as does one other. 4 on turn - happy days - bet again, I flat and the other player folds
8 river, I push my stack over the line and he snap calls - he declared a set, which seems likely to have been twos...
I go back to being card dead until the Captain raises again and I find

and 3 bet. he flats.
Flop 6 8 10 two spades, I lead, he raises, I shove and he calls with

... A on turn and I"m dead to a non spade Q which fails to arrive and I"m off to arrange to use my second satellite win for a re-entry.
The pattern is repeated, I don"t feel as though I played particularly well for long spells of this - too much calling of raises pre and folding on flop or, worse, calling flop and folding turn/river
I get fours again and again the flop is Q 2 4 this time with two hearts. I lead for 3/4 pot and get one caller.
Turn is another heart which we both check and I find myself calling a river bet just knowing that I"m behind 8 or 9 times out of 10. This was one of those times
Eventually I get a table move and am two seats to the left of cambridgeAlex of Blonde fame. Alex Goulder, winner of the Monte Carlo last year and a good winning cash and tourney player.
I love the chance to tangle with these guys and he"s raising my big blind pretty much 100% when it"s folded to him.
Eventually I make a stand and 3bet (with

), he flats. that wasn"t in the plan.
Flop is

and I bet 4800 into c 6000. he calls. That definitely wasn"t in the plan.
Turn is

and I bet 10000. He deliberates for a while and eventually folds. That was in the plan, although I think I was probably ahead.
My stack is pretty static, I win a pot or two, give up my blinds win a pot, lose a pot, it"s just nothingness.
I 3bet

and donk shove a 9 high flop to get me back up to around 2/3 average stack and c 25BB and then...
My big blind again.
Alex raises again - to 2500 at 600/1200/200
I make it 6500 with

he shoves, covering me, and I call
he holds

The board runs out with four hearts to give him the flush....
somedays you hold, other days you don"t
this was an "other" day
Overall, I played below my standard today. Lost far too many chips unnecessarily, failed to press home the advantage too often. I felt less than confident and less than capable. I wish I knew why - there were spots throughout the day where I know that on a better day I"d have taken the pot with a confident second barrel, but today wasn"t a better day.
I will return. Better for the experience. I take heart from the fact that I got it in with very much the best of it. But I really need to not dribble chips away in bad spots.